Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

If she didn't swing the bottle at the guy with the long blonde hair, Damigo wouldn't have went after her....he was trying to stop her from hitting him. She asked for it. Anyone who watches that video and says otherwise is blind and I hope you don't have a drivers license

Awwww, a difference of opinion is so upsetting.......

Feel better soon.
You ignorant's not a matter of opinion when you can see what happened on the video.

Don't be it...

If she didn't swing the bottle at the guy with the long blonde hair, Damigo wouldn't have went after her....he was trying to stop her from hitting him. She asked for it. Anyone who watches that video and says otherwise is blind and I hope you don't have a drivers license

Awwww, a difference of opinion is so upsetting.......

Feel better soon.
You ignorant's not a matter of opinion when you can see what happened on the video.

Don't be it...

I watched it, you forgotten shit on the bottom of the litter box of life.

It's your opinion what she was GOING to do. I have a different opinion.

It'll all come out at the trial and all the guilty will pay their debt to society. God Bless America!

What trial?
If Nathan and Louise decide to contest charges against them, there'll be a trial. If they take a plea, then there won't.

There are no charges. Nathan will be expelled, Louise will face no consequence since she is a Marxist/Fascist
Isn't Nathan the fucking Fascist and Louise the fucking Marxist? Do you consider White Supremacists fascists or something else?

Isn't Nathan fascist too?

Nathan who?
Damigo. As in "Damigo, Nathan Damigo. Woman beater". ;)

Cal State Stanislaus to investigate white supremacist student who punched woman in Berkeley melee
Cal State Stanislaus officials launched an “immediate investigation” this weekend after one of their students, white supremacist Nathan Damigo, was captured on video punching a woman in the face during a melee in Berkeley.

“The university has zero tolerance for the use of violence and we will take all of the necessary legal and disciplinary measures to ensure that all students and everyone on campus have a safe and secure environment,” Cal State Stanislaus President Ellen Junn said in a statement Sunday.

Violent confrontations broke out in Berkeley on Saturday. Clashes between backers and critics of President Trump — and scuffles between self-described anti-fascists and white nationalists — resulted in 21 arrests and numerous injuries.

Damigo charged a diminutive woman who was involved in the fighting and punched her in the face, then ran away into the crowd.

tweeted video of Damigo’s punch on Saturday, saying, “I hope I run into Nathan.”

Damigo did not respond to requests for comment.

The presence of the 30-year-old former Marine corporal continues to present problems at Cal State Stanislaus.

said in a statement at the time that while safety was her top priority, she believed in the freedom of speech on campus, even if it was offensive.

On Sunday, Junn said the university was in contact with “relevant officials and will take appropriate and timely actions to address this issue.” She did not reference Damigo by name.

Janice Curtin, a spokeswoman for Cal State Stanislaus, said in an email to the Times on Monday that the university was not contacted by police but that Junn had received email and Twitter messages beginning Saturday.

As part of its investigation, the university’s Police Department will be in contact with Berkeley police, she said. University leadership and campus legal counsel will be assembling teams to determine how to handle the situation, Curtin said.

Damigo, who was profiled by The Times in December, is an Iraq War veteran who was convicted of armed robbery after drunkenly pulling a gun on a La Mesa cabdriver he thought was Iraqi.

In November 2007, he had been home for a month after his second tour of duty and was suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, drug and alcohol abuse and paranoia, according to San Diego County court records. A few days after the anniversary of a friend’s combat death, he spent a night drinking and went for a walk with a gun. He came across the cabdriver, put a gun to his head and robbed the man of $43, records show.

He started reading books about race and identity in prison, he told The Times. He was greatly influenced, he said, by “My Awakening,” the book by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

Richard B. Spencer, one of America’s most prominent white nationalists, has come to Damigo’s defense. Spencer was punched in the head by a black-clad person while being interviewed on Inauguration Day.

In a YouTube video, Spencer compared reaction to the video of him getting punched — which prompted the New York Times to ask, “Is it O.K. to punch a Nazi?” — to outrage over the video of Damigo punching the woman.

