Nate Silver: Stop Comparing Donald Trump And Bernie Sanders

Sanders is a parasitic leech who has attached himself to the taxpayers for 40 years. He's a 73 year old failure who has no original ideas, no money, and no chance. He's a bum.
I'm surprised at your assessment of Bernie Sanders which flatly implies the constituents who continually support him are stupidly naive.

Sanders is exactly what America needs and it's sad to see you don't know that.
Comparing two different people doesn't mean you're saying their identical freaking twins.

There are similarities, especially within such an unusual (nice way to put it) campaign so far.

Not sure why Silver has to be so bent over this.

Mainly, I think, because of the equivocation. And it's something that libertarians do in spades.
Comparing two different people doesn't mean you're saying their identical freaking twins.

There are similarities, especially within such an unusual (nice way to put it) campaign so far.

Not sure why Silver has to be so bent over this.

Mainly, I think, because of the equivocation. And it's something that libertarians do in spades.

Loserterians want a hunter gathering society of me, I and my family. They don't like civilization.
Let's do a quick comparison.

Sanders has leeched off the taxpayers for 40 years
Trump has been a large taxpayer for 40 years

Sanders is the ultimate insider- 40 years of stuffing himself at the public trough, wholly reliant on special interests for entire campaign
Trump is the ultimate outsider- self financing, beholden to no special interests

Sanders has a net worth of less than 500K- after a lifetime of work he has nothing- he's a total loser
Trump has a net worth of between $5-10 BILLION

Sanders has no support from blacks
Trump is getting 25% of the black vote

Sanders is a disheveled loser that shops at the Goodwill
Trump is an organized winner that dresses for success

yeah- I gotta agree with nate!
Sanders is a parasitic leech who has attached himself to the taxpayers for 40 years. He's a 73 year old failure who has no original ideas, no money, and no chance. He's a bum.
I'm surprised at your assessment of Bernie Sanders which flatly implies the constituents who continually support him are stupidly naive.

Sanders is exactly what America needs and it's sad to see you don't know that.

if the shoe fits.....

Sanders is a parasite who's sucked off the government tit for his entire lifetime. He's done nothing and accomplished less. He's worked in the public sector and Congress for 40 years earning a comparatively large salary ($174,000/yr) with generous benefits and only has net worth of $500K at age 73. He's a loser that has no clue how to manage his own finances. His entire campaign can be summed up in three words: FREE!!! FREE!! FREE!!

I believe his popularity is mainly because Democrats are so hungry for an alternative to hiLIARy that they'll take anyone. Even a socialist crackpot with a resume a thin as a saltine cracker.....
Consider America under Trump.
Consider America under Sanders.

But, wait, you can't! Because, under Sanders, there be NO America. But it could be worse. Democrats might (and pigs might also fly) overcome their hatred of "women" (however putative) and nominate Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky.....
I personally think that points 5, 7 and 9 are the strongest points and point 5 is probably the most overlooked, esp. by the press.

Interesting but I don't think they can be compared at all

This one says it all

10. Trump is a much greater threat to his party establishment.

Bernie is part of the system and Trump is... Trump!

I see Sanders as a threat to old time democrat rule. He is the future of the democratic party. Democratic Socialism. Even if he loses in the GE I think his nomination as the candidate for president will FINALLY push the parties farther apart because to me they are damn near the same on to many big issues.

Obviously you didn't bother to read the cited article.

"It would be a mistake, however, to conclude that Sanders is as threatening to the Democratic establishment as Trump is to the Republican one. Sanders’s policy positions, as I’ve mentioned, are about 95 percent the same as those of a typical liberal Democrat in Congress.'
Not even close. His economic policy is NOT even close to 95% of the democratic party. Him and Warren are the ONLY ones I see with that kind of policy. Oh and 95% of the democratic party are NOT Democratic Socialists.
Let's do a quick comparison.

Sanders has leeched off the taxpayers for 40 years
Trump has been a large taxpayer for 40 years

Sanders is the ultimate insider- 40 years of stuffing himself at the public trough, wholly reliant on special interests for entire campaign
Trump is the ultimate outsider- self financing, beholden to no special interests

Sanders has a net worth of less than 500K- after a lifetime of work he has nothing- he's a total loser
Trump has a net worth of between $5-10 BILLION

Sanders has no support from blacks
Trump is getting 25% of the black vote

Sanders is a disheveled loser that shops at the Goodwill
Trump is an organized winner that dresses for success

yeah- I gotta agree with nate!
You say Sanders has been stuffing himself at the public trough for forty years, then you say he has less than $500k. That's not very effective "stuffing."

But his constituents seem to think he's done a good job, even if you don't.
Bernie one foot in the grave Sanders

I guess no one has pointed out that T-Rump is 2 years older that Hillary?
What does that have to do with Bernie the walking dead Sanders?

You introduced the concept of age and now you are confused by it? :eek:
Not everyone ages the same, stupid. Sanders looks like he's 102 years old. Trump looks like he's in his mid 60's. I know this is probably beyond your comprehension but people of average intelligence or better will understand it.
Sanders is the real deal.

Trump is a joke.
Sanders can't even defend his microphone, how's he gonna defend our country?

Who Trump or Sanders?

It's going to be tough to Trump to defend the country while fucking porn stars...

Don't ya think?
What, you can't read? I said "Sanders"

I don't think it would be any harder than if he was getting blow jobs from interns, don't ya think?
We've just had 7 years of it. All we got for it was another $10 trillion in debt.
The reason for that is Obama's patronizing obligation to the very category which is responsible for our enormous debt.

Bernie Sanders has no such obligation which is why we need him. As this campaigning goes on we will see a lot of money being dedicated to getting rid of Sanders because he is a serious threat to the hoarders.
We've just had 7 years of it. All we got for it was another $10 trillion in debt.
The reason for that is Obama's patronizing obligation to the very category which is responsible for our enormous debt.

Bernie Sanders has no such obligation which is why we need him. As this campaigning goes on we will see a lot of money being dedicated to getting rid of Sanders because he is a serious threat to the hoarders.
So the problem is Obama didnt repudiate the debt?

Are people born this stupid or is it learned somewhere?
Sanders is the real deal.

Trump is a joke.
Sanders can't even defend his microphone, how's he gonna defend our country?

Who Trump or Sanders?

It's going to be tough to Trump to defend the country while fucking porn stars...

Don't ya think?
What, you can't read? I said "Sanders"

I don't think it would be any harder than if he was getting blow jobs from interns, don't ya think?
Thing about Clinton is that he actually put some time in before the blow job.

Went to college, passed the bar, got elected to governor.. tough stuff.

Trump? He came by his wealth by birth right.

He hasn't done shit.
Sanders is the real deal.

Trump is a joke.
Sanders can't even defend his microphone, how's he gonna defend our country?
He cant negotiate with 2 bit terrorists like Black Lives Matter.
How is he going to negotiate with real terrorists like Putin and ISIS?

Seems that Sanders did something uniquely American. He let people speak.

Trump? He does the kind of stuff you saw happening in Germany circa 1933.

He sends out his goons to quiet the opposition.


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