Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Your ancestors beat, raped and sold the children of other human beings for no other reason than they considered them to be subhuman

It took another 100 years after the Civil war to force them to treat them as equals

Notherners also considered blacks to be sub-human. Free whites opposed slavery only because they didn't want to compete with slave labor. They didn't consider blacks to be their equals. The black codes in Northern states made it almost impossible for free blacks to live there.

Your ancestors are just as guilty

Racism doubt. We mistreated Chinese and Native Americans too. But Slavery was upping the ante to a whole new level.

Now you're splitting hairs to get your ancestors off the hook when they were just as vile as the people you condemn. You even chuckle about them getting murdered by federal troops.

What a fine human being you are.
The North didn't invade the South over slavery, so your crocodile tears are shed in vain.

The North invaded the South because they were attacked by the South. But you would have had the U.S. government roll over and take it. You're like Chamberlain in that regard.

Wrong again. Lincoln was warned not to resupply Fort Sumpter. He had to send federal ships into South Carolina waters to do so. The federal government trespassed on South Carolina territory. That's an act of war. Those who accuse South Carolina of starting the war are simply morons who don't understand international law.

Let's see...the South warns the President of the U.S. to NOT resupply a U.S. facility. And you think it would have been ok for the President of the United States to roll over and obey that warning.

You are Neville Chamberlain reborn. "Peace in our Time!"

The Act of War was in firing on a U.S. military installation. The South declared themselves independent....if they'd really believed that, they would have known they had NO AUTHORITY over a U.S. military installation. They could have negotiated to buy it....but deep down inside, they wanted to provoke a war. They got what they wanted and paid for it. Got off lightly too. If nothing else, Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens should have been hanged.
Of course he did...that is how you deal with traitors

The South had no right to secede.....none

They weren't traitors according to the language in the Consitution, you fucking moron. Lincoln was the tratior.

As soon as they fired on the U.S. Military Installation, they were.

Nope. They fired on tressapassers.

Lincoln was the traitor. He made war on the states. That is defined as treason by the Constutition
Notherners also considered blacks to be sub-human. Free whites opposed slavery only because they didn't want to compete with slave labor. They didn't consider blacks to be their equals. The black codes in Northern states made it almost impossible for free blacks to live there.

Your ancestors are just as guilty

Racism doubt. We mistreated Chinese and Native Americans too. But Slavery was upping the ante to a whole new level.

Now you're splitting hairs to get your ancestors off the hook when they were just as vile as the people you condemn. You even chuckle about them getting murdered by federal troops.

What a fine human being you are.

I don't call people property if that's what you mean.
That is one sick mother fucking post

Defending the right to own property when that property is another human being

That's "presentism" which is an historical fallacy. I doubt you'd care to have your own morality judged by whatever the standard is 150 years from now. Yes, at the time, my ancestors owned slaves, but while they may have thought of them as lesser beings (often viewing them as a childlike race in need of supervision and discipline) they (along with most Southerners) thought it wrong to abuse, neglect, or mistreat slaves, and treated them with considerable kindness, by the standards of the time. Yankee "free soilers", by contrast, hated and despised the Blacks, did not want them anywhere, and the original intent was to deport them all to Africa or South America. Can you truly say one was worse than the other?

Your ancestors beat, raped and sold the children of other human beings for no other reason than they considered them to be subhuman

It took another 100 years after the Civil war to force them to treat them as equals

You're a fucking idiot....

So you buy a slave for $600-700 bucks ($30,000 in modern times) and you beat the fuck out of your investment?? That's like buying a BMW and beating the shit out of it for fun..

Oh and I love how you progressive fucks act like a) the present "evil white man" should be responsible for your exaggerated lies about slavery and b) every "evil white man" has ancestors that partook in slavery....

Guess what asshole? Both sides of my family didn't arrive to the US until the late 19th century.... So I'm getting pretty pissed hearing this stupid shit from progressives like guys my age somehow owe blacks something....

You know what? I'm a Sicilian - blacks loved to rape and enslave us Sicilians, as did the Arabs and any culture in that region.... But hey that is forgivable right???? The only slaves that matter were the ones who were purchased from African tribes by the Dutch and Spanish right??

Why don't you go bitch at the Africans for selling them to the Dutch and Spanish and go bitch at the Spanish and Dutch for trading them to occupants of the New World??