“This is not a situation where he randomly sucker-punched some woman,” Spencer said. “In fact, there was a maelstrom going on that he was involved in.”

I know nothing about him, and don't give a shit.
Then why are you replying much less even on this thread where he's a leading character?

A leftist was out being violent and got violence in response. Poetic justice.
I readily agree the Lefty protesters were looking for a confrontation, but I also think the Righty protesters were doing the same. Still, gender aside, it's pretty weak to see a 200 lb person go for the 100 lb one when there were so many others to choose from.
Last edited:

It'll all come out at the trial and all the guilty will pay their debt to society. God Bless America!

What trial?
If Nathan and Louise decide to contest charges against them, there'll be a trial. If they take a plea, then there won't.

There are no charges. Nathan will be expelled, Louise will face no consequence since she is a Marxist/Fascist
Isn't Nathan the fucking Fascist and Louise the fucking Marxist? Do you consider White Supremacists fascists or something else?


I don't view them as any different.

Collectivist are scum.

Nazi, Fascist, Socialist, Communist, all extremely slight variations on a theme of collectivism.

Here is a hint, my condemnation of the ANTIFA scum in no way obligates me to defend this nathan clown. I realize you seek to divide people so that your talking points work, but I'm simply not interested.
Can you quote I lie you think I have told on this board?

I'll be happy to highlight the next 5 you tell.
So, you are unable to quote a lie I told, after calling me a liar. You whined and cried when you falsely accused someone of calling you a liar. They challenged you and you had no response. Next, you accused someone else of being a liar, and you evaded answering when challenged to quote the alleged lie.
This makes you an obvious liar yourself, and a person of no integrity.
Please put me on your ignore list. You are a waste of time.

I am unwilling to sort through old posts. You are a Soros Nazicrat, you'll tell plenty more in short order.
So you hate Nazi scumbags? Douchebag White Supremacists and other fascist Nazi assholes?


I am cautious because the Soros brownshirts call anyone who voted for Trump or fails to praise Obama a "white supremacist."

But David Duke is gutter scum, the flip side of Al Sharpton. A pox on both of them.
Agreed that the far Leftie asshats throw around the word "fascist" against anyone who disagrees with them, including anyone who didn't vote for Hillary. That said, there is both far Left and far Right. Both are authoritarian assholes. I'm against both.

Yeah I think when you aim to scalp people and reach for a man's throat in a hostile manner, getting punched is pretty much exactly what you deserve...

And I'm an anti-feminist chick for the record.

Your two paragraphs contradict each other.

First paragraph implies that you believe women are the equal of men but second says women are and should be subservient.

Sent from my iPad using

I have a feeling that your narrow mind can't handle this, but there is no contradiction for many reasons I'll just list a couple:

The idea that she went looking for a fight has nothing to do with her "equality" at all. It just makes her look like a piece of shit human being. Even if you want to discount her actions and argue that she's stupid enough to believe that everyone at that rally was a white supremacist, her recorded reason for going was to "scalp 100 nazi's" in the first place, there's not even 100 fucking nazi's in the nation, much less in god damn Berkley, but whatever, the secondary would be that she severely under estimated her ability to "kick ass." On the last point you can either say she's stupid to not know her own abilities, or you can argue that she intended to /wrongfully/ use chivalry as a shield in order to effect more damage. So she's either an idiot, or a piece of shit. I've decided on the latter.

As for me being anti-feminist, well that one I'll give you, I think all bitches should be subs - and from this gals own mouth she is

Women are not the "equal" of men in certain areas, just like men are not the "equal" of women in certain areas. Your media tries to tell you that's a problem, but it's not and it also will never be "solved" - which is why the left latched onto it, because it's a perpetual problem that will never be resolved, thus they have eternal votes as long as they wind you fruit loops up about it. Personally I think feminism is on the top ten list of the worst things America has ever done to itself, but that's a different topic.

