Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Bummer. Shouldn't have started the war, should they?

Lincoln started the war, nitwit.

The Southern states fired on the US Flag

How despicable

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Forrest considered blacks to be subhuman, on par with cattle, and committed the most horrendous acts of disgusting murder. You believe he deserves a monument? Why not giving a monument to the KKK's bombing of 16th Street Baptist Church you ignorant piece of shit.

Solders in the Union army also considered blacks to be subhuman, on par with cattle. They also raped and murdered blacks.

I always laugh when carpetbaggers like you get on your high horse and feign of moral superiority. It's utterly hysterical.

Interesting you have a link?

I would like to read more

For starters, google Col. J. B. Turchin (a/k/a Ivan Turchin) and the charges against him at Court Martial for the sack of the town of Athens, AL, in 1862. These are neatly listed in a Decatur Daily News article which should show up in such a search, and in the U.S. War Department's Own "Official Records=War of the Rebellion", commonly called the "OR" by historians (a primary historical source, though a difficult one to search as it is quite voluminous). You should find this enlightening, and I can find plenty more given a couple of days to find the appropriate citations in the OR. The U.S. Army, whatever it said, apparently approved of Turchin's actions, as they subsequently promoted the criminal. In any case, they were not above documenting their own war crimes, in disgusting detail, in the OR, and there is a copious selection to choose from, the majority involving slaves or free Blacks.
Bummer. Shouldn't have started the war, should they?

Lincoln started the war, nitwit.

The Southern states fired on the US Flag

How despicable


It ought to be obvious, even to you, that no nation, however young, would tolerate a fort occupied by troops of a self-declared hostile power in the middle of its primary harbor! Major Anderson was repeatedly implored (very politely) to vacate the fort, peacefully. After he repeatedly refused (on Lincoln's orders) the South Carolina batteries shelled it, only enough to make clear they would take it by force if necessary. Anderson surrendered, after which he and his men were treated, not as prisoners, but as honored guests, until passage North could be arranged for them. The few Union wounded were given the best of care, and there was only one fatality, which occurred when one of the forts own guns blew up, in firing a final salute. Some "aggression"! Compare that with Mr. Lincoln's stated intent (and later, failed attempt) to march an army across a non-belligerent sovereign state to attack the territory of another state. Do bear in mind that at the time, most Americans considered themselves citizens of their state first, and Americans second.
Me, a yankee? How funny.

Move along, you anti-southern piece of shit.

No self respecting son or daughter of the South accepts The Gadfly as one of their own.

Merely a bug stain on the floor.

YOU don't tell us who to accept or not accept, Yankee!

If you are not a Yankee, Jake, then you are a Scalawag, which is worse, in my book; but then, some people actually like the taste of boot polish (or so I'm told).:lol:
Lincoln started the war, nitwit.

The Southern states fired on the US Flag

How despicable


It ought to be obvious, even to you, that no nation, however young, would tolerate a fort occupied by troops of a self-declared hostile power in the middle of its primary harbor! Major Anderson was repeatedly implored (very politely) to vacate the fort, peacefully. After he repeatedly refused (on Lincoln's orders) the South Carolina batteries shelled it, only enough to make clear they would take it by force if necessary. Anderson surrendered, after which he and his men were treated, not as prisoners, but as honored guests, until passage North could be arranged for them. The few Union wounded were given the best of care, and there was only one fatality, which occurred when one of the forts own guns blew up, in firing a final salute. Some "aggression"! Compare that with Mr. Lincoln's stated intent (and later, failed attempt) to march an army across a non-belligerent sovereign state to attack the territory of another state. Do bear in mind that at the time, most Americans considered themselves citizens of their state first, and Americans second.

Fort Sumter did not belong to the short-lived CSA....of course, not surprised that they would steal it thru violence.

Didn't work against Fort Pickens, did it?

And in a few years, the South got what it richly deserved.
Lincoln started the war, nitwit.

The Southern states fired on the US Flag

How despicable


It ought to be obvious, even to you, that no nation, however young, would tolerate a fort occupied by troops of a self-declared hostile power in the middle of its primary harbor! Major Anderson was repeatedly implored (very politely) to vacate the fort, peacefully. After he repeatedly refused (on Lincoln's orders) the South Carolina batteries shelled it, only enough to make clear they would take it by force if necessary. Anderson surrendered, after which he and his men were treated, not as prisoners, but as honored guests, until passage North could be arranged for them. The few Union wounded were given the best of care, and there was only one fatality, which occurred when one of the forts own guns blew up, in firing a final salute. Some "aggression"! Compare that with Mr. Lincoln's stated intent (and later, failed attempt) to march an army across a non-belligerent sovereign state to attack the territory of another state. Do bear in mind that at the time, most Americans considered themselves citizens of their state first, and Americans second.

They fired on the Stars and Stripes.......Traitors
"The slaughter was awful. Words cannot describe the scene. The poor, deluded, negroes would run up to our men, fall upon their knees, and with uplifted hands scream for mercy but they were ordered to their feet and then shot down. I, with several others, tried to stop the butchery, and at one time had partially succeeded, but General Forrest ordered them shot down like dogs and the carnage continued. Finally our men became sick of blood and the firing ceased."

Who the hell would want to honor this man?

Where did this supposed quote come from, some Yankee carpetbagger?

Carpetbaggers is what Southern Democrats called Republicans after the Civil War. Teabaggers is what modern Democrats call Republicans today. For as much as things have changed, some things have remained the same...

Yep, nothing has changed. The moral crusaders always turn out to be the biggest hypocrites and scumbags in the universe.

Are you seriously defending one of the founding member of the Ku Klux Klan? Carpetbagger? You are incredibly stupid.
Wasn't a founding member dumb fuck.He was its first leader and actually disbanded the Klan in the late 1860's.You should just admit you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground and just be on your way.
Wasn't a founding member dumb fuck.He was its first leader and actually disbanded the Klan in the late 1860's.You should just admit you don't know your ass from a hole in the ground and just be on your way.

Oh, excuse me. I suppose in your mind there is a huge difference.

I am having a hard time believing that there are really this many people that defend Nathan Bedford Forrest.
There is a difference. He didn't found it. Had nothing to do with the founding. He was the leader because his soldiers thought of him as a good leader. He saw what the klan was becoming and shut it down. It was at least in his mind never intended to be used to terrorize people.
You meathead, I would have had to be an adult before 1875 and voting for the GOP.

You bozo.

Me, a yankee? How funny.

Move along, you anti-southern piece of shit.

If you are not a Yankee, Jake, then you are a Scalawag, which is worse, in my book; but then, some people actually like the taste of boot polish (or so I'm told).:lol:

You will have to excuse them...they are victims of a region that will do anything and say anything to deflect from having committed treason all in the name of enslaving other human beings. There's even a name for it...."The Lost Cause".
You call us "traitors" and "worms";.

What's this "us" bullshit? My comments were directed at YOU specifically, you traitorous worm. Don't flatter yourself that you represent 'The South' with your ridiculous nonsense.

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