Nate Silver: Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

Interesting but I don't think they can be compared at all

This one says it all

10. Trump is a much greater threat to his party establishment.

Bernie is part of the system and Trump is... Trump!

I see Sanders as a threat to old time democrat rule. He is the future of the democratic party. Democratic Socialism. Even if he loses in the GE I think his nomination as the candidate for president will FINALLY push the parties farther apart because to me they are damn near the same on to many big issues.
Bullshit irrelevant article. Of course there are differences. Any retard could see that, and Stats proves it. IT is the similarities that are interesting.

However, fake rabid rabbi rabbit, very few real similarities. That's the point. Adults understand this. Now, go play with your Tonka toys. Oh, and L'shana Tova tikatevu, fake Jew.
There are plenty of similarities, oh follower of Adolph Hitler y'sh. And those are the interesting parts. The general dissatisfaction with the status quo, the increasing radicalization of the electorate to both left and right, and others. Both Trump and Sanders have relatives who are Jewish.

Uhm, no, there aren't, little puppy dog. This is EXACTLY why Nate Silver goes through a list of 10 details that are often misconstrued to say that Sanders and Trump are very similar to each other, when in reality, they are not.
The sky is blue, Herr Neinsager.
Here is where Trump and Sanders are alike neither will be their parties nominee.

Who's going to stop Trump?
I believe a substantial percentage of those who are cheering Trump's wild and egotistical declarations have more sense than to vote for him. Because Trump is not running for the position of President but rather for the position of King -- which doesn't exist and is not wanted.

I'm surprised no one is pressing Trump about how his vast business interests will interfere with or conflict with or influence his duties and actions as President.
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Sanders is a parasitic leech who has attached himself to the taxpayers for 40 years. He's a 73 year old failure who has no original ideas, no money, and no chance. He's a bum.
I believe our Nation is in desperate need of an infusion of real socialist regulations and policies, which is why Sanders is my choice.
Here is where Trump and Sanders are alike neither will be their parties nominee.

Who's going to stop Trump?
I believe a substantial percentage of those who are cheering Trump's wild and egotistical declarations have more sense than to vote for him. Because Trump is not running for the position of President but rather for the position of King -- which doesn't exist and is not wanted.

I'm surprised no one is pressing Trump about how his vast business interests will interfere with or conflict with or influence his duties and actions as President.
Are you talking about Trump or Obama?
Sanders is a parasitic leech who has attached himself to the taxpayers for 40 years. He's a 73 year old failure who has no original ideas, no money, and no chance. He's a bum.
I believe our Nation is in desperate need of an infusion of real socialist regulations and policies, which is why Sanders is my choice.
We've just had 7 years of it. All we got for it was another $10 trillion in debt.
Yep, I always pay attention to the guy that goes out to a crowd and says don't worry you will still have your establishment hero. Nate is clearly out of touch with the rest of the population. Screw Nate.

Sanders is more to the left than the majority of your Democrats. He also has more integrity. He is also more involved in the affairs of working class and middle class folks--and he can back that up. He isn't owned.

Trump is not owned.

Trump is getting crap from the Republicans and the Democrats. The Dems are so terrified that independents would pay attention to Trump that they castigate anyone that supports him. They are so busy looking for ways to support amnesty at the expense of the working class. For them it really is all about the money. Republicans too.

When the Republicans and the Democrats try to castigate Sanders it really is all about the money.

When Trump says we are a nation of laws that is from sanctuary cities to Kim Davis. It's hypocritical bullshit when it isn't.

The DNC rigging the debates makes them look like moronic idiots.

What is in common is that we are fed up with the bullshit. Right now----that's far more than what we have in common with either little party. I don't expect the talkers to get it until it's too late. Yanno, whatever it takes.
Sanders is a parasitic leech who has attached himself to the taxpayers for 40 years. He's a 73 year old failure who has no original ideas, no money, and no chance. He's a bum.
I believe our Nation is in desperate need of an infusion of real socialist regulations and policies, which is why Sanders is my choice.
We've just had 7 years of it. All we got for it was another $10 trillion in debt.
This is the usual response by libs when confronted with failure: We didnt do/spend/regulate enough, that's why it failed.
Are you talking about Trump or Obama?
I don't know what comparison you can make with Trump and Obama but I'd be interested in knowing what it is.

I voted for Obama, mainly because the alternative was McCain, a rampantly temperamental war monger, but also and importantly because Obama is an intelligent and personable improvement over the ignorant elitist fop who had been President for the past eight years and nearly destroyed the Nation.

Briefly stated, George W. Bush is why I voted for Obama. While Obama has brought about some positive effects I regard him as a gross disappointment in many ways. But, again, he's been a vast improvement over Bush and he has not been the kind of constant embarrassment Bush was.
They're both different, of course, but both are being driven by the same force - populist frustration with the establishment.