It'll all come out at the trial and all the guilty will pay their debt to society. God Bless America!

What trial?
If Nathan and Louise decide to contest charges against them, there'll be a trial. If they take a plea, then there won't.

There are no charges. Nathan will be expelled, Louise will face no consequence since she is a Marxist/Fascist
Isn't Nathan the fucking Fascist and Louise the fucking Marxist? Do you consider White Supremacists fascists or something else?


I don't view them as any different.

Collectivist are scum.

Nazi, Fascist, Socialist, Communist, all extremely slight variations on a theme of collectivism.

Here is a hint, my condemnation of the ANTIFA scum in no way obligates me to defend this nathan clown. I realize you seek to divide people so that your talking points work, but I'm simply not interested.
Divide? No. Disagreement with both extremes is not be being divisory, but I can see how someone on one extreme or the other might see it that way.

You claim are free to claim you are unbiased, but when a person only condemns one side and not the other, they are, by definition, biased.
What trial?
If Nathan and Louise decide to contest charges against them, there'll be a trial. If they take a plea, then there won't.

There are no charges. Nathan will be expelled, Louise will face no consequence since she is a Marxist/Fascist
Isn't Nathan the fucking Fascist and Louise the fucking Marxist? Do you consider White Supremacists fascists or something else?


I don't view them as any different.

Collectivist are scum.

Nazi, Fascist, Socialist, Communist, all extremely slight variations on a theme of collectivism.

Here is a hint, my condemnation of the ANTIFA scum in no way obligates me to defend this nathan clown. I realize you seek to divide people so that your talking points work, but I'm simply not interested.
Divide? No. Disagreement with both extremes is not be being divisory, but I can see how someone on one extreme or the other might see it that way.

You claim are free to claim you are unbiased, but when a person only condemns one side and not the other, they are, by definition, biased.

I never claimed to be unbiased. I detest the fascist left.

I see anyone who would carry a swastika as gutter scum - anyone.
....The idea that she went looking for a fight has nothing to do with her "equality" at all. It just makes her look like a piece of shit human being. Even if you want to discount her actions and argue that she's stupid enough to believe that everyone at that rally was a white supremacist, her recorded reason for going was to "scalp 100 nazi's" in the first place, there's not even 100 fucking nazi's in the nation, much less in god damn Berkley, but whatever, the secondary would be that she severely under estimated her ability to "kick ass." On the last point you can either say she's stupid to not know her own abilities, or you can argue that she intended to /wrongfully/ use chivalry as a shield in order to effect more damage. So she's either an idiot, or a piece of shit. I've decided on the latter.

As for me being anti-feminist, well that one I'll give you, I think all bitches should be subs - and from this gals own mouth she is

Women are not the "equal" of men in certain areas, just like men are not the "equal" of women in certain areas. Your media tries to tell you that's a problem, but it's not and it also will never be "solved" - which is why the left latched onto it, because it's a perpetual problem that will never be resolved, thus they have eternal votes as long as they wind you fruit loops up about it. Personally I think feminism is on the top ten list of the worst things America has ever done to itself, but that's a different topic.
No doubt Louise wanted to "play with the big boys". If she attacked anyone, she deserved to be arrested and charged with it. OTOH, while a 95 lb woman can do a lot of damage if she has a gun or a knife from behind, face to face with a 200 lb trained ex-Marine? Even if she had a bottle, he could have easily taken it away from her, tossed it, then spanked her tight little ass. Punch her? Unnecessary, but a lot of Nathan's decisions in life have been both very fucked up and unnecessary.

White supremacist who punched woman in Berkeley has military, criminal ties to San Diego County
If Nathan and Louise decide to contest charges against them, there'll be a trial. If they take a plea, then there won't.

There are no charges. Nathan will be expelled, Louise will face no consequence since she is a Marxist/Fascist
Isn't Nathan the fucking Fascist and Louise the fucking Marxist? Do you consider White Supremacists fascists or something else?


I don't view them as any different.

Collectivist are scum.

