Nasty Attacking Antifa Girl Who Got Punched In The Face By Heroic Pro-Trumper Seeks $80K On GoFundMe

Nathan who?
Damigo. As in "Damigo, Nathan Damigo. Woman beater". ;)

Cal State Stanislaus to investigate white supremacist student who punched woman in Berkeley melee
Cal State Stanislaus officials launched an “immediate investigation” this weekend after one of their students, white supremacist Nathan Damigo, was captured on video punching a woman in the face during a melee in Berkeley.

“The university has zero tolerance for the use of violence and we will take all of the necessary legal and disciplinary measures to ensure that all students and everyone on campus have a safe and secure environment,” Cal State Stanislaus President Ellen Junn said in a statement Sunday.

Violent confrontations broke out in Berkeley on Saturday. Clashes between backers and critics of President Trump — and scuffles between self-described anti-fascists and white nationalists — resulted in 21 arrests and numerous injuries.

Damigo charged a diminutive woman who was involved in the fighting and punched her in the face, then ran away into the crowd.

tweeted video of Damigo’s punch on Saturday, saying, “I hope I run into Nathan.”

Damigo did not respond to requests for comment.

The presence of the 30-year-old former Marine corporal continues to present problems at Cal State Stanislaus.

said in a statement at the time that while safety was her top priority, she believed in the freedom of speech on campus, even if it was offensive.

On Sunday, Junn said the university was in contact with “relevant officials and will take appropriate and timely actions to address this issue.” She did not reference Damigo by name.

Janice Curtin, a spokeswoman for Cal State Stanislaus, said in an email to the Times on Monday that the university was not contacted by police but that Junn had received email and Twitter messages beginning Saturday.

As part of its investigation, the university’s Police Department will be in contact with Berkeley police, she said. University leadership and campus legal counsel will be assembling teams to determine how to handle the situation, Curtin said.

Damigo, who was profiled by The Times in December, is an Iraq War veteran who was convicted of armed robbery after drunkenly pulling a gun on a La Mesa cabdriver he thought was Iraqi.

In November 2007, he had been home for a month after his second tour of duty and was suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, drug and alcohol abuse and paranoia, according to San Diego County court records. A few days after the anniversary of a friend’s combat death, he spent a night drinking and went for a walk with a gun. He came across the cabdriver, put a gun to his head and robbed the man of $43, records show.

He started reading books about race and identity in prison, he told The Times. He was greatly influenced, he said, by “My Awakening,” the book by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

Richard B. Spencer, one of America’s most prominent white nationalists, has come to Damigo’s defense. Spencer was punched in the head by a black-clad person while being interviewed on Inauguration Day.

In a YouTube video, Spencer compared reaction to the video of him getting punched — which prompted the New York Times to ask, “Is it O.K. to punch a Nazi?” — to outrage over the video of Damigo punching the woman.

“This is not a situation where he randomly sucker-punched some woman,” Spencer said. “In fact, there was a maelstrom going on that he was involved in.”

I know nothing about him, and don't give a shit.
Then why are you replying much less even on this thread where he's a leading character?

A leftist was out being violent and got violence in response. Poetic justice.
I readily agree the Lefty protesters were looking for a confrontation, but I also think the Righty protesters were doing the same. Still, gender aside, it's pretty weak to see a 200 lb person go for the 100 lb one when there were so many others to choose from.
Because he's a coward, like those supporting him.
And yet I don't see a video that shows her being the clear aggressor. The little snippets I've seen show the man tending his body and getting leverage for a punch, while she's reacting.

That's what I see. Was she innocent of any provocation? Doubtful. Was she the attacker? Inconclusive.

Then you have simply not watched it.

She and the other ANTIFA Nazis are the violent ones. You of the left in your zeal to end freedom of speech and crush civil rights have taken to constant violence. THIS TIME you ran into someone as willing to violent as you democrats are.

Now watch, the male will be expelled, which seems fair, but the ANTIFA Nazi from Berkley will face no consequence. Some are FAR more equal than others.

Obviously no civil or criminal charges were ever sought.

I watched it. I watched 2 videos, a few times, and I don't see her about to hit anyone. That's how I see it. She holds up two hands defensively, not offensively, while he tenses his body and plants his feet to get leverage for a punch. She has a bottle in one video, but I don't see it raised over her head as if to hit someone, but held in front of her. I have no doubt she was carrying the bottle to be violent, but the fact is, the guy connected, and she never did. Was her behavior provocative? Undoubtedly. Was she the first aggressor? Inconclusive.

