Nashville Council votes unanimously to reappoint Justin Jones to state legislature

My numerous posts on the subject prove your statement to be completely false. Maybe you should read some of them before you make baseless accusations. And instead of just watching CNN, you could read this to gain some perspective on why the white Democrat was not expelled with the two black Democrats.

They're not here for real discussions, they're here to shill and spam.
I’m fairly certain it was manufactured by the Republicans. They are the ones who chose to make these two guys martyrs for their cause.

Yes. They bought them those bullhorns, because they knew they were retarded children and couldn't resist running around the House chamber singing Whitney Houston songs. That's just a given. Why DAily Kos hasn't pointed that put is just irresponsible.
The punishment is disproportionate to the offense, and offense which is merely an infraction, not a crime.

Your opinion.

Moreover, they expelled the two black reps and not the white rep who was with them committing the same offence.
Alteady covrred and proven NOT racist at all, unless you ignore the specific facts of how this came about

So what? Ban the silly gimp again when he runs around with his bullhorn trying to shut down the govt. so he can get his face in the news and grinning like a mornn who thinks his first success at potty training was of global importance.

they expelled him once. To do it again will require a new predication, which I doubt he will give them the opportunity.
Your opinion.
Based on historical context. Given below, what other logical conclusion can one draw?
Past expulsion votes have taken place under distinctly different circumstances.

In 2019, lawmakers faced pressure to expel former Republican Rep. David Byrd over accusations of sexual misconduct dating to when he was a high school basketball coach three decades earlier. Republicans declined to take action, pointing out that he was reelected as the allegations surfaced. Byrd retired last year.

Last year, the state Senate expelled Democrat Katrina Robinson after she was convicted of using about $3,400 in federal grant money on wedding expenses instead of her nursing school.

Before that, state lawmakers last ousted a House member in 2016 when the chamber voted 70-2 to remove Republican Rep. Jeremy Durham over allegations of improper sexual contact with at least 22 women during his four years in office.

Alteady covrred and proven NOT racist at all, unless you ignore the specific facts of how this came about

3 people violate the same rule, 2 are black, 1 is white, and only the blacks get expelled.

How is that not racist?
Based on historical context. Given below, what other logical conclusion can one draw?

Thank you for admitting this is your OPINION.

3 people violate the same rule, 2 are black, 1 is white, and only the blacks get expelled. How is that not racist?

You keep repeating the 'big picture' and leaving out the spe ific details and facts of how this came about, which have already been covered ... and ignored by you and GG because you are hellbent on declaring this to be 'racist'.

Perhaps if Democrats had not for decades and still do declare EVERYTHING and EVERYONE 'racist' maybe more peoe would believe you more often.

Instead it is an extremely used term, extremely overused tactic byDemocrats to silence and intimidate orhers into ceding an argument for fear of being branded a 'racist'.

Its a divisive socialist tool, as spelled out by Socialist Saul Alensky in his book 'Rules for Radicals' ... which Obama actually quoted from during his Innauguration speech.

The term 'racist' has been SO overused by Democrats thst many people simply ignore it now. This is one of tbe readons Democrats began using 'White Supremacist' more and 'racist' less.

I always found it humorous that the original founding party of the KKK, who lied to blacks for decades just to keep them voting Democrat, whose leaders are old,white, millionaire, elitist racists who call others 'racist'.

Joe Biden is a FLAMING racist - his own VP torched him on-stage in front of the world during the debates for it with her, 'I was that little girl' comment.

Ever since then Biden can't help letting the truth come out with humiliating racist statements - 'You aren't black unless you vote for me'. Of course the 1st lady can't help but be the racist she is by letting loose with her own racist comments now and then.

Of course Democrats still continue to call intelligent, indeprndent-thinking, successful conservative blacks 'Uncle Toms'.

I can only tell you what the legislator who cast deciding vote that allowed the white Rep not to be expelled said - GE said the reason he boted the way he did was NOT based on race but based on a valid legal point her lawyer made about her not being an active / leading participant in the obstructing of legislative session.

You choose to read that (or ignote it), call him a liar, and declare it was 'racism'.

You have offered no evidence to prove he lied, to prove his action was based on 'racism'.

You have offered your OPINION.

AGAIN, Democrats claim just about everything is 'racist' these days, as it appears you are doing.
My numerous posts on the subject prove your statement to be completely false. Maybe you should read some of them before you make baseless accusations. And instead of just watching CNN, you could read this to gain some perspective on why the white Democrat was not expelled with the two black Democrats.

Did you think the Repubs were just going to go "We did it because we are a bunch of racist bastards"?
they expelled him once. To do it again will require a new predication, which I doubt he will give them the opportunity.

They can expel his ilk as many times as it takes. If the gimps keep sending him back, they send him back to them. Your doubts don't mean squat, but keep whining and sniveling over the idiot, like he's a Great Cause or soemthing; he's just another noisy ass hat who is politically incompetent and infantile, like Your Party's base.
So the assholes want to reinstate an Insurrectionists? An uppity dumbass hatefilled Negro?
It's funny that you say this because Justin said there real problem with him was that he was being "uppity".

We {Black people) know a racist when we encounter one.

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