Nazi, Fascist, Socialist, Communist, all extremely slight variations on a theme of collectivism.

Here is a hint, my condemnation of the ANTIFA scum in no way obligates me to defend this nathan clown. I realize you seek to divide people so that your talking points work, but I'm simply not interested.
Divide? No. Disagreement with both extremes is not be being divisory, but I can see how someone on one extreme or the other might see it that way.

You claim are free to claim you are unbiased, but when a person only condemns one side and not the other, they are, by definition, biased.

I never claimed to be unbiased. I detest the fascist left.

I see anyone who would carry a swastika as gutter scum - anyone.
Do you believe White Supremacists are Left or Right?
....The idea that she went looking for a fight has nothing to do with her "equality" at all. It just makes her look like a piece of shit human being. Even if you want to discount her actions and argue that she's stupid enough to believe that everyone at that rally was a white supremacist, her recorded reason for going was to "scalp 100 nazi's" in the first place, there's not even 100 fucking nazi's in the nation, much less in god damn Berkley, but whatever, the secondary would be that she severely under estimated her ability to "kick ass." On the last point you can either say she's stupid to not know her own abilities, or you can argue that she intended to /wrongfully/ use chivalry as a shield in order to effect more damage. So she's either an idiot, or a piece of shit. I've decided on the latter.

As for me being anti-feminist, well that one I'll give you, I think all bitches should be subs - and from this gals own mouth she is

Women are not the "equal" of men in certain areas, just like men are not the "equal" of women in certain areas. Your media tries to tell you that's a problem, but it's not and it also will never be "solved" - which is why the left latched onto it, because it's a perpetual problem that will never be resolved, thus they have eternal votes as long as they wind you fruit loops up about it. Personally I think feminism is on the top ten list of the worst things America has ever done to itself, but that's a different topic.
No doubt Louise wanted to "play with the big boys". If she attacked anyone, she deserved to be arrested and charged with it. OTOH, while a 95 lb woman can do a lot of damage if she has a gun or a knife from behind, face to face with a 200 lb trained ex-Marine? Even if she had a bottle, he could have easily taken it away from her, tossed it, then spanked her tight little ass. Punch her? Unnecessary, but a lot of Nathan's decisions in life have been both very fucked up and unnecessary.

White supremacist who punched woman in Berkeley has military, criminal ties to San Diego County
I wonder why the media is not reporting this girl does porn and was going to get 100 scalps carrying a large liquor bottle as a weapon?
I'll be happy to highlight the next 5 you tell.
So, you are unable to quote a lie I told, after calling me a liar. You whined and cried when you falsely accused someone of calling you a liar. They challenged you and you had no response. Next, you accused someone else of being a liar, and you evaded answering when challenged to quote the alleged lie.
This makes you an obvious liar yourself, and a person of no integrity.
Please put me on your ignore list. You are a waste of time.

I am unwilling to sort through old posts. You are a Soros Nazicrat, you'll tell plenty more in short order.
So you hate Nazi scumbags? Douchebag White Supremacists and other fascist Nazi assholes?


I am cautious because the Soros brownshirts call anyone who voted for Trump or fails to praise Obama a "white supremacist."

But David Duke is gutter scum, the flip side of Al Sharpton. A pox on both of them.

Let's not leap to accept the Left's attempt to paint David Duke as an arch Republican....

David Duke....the Democrat

State Senator, 1975 (Baton Rouge Area)[edit]
Threshold > 50%

First Ballot, November 1, 1975

Louisiana State Senate, 1975
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Kenneth Osterberger 22,287 66
Democratic David Duke 11,079 33
N/A Others 1
Total 100
State Senator, 10th District, 1979 (Suburban New Orleans)[edit]
Threshold > 50% First Ballot, October 27, 1979

Louisiana State Senate, 10th District, 1979
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Joseph Tiemann 21,329 57
Democratic David Duke 9,897 26
N/A Others 6,459 17
Total 37,685 100
Democratic Nomination for United States Presidential Candidate, 1988 (Louisiana results)[edit]
Threshold = Plurality

