Nasty NRA Taunts Parkland Survivors "‘No One Would Know Your Names’ If Classmates Were Alive"

What in the fuck is wrong with someone that they would say this? If the NRA doesn't want to continue to look like complete assholes, they need to kick this guy out.

"Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"

NRA TV Taunts Parkland Shooting Survivors Before March For Our Lives

Apart from being TRUE it's a tad insensitive. Tsk tsk.

Maybe they shouldn't be calling legal gun owning citizens accessories to murder. That IS pathetic and disgusting.

We are mourning them because of the direct failure of local law enforcement and the FBI to act when this kid was reported to them multiple times.

No, the problem is, all he had done up to that point was get into some fights. That pretty much describes most 17 year-olds with a Y Chromosome.

Most kids grow out of these problems. This one was able to buy a gun.
He was on the FBI's radar for social media posts claiming he wished to be a professional school shooter.

Even students (and facaulty) at the school knew he made these threats because it was apparently an inside joke to them That they openly commented on in jest. "Cruz is most likely to shoot up the school one day".

Law enforcement failed those students by not acting. Period.
Gun owners have too many protections

One of the things students are protesting
Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.
Blaming the victim – how typically, reprehensibly conservative.
How is holding local law enforcement and the FBI accountable " blaming the victim"?
Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"
He is stating fact, the truth always offends liberals.

Exactly. Colin Noir is stating facts, and the leftists hate facts, especially facts that they cannot spin.
What in the fuck is wrong with someone that they would say this? If the NRA doesn't want to continue to look like complete assholes, they need to kick this guy out.

"Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"

NRA TV Taunts Parkland Shooting Survivors Before March For Our Lives

Apart from being TRUE it's a tad insensitive. Tsk tsk.

Maybe they shouldn't be calling legal gun owning citizens accessories to murder. That IS pathetic and disgusting.


That is a typical leftist tactic. That is why they are so hated here in America.
Colin is awesome and very smart, much more intelligent than any of you leftists posting here . . . that is for sure. Go Colin. Ignore the hating racist leftists.

Another ignorant, lying rightist chimes in.

Racism is the sole purview of the reprehensible right.

Your stupidity is pathetic. "Racist" because why? You have made the term MEANINGLESS you stupid prat!

What in the fuck is wrong with someone that they would say this? If the NRA doesn't want to continue to look like complete assholes, they need to kick this guy out.

"Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"

NRA TV Taunts Parkland Shooting Survivors Before March For Our Lives

Apart from being TRUE it's a tad insensitive. Tsk tsk.

Maybe they shouldn't be calling legal gun owning citizens accessories to murder. That IS pathetic and disgusting.

Using kids in the hope that we won't fight back. This is a totalitarian regime in the making and they are oblivious.
No, the problem is, all he had done up to that point was get into some fights. That pretty much describes most 17 year-olds with a Y Chromosome.

Most kids grow out of these problems. This one was able to buy a gun.
He was on the FBI's radar for social media posts claiming he wished to be a professional school shooter.

Even students (and facaulty) at the school knew he made these threats because it was apparently an inside joke to them That they openly commented on in jest. "Cruz is most likely to shoot up the school one day".

Law enforcement failed those students by not acting. Period.
Gun owners have too many protections

One of the things students are protesting
Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.
Blaming the victim – how typically, reprehensibly conservative.
How is holding local law enforcement and the FBI accountable " blaming the victim"?

It's not of course. This is just your typical leftist trying to make you look like the "bad one." That is what they do, and it is well known. This is why nobody takes the leftist's cries of "wolf" seriously anymore. They are a pathetic overly emotional reactionary group of twits.
He was on the FBI's radar for social media posts claiming he wished to be a professional school shooter.

Even students (and facaulty) at the school knew he made these threats because it was apparently an inside joke to them That they openly commented on in jest. "Cruz is most likely to shoot up the school one day".

Law enforcement failed those students by not acting. Period.
Gun owners have too many protections

One of the things students are protesting
Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.
Another lie from the reprehensible right.

The students aren’t being ‘used’ by Democrats.