The rise of populism is occurring throughout the world, including the US.
Don't confuse the Silly Season some 5 months before the primaries and well over a year from the GE as being 'representative' of voters' sentiments – everyday rank and file democrats and republicans aren't paying attention; when they start going to the polls next year, both Sanders and Trump will soon be gone, perhaps as early as South Carolina.

The establishment of both parties will be very much in control of the process once primary season begins, there is no 'rise' of 'populism' in the United States.

The only real issue is the irreparable damage Trump is causing the GOP, making it that much more difficult for the republican nominee.

As Silver notes:

'A Trump nomination would be more of an existential threat to the Republican establishment. He bucks the establishment’s consensus on issues as fundamental to the GOP as taxation and health care, and he’s wobbly on abortion. Splitting with the party on any one of those issues might ordinarily disqualify a candidate. Trump potentially destabilizes the Republicans’ “three-legged stool”: The coalition of fiscal, social and national security conservatives have dominated the party since 1980 or so. But on the issue on which Trump is most conservative — immigration — establishment Republicans worry that he might be so reactionary as to cause long-term damage to the party brand.'
I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

Interesting but I don't think they can be compared at all

This one says it all

10. Trump is a much greater threat to his party establishment.

Bernie is part of the system and Trump is... Trump!

I see Sanders as a threat to old time democrat rule. He is the future of the democratic party. Democratic Socialism. Even if he loses in the GE I think his nomination as the candidate for president will FINALLY push the parties farther apart because to me they are damn near the same on to many big issues.

Obviously you didn't bother to read the cited article.

"It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that Sanders is as threatening to the Democratic establishment as Trump is to the Republican one. Sanders’s policy positions, as I’ve mentioned, are about 95 percent the same as those of a typical liberal Democrat in Congress.'
We've just had 7 years of it. All we got for it was another $10 trillion in debt.
We've just had seven years of what? Continued rule by the One Percent is what we've had!

The primary objective of a true socialist influence on the existing system should be and would be an aggressive redistribution of the Nation's wealth resources, which Obama has done absolutely nothing to bring about. Nothing. In fact, Obama has been plainly patronizing toward the money hoarders who financed his campaign.

Bernie Sanders is not so obligated and I trust he will go after the hoarders -- which is what the American economy desperately needs.
Silver is right that Sanders is a career politician with little support from non-white Democrats.

Silver neglects to add that Sanders is an enormous sell-out.

Why Did Bernie Sanders Get Gaza So Wrong

DV Smith The Unfortunate Truth About Bernie Sanders

Ron Paul says Bernie Sanders sold out on Fed amendment TheHill
Bernie has made some mistakes, as does everyone. To denounce his mistakes as selling out is ordinary political assassination. Don't be so eager to fall for it.

Bernie Sanders is exactly what America needs. He's an old-fashioned socialist whose main concern is the middle class. He will raise hell with the existing establishment.
Are you talking about Trump or Obama?
I don't know what comparison you can make with Trump and Obama but I'd be interested in knowing what it is.

I voted for Obama, mainly because the alternative was McCain, a rampantly temperamental war monger, but also and importantly because Obama is an intelligent and personable improvement over the ignorant elitist fop who had been President for the past eight years and nearly destroyed the Nation.

Briefly stated, George W. Bush is why I voted for Obama. While Obama has brought about some positive effects I regard him as a gross disappointment in many ways. But, again, he's been a vast improvement over Bush and he has not been the kind of constant embarrassment Bush was.
I'm not making a comparison. You were describing Obama.
Yep, I always pay attention to the guy that goes out to a crowd and says don't worry you will still have your establishment hero. Nate is clearly out of touch with the rest of the population. Screw Nate.

Sanders is more to the left than the majority of your Democrats. He also has more integrity. He is also more involved in the affairs of working class and middle class folks--and he can back that up. He isn't owned.

Trump is not owned.

Trump is getting crap from the Republicans and the Democrats. The Dems are so terrified that independents would pay attention to Trump that they castigate anyone that supports him. They are so busy looking for ways to support amnesty at the expense of the working class. For them it really is all about the money. Republicans too.

When the Republicans and the Democrats try to castigate Sanders it really is all about the money.

When Trump says we are a nation of laws that is from sanctuary cities to Kim Davis. It's hypocritical bullshit when it isn't.

The DNC rigging the debates makes them look like moronic idiots.

What is in common is that we are fed up with the bullshit. Right now----that's far more than what we have in common with either little party. I don't expect the talkers to get it until it's too late. Yanno, whatever it takes.

If you listened to the talkers you would see your reflection in the mirror.

You diss them and you don't listen but they mirror you if you ACTUALLY TOOK THE TIME TO LISTEN.

you dont listen to them.

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