1988 Democratic Presidential primary in Louisiana
Party Candidate Votes %
Democratic Jesse Jackson 221,522 35
Democratic Al Gore 174,971 28
Democratic Michael Dukakis 95,661 15
Democratic Dick Gephardt 67,029 11
Democratic Gary Hart 26,437 4
Democratic David Duke 23,391 4
Democratic Others 16,008 3
Total 625,019 100
Electoral history of David Duke - Wikipedia
Great! Now do one for Ronald Reagan's Democrat history....not that Reagan was ever an asshole like fucking David Duke.
....The idea that she went looking for a fight has nothing to do with her "equality" at all. It just makes her look like a piece of shit human being. Even if you want to discount her actions and argue that she's stupid enough to believe that everyone at that rally was a white supremacist, her recorded reason for going was to "scalp 100 nazi's" in the first place, there's not even 100 fucking nazi's in the nation, much less in god damn Berkley, but whatever, the secondary would be that she severely under estimated her ability to "kick ass." On the last point you can either say she's stupid to not know her own abilities, or you can argue that she intended to /wrongfully/ use chivalry as a shield in order to effect more damage. So she's either an idiot, or a piece of shit. I've decided on the latter.

As for me being anti-feminist, well that one I'll give you, I think all bitches should be subs - and from this gals own mouth she is

Women are not the "equal" of men in certain areas, just like men are not the "equal" of women in certain areas. Your media tries to tell you that's a problem, but it's not and it also will never be "solved" - which is why the left latched onto it, because it's a perpetual problem that will never be resolved, thus they have eternal votes as long as they wind you fruit loops up about it. Personally I think feminism is on the top ten list of the worst things America has ever done to itself, but that's a different topic.
No doubt Louise wanted to "play with the big boys". If she attacked anyone, she deserved to be arrested and charged with it. OTOH, while a 95 lb woman can do a lot of damage if she has a gun or a knife from behind, face to face with a 200 lb trained ex-Marine? Even if she had a bottle, he could have easily taken it away from her, tossed it, then spanked her tight little ass. Punch her? Unnecessary, but a lot of Nathan's decisions in life have been both very fucked up and unnecessary.

White supremacist who punched woman in Berkeley has military, criminal ties to San Diego County
I wonder why the media is not reporting this girl does porn and was going to get 100 scalps carrying a large liquor bottle as a weapon?
They did. Otherwise, how do you and I know about it? Again, I'm happy to see both Nathan and Louise go to court to answer for their actions. You?
....The idea that she went looking for a fight has nothing to do with her "equality" at all. It just makes her look like a piece of shit human being. Even if you want to discount her actions and argue that she's stupid enough to believe that everyone at that rally was a white supremacist, her recorded reason for going was to "scalp 100 nazi's" in the first place, there's not even 100 fucking nazi's in the nation, much less in god damn Berkley, but whatever, the secondary would be that she severely under estimated her ability to "kick ass." On the last point you can either say she's stupid to not know her own abilities, or you can argue that she intended to /wrongfully/ use chivalry as a shield in order to effect more damage. So she's either an idiot, or a piece of shit. I've decided on the latter.

As for me being anti-feminist, well that one I'll give you, I think all bitches should be subs - and from this gals own mouth she is

Women are not the "equal" of men in certain areas, just like men are not the "equal" of women in certain areas. Your media tries to tell you that's a problem, but it's not and it also will never be "solved" - which is why the left latched onto it, because it's a perpetual problem that will never be resolved, thus they have eternal votes as long as they wind you fruit loops up about it. Personally I think feminism is on the top ten list of the worst things America has ever done to itself, but that's a different topic.
No doubt Louise wanted to "play with the big boys". If she attacked anyone, she deserved to be arrested and charged with it. OTOH, while a 95 lb woman can do a lot of damage if she has a gun or a knife from behind, face to face with a 200 lb trained ex-Marine? Even if she had a bottle, he could have easily taken it away from her, tossed it, then spanked her tight little ass. Punch her? Unnecessary, but a lot of Nathan's decisions in life have been both very fucked up and unnecessary.

