Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Jacksonville? :rofl: :rofl: I know Navy BEGGING to not be transferred there.

Don't put down Jacksonville. There are many, many great Americans there. The worthless pussy humiliating himself here is NOT representative of the people of that great city or the great state it is in.

All I know is the guys calling up their detailers going "NO! Not Jacksonville! Anywhere but there!" Usually a strong indicator.
Anyone that is familiar with the history of Stone Mountain Georgia will appreciate this, fast forward to 1:23.

[ame=]Squidbillies: Laser Show - YouTube[/ame]
Jacksonville? :rofl: :rofl: I know Navy BEGGING to not be transferred there.

Don't put down Jacksonville. There are many, many great Americans there. The worthless pussy humiliating himself here is NOT representative of the people of that great city or the great state it is in.

All I know is the guys calling up their detailers going "NO! Not Jacksonville! Anywhere but there!" Usually a strong indicator.

All I know is that there are many, many great Americans there, and no entire region, state, or city in my country deserves to be put down. Some individual people here and there, sure, but not the whole place (though I'm guilty of using Cambridge and San Francisco as examples of liberal insanity from time to time).
Don't put down Jacksonville. There are many, many great Americans there. The worthless pussy humiliating himself here is NOT representative of the people of that great city or the great state it is in.

All I know is the guys calling up their detailers going "NO! Not Jacksonville! Anywhere but there!" Usually a strong indicator.

All I know is that there are many, many great Americans there, and no entire region, state, or city in my country deserves to be put down. Some individual people here and there, sure, but not the whole place (though I'm guilty of using Cambridge and San Francisco as examples of liberal insanity from time to time).
Fair enough on your part.
No other recent candidate hailing from the party of Lincoln has accused Abraham Lincoln of causing a “senseless” war and ruling with an “iron fist.” Or regarded Ronald Reagan’s presidency a “dramatic failure.” Or proposed the legalization of prostitution and heroin use. Or called America the most “aggressive, extended and expansionist” empire in world history. Or promised to abolish the CIA, depart NATO and withdraw military protection from South Korea. Or blamed terrorism on American militarism, since “they’re terrorists because we’re occupiers.” Or accused the American government of a Sept. 11 “coverup” and called for an investigation headed by Dennis Kucinich. Or described the killing of Osama bin Laden as “absolutely not necessary.” Or affirmed that he would not have sent American troops to Europe to end the Holocaust. Or excused Iranian nuclear ambitions as “natural,” while dismissing evidence of those ambitions as “war propaganda.” Or published a newsletter stating that the 1993 World Trade Center attack might have been “a setup by the Israeli Mossad,” and defending former Ku Klux Klan Grand Wizard David Duke and criticizing the “evil of forced integration.”

Ron Paul’s quest to undo the party of Lincoln - The Washington Post

I kick myself for supporting and donating money to Ron Paul.
You meathead, I would have had to be an adult before 1875 and voting for the GOP.

You bozo.

Me, a yankee? How funny.

Move along, you anti-southern piece of shit.

If you are not a Yankee, Jake, then you are a Scalawag, which is worse, in my book; but then, some people actually like the taste of boot polish (or so I'm told).:lol:

Cheer up Jakey; you can STILL be a scalawag today. I certainly don't want you to feel left out. All you have to do, is turn your back on your ancestors, your heritage, your history, and the majority of your fellow Southerners....oh wait; you did that already. Yep, you're a Scalawag, alright.
"The slaughter was awful. Words cannot describe the scene. The poor, deluded, negroes would run up to our men, fall upon their knees, and with uplifted hands scream for mercy but they were ordered to their feet and then shot down. I, with several others, tried to stop the butchery, and at one time had partially succeeded, but General Forrest ordered them shot down like dogs and the carnage continued. Finally our men became sick of blood and the firing ceased."

Who the hell would want to honor this man?

Carpetbaggers is what Southern Democrats called Republicans after the Civil War. Teabaggers is what modern Democrats call Republicans today. For as much as things have changed, some things have remained the same...

