Nashville Council votes unanimously to reappoint Justin Jones to state legislature

Rep. Justin Jones gets his comeuppance!

Karma's a bitch, you Nashville Repubs!

  • Justin Jones became the first Tennessee House representative to be expelled for breaking decorum rules on April 6 for leading a chant for gun reform on the floor of the House chamber.
  • Nashville's council is responsible for appointing an interim representative to fill the vacancy for the District 52 House seat until a special election is held.
  • Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, was also expelled for his role in the protest. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, who stood alongside Jones and Pearson, escaped expulsion by one vote.

Nashville Rep. Justin Jones reclaimed his seat in the Tennessee House of Representatives Monday with the backing of Nashville's Council, which voted to reappoint him four days after he was expelled for leading chants for gun reform with a bullhorn on the chamber floor.

In one of its first legislative actions following a shooting at a Nashville elementary school that killed six people, the House Republican supermajority ejected Jones with a 72-25 vote for defying House decorum — making him the first House member to be removed from elected office for a decorum violation.

"You tried to bury us, but we are seeds," Jones said in a speech to hundreds of supporters gathered in Nashville's public square before the vote Monday afternoon.
I believe the house can refuse to seat him
Rep. Justin Jones gets his comeuppance!

Karma's a bitch, you Nashville Repubs!

  • Justin Jones became the first Tennessee House representative to be expelled for breaking decorum rules on April 6 for leading a chant for gun reform on the floor of the House chamber.
  • Nashville's council is responsible for appointing an interim representative to fill the vacancy for the District 52 House seat until a special election is held.
  • Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, was also expelled for his role in the protest. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, who stood alongside Jones and Pearson, escaped expulsion by one vote.

Nashville Rep. Justin Jones reclaimed his seat in the Tennessee House of Representatives Monday with the backing of Nashville's Council, which voted to reappoint him four days after he was expelled for leading chants for gun reform with a bullhorn on the chamber floor.

In one of its first legislative actions following a shooting at a Nashville elementary school that killed six people, the House Republican supermajority ejected Jones with a 72-25 vote for defying House decorum — making him the first House member to be removed from elected office for a decorum violation.

"You tried to bury us, but we are seeds," Jones said in a speech to hundreds of supporters gathered in Nashville's public square before the vote Monday afternoon.

What a bunch of shit...

The Democrats' corrupt 2-tiered Banana Republic Justice System rears its ugly head again.

Once again, Democrats escalate themselves above rules, regs,and laws.

Rep. Justin Jones gets his comeuppance!

Karma's a bitch, you Nashville Repubs!

  • Justin Jones became the first Tennessee House representative to be expelled for breaking decorum rules on April 6 for leading a chant for gun reform on the floor of the House chamber.
  • Nashville's council is responsible for appointing an interim representative to fill the vacancy for the District 52 House seat until a special election is held.
  • Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, was also expelled for his role in the protest. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, who stood alongside Jones and Pearson, escaped expulsion by one vote.

Nashville Rep. Justin Jones reclaimed his seat in the Tennessee House of Representatives Monday with the backing of Nashville's Council, which voted to reappoint him four days after he was expelled for leading chants for gun reform with a bullhorn on the chamber floor.

In one of its first legislative actions following a shooting at a Nashville elementary school that killed six people, the House Republican supermajority ejected Jones with a 72-25 vote for defying House decorum — making him the first House member to be removed from elected office for a decorum violation.

"You tried to bury us, but we are seeds," Jones said in a speech to hundreds of supporters gathered in Nashville's public square before the vote Monday afternoon.
So the assholes want to reinstate an Insurrectionists? An uppity dumbass hatefilled Negro?
So, if Democrats do this it is okay? Hmmm.

Protesters stood on a balcony within the chambers chanting, “Fascists! Fascists!” Demonstrators also blocked several entryways and exits, forcing state troopers to step in to assist members in moving throughout the building.