White supremacist who punched woman in Berkeley has military, criminal ties to San Diego County
I wonder why the media is not reporting this girl does porn and was going to get 100 scalps carrying a large liquor bottle as a weapon?
They did. Otherwise, how do you and I know about it? Again, I'm happy to see both Nathan and Louise go to court to answer for their actions. You?
Who is they? Certainly not the LA Times or any main stream media outlet.
She has a bottle in a different altercation. Not when she was sucker punched by the tall blonde guy. In that video, she wasn't "swinging" on the man, she saw him coming and put her hands up because she saw HIM swinging.

Bottle or no bottle, she attacked another person. When you do that, retaliation is warranted. She started a fight, then got her ass kicked. Don't start fights and you won't have to worry about getting your ass kicked.

And yet I don't see a video that shows her being the clear aggressor. The little snippets I've seen show the man tending his body and getting leverage for a punch, while she's reacting.

That's what I see. Was she innocent of any provocation? Doubtful. Was she the attacker? Inconclusive.

Then you have simply not watched it.

She and the other ANTIFA Nazis are the violent ones. You of the left in your zeal to end freedom of speech and crush civil rights have taken to constant violence. THIS TIME you ran into someone as willing to violent as you democrats are.

Now watch, the male will be expelled, which seems fair, but the ANTIFA Nazi from Berkley will face no consequence. Some are FAR more equal than others.

Obviously no civil or criminal charges were ever sought.

I watched it. I watched 2 videos, a few times, and I don't see her about to hit anyone. That's how I see it. She holds up two hands defensively, not offensively, while he tenses his body and plants his feet to get leverage for a punch. She has a bottle in one video, but I don't see it raised over her head as if to hit someone, but held in front of her. I have no doubt she was carrying the bottle to be violent, but the fact is, the guy connected, and she never did. Was her behavior provocative? Undoubtedly. Was she the first aggressor? Inconclusive.

You will, of course, blame leftist bias for my view of things. The question is, will you also see how your bias makes you see her as the aggressor? Was she supposed to stand with her hands behind her back when being charged upon and punched?

If you're in the thick of it and carrying a bottle with your face covered you're a's just that simple.
....The idea that she went looking for a fight has nothing to do with her "equality" at all. It just makes her look like a piece of shit human being. Even if you want to discount her actions and argue that she's stupid enough to believe that everyone at that rally was a white supremacist, her recorded reason for going was to "scalp 100 nazi's" in the first place, there's not even 100 fucking nazi's in the nation, much less in god damn Berkley, but whatever, the secondary would be that she severely under estimated her ability to "kick ass." On the last point you can either say she's stupid to not know her own abilities, or you can argue that she intended to /wrongfully/ use chivalry as a shield in order to effect more damage. So she's either an idiot, or a piece of shit. I've decided on the latter.

As for me being anti-feminist, well that one I'll give you, I think all bitches should be subs - and from this gals own mouth she is

Women are not the "equal" of men in certain areas, just like men are not the "equal" of women in certain areas. Your media tries to tell you that's a problem, but it's not and it also will never be "solved" - which is why the left latched onto it, because it's a perpetual problem that will never be resolved, thus they have eternal votes as long as they wind you fruit loops up about it. Personally I think feminism is on the top ten list of the worst things America has ever done to itself, but that's a different topic.
No doubt Louise wanted to "play with the big boys". If she attacked anyone, she deserved to be arrested and charged with it. OTOH, while a 95 lb woman can do a lot of damage if she has a gun or a knife from behind, face to face with a 200 lb trained ex-Marine? Even if she had a bottle, he could have easily taken it away from her, tossed it, then spanked her tight little ass. Punch her? Unnecessary, but a lot of Nathan's decisions in life have been both very fucked up and unnecessary.