Oh yeah sorry that part of history was probably skipped in your progressive history books..
That's "presentism" which is an historical fallacy. I doubt you'd care to have your own morality judged by whatever the standard is 150 years from now. Yes, at the time, my ancestors owned slaves, but while they may have thought of them as lesser beings (often viewing them as a childlike race in need of supervision and discipline) they (along with most Southerners) thought it wrong to abuse, neglect, or mistreat slaves, and treated them with considerable kindness, by the standards of the time. Yankee "free soilers", by contrast, hated and despised the Blacks, did not want them anywhere, and the original intent was to deport them all to Africa or South America. Can you truly say one was worse than the other?

Your ancestors beat, raped and sold the children of other human beings for no other reason than they considered them to be subhuman

It took another 100 years after the Civil war to force them to treat them as equals

You're a fucking idiot....

So you buy a slave for $600-700 bucks ($30,000 in modern times) and you beat the fuck out of your investment?? That's like buying a BMW and beating the shit out of it for fun..

Oh and I love how you progressive fucks act like a) the present "evil white man" should be responsible for your exaggerated lies about slavery and b) every "evil white man" has ancestors that partook in slavery....

Guess what asshole? Both sides of my family didn't arrive to the US until the late 19th century.... So I'm getting pretty pissed hearing this stupid shit from progressives like guys my age somehow owe blacks something....

You know what? I'm a Sicilian - blacks loved to rape and enslave us Sicilians, as did the Arabs and any culture in that region.... But hey that is forgivable right???? The only slaves that matter were the ones who were purchased from African tribes by the Dutch and Spanish right??

Why don't you go bitch at the Africans for selling them to the Dutch and Spanish and go bitch at the Spanish and Dutch for trading them to occupants of the New World??

Oh yeah sorry that part of history was probably skipped in your progressive history books..

You mean the Portuguese first, right? Didn't you get an education? Wait....what am I saying? Mr. education? :lmao:
Your stupidity defies comprehension. Slavery was legal. It was even enshrined in the Constitution. Northern police helped enfore slavery by returning run-away slaves to their owners.

Not only that but blacks weren't the only slaves - there were many slaves of other races including Europeans...

You mean indentured servants. Contracts signed for $$$ and temporary, not generational.

Hardly the same....but if you want to....point out the European slaves freed with the Civil War.

You know why they were indentured slaves on contracts as much as 10+ years??? because they weren't property and entered into an agreement.... Slaves were property because they were purchased when they got off the boat.....

Now I have no idea as to why the children born in the US of slaves off the boat were not freed...

Lets also not forget there were plenty of free black folks in the north that didn't come from a slavery background - they were regular immigrants that paid their ticket on the boat..

Also the notion that slaves were treated poorly is absolute bullshit. I'm not saying some didn't slapped around but the majority were treated respectfully.... Many were just simple servants.... Some plantation owners could be quite brutal but most slaves worked on small farms..... Lets also not forget slaves were expensive - its not like every family could afford one (or want one)....

Truth is slavery has been extremely exaggerated in context...
Now you're splitting hairs to get your ancestors off the hook when they were just as vile as the people you condemn. You even chuckle about them getting murdered by federal troops.

What a fine human being you are.

I don't call people property if that's what you mean.

Your ancestors did. And you wallow in the blood they shed.

I am proud to point out that yes, I did have some ancestors fight on the U.S. side during the Civil War.
Not only that but blacks weren't the only slaves - there were many slaves of other races including Europeans...

You mean indentured servants. Contracts signed for $$$ and temporary, not generational.

Hardly the same....but if you want to....point out the European slaves freed with the Civil War.

You know why they were indentured slaves on contracts as much as 10+ years??? because they weren't property and entered into an agreement.... Slaves were property because they were purchased when they got off the boat.....

Now I have no idea as to why the children born in the US of slaves off the boat were not freed...

Lets also not forget there were plenty of free black folks in the north that didn't come from a slavery background - they were regular immigrants that paid their ticket on the boat..

Also the notion that slaves were treated poorly is absolute bullshit. I'm not saying some didn't slapped around but the majority were treated respectfully.... Many were just simple servants.... Some plantation owners could be quite brutal but most slaves worked on small farms..... Lets also not forget slaves were expensive - its not like every family could afford one (or want one)....

Truth is slavery has been extremely exaggerated in context...
I knew you were stupid, but I honestly had no idea how stupid til I sit here reading your post attempting to equate Indentured Servants with Black Slaves.

Your ancestors beat, raped and sold the children of other human beings for no other reason than they considered them to be subhuman

It took another 100 years after the Civil war to force them to treat them as equals

You're a fucking idiot....

So you buy a slave for $600-700 bucks ($30,000 in modern times) and you beat the fuck out of your investment?? That's like buying a BMW and beating the shit out of it for fun..

Oh and I love how you progressive fucks act like a) the present "evil white man" should be responsible for your exaggerated lies about slavery and b) every "evil white man" has ancestors that partook in slavery....