You will, of course, blame leftist bias for my view of things. The question is, will you also see how your bias makes you see her as the aggressor? Was she supposed to stand with her hands behind her back when being charged upon and punched?

If you're in the thick of it and carrying a bottle with your face covered you're a's just that simple.
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!

Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)
Then you have simply not watched it.

She and the other ANTIFA Nazis are the violent ones. You of the left in your zeal to end freedom of speech and crush civil rights have taken to constant violence. THIS TIME you ran into someone as willing to violent as you democrats are.

Now watch, the male will be expelled, which seems fair, but the ANTIFA Nazi from Berkley will face no consequence. Some are FAR more equal than others.

Obviously no civil or criminal charges were ever sought.

I watched it. I watched 2 videos, a few times, and I don't see her about to hit anyone. That's how I see it. She holds up two hands defensively, not offensively, while he tenses his body and plants his feet to get leverage for a punch. She has a bottle in one video, but I don't see it raised over her head as if to hit someone, but held in front of her. I have no doubt she was carrying the bottle to be violent, but the fact is, the guy connected, and she never did. Was her behavior provocative? Undoubtedly. Was she the first aggressor? Inconclusive.

You will, of course, blame leftist bias for my view of things. The question is, will you also see how your bias makes you see her as the aggressor? Was she supposed to stand with her hands behind her back when being charged upon and punched?

If you're in the thick of it and carrying a bottle with your face covered you're a's just that simple.
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!

Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

Personally I try and keep that around Halloween and in the bedroom.....
Then you have simply not watched it.

She and the other ANTIFA Nazis are the violent ones. You of the left in your zeal to end freedom of speech and crush civil rights have taken to constant violence. THIS TIME you ran into someone as willing to violent as you democrats are.

Now watch, the male will be expelled, which seems fair, but the ANTIFA Nazi from Berkley will face no consequence. Some are FAR more equal than others.

Obviously no civil or criminal charges were ever sought.

I watched it. I watched 2 videos, a few times, and I don't see her about to hit anyone. That's how I see it. She holds up two hands defensively, not offensively, while he tenses his body and plants his feet to get leverage for a punch. She has a bottle in one video, but I don't see it raised over her head as if to hit someone, but held in front of her. I have no doubt she was carrying the bottle to be violent, but the fact is, the guy connected, and she never did. Was her behavior provocative? Undoubtedly. Was she the first aggressor? Inconclusive.

You will, of course, blame leftist bias for my view of things. The question is, will you also see how your bias makes you see her as the aggressor? Was she supposed to stand with her hands behind her back when being charged upon and punched?

If you're in the thick of it and carrying a bottle with your face covered you're a's just that simple.
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!

Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

If it ain't Halloween and you're wearing a mask at a riot you're fair game.
I watched it. I watched 2 videos, a few times, and I don't see her about to hit anyone. That's how I see it. She holds up two hands defensively, not offensively, while he tenses his body and plants his feet to get leverage for a punch. She has a bottle in one video, but I don't see it raised over her head as if to hit someone, but held in front of her. I have no doubt she was carrying the bottle to be violent, but the fact is, the guy connected, and she never did. Was her behavior provocative? Undoubtedly. Was she the first aggressor? Inconclusive.

You will, of course, blame leftist bias for my view of things. The question is, will you also see how your bias makes you see her as the aggressor? Was she supposed to stand with her hands behind her back when being charged upon and punched?

If you're in the thick of it and carrying a bottle with your face covered you're a's just that simple.
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!

Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

If it ain't Halloween and you're wearing a mask at a riot you're fair game.
Works for me. So what do you recommend? Sniping or just an ass beating?


If you're in the thick of it and carrying a bottle with your face covered you're a's just that simple.
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!

Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

If it ain't Halloween and you're wearing a mask at a riot you're fair game.
Works for me. So what do you recommend? Sniping or just an ass beating?



i suggest you take whatever action you have the balls for.
Typical Trump supporters. Proud of punching a small girl, but afraid of their own shadow. If they had any integrity, they would be ashamed of one of their fellow Trump supporters acting so disgustingly, but instead they brag about it.

If they had any integrity, you'd never know it.

