Parkland survivors speak up prior to March for our Lives

Dude you LOSE but I do appreciate the semi-honest debate and yet another Strawman.

You so much as get caught TALKING on a cell phone in several states, it's a minimally $500 fine.

Study up

^^^That. They trot this Hogg character out and expect nobody to challenge him because he's a "kid".

Newsflash, you decide to put yourself out there expect blow back

Yep, He'll handle YOUR blowback and BLOW IT THE FUCK BACK.

Ready? :)
^^^That. They trot this Hogg character out and expect nobody to challenge him because he's a "kid".

Newsflash, you decide to put yourself out there expect blow back

Yep, He'll handle YOUR blowback and BLOW IT THE FUCK BACK.

Ready? :)

I have no fear of the wet behind the ears, snot nosed brat. He's yet to experience the real world

That and his testicles haven't dropped yet
another great libtarded plan

as a last resort

SCHUYLKILL COUNTY, Pa. - There’s a rocky controversy when it comes to school safety in one Pennsylvania County.

The superintendent of the Blue Mountain School District is in the spotlight after telling lawmakers in Harrisburg his students protect themselves against potential school shooters with rocks.

“Every classroom has been equipped with a five-gallon bucket of river stone. If an armed intruder attempts to gain entrance into any of our classrooms, they will face a classroom full students armed with rocks and they will be stoned,” said Dr. David Helsel, testifying to the House Education Committee last week in Harrisburg.

“At one time I just had the idea of river stone, they're the right size for hands, you can throw them very hard and they will create or cause pain, which can distract,” Helsel told WNEP.

Helsel says teachers, staff, and students were given active shooter training through a program known as ALICE which stands for Alert, Lockdown, Inform, Counter, Evacuate and they routinely hold evacuation drills for active shooter simulations.

But if a teacher decides to lockdown a classroom, there are rocks in a five-gallon bucket kept in every classroom closet that students could throw if shooters get inside.

Students in one Pennsylvania county will be armed with rocks in case of school shooting, superintendent says
^^^That. They trot this Hogg character out and expect nobody to challenge him because he's a "kid".

Newsflash, you decide to put yourself out there expect blow back

Yep, He'll handle YOUR blowback and BLOW IT THE FUCK BACK.

Ready? :)

I have no fear of the wet behind the ears, snot nosed brat. He's yet to experience the real world

That and his testicles haven't dropped yet

My hunch Sassy - You've not lived in the "real world" for a good many years.
^^^That. They trot this Hogg character out and expect nobody to challenge him because he's a "kid".

Newsflash, you decide to put yourself out there expect blow back

Yep, He'll handle YOUR blowback and BLOW IT THE FUCK BACK.

Ready? :)

I have no fear of the wet behind the ears, snot nosed brat. He's yet to experience the real world

That and his testicles haven't dropped yet

My hunch Sassy - You've not lived in the "real world" for a good many years.

Says you and you don't know'd be better off to cease pretending you do. How's that, fruit loop? See here is your problem, I consider you as weak, easily led and not awfully what you spew means very little to me.

Understand that and you'll be much better off....oh and you're a lowly leftist...which I have zero use for. Much like the shit stain kid you're trying to defend

Dude you LOSE but I do appreciate the semi-honest debate and yet another Strawman.

You so much as get caught TALKING on a cell phone in several states, it's a minimally $500 fine.

Study up


Oh for Christ's sake. This is like shooting pool with a rope. You're acting like I'm not aware of these things or that I'm denying them. I know just as much as you do about the laws against texting and driving and the safety features in cars and the reduction in auto fatalities and I never said anything to cause you to assume otherwise.

My point from the beginning is that teenage highway fatalities, being just as high if not more than firearm fatalities among teens, gets almost no attention. Never has the issue of teen texting and driving galvanized the country like firearms are doing right now and yet the body count is the same. How do you account for the pointed disinterest in the issue of texting and driving deaths relative to the passion about the equal number of firearm deaths?

Let's do a hypothetical. Let's say for the sake of argument that there are 5,000 teen deaths in car accidents this year and 5,000 teen firearm deaths. Now let's say that next year there are no teen firearm deaths but 10,000 teen auto fatalities. Would the issue of texting and driving get the kind of fervor and passion that firearms do right now? Would they be marching on Washington demanding laws and bans? I highly doubt it.

Now let's say that next year there are no teen auto fatalities but 10,000 firearm deaths. You know as well as I do that if the number of firearm deaths jumped from 5,000 to 10,000, even without the auto fatalities, this country would go apeshit. Yet given that the numbers are roughly the same, they may as well ALL be firearm deaths.

Are you getting any clue yet as to where I'm coming from?

Dude you LOSE but I do appreciate the semi-honest debate and yet another Strawman.

You so much as get caught TALKING on a cell phone in several states, it's a minimally $500 fine.