White supremacist who punched woman in Berkeley has military, criminal ties to San Diego County
I wonder why the media is not reporting this girl does porn and was going to get 100 scalps carrying a large liquor bottle as a weapon?
They did. Otherwise, how do you and I know about it? Again, I'm happy to see both Nathan and Louise go to court to answer for their actions. You?
Who is they? Certainly not the LA Times or any main stream media outlet.
They = the media....or did you come by your informations as a secret squirrel or via your secret decoder ring? How did you find out the information if not from "the media"?

BTW, did you here Alex Jones' court testimony? Fucking hilarious!!!
She has a bottle in a different altercation. Not when she was sucker punched by the tall blonde guy. In that video, she wasn't "swinging" on the man, she saw him coming and put her hands up because she saw HIM swinging.

Bottle or no bottle, she attacked another person. When you do that, retaliation is warranted. She started a fight, then got her ass kicked. Don't start fights and you won't have to worry about getting your ass kicked.

And yet I don't see a video that shows her being the clear aggressor. The little snippets I've seen show the man tending his body and getting leverage for a punch, while she's reacting.

That's what I see. Was she innocent of any provocation? Doubtful. Was she the attacker? Inconclusive.

Then you have simply not watched it.

She and the other ANTIFA Nazis are the violent ones. You of the left in your zeal to end freedom of speech and crush civil rights have taken to constant violence. THIS TIME you ran into someone as willing to violent as you democrats are.

Now watch, the male will be expelled, which seems fair, but the ANTIFA Nazi from Berkley will face no consequence. Some are FAR more equal than others.

Obviously no civil or criminal charges were ever sought.

I watched it. I watched 2 videos, a few times, and I don't see her about to hit anyone. That's how I see it. She holds up two hands defensively, not offensively, while he tenses his body and plants his feet to get leverage for a punch. She has a bottle in one video, but I don't see it raised over her head as if to hit someone, but held in front of her. I have no doubt she was carrying the bottle to be violent, but the fact is, the guy connected, and she never did. Was her behavior provocative? Undoubtedly. Was she the first aggressor? Inconclusive.

You will, of course, blame leftist bias for my view of things. The question is, will you also see how your bias makes you see her as the aggressor? Was she supposed to stand with her hands behind her back when being charged upon and punched?

If you're in the thick of it and carrying a bottle with your face covered you're a's just that simple.
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!
Bottle or no bottle, she attacked another person. When you do that, retaliation is warranted. She started a fight, then got her ass kicked. Don't start fights and you won't have to worry about getting your ass kicked.

And yet I don't see a video that shows her being the clear aggressor. The little snippets I've seen show the man tending his body and getting leverage for a punch, while she's reacting.

That's what I see. Was she innocent of any provocation? Doubtful. Was she the attacker? Inconclusive.

Then you have simply not watched it.

She and the other ANTIFA Nazis are the violent ones. You of the left in your zeal to end freedom of speech and crush civil rights have taken to constant violence. THIS TIME you ran into someone as willing to violent as you democrats are.

Now watch, the male will be expelled, which seems fair, but the ANTIFA Nazi from Berkley will face no consequence. Some are FAR more equal than others.

Obviously no civil or criminal charges were ever sought.

I watched it. I watched 2 videos, a few times, and I don't see her about to hit anyone. That's how I see it. She holds up two hands defensively, not offensively, while he tenses his body and plants his feet to get leverage for a punch. She has a bottle in one video, but I don't see it raised over her head as if to hit someone, but held in front of her. I have no doubt she was carrying the bottle to be violent, but the fact is, the guy connected, and she never did. Was her behavior provocative? Undoubtedly. Was she the first aggressor? Inconclusive.

You will, of course, blame leftist bias for my view of things. The question is, will you also see how your bias makes you see her as the aggressor? Was she supposed to stand with her hands behind her back when being charged upon and punched?

If you're in the thick of it and carrying a bottle with your face covered you're a's just that simple.
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!

Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....

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