“What they did is they hijacked the House floor which has never been done in our history,” House Speaker Cameron Sexton told National Review of the three lawmakers. “They pulled out a bullhorn. They weren’t recognized. They were ruled out of order and they led a protest from the House floor with a bullhorn to those in the balcony. They shut down the proceedings of the House. We had to go into recess due to their actions.”

“They disregarded the sergeant at arms asking them to leave the well at multiple occasions and they really didn’t stop yelling in their bullhorn until I had to clear out the balcony because of behavior that was caused blatantly by those three members,” continued Sexton. “Those actions that they did on the House floor deserve expulsion.”

Of course, as long as you can behave like an adult and follow the rules like everyone else.
So they have a couple of token blacks on committees. Of course that's a problem in the Senate since there's only one Black. She was in such demand the poor women has been assigned to 4 committees even thou she's a democratic. I bet they won't kick her out.
MarathonMike, you are confused. You need to learn the difference between a 'crisis', which this is not, and a 'flap' which this is.

The shootings are the crisis, the expulsions are the flap.

You seem to write pretty well, but I see you still struggle with comprehension. My use of "crisis" in this context is sarcastic. Hope that helps. Cheers Mike
Rep. Justin Jones gets his comeuppance!

Karma's a bitch, you Nashville Repubs!

  • Justin Jones became the first Tennessee House representative to be expelled for breaking decorum rules on April 6 for leading a chant for gun reform on the floor of the House chamber.
  • Nashville's council is responsible for appointing an interim representative to fill the vacancy for the District 52 House seat until a special election is held.
  • Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, was also expelled for his role in the protest. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, who stood alongside Jones and Pearson, escaped expulsion by one vote.

Nashville Rep. Justin Jones reclaimed his seat in the Tennessee House of Representatives Monday with the backing of Nashville's Council, which voted to reappoint him four days after he was expelled for leading chants for gun reform with a bullhorn on the chamber floor.

In one of its first legislative actions following a shooting at a Nashville elementary school that killed six people, the House Republican supermajority ejected Jones with a 72-25 vote for defying House decorum — making him the first House member to be removed from elected office for a decorum violation.

"You tried to bury us, but we are seeds," Jones said in a speech to hundreds of supporters gathered in Nashville's public square before the vote Monday afternoon.
Big deal. It was just an insurrection.
MarathonMike, you are confused. You need to learn the difference between a 'crisis', which this is not, and a 'flap' which this is.

The shootings are the crisis, the expulsions are the flap.

Rep. Justin Jones gets his comeuppance!

Karma's a bitch, you Nashville Repubs!

  • Justin Jones became the first Tennessee House representative to be expelled for breaking decorum rules on April 6 for leading a chant for gun reform on the floor of the House chamber.
  • Nashville's council is responsible for appointing an interim representative to fill the vacancy for the District 52 House seat until a special election is held.
  • Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, was also expelled for his role in the protest. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, who stood alongside Jones and Pearson, escaped expulsion by one vote.

Nashville Rep. Justin Jones reclaimed his seat in the Tennessee House of Representatives Monday with the backing of Nashville's Council, which voted to reappoint him four days after he was expelled for leading chants for gun reform with a bullhorn on the chamber floor.

In one of its first legislative actions following a shooting at a Nashville elementary school that killed six people, the House Republican supermajority ejected Jones with a 72-25 vote for defying House decorum — making him the first House member to be removed from elected office for a decorum violation.

"You tried to bury us, but we are seeds," Jones said in a speech to hundreds of supporters gathered in Nashville's public square before the vote Monday afternoon.

That isn't the point. The point is that the punishment is disproportionate to the offence.

Secondly, they expelled the two black reps and not the white rep who was with them committing the same offence.

Hypocrisy and racism is the point. Censure would have been appropriate, but not expulsion, and now Jones has been reinstated by the city council. His reelection is reassured and he know has become famous, emboldening his voice in the chambers and the Republicans have been exposed as racists.

Historically speaking, expulsion was reserved for more hideous crimes.

The Tennessee House last expelled a member in 2016, when Jeremy Durham was ousted for rampant sexual misconduct. Thirty-six years earlier, Robert Fisher was booted for soliciting a bribe.

Do you see how that works?