Guess what asshole? Both sides of my family didn't arrive to the US until the late 19th century.... So I'm getting pretty pissed hearing this stupid shit from progressives like guys my age somehow owe blacks something....

You know what? I'm a Sicilian - blacks loved to rape and enslave us Sicilians, as did the Arabs and any culture in that region.... But hey that is forgivable right???? The only slaves that matter were the ones who were purchased from African tribes by the Dutch and Spanish right??

Why don't you go bitch at the Africans for selling them to the Dutch and Spanish and go bitch at the Spanish and Dutch for trading them to occupants of the New World??

Oh yeah sorry that part of history was probably skipped in your progressive history books..

You mean the Portuguese first, right? Didn't you get an education? Wait....what am I saying? Mr. education? :lmao:

Many countries and cultures partook in the slave trade the Portuguese as well as the French..

Besides, the majority of the Portuguese slave shipments ended up in South America.. You know where the real brutality took place....
Not only that but blacks weren't the only slaves - there were many slaves of other races including Europeans...

You mean indentured servants. Contracts signed for $$$ and temporary, not generational.

Hardly the same....but if you want to....point out the European slaves freed with the Civil War.

You know why they were indentured slaves on contracts as much as 10+ years??? because they weren't property and entered into an agreement.... Slaves were property because they were purchased when they got off the boat.....

Now I have no idea as to why the children born in the US of slaves off the boat were not freed...

Lets also not forget there were plenty of free black folks in the north that didn't come from a slavery background - they were regular immigrants that paid their ticket on the boat..

Also the notion that slaves were treated poorly is absolute bullshit. I'm not saying some didn't slapped around but the majority were treated respectfully.... Many were just simple servants.... Some plantation owners could be quite brutal but most slaves worked on small farms..... Lets also not forget slaves were expensive - its not like every family could afford one (or want one)....

Truth is slavery has been extremely exaggerated in context...

It's really a sad reflection on our society that you would still feel that way

There is a huge difference between someone selling their services and a complete stranger selling your services.

Not only were slaves treated poorly, but blacks as a class were treated poorly for the next 100 years. 3000 lynchings is not respectful treatment

Blacks were treated somewhat civilly as long as they knew their place. They were lower class creatures who were treated as such. Beatings, rapes, bran dings, and the selling of your children were commonplace.
You mean indentured servants. Contracts signed for $$$ and temporary, not generational.

Hardly the same....but if you want to....point out the European slaves freed with the Civil War.

You know why they were indentured slaves on contracts as much as 10+ years??? because they weren't property and entered into an agreement.... Slaves were property because they were purchased when they got off the boat.....

Now I have no idea as to why the children born in the US of slaves off the boat were not freed...

Lets also not forget there were plenty of free black folks in the north that didn't come from a slavery background - they were regular immigrants that paid their ticket on the boat..

Also the notion that slaves were treated poorly is absolute bullshit. I'm not saying some didn't slapped around but the majority were treated respectfully.... Many were just simple servants.... Some plantation owners could be quite brutal but most slaves worked on small farms..... Lets also not forget slaves were expensive - its not like every family could afford one (or want one)....

Truth is slavery has been extremely exaggerated in context...
I knew you were stupid, but I honestly had no idea how stupid til I sit here reading your post attempting to equate Indentured Servants with Black Slaves.


You do realize many indentured "servants" were slaves for life right or at least until they were too old to use????

Not only did they have to pay the transportation debt off but when they arrived they had to pay for their food, room and board, clothing, medical expenses etc....... Most servants had to take their master to court to get out of the debt. That was a bold move considering they would pretty much be screwed for life if they lost their claim....

Black slaves were able to take the same legal route but they needed a white sponsor that was willing to buy them at "fair market value"...
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You know why they were indentured slaves on contracts as much as 10+ years??? because they weren't property and entered into an agreement.... Slaves were property because they were purchased when they got off the boat.....

Now I have no idea as to why the children born in the US of slaves off the boat were not freed...

Lets also not forget there were plenty of free black folks in the north that didn't come from a slavery background - they were regular immigrants that paid their ticket on the boat..

Also the notion that slaves were treated poorly is absolute bullshit. I'm not saying some didn't slapped around but the majority were treated respectfully.... Many were just simple servants.... Some plantation owners could be quite brutal but most slaves worked on small farms..... Lets also not forget slaves were expensive - its not like every family could afford one (or want one)....

Truth is slavery has been extremely exaggerated in context...
I knew you were stupid, but I honestly had no idea how stupid til I sit here reading your post attempting to equate Indentured Servants with Black Slaves.