You have no idea what that word means.
Damigo. As in "Damigo, Nathan Damigo. Woman beater". ;)

Cal State Stanislaus to investigate white supremacist student who punched woman in Berkeley melee
Cal State Stanislaus officials launched an “immediate investigation” this weekend after one of their students, white supremacist Nathan Damigo, was captured on video punching a woman in the face during a melee in Berkeley.

“The university has zero tolerance for the use of violence and we will take all of the necessary legal and disciplinary measures to ensure that all students and everyone on campus have a safe and secure environment,” Cal State Stanislaus President Ellen Junn said in a statement Sunday.

Violent confrontations broke out in Berkeley on Saturday. Clashes between backers and critics of President Trump — and scuffles between self-described anti-fascists and white nationalists — resulted in 21 arrests and numerous injuries.

Damigo charged a diminutive woman who was involved in the fighting and punched her in the face, then ran away into the crowd.

tweeted video of Damigo’s punch on Saturday, saying, “I hope I run into Nathan.”

Damigo did not respond to requests for comment.

The presence of the 30-year-old former Marine corporal continues to present problems at Cal State Stanislaus.

said in a statement at the time that while safety was her top priority, she believed in the freedom of speech on campus, even if it was offensive.

On Sunday, Junn said the university was in contact with “relevant officials and will take appropriate and timely actions to address this issue.” She did not reference Damigo by name.

Janice Curtin, a spokeswoman for Cal State Stanislaus, said in an email to the Times on Monday that the university was not contacted by police but that Junn had received email and Twitter messages beginning Saturday.

As part of its investigation, the university’s Police Department will be in contact with Berkeley police, she said. University leadership and campus legal counsel will be assembling teams to determine how to handle the situation, Curtin said.

Damigo, who was profiled by The Times in December, is an Iraq War veteran who was convicted of armed robbery after drunkenly pulling a gun on a La Mesa cabdriver he thought was Iraqi.

In November 2007, he had been home for a month after his second tour of duty and was suffering from severe post-traumatic stress disorder, drug and alcohol abuse and paranoia, according to San Diego County court records. A few days after the anniversary of a friend’s combat death, he spent a night drinking and went for a walk with a gun. He came across the cabdriver, put a gun to his head and robbed the man of $43, records show.

He started reading books about race and identity in prison, he told The Times. He was greatly influenced, he said, by “My Awakening,” the book by former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke.

Richard B. Spencer, one of America’s most prominent white nationalists, has come to Damigo’s defense. Spencer was punched in the head by a black-clad person while being interviewed on Inauguration Day.

In a YouTube video, Spencer compared reaction to the video of him getting punched — which prompted the New York Times to ask, “Is it O.K. to punch a Nazi?” — to outrage over the video of Damigo punching the woman.

“This is not a situation where he randomly sucker-punched some woman,” Spencer said. “In fact, there was a maelstrom going on that he was involved in.”

I know nothing about him, and don't give a shit.
Then why are you replying much less even on this thread where he's a leading character?

A leftist was out being violent and got violence in response. Poetic justice.
I readily agree the Lefty protesters were looking for a confrontation, but I also think the Righty protesters were doing the same. Still, gender aside, it's pretty weak to see a 200 lb person go for the 100 lb one when there were so many others to choose from.
Because he's a coward, like those supporting him.

No the c/unt whore with the bottle was the coward and she got smashed just like the rest of the antifa faggots who got pushed out of their own city, there is no where they are safe, we have her name and face, we will take that bottle of hers, shove it up her diseased c/unt, and then take a hammer to it as her cuck boyfriend watches until we saw his fucking head off. Come see us in the streets pussies, negotiations are over, couldn't leave it at the ballot box, this is war.
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I know nothing about him, and don't give a shit.
Then why are you replying much less even on this thread where he's a leading character?

A leftist was out being violent and got violence in response. Poetic justice.
I readily agree the Lefty protesters were looking for a confrontation, but I also think the Righty protesters were doing the same. Still, gender aside, it's pretty weak to see a 200 lb person go for the 100 lb one when there were so many others to choose from.
Because he's a coward, like those supporting him.

No the c/unt whore with the bottle was the coward and she got smashed just like the rest of the antifa faggots who got pushed out of their own city, there is no where they are safe, we have her name and face, we will take that bottle of hers, shove it up her diseased c/unt, and then take a hammer to it as her cuck boyfriend watches until we saw his fucking head off. Come see us in the streets pussies, negotiations are over, couldn't leave it at the ballot box, this is war.
You really need to tone it down. You're the mirror image of those you claim to hate. Actually try to carry thru with your tough talk, I hope there's someone around to blow your fucking head off.
Youre the kind of moron that'll bring the left back in '18.

