Nashville shooter identified .

Nobody 'hates' them, that's just a bullshit pejorative that the left has grasped onto to sling mud at their opponents. Being critical of something or questioning its value on society is not 'hate', no matter how many times you repeat it.

As a matter of fact, I could say that it's 'hate' by playing along with their mental illness and trying to affirm it rather than encouraging that they seek treatment for it. White washing everything with 'inclusivity' is not helping them, it's hurting them. They're simply being used as a weapon, there is no true care or concern for their mental health at all.
Constructive Condemnation

Hate is part of the Survival Instinct. We have to get rid of these dangerous freaks. Bullying sometimes has a social benefit. His classmates' harassing a weirdo from the time he first starts to indulge in this deep-end madness will make him run away from it or at least drop out of society altogether.
They are condemned because of the bullshit they are trying to force on everyone, particularly children, in our society. Perhaps if they practiced what you preached, minding their own business and keeping their sexual proclivities to themselves, then they wouldn't have the backlash. It is a mental illness, wanting to be what you are not is not normal, nor should it be accepted.
The Blind Leading the Blinded, the Mute Leading the Silenced

The heterophobes can't keep it to themselves. They fight off self-realization of the addictive and obsessive sickness they've fallen into by actively forcing themselves on society. This actually does strengthen their commitment to their perversion and facilitates their complete escape from self-knowledge in their descent into madness. Aggressively seducing children into their cult strengthens their resolve to go spiraling into the depths of depravity.

Tolerating this is part of a decadent society's Death Wish. It must be outlawed and prosecuted, as it always has been in a society with a future.

This section does not include school massacres; workplace killings; religious, political or racial crimes; or mass murders that took place primarily in a domestic environment, like familicides, which are covered in their own categories. Cases where the primary motive for the murders was to facilitate or cover up another felony, like robbery, are also excluded. It also doesn't include serial killers as mentioned in my original post. That list is here


This section does not include school massacres; workplace killings; religious, political or racial crimes; or mass murders that took place primarily in a domestic environment, like familicides, which are covered in their own categories. Cases where the primary motive for the murders was to facilitate or cover up another felony, like robbery, are also excluded. It also doesn't include serial killers as mentioned in my original post. That list is here

All homosexuals. Prove me wrong
And the literally hundreds of mainly straight, white, male mass shooters and serial killers? What are they suffering from?
leftwing victimhood mentality ... most of them are weak geeks that believe they are victims ... very few were strong or into athletics .

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