Wrong again (as usual). The term "Carpetbagger" refers specifically to a specific type of Northern Republican (at least in name; most were simple fortune-seekers and swindlers whose political affiliation was a matter of convenience rather than principle), who came South seeking to plunder the South by working for the corrupt Reconstruction governments. Theirs is a record of lying, thievery, bribery, corruption and outright thuggery and terrorism unmatched in the history of America before or since. The Union and Loyal Leagues made the Klan and the various redshirt groups look tame by comparison in the beginning, though the latter soon learned to fight back against them, in what has been called the "Second American Civil War". Do you have even the vaguest concept of just how vile and corrupt the process of so-called Reconstruction was? It was nothing more than an exercise in terrorism and vengeance, conducted for profit. You love the Yankees? Then own their filthy actions with them. All the historical revisionism you can muster up can't change the sordid facts of what they did, and what they did it for. This was the act of the most vengeful evil people to ever pollute the planet with their presence-the hateful, Jacobin, Radical Republicans of New England. No misfortune which might ever befall that lot and their equally disgusting progeny til the end of time could be worse than they deserve! Damn right I hate the North, and the scum who still populate it, and I hate its filthy culture, and a thousand years from now, I hope all descendants of Confederates will hate them with the same ferocity. I'll forgive the Yankees, when the Irish forgive the Brits, and the Jews forgive Hitler!
Damn right I hate the North, and the scum who still populate it, and I hate its filthy culture, and a thousand years from now, I hope all descendants of Confederates will hate them with the same ferocity.

Then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY, YOU UNAMERICAN SCUMBAG. Take your RIDICULOUS hate, shove it up your ass, and go find some other country where you can have it packed nice and hard the way you like it. You're no American, North, South, East, or West. You are just another irrelevant big-mouth loser who will NEVER have the courage of his convictions. Stop pretending to have principles, PUSSY.
Don't you fucking lie about what I believe, you dishonest, bitter little son of a bitch. I have respect and admiration for all my fellow Americans wherever they are from until or unless they give me reason not to. YOU don't even qualify as an American so your worthless ass needs to be deported (or...).

Really? How about Nathan Bedford Forest? How about General Lee? How about all the men who served in the Confederate Army?

Forrest should have been hung or shot for war crimes. Lee got his...they took away his family plantation and turned it into a cemetary for the Union dead.

I note that you did not answer the last part of the question. Before you do, remember that the men who fought for the Confederacy are also American Veterans, by act of congress. (IN 1958, back before modern PC liberals turned the eradication of Confederate history/heritage and the vilification of all things Confederate into a cause' celebre'.)

Your side won a war; doesn't make you right, doesn't make you our moral or intellectual superiors.
"The slaughter was awful. Words cannot describe the scene. The poor, deluded, negroes would run up to our men, fall upon their knees, and with uplifted hands scream for mercy but they were ordered to their feet and then shot down. I, with several others, tried to stop the butchery, and at one time had partially succeeded, but General Forrest ordered them shot down like dogs and the carnage continued. Finally our men became sick of blood and the firing ceased."

Who the hell would want to honor this man?

Carpetbaggers is what Southern Democrats called Republicans after the Civil War. Teabaggers is what modern Democrats call Republicans today. For as much as things have changed, some things have remained the same...

Wrong again (as usual). The term "Carpetbagger" refers specifically to a specific type of Northern Republican (at least in name; most were simple fortune-seekers and swindlers whose political affiliation was a matter of convenience rather than principle), who came South seeking to plunder the South by working for the corrupt Reconstruction governments. Theirs is a record of lying, thievery, bribery, corruption and outright thuggery and terrorism unmatched in the history of America before or since. The Union and Loyal Leagues made the Klan and the various redshirt groups look tame by comparison in the beginning, though the latter soon learned to fight back against them, in what has been called the "Second American Civil War". Do you have even the vaguest concept of just how vile and corrupt the process of so-called Reconstruction was? It was nothing more than an exercise in terrorism and vengeance, conducted for profit. You love the Yankees? Then own their filthy actions with them. All the historical revisionism you can muster up can't change the sordid facts of what they did, and what they did it for. This was the act of the most vengeful evil people to ever pollute the planet with their presence-the hateful, Jacobin, Radical Republicans of New England. No misfortune which might ever befall that lot and their equally disgusting progeny til the end of time could be worse than they deserve! Damn right I hate the North, and the scum who still populate it, and I hate its filthy culture, and a thousand years from now, I hope all descendants of Confederates will hate them with the same ferocity. I'll forgive the Yankees, when the Irish forgive the Brits, and the Jews forgive Hitler!

What you are condoning is despicable and reprehensible on every level. You are beyond human excrement. You champion the side of history that sought to deny blacks suffrage and citizenship, the side of history that fought to deny blacks their constitutional rights.

You sir, are the scum.
Damn right I hate the North, and the scum who still populate it, and I hate its filthy culture, and a thousand years from now, I hope all descendants of Confederates will hate them with the same ferocity.