Populists are mindless herd followers. No different from the left.
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!

Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

If it ain't Halloween and you're wearing a mask at a riot you're fair game.
Works for me. So what do you recommend? Sniping or just an ass beating?


i suggest you take whatever action you have the balls for.
LOL....typical dodge. You're the one who posted how wearing a mask makes you fair game. I asked questions to clarify your position. Now you are running from your own words.

Are those asshole masked men in the pictures I posted "fair game" or not?

What does "fair game" mean to you?

As for what I'd do, nothing. Like the fucking Nazis at Skokie, it's free speech. However, the first to throw a punch should be arrested and prosecuted.
Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

If it ain't Halloween and you're wearing a mask at a riot you're fair game.
Works for me. So what do you recommend? Sniping or just an ass beating?


i suggest you take whatever action you have the balls for.
LOL....typical dodge. You're the one who posted how wearing a mask makes you fair game. I asked questions to clarify your position. Now you are running from your own words.

Are those asshole masked men in the pictures I posted "fair game" or not?

What does "fair game" mean to you?

As for what I'd do, nothing. Like the fucking Nazis at Skokie, it's free speech. However, the first to throw a punch should be arrested and prosecuted.

I'll say it again.
If you show up at a rally/riot with a mask on and you're in the middle of the shit you're fair game.

Funny how you've never called for the arrest of the antifa assholes until they started getting their asses whipped.
Then why are you replying much less even on this thread where he's a leading character?

A leftist was out being violent and got violence in response. Poetic justice.
I readily agree the Lefty protesters were looking for a confrontation, but I also think the Righty protesters were doing the same. Still, gender aside, it's pretty weak to see a 200 lb person go for the 100 lb one when there were so many others to choose from.
Because he's a coward, like those supporting him.

No the c/unt whore with the bottle was the coward and she got smashed just like the rest of the antifa faggots who got pushed out of their own city, there is no where they are safe, we have her name and face, we will take that bottle of hers, shove it up her diseased c/unt, and then take a hammer to it as her cuck boyfriend watches until we saw his fucking head off. Come see us in the streets pussies, negotiations are over, couldn't leave it at the ballot box, this is war.
You really need to tone it down. You're the mirror image of those you claim to hate. Actually try to carry thru with your tough talk, I hope there's someone around to blow your fucking head off.

Come see us in the streets faggot, no negotiation, no surrender, victory or death!
Halloween must not be much fun at your house!

Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

If it ain't Halloween and you're wearing a mask at a riot you're fair game.
Works for me. So what do you recommend? Sniping or just an ass beating?



i suggest you take whatever action you have the balls for. opposed to those who live vicariously on line thru an ex-con thug sucker-punching a small woman?
Wait a minute.....
The attack on peaceful Trump rally go'ers was on Halloween?
This feels like a Rip Van Winkle moment.....
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

If it ain't Halloween and you're wearing a mask at a riot you're fair game.
Works for me. So what do you recommend? Sniping or just an ass beating?



i suggest you take whatever action you have the balls for. opposed to those who live vicariously on line thru an ex-con thug sucker-punching a small woman?

Sucker punched? The dumb bitch was hitting people with bottles and she obviously saw it coming or she wouldnt have tried to throat punch the dude.

Go polish your wallet chain.
Don't know. I was just reacting to your comment about masks and bottles of liquor. :)

If it ain't Halloween and you're wearing a mask at a riot you're fair game.
Works for me. So what do you recommend? Sniping or just an ass beating?


i suggest you take whatever action you have the balls for.
LOL....typical dodge. You're the one who posted how wearing a mask makes you fair game. I asked questions to clarify your position. Now you are running from your own words.

Are those asshole masked men in the pictures I posted "fair game" or not?

What does "fair game" mean to you?

As for what I'd do, nothing. Like the fucking Nazis at Skokie, it's free speech. However, the first to throw a punch should be arrested and prosecuted.

I'll say it again.
If you show up at a rally/riot with a mask on and you're in the middle of the shit you're fair game.

Funny how you've never called for the arrest of the antifa assholes until they started getting their asses whipped.
Maybe if you read my posts you will see I already did. I'm against both marxist assholes as well as fascist assholes. You?

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