Nasty NRA Taunts Parkland Survivors "‘No One Would Know Your Names’ If Classmates Were Alive"

Listen up. Jackwad YOU said he had criminal record....he didn't. Lick your wounds and stfu

The cops had a record on him. They went to his house 43 times. So he had a criminal record. And was still able to buy a machine gun.

Seriously, if our gun laws can't keep guns out of the hands of THAT guy, they are pretty useless.

He had no criminal record, you lied and got caught and your spin won't save you. Now shut up

You are right, he never did a criminal act before this. The cops never wrote him up apparently for anything.

Yep but it's all the NRA's fault....if the police had done their job things may have been different
The laws didn't fail them, liberal law enforcement policies did.

The law allowed Nikolas Cruz to buy a military-grade combat weapon, even though he was crazier than batshit and had a history of violence.

The law is broken.

You can't blame law enforcement for enforcing laws that don't exist. When you describe gun ownership as a "right", then you have a hard time preventing someone from getting a gun, even if he shouldn't have one.

You're willfully ignorant. I'm done with you for the moment. He committed violent crimes in school that he should have been arrested for, but due to Obama's "PROMISE" program, went unreported. Thanks, Obama.

"BCPS is committed to keeping students engaged in school and out of the Juvenile Justice System."

Translation: Mishandling of violent criminals. When I was a kid, that boy would have been in Mariana.

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You're willfully ignorant. I'm done with you for the moment. He committed violent crimes in school that he should have been arrested for, but due to Obama's "PROMISE" program, went unreported. Thanks, Obama.

We already lock up 2 million people. We really don't have room to lock up people for fighting in school.
You're willfully ignorant. I'm done with you for the moment. He committed violent crimes in school that he should have been arrested for, but due to Obama's "PROMISE" program, went unreported. Thanks, Obama.

We already lock up 2 million people. We really don't have room to lock up people for fighting in school.

We lock up more nonviolent offenders than we do violent offenders
We lock up more nonviolent offenders than we do violent offenders

Again, I would rather lock up the drug dealer than the kid who got into a fight in High School.

And then blame the NRA when the kid isn't arrested and has no record to prevent him from buying a weapon

Do you realize how stupid you look on this thread? YOU and idiots like you are the problem
We lock up more nonviolent offenders than we do violent offenders

Again, I would rather lock up the drug dealer than the kid who got into a fight in High School.

I don't care if people choose to do drugs

We stop the ridiculous prohibition on drugs and we reduce violence and stop wasting billions of dollars every year on the failed war on drugs
If you criticize Noir, it's cuz you're a racist.

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No, I'll criticize him because he is a fucking idiot.
I criticized Obama because he was a fuckin' idiot...but liberals claimed the only reason one could possibly oppose him was racism.

So...there you are obviously a racist.

Your logic doesn't make a lick of sense. I have some West Africa in me... so you are a racist by calling me racist. How about that?

Nope, sorry, I'm not criticizing you. And unless you don't look white at all...and that includes white Hispanic (NBC news description of George Zimmerman) is racist to criticize a black person, especially a black person in a traditionally white roll, like President of the United States or NRA Spokesperson/Show Host.

I don't make these rules...liberals do. I just try to apply them across the board equitably.

No you're a racist because you like wheat bread. What the hell is wrong with you?

Now on a serious note, how can you defend a guy that attacks victims of a horrific event?
Same way I can attack people that want to punish millions for the actions of criminals they refused to stop when they could.
You're willfully ignorant. I'm done with you for the moment. He committed violent crimes in school that he should have been arrested for, but due to Obama's "PROMISE" program, went unreported. Thanks, Obama.

"BCPS is committed to keeping students engaged in school and out of the Juvenile Justice System."
Fucking NAILED it!
He has a very good point. We're mourning these students because of a federally mandated gun-free zone that was nothing of the kind.

Um, no.

The reason why schools are gun free is because we don't want kids shooting each other during recess.

We are mourning these students because the NRA has made it impossible to pass even the most common sense gun law, which is why Nikolas Cruz, a mentally ill man with a criminal record, was able to guy an assault rifle.
We are mourning them because of the direct failure of local law enforcement and the FBI to act when this kid was reported to them multiple times.
Attacking and seeking to vilify the students is clearly a mistake.

Even the WH, in a rare display of political acumen, praised the student marchers for their participation in the democratic process.

Yeah...after a long day of marching and protesting the tykes retired to home and ate a Tide Pod
And they will be back bullying their fellow classmates on Monday.

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