Study up


Oh for Christ's sake. This is like shooting pool with a rope. You're acting like I'm not aware of these things or that I'm denying them. I know just as much as you do about the laws against texting and driving and the safety features in cars and the reduction in auto fatalities and I never said anything to cause you to assume otherwise.

My point from the beginning is that teenage highway fatalities, being just as high if not more than firearm fatalities among teens, gets almost no attention. Never has the issue of teen texting and driving galvanized the country like firearms are doing right now and yet the body count is the same. How do you account for the pointed disinterest in the issue of texting and driving deaths relative to the passion about the equal number of firearm deaths?

Let's do a hypothetical. Let's say for the sake of argument that there are 5,000 teen deaths in car accidents this year and 5,000 teen firearm deaths. Now let's say that next year there are no teen firearm deaths but 10,000 teen auto fatalities. Would the issue of texting and driving get the kind of fervor and passion that firearms do right now? Would they be marching on Washington demanding laws and bans? I highly doubt it.

Now let's say that next year there are no teen auto fatalities but 10,000 firearm deaths. You know as well as I do that if the number of firearm deaths jumped from 5,000 to 10,000, even without the auto fatalities, this country would go apeshit. Yet given that the numbers are roughly the same, they may as well ALL be firearm deaths.

Are you getting any clue yet as to where I'm coming from?

Actually, the number aren't roughly the same....15 year old gang bangers murdering other gang bangers are not the same as normal kids dying in car accidents...more kids die from car accidents than from guns.....but like you say, they don't care about dead kids...they care that they can use dead kids to ban guns...

Dude you LOSE but I do appreciate the semi-honest debate and yet another Strawman.

You so much as get caught TALKING on a cell phone in several states, it's a minimally $500 fine.

Study up


Oh for Christ's sake. This is like shooting pool with a rope. You're acting like I'm not aware of these things or that I'm denying them. I know just as much as you do about the laws against texting and driving and the safety features in cars and the reduction in auto fatalities and I never said anything to cause you to assume otherwise.

My point from the beginning is that teenage highway fatalities, being just as high if not more than firearm fatalities among teens, gets almost no attention. Never has the issue of teen texting and driving galvanized the country like firearms are doing right now and yet the body count is the same. How do you account for the pointed disinterest in the issue of texting and driving deaths relative to the passion about the equal number of firearm deaths?

Let's do a hypothetical. Let's say for the sake of argument that there are 5,000 teen deaths in car accidents this year and 5,000 teen firearm deaths. Now let's say that next year there are no teen firearm deaths but 10,000 teen auto fatalities. Would the issue of texting and driving get the kind of fervor and passion that firearms do right now? Would they be marching on Washington demanding laws and bans? I highly doubt it.

Now let's say that next year there are no teen auto fatalities but 10,000 firearm deaths. You know as well as I do that if the number of firearm deaths jumped from 5,000 to 10,000, even without the auto fatalities, this country would go apeshit. Yet given that the numbers are roughly the same, they may as well ALL be firearm deaths.

Are you getting any clue yet as to where I'm coming from?

Actually, the number aren't roughly the same....15 year old gang bangers murdering other gang bangers are not the same as normal kids dying in car accidents...more kids die from car accidents than from guns.....but like you say, they don't care about dead kids...they care that they can use dead kids to ban guns...

I didn't figure the numbers were the same, I was just going by the numbers in the graph that Dr. Love posted. I believe the teen deaths by auto accident is much higher. According to the TeenSafe website, roughly eleven teens die every day from texting and driving. And that's only from texting and driving. This figure does not take into account accidents from speeding and other reckless behavior.
It is incredible that in one part of their brain, they can know that they cannot defend their positions honestly.

Yet, they can avoid the obvious conclusion from that they they are wrong.

Might wanna bone up on your communication skills prior to attempting debate with your betters in USMB :wink:

Says the man who's last response to a question, was to deny that the person asking had the right to speak.

You lefties spend an awful lot of time finding "reasons" why your enemies are not allowed, or do not have the right to make their case.

Because, at some level, you know that your case, or political position, is complete shit.

Yet you hold to it.

That was my point, and if you did not get that in my last point, it was because of poor communication skills on your part.

If you still did not get it, it is because you are being actively dense.

BTW, my point stands. The only thing these stupid kids have going for them, is that they give you lefties an excuse to not engage in serious debate.
Oh for Christ's sake. This is like shooting pool with a rope. You're acting like I'm not aware of these things or that I'm denying them. I know just as much as you do about the laws against texting and driving and the safety features in cars and the reduction in auto fatalities and I never said anything to cause you to assume otherwise.

My point from the beginning is that teenage highway fatalities, being just as high if not more than firearm fatalities among teens, gets almost no attention. Never has the issue of teen texting and driving galvanized the country like firearms are doing right now and yet the body count is the same. How do you account for the pointed disinterest in the issue of texting and driving deaths relative to the passion about the equal number of firearm deaths?