That's rich considering that Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David


What was the bad move was the expulsion. The collective voice's of these three have increased many fold, their national newsworthiness has expanded, and their reelection has been assured, and the legislature have been exposed as racists, given they expelled two blacks, but not the white lady who committed the same offense right along with them.

MarathonMike, you are confused. You need to learn the difference between a 'crisis', which this is not, and a 'flap' which this is.

The shootings are the crisis, the expulsions are the flap.

Let me guess.....

That's rich considering that Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David

All throughout history we have republican's and democrat's meeting with heads of state's, dictator's, and tribal faction's in order to keep the peace somehow within their regions or within their speers of influence. So your point is moot. Try harder next time.
Rep. Justin Jones gets his comeuppance!

Karma's a bitch, you Nashville Repubs!

  • Justin Jones became the first Tennessee House representative to be expelled for breaking decorum rules on April 6 for leading a chant for gun reform on the floor of the House chamber.
  • Nashville's council is responsible for appointing an interim representative to fill the vacancy for the District 52 House seat until a special election is held.
  • Justin Pearson, D-Memphis, was also expelled for his role in the protest. Gloria Johnson, D-Knoxville, who stood alongside Jones and Pearson, escaped expulsion by one vote.

Nashville Rep. Justin Jones reclaimed his seat in the Tennessee House of Representatives Monday with the backing of Nashville's Council, which voted to reappoint him four days after he was expelled for leading chants for gun reform with a bullhorn on the chamber floor.

In one of its first legislative actions following a shooting at a Nashville elementary school that killed six people, the House Republican supermajority ejected Jones with a 72-25 vote for defying House decorum — making him the first House member to be removed from elected office for a decorum violation.

"You tried to bury us, but we are seeds," Jones said in a speech to hundreds of supporters gathered in Nashville's public square before the vote Monday afternoon.
I bet Jones won't pull that stupid shit again. His petulant conduct has been corrected. Mission accomplished.
Weird how the white person doing the same thing was not removed....well not really.

In the end, the two will be back in the same seats they were kicked out of and the state of Tenn will be out a few million dollars.

All so your beloved party could show their voters how racist they are.
By 1 vote and because she apologized and said what she did was wrong. Her 2 compatriots didn’t.
I bet Jones won't pull that stupid shit again. His petulant conduct has been corrected. Mission accomplished.

He is already back in his seat. After the state waste a few million dollars on a new election and he wins by a larger margin he might just be more emboldened to stand up to the KKK wing of the Tenn congress.
MarathonMike, you are confused. You need to learn the difference between a 'crisis', which this is not, and a 'flap' which this is.

The shootings are the crisis, the expulsions are the flap.


it seems you are the one who needs education.

The expulsions were the legal conseqyences for Democrats violating rules, procedures, and processes in a successful attempt to obstruct legislative proceedings.
The reason this individual was reinstated is because of the false claim of / false narrative of 'racism' and due to the Democrats' corrupt 2-tiered Banana Republic Justice system imposed and enforced by Democrats to ensure Democrats are elevated above both laws / rules and the consequences of breaking them.

If Trump had obstructed the legislative process with a bullhorn some Soros-backed liberal DA would have charged him with a Felony.
The reason this individual was reinstated is because of the false claim of / false narrative of 'racism' and due to the Democrats' corrupt 2-tiered Banana Republic Justice system imposed and enforced by Democrats to ensure Democrats are elevated above both laws / rules and the consequences of breaking them.

If Trump had obstructed the legislative process with a bullhorn some Soros-backed liberal DA would have charged him with a Felony.

The individual was reinstated is because his constituents wanted him to be. In a few months when the state of Tenn is forced to waste millions on a special election, these individuals will win in landslides, sending a message to the KKK branch of the Tenn legislature.
....sending a message to the KKK branch of the Tenn legislature.

So you have bought into the false narrative, thst when a black Rep hijacks / obstructs legislative proceedings in violation of estsblished procedures, rules, and processes and is then held accountable it is an act of 'racism'.

Way to show us what Democrat indoctrination looks like.

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