Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

You hate us to this day and you make it plain.

YOU do not represent 'The South' and I do not represent 'The North.' I have been addressing YOU as an individual. Try to grow a sack and face the world for yourself for once. I most certainly do not "hate" my fellow Americans from any part of the country. I hold traitorous scum like YOU in contempt because of your low character and anti-americanism.
No self respecting son or daughter of the South accepts The Gadfly as one of their own.

Merely a bug stain on the floor.

Yeah, right, Fakey, everyone in the South believes you are an authority on what self-respecting Southerners accept.

You can't buy better entertainment than this forum!
Bummer. Shouldn't have started the war, should they?

Lincoln started the war, nitwit.

Lincoln fired the first shot? You were home the South...weren't you?

That explains SOOOOO much.

Lincoln sent ships to resupply Fort Sumter. Those ships had to cross into Carolina territorial waters. Sailing into the waters of a foreign sovereign nation, especially when it has expressly forbidden you to do so, is an act of war.

Lincoln started the war, nitwit. Your failure to understand that shows precisely how ignorant you are.
Fort Sumter did not belong to the short-lived CSA....of course, not surprised that they would steal it thru violence.

Didn't work against Fort Pickens, did it?

And in a few years, the South got what it richly deserved.

You just can't resist showing everyone what a stupid, warmongering, bloodthirsty, piece of crap you are, can you?
Fort Sumter did not belong to the short-lived CSA....of course, not surprised that they would steal it thru violence.

Didn't work against Fort Pickens, did it?

And in a few years, the South got what it richly deserved.

You just can't resist showing everyone what a stupid, warmongering, bloodthirsty, piece of crap you are, can you?

As you support Fort stealing, slave owning traitors.
Wasn't a founding member dumb fuck.He was its first leader and actually disbanded the Klan in the late 1860's.You should just admit you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground and just be on your way.

Oh, excuse me. I suppose in your mind there is a huge difference.

I am having a hard time believing that there are really this many people that defend Nathan Bedford Forrest.

That's because you are a scumbag Yankee carpet bagger asshole who doesn't give a crap about the facts because you have to hold on to the myth that the war against the Southern states was a noble cause even though all the evidence indicates otherwise.
Fort Sumter did not belong to the short-lived CSA....of course, not surprised that they would steal it thru violence.

Didn't work against Fort Pickens, did it?

And in a few years, the South got what it richly deserved.

You just can't resist showing everyone what a stupid, warmongering, bloodthirsty, piece of crap you are, can you?

You are arguing the supposed injustices committed against a rogue bunch of states that fought and spat on the Constitution of the United States--insisting that a Confederate general that was a leader in the KKK and committed mass murder against black Union soldiers should be given the honor of a statue--and you are calling someone stupid!?!?

Tell us all how Lincoln was a war criminal, and how the South will rise again.

You are the stupid one.
Wasn't a founding member dumb fuck.He was its first leader and actually disbanded the Klan in the late 1860's.You should just admit you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground and just be on your way.

Oh, excuse me. I suppose in your mind there is a huge difference.

I am having a hard time believing that there are really this many people that defend Nathan Bedford Forrest.

That's because you are a scumbag Yankee carpet bagger asshole who doesn't give a crap about the facts because you have to hold on to the myth that the war against the Southern states was a noble cause even though all the evidence indicates otherwise.

You wouldn't recognize the word "Noble" if it were tattoo'd backwards on your forehead.

you call Southerners who love their states and native soil "traitors" and "scum", because we refuse to talk, act, live, believe and vote the way you demand. .

Don't try to misrepresent ME, you traitorous scumbag. And stop saying "we." I am talking about YOU. Maybe you are one of those far-left liberals who cannot see anyone except as part of some conveniently defined group?

You're a coward and a fool.
I would also like to point out that these people proclaiming the praises of the Confederacy are all Ron Paul supporters--one of the reasons why I stopped supporting him. His staff has written time and time about how Lincoln was a war criminal and how the south was wronged, and shockingly his rhetoric is tinged with antisemitism and racism.
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You hate us to this day and you make it plain.

YOU do not represent 'The South' and I do not represent 'The North.' I have been addressing YOU as an individual. Try to grow a sack and face the world for yourself for once. I most certainly do not "hate" my fellow Americans from any part of the country. I hold traitorous scum like YOU in contempt because of your low character and anti-americanism.

You obviously do hate Americans who lived in the Southern states. You still do.

Who do you think you're fooling?
Fort Sumter did not belong to the short-lived CSA....of course, not surprised that they would steal it thru violence.

Didn't work against Fort Pickens, did it?

And in a few years, the South got what it richly deserved.

You just can't resist showing everyone what a stupid, warmongering, bloodthirsty, piece of crap you are, can you?

As you support Fort stealing, slave owning traitors.

"Fort stealing," whatever that is, certainly isn't an act of war. Neither is owning slaves.

Lincoln the tyrant was the traitor.
Your Glorious Union as defined by Lincoln and Co.

It is our glorious union. Drag your ass to the beach and start swimming if you don't like it.

Start swimming yourself, asshole. Your union is about as glorious as the former Soviet Union. Lincoln was a tyrant who murdered thousands of Americans and wiped his ass on the Constitution.

You give the entire South a bad name, you redneck hick piece of shit. The Civil War is over, has been for quit sometime, but you keep fighting the good fight. One day, we can return to segregation and slavery.
It is our glorious union. Drag your ass to the beach and start swimming if you don't like it.

Start swimming yourself, asshole. Your union is about as glorious as the former Soviet Union.

Fuck you, douche. The United States is here. You don't like it, get the fuck out. We don't need you.

Tough shit, asshole. Until you and the rest of the Obama worshiping vermin attain total power, you'll have to put up with me.

Sucks, don't it?

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