Then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY, YOU UNAMERICAN SCUMBAG. Take your RIDICULOUS hate, shove it up your ass, and go find some other country where you can have it packed nice and hard the way you like it. You're no American, North, South, East, or West. You are just another irrelevant big-mouth loser who will NEVER have the courage of his convictions. Stop pretending to have principles, PUSSY.

Careful there, Yankee, before you start foaming at the mouth...:lol:You want us out, you let us vote on it. We'll likely vote to leave. See how simple that is?
Really? How about Nathan Bedford Forest? How about General Lee? How about all the men who served in the Confederate Army?

Forrest should have been hung or shot for war crimes. Lee got his...they took away his family plantation and turned it into a cemetary for the Union dead.

I note that you did not answer the last part of the question. Before you do, remember that the men who fought for the Confederacy are also American Veterans, by act of congress. (IN 1958, back before modern PC liberals turned the eradication of Confederate history/heritage and the vilification of all things Confederate into a cause' celebre'.)

Your side won a war; doesn't make you right, doesn't make you our moral or intellectual superiors.

Using your stunningly simplistic logic Native Americans, betrayed by many American politicians but most notably Andrew Jackson, should be bitching and whining about the atrocities committed against them.

I'm certain that if blacks had treated whites in the same manner you would be droning on and on about reparations now.

History is wrought with atrocities and injustices--to sit there and act like you are special, or your cause is unique is naive and incredibly ignorant.
Damn right I hate the North, and the scum who still populate it, and I hate its filthy culture, and a thousand years from now, I hope all descendants of Confederates will hate them with the same ferocity.

Then GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY COUNTRY, YOU UNAMERICAN SCUMBAG. Take your RIDICULOUS hate, shove it up your ass, and go find some other country where you can have it packed nice and hard the way you like it. You're no American, North, South, East, or West. You are just another irrelevant big-mouth loser who will NEVER have the courage of his convictions. Stop pretending to have principles, PUSSY.

Careful there, Yankee, before you start foaming at the mouth...:lol:You want us out, you let us vote on it. We'll likely vote to leave. See how simple that is?

Who the hell is 'us'? Are you just trying to comfort yourself by attempting to believe you aren't a extreme minority?
Wikipedia said:
In 1875, Forrest demonstrated that his personal sentiments on the issue of race now differed from that of the Klan, when he was invited to give a speech before an organization of black Southerners advocating racial reconciliation, called the Independent Order of Pole-Bearers Association. At this, his last public appearance, he made what the New York Times described as a "friendly speech"[10] during which, when offered a bouquet of flowers by a black woman, he accepted them as a token of reconciliation between the races and espoused a radically progressive (for the time) agenda of equality and harmony between black and white Americans.

If the guy eventually became progressive enough to denounce the views of the Klan, I'm cool with that. Same thing happened to Robert Byrd, and I'm cool with that too. Once a Klan member, not always a Klan member if you denounce the views and organization and you actually embrace what you once hated.

There's a lot of hypocrisy on this issue, from the left and the right.
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"The slaughter was awful. Words cannot describe the scene. The poor, deluded, negroes would run up to our men, fall upon their knees, and with uplifted hands scream for mercy but they were ordered to their feet and then shot down. I, with several others, tried to stop the butchery, and at one time had partially succeeded, but General Forrest ordered them shot down like dogs and the carnage continued. Finally our men became sick of blood and the firing ceased."

Who the hell would want to honor this man?

Carpetbaggers is what Southern Democrats called Republicans after the Civil War. Teabaggers is what modern Democrats call Republicans today. For as much as things have changed, some things have remained the same...

Wrong again (as usual). The term "Carpetbagger" refers specifically to a specific type of Northern Republican (at least in name; most were simple fortune-seekers and swindlers whose political affiliation was a matter of convenience rather than principle), who came South seeking to plunder the South by working for the corrupt Reconstruction governments. Theirs is a record of lying, thievery, bribery, corruption and outright thuggery and terrorism unmatched in the history of America before or since. The Union and Loyal Leagues made the Klan and the various redshirt groups look tame by comparison in the beginning, though the latter soon learned to fight back against them, in what has been called the "Second American Civil War". Do you have even the vaguest concept of just how vile and corrupt the process of so-called Reconstruction was? It was nothing more than an exercise in terrorism and vengeance, conducted for profit. You love the Yankees? Then own their filthy actions with them. All the historical revisionism you can muster up can't change the sordid facts of what they did, and what they did it for. This was the act of the most vengeful evil people to ever pollute the planet with their presence-the hateful, Jacobin, Radical Republicans of New England. No misfortune which might ever befall that lot and their equally disgusting progeny til the end of time could be worse than they deserve! Damn right I hate the North, and the scum who still populate it, and I hate its filthy culture, and a thousand years from now, I hope all descendants of Confederates will hate them with the same ferocity. I'll forgive the Yankees, when the Irish forgive the Brits, and the Jews forgive Hitler!