Clearly conservatives are incapable of being truthful.
Look troll, we all know that you cannot tell the truth, but NO high school kids had the contacts, money and organizing skills for this:

What would you care where the money comes from? Many times the travel expenses were donated. Kids raised 4m on their GoFundMe site. Celebs like Oprah, Taylor Swift, George Cloony and Jared Kushner's little brother donated tens of thousands. The musical acts definitely donated their time.

Who paid for the Teabagger rallies? Big oil and big tobacco - slimy as hell but not illegal. The kids money wasn't corporate.

Now go back to Infowars

The Secret Origins of the Tea Party
Classic troll!

Regressive liberal ROE

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence.

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack their rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/Alex Jones/Brietbart/infowars/Stormfront/Gateway/hannity

18. You can’t read.

Always predictable, always the same. But troll, let me tell you, my response that you quoted does not mention caring where any money came from, my response was meant for the lying regressive scum who say this march was organized by a group of high school kids. There is no way in hell those brainwashed little tools had the money, contacts or organizing skills to do that. They were eating tide pods last month. lol, So you go ahead smoke spin and pretend like always.
He was on the FBI's radar for social media posts claiming he wished to be a professional school shooter.

Even students (and facaulty) at the school knew he made these threats because it was apparently an inside joke to them That they openly commented on in jest. "Cruz is most likely to shoot up the school one day".

Law enforcement failed those students by not acting. Period.
Gun owners have too many protections

One of the things students are protesting
Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.
Another lie from the reprehensible right.

The students aren’t being ‘used’ by Democrats.

Clearly conservatives are incapable of being truthful.
Look troll, we all know that you cannot tell the truth, but NO high school kids had the contacts, money and organizing skills for this:

What would you care where the money comes from? Many times the travel expenses were donated. Kids raised 4m on their GoFundMe site. Celebs like Oprah, Taylor Swift, George Cloony and Jared Kushner's little brother donated tens of thousands. The musical acts definitely donated their time.

Who paid for the Teabagger rallies? Big oil and big tobacco - slimy as hell but not illegal. The kids money wasn't corporate.

Now go back to Infowars

The Secret Origins of the Tea Party

So secret the tea Party didn't even know about it!! lmao

Its already required by law to run background checks on individuals wanting to purchase guns...looking for both a criminal and mental health record.

A background check system that is designed to not record much information... that's the problem.

You see, I have a simpler solution. Let the NRA and the gun manufacturers run a database of who does and doesn't get a gun.

And then remove their legal protections if someone they sold a gun to shoots up a bunch of people.

I betcha after they pay out a few million dollar settlements, they are going to be up in everyone's business.

But as it stands now, the goal of the gun industry is to sell as many guns to the mentally unstable, because they are the best customers.
Liberal laws are designed to protect the criminal which is why Cruz was reported to local law enforcement over 78 times and they did nothing. Reported twice to the FBI...again nothing. Can't have a criminal record if the cops won't arrest you. Duh.

But let a kid make a pretend gun out of a poptart and the liberal shit hits the fan.
Last edited:
No, the problem is, all he had done up to that point was get into some fights. That pretty much describes most 17 year-olds with a Y Chromosome.

Most kids grow out of these problems. This one was able to buy a gun.
He was on the FBI's radar for social media posts claiming he wished to be a professional school shooter.

Even students (and facaulty) at the school knew he made these threats because it was apparently an inside joke to them That they openly commented on in jest. "Cruz is most likely to shoot up the school one day".

Law enforcement failed those students by not acting. Period.
Gun owners have too many protections

One of the things students are protesting
Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.
Act how?

Gun owners have a protection of Due Process and the NRA only considers you crazy if you are committed
Obviously they need to be mind-readers.

And if the authorities had taken some action against Cruz because he was reported as a threat, such as temporarily restricting him from possessing guns, the reprehensible right would scream bloody murder.
If local law enforcement had of done something after one of the 78 times he was reported he might have had that elusive criminal record the left likes to cry about.
We are mourning them because of the direct failure of local law enforcement and the FBI to act when this kid was reported to them multiple times.

No, the problem is, all he had done up to that point was get into some fights. That pretty much describes most 17 year-olds with a Y Chromosome.

Most kids grow out of these problems. This one was able to buy a gun.
He was on the FBI's radar for social media posts claiming he wished to be a professional school shooter.