Let's do a hypothetical. Let's say for the sake of argument that there are 5,000 teen deaths in car accidents this year and 5,000 teen firearm deaths. Now let's say that next year there are no teen firearm deaths but 10,000 teen auto fatalities. Would the issue of texting and driving get the kind of fervor and passion that firearms do right now? Would they be marching on Washington demanding laws and bans? I highly doubt it.

Now let's say that next year there are no teen auto fatalities but 10,000 firearm deaths. You know as well as I do that if the number of firearm deaths jumped from 5,000 to 10,000, even without the auto fatalities, this country would go apeshit. Yet given that the numbers are roughly the same, they may as well ALL be firearm deaths.

Are you getting any clue yet as to where I'm coming from?

Sorry but no, you are making no sense at all. The texting and driving issue is a serious one, but you are engaging in one logical fallacy after the next.
Oh for Christ's sake. This is like shooting pool with a rope. You're acting like I'm not aware of these things or that I'm denying them. I know just as much as you do about the laws against texting and driving and the safety features in cars and the reduction in auto fatalities and I never said anything to cause you to assume otherwise.

My point from the beginning is that teenage highway fatalities, being just as high if not more than firearm fatalities among teens, gets almost no attention. Never has the issue of teen texting and driving galvanized the country like firearms are doing right now and yet the body count is the same. How do you account for the pointed disinterest in the issue of texting and driving deaths relative to the passion about the equal number of firearm deaths?

Let's do a hypothetical. Let's say for the sake of argument that there are 5,000 teen deaths in car accidents this year and 5,000 teen firearm deaths. Now let's say that next year there are no teen firearm deaths but 10,000 teen auto fatalities. Would the issue of texting and driving get the kind of fervor and passion that firearms do right now? Would they be marching on Washington demanding laws and bans? I highly doubt it.

Now let's say that next year there are no teen auto fatalities but 10,000 firearm deaths. You know as well as I do that if the number of firearm deaths jumped from 5,000 to 10,000, even without the auto fatalities, this country would go apeshit. Yet given that the numbers are roughly the same, they may as well ALL be firearm deaths.

Are you getting any clue yet as to where I'm coming from?

Sorry but no, you are making no sense at all. The texting and driving issue is a serious one, but you are engaging in one logical fallacy after the next.

It's a very simple concept: teenagers die more often or in equal numbers by car accidents from texting and driving or speeding or other reckless behavior yet in relation to firearm deaths, teen auto fatalities get virtually no attention. Can you dispute this?
It's a very simple concept: teenagers die more often or in equal numbers by car accidents from texting and driving or speeding or other reckless behavior yet in relation to firearm deaths, teen auto fatalities get virtually no attention. Can you dispute this?

Sorry dude, almost every state has a law against texting while driving. The more progressive states don't allow phone use at all while driving. Get caught answering the phone in California and it's a $500 fine.

My daughter's very good high school friend ran into a phone pole while texting and died. Her school held a vigil, teachers talked about it endlessly and our legislature approved some very harsh penalties.

It's been a very hot topic nationally - come up with a better analogy or we can be done here.
Oh for Christ's sake. This is like shooting pool with a rope. You're acting like I'm not aware of these things or that I'm denying them. I know just as much as you do about the laws against texting and driving and the safety features in cars and the reduction in auto fatalities and I never said anything to cause you to assume otherwise.

My point from the beginning is that teenage highway fatalities, being just as high if not more than firearm fatalities among teens, gets almost no attention. Never has the issue of teen texting and driving galvanized the country like firearms are doing right now and yet the body count is the same. How do you account for the pointed disinterest in the issue of texting and driving deaths relative to the passion about the equal number of firearm deaths?

Let's do a hypothetical. Let's say for the sake of argument that there are 5,000 teen deaths in car accidents this year and 5,000 teen firearm deaths. Now let's say that next year there are no teen firearm deaths but 10,000 teen auto fatalities. Would the issue of texting and driving get the kind of fervor and passion that firearms do right now? Would they be marching on Washington demanding laws and bans? I highly doubt it.

Now let's say that next year there are no teen auto fatalities but 10,000 firearm deaths. You know as well as I do that if the number of firearm deaths jumped from 5,000 to 10,000, even without the auto fatalities, this country would go apeshit. Yet given that the numbers are roughly the same, they may as well ALL be firearm deaths.

Are you getting any clue yet as to where I'm coming from?

Sorry but no, you are making no sense at all. The texting and driving issue is a serious one, but you are engaging in one logical fallacy after the next.

Gee. Guns are tools to transport folks and well regulated by gobmint to be safer year after year.
Guns are unregulated tools for the most part made for killing folks.
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