What you are condoning is despicable and reprehensible on every level. You are beyond human excrement. You champion the side of history that sought to deny blacks suffrage and citizenship, the side of history that fought to deny blacks their constitutional rights.

You sir, are the scum.
Blacks have all those things , do they not? Do you see me advocating taking those things away from them? No, you do not. Now, what's wrong with letting the people of the Southern states (or any other state) vote on whether they wish to remain in your union, or not? Have we not the right to self-determination and self-government?
Wikipedia said:
In 1875, Forrest demonstrated that his personal sentiments on the issue of race now differed from that of the Klan, when he was invited to give a speech before an organization of black Southerners advocating racial reconciliation, called the Independent Order of Pole-Bearers Association. At this, his last public appearance, he made what the New York Times described as a "friendly speech"[10] during which, when offered a bouquet of flowers by a black woman, he accepted them as a token of reconciliation between the races and espoused a radically progressive (for the time) agenda of equality and harmony between black and white Americans.

If the guy eventually became progressive enough to denounce the views of the Klan, I'm cool with that. Same thing happened to Robert Byrd, and I'm cool with that too. Once a Klan member, not always a Klan member if you denounce the views and organization and you actually embrace what you once hated.

There's a lot of hypocrisy on this issue, from the left and the right.

Horseshit, Robert Byrd was a disgusting human being. Republicans ostracized David Duke, Democrats embraced and celebrate Byrd who was a known recruiter of the KKK, filibustered--along side Al Gore Sr.--the Civil Rights Act and said ****** on NATIONAL television in 2000 (the media and the Congressional Black Caucus did not say a damned word).

[ame=]Senator Robert Byrd says "white *******" on TV - YouTube[/ame]
Wrong again (as usual). The term "Carpetbagger" refers specifically to a specific type of Northern Republican (at least in name; most were simple fortune-seekers and swindlers whose political affiliation was a matter of convenience rather than principle), who came South seeking to plunder the South by working for the corrupt Reconstruction governments. Theirs is a record of lying, thievery, bribery, corruption and outright thuggery and terrorism unmatched in the history of America before or since. The Union and Loyal Leagues made the Klan and the various redshirt groups look tame by comparison in the beginning, though the latter soon learned to fight back against them, in what has been called the "Second American Civil War". Do you have even the vaguest concept of just how vile and corrupt the process of so-called Reconstruction was? It was nothing more than an exercise in terrorism and vengeance, conducted for profit. You love the Yankees? Then own their filthy actions with them. All the historical revisionism you can muster up can't change the sordid facts of what they did, and what they did it for. This was the act of the most vengeful evil people to ever pollute the planet with their presence-the hateful, Jacobin, Radical Republicans of New England. No misfortune which might ever befall that lot and their equally disgusting progeny til the end of time could be worse than they deserve! Damn right I hate the North, and the scum who still populate it, and I hate its filthy culture, and a thousand years from now, I hope all descendants of Confederates will hate them with the same ferocity. I'll forgive the Yankees, when the Irish forgive the Brits, and the Jews forgive Hitler!

What you are condoning is despicable and reprehensible on every level. You are beyond human excrement. You champion the side of history that sought to deny blacks suffrage and citizenship, the side of history that fought to deny blacks their constitutional rights.

You sir, are the scum.
Blacks have all those things , do they not? Do you see me advocating taking those things away from them? No, you do not. Now, what's wrong with letting the people of the Southern states (or any other state) vote on whether they wish to remain in your union, or not? Have we not the right to self-determination and self-government?

We are a nation governed by laws. Even after the Civil War ended those southern states that you believe were wronged so, passed laws that denied blacks their Constitutional rights. The first gun control laws in America were passed by those oppressed southern states.

Blacks have all of those things because the unAmerican southern states that stood in defiance of the rule of law and the Constitution lost the Civil War. You are defending the side of history that fought to deny them those rights, and by default yes you are advocating that it was wrong, morally and historically, for them to be given those rights.

Again, you are a simplistic mental midget.

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