Even students (and facaulty) at the school knew he made these threats because it was apparently an inside joke to them That they openly commented on in jest. "Cruz is most likely to shoot up the school one day".

Law enforcement failed those students by not acting. Period.
Gun owners have too many protections

One of the things students are protesting
Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.
Another lie from the reprehensible right.

The students aren’t being ‘used’ by Democrats.

Clearly conservatives are incapable of being truthful.
Sure they are. Obviously they were scripted because they all spout liberal talking points. The ones that don't weren't allowed to speak.
He was on the FBI's radar for social media posts claiming he wished to be a professional school shooter.

Even students (and facaulty) at the school knew he made these threats because it was apparently an inside joke to them That they openly commented on in jest. "Cruz is most likely to shoot up the school one day".

Law enforcement failed those students by not acting. Period.
Gun owners have too many protections

One of the things students are protesting
Every student and facaulty member knew Cruz was dangerous as did local law enforcement and the FBI.

They failed to act. The public has been told over and over to report these threats...yet they still do not.

It's was not the gun. It was the failure of multiple people leading up to the incident.

The students are being used by the Democrats and Media to promote their agenda. They are not looking for "solutions". So stop blowing smoke up everyone's ass.
Act how?

Gun owners have a protection of Due Process and the NRA only considers you crazy if you are committed
Obviously they need to be mind-readers.

And if the authorities had taken some action against Cruz because he was reported as a threat, such as temporarily restricting him from possessing guns, the reprehensible right would scream bloody murder.
If local law enforcement had of done something after one of the 78 times he was reported he might have had that elusive criminal record the left likes to cry about.
They did do something. They hid in the shadows while Cruz murdered 17. And Barry Obastard made it possible for the kids committing felonies in school to get off scott free.
What in the fuck is wrong with someone that they would say this? If the NRA doesn't want to continue to look like complete assholes, they need to kick this guy out.

"Colion Noir took a moment to address the recent shooting at a Maryland high school that was cut short by a St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s deputy. Had a similar “good guy with a gun” been present at Marjory Douglas High School, Noir taunted the student organizers, “no one would know your names.”"

NRA TV Taunts Parkland Shooting Survivors Before March For Our Lives

Oh, well no need to link to NRA TV, you can just post to one of the hate sites that feed your rage. I mean, you Marxists sure wouldn't lie to further your agenda of ending civil rights.....

Oh that's right, because you and your fellow Stalinists are lying, as always. The actual video mocks no one.
Nope, sorry, I'm not criticizing you. And unless you don't look white at all...and that includes white Hispanic (NBC news description of George Zimmerman) is racist to criticize a black person, especially a black person in a traditionally white roll, like President of the United States or NRA Spokesperson/Show Host.

I don't make these rules...liberals do. I just try to apply them across the board equitably.

Equality is a Bourgeoisie concept, Lewd and his fellow Stalinists reject it.

When Lewd fights to outlaw free speech, he only means to silence the enemies of the party. Joy Behr is still free to go on the View and declare Christianity a mental illness.

Lewd and the other Marxists seek to replace civil rights with party privilege.
Nope, sorry, I'm not criticizing you. And unless you don't look white at all...and that includes white Hispanic (NBC news description of George Zimmerman) is racist to criticize a black person, especially a black person in a traditionally white roll, like President of the United States or NRA Spokesperson/Show Host.

I don't make these rules...liberals do. I just try to apply them across the board equitably.

Equality is a Bourgeoisie concept, Lewd and his fellow Stalinists reject it.

When Lewd fights to outlaw free speech, he only means to silence the enemies of the party. Joy Behr is still free to go on the View and declare Christianity a mental illness.

Lewd and the other Marxists seek to replace civil rights with party privilege.
Do as I say, not as I do.
Quit talking out of your feathery ass.

Colion Noir to Parkland survivors: If an armed guard had stopped the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre, “your classmates would still be alive, and no one would know your names.”

You don't agree with that statement?

You post that as if del would want to stop a shooting like this. This shooting is the best thing to happen for the left in ages. The witch hunt is falling apart, their coup d'etat has failed. The war to put an end to civil rights once and for all suffered a huge blow when Gorsuch was put on the court, The left climb on the bodies in seconds to renew their war to end civil rights.

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