You do realize many indentured "servants" were slaves for life right or at least until they were too old to use????

Not only did they have to pay the transportation debt off but when they arrived they had to pay for their food, room and board, clothing, medical expenses etc....... Most servants had to take their master to court to get out of the debt. That was a bold move considering they would pretty much be screwed for life if they lost their claim....

Black slaves were able to take the same legal route but they needed a white sponsor that was willing to buy them at "fair market value"...

ONLY if they contracted to do that. us where black slaves had the option to make such contracts..... us where black slaves had the option to even GO to court.
(1) no slavery in the territories
(2) no usurpation of federal possessions in the southern states (i.e., Ft Sumter)
(3) acceptance of constitutional, electoral process (i.e., Lincoln and the GOP won the election)

Instead, the morons leading the south fired on Old Glory, spit on the patriots of the War of Independence, and, as a result, northern and western democrats and republicans rose in their righteous wrath and slew the old south.

Good riddance to bad rubbish. And . . . should southern trash or anyone else try it again, the result will be no different, but this time instead of the Keys, you idiots will be sitting in Gitmo if you live.
You mean indentured servants. Contracts signed for $$$ and temporary, not generational.

Hardly the same....but if you want to....point out the European slaves freed with the Civil War.

You know why they were indentured slaves on contracts as much as 10+ years??? because they weren't property and entered into an agreement.... Slaves were property because they were purchased when they got off the boat.....

Now I have no idea as to why the children born in the US of slaves off the boat were not freed...

Lets also not forget there were plenty of free black folks in the north that didn't come from a slavery background - they were regular immigrants that paid their ticket on the boat..

Also the notion that slaves were treated poorly is absolute bullshit. I'm not saying some didn't slapped around but the majority were treated respectfully.... Many were just simple servants.... Some plantation owners could be quite brutal but most slaves worked on small farms..... Lets also not forget slaves were expensive - its not like every family could afford one (or want one)....

Truth is slavery has been extremely exaggerated in context...

It's really a sad reflection on our society that you would still feel that way

There is a huge difference between someone selling their services and a complete stranger selling your services.

Not only were slaves treated poorly, but blacks as a class were treated poorly for the next 100 years. 3000 lynchings is not respectful treatment

Blacks were treated somewhat civilly as long as they knew their place. They were lower class creatures who were treated as such. Beatings, rapes, bran dings, and the selling of your children were commonplace.

First off it is not "our" society it was THEIR society......

Not to mention everyone on this planet is a descended from a slave... What makes American slavery any worse than other slavery that has occurred throughout history???

If anything the US practiced the most civil slavery in history....

Slaves weren't a dime a dozen - they were luxuries..... People don't beat the shit out of and rape their luxury assets.....

I'm getting quite sick of progressives portraying slaves as human punching bags and baby factories...
You know why they were indentured slaves on contracts as much as 10+ years??? because they weren't property and entered into an agreement.... Slaves were property because they were purchased when they got off the boat.....

Now I have no idea as to why the children born in the US of slaves off the boat were not freed...

Lets also not forget there were plenty of free black folks in the north that didn't come from a slavery background - they were regular immigrants that paid their ticket on the boat..

Also the notion that slaves were treated poorly is absolute bullshit. I'm not saying some didn't slapped around but the majority were treated respectfully.... Many were just simple servants.... Some plantation owners could be quite brutal but most slaves worked on small farms..... Lets also not forget slaves were expensive - its not like every family could afford one (or want one)....

Truth is slavery has been extremely exaggerated in context...

It's really a sad reflection on our society that you would still feel that way

There is a huge difference between someone selling their services and a complete stranger selling your services.

Not only were slaves treated poorly, but blacks as a class were treated poorly for the next 100 years. 3000 lynchings is not respectful treatment

Blacks were treated somewhat civilly as long as they knew their place. They were lower class creatures who were treated as such. Beatings, rapes, bran dings, and the selling of your children were commonplace.

First off it is not "our" society it was THEIR society......

Not to mention everyone on this planet is a descended from a slave... What makes American slavery any worse than other slavery that has occurred throughout history???

If anything the US practiced the most civil slavery in history....

Slaves weren't a dime a dozen - they were luxuries..... People don't beat the shit out of and rape their luxury assets.....

I'm getting quite sick of progressives portraying slaves as human punching bags and baby factories...

Nick....I'm begging you.


Just leave the thread and pretend it doesn't exist. Your posts embarrass not only you, but everyone in our society. I realize there are still people like you out there......but you are better off not advertising the fact
I knew you were stupid, but I honestly had no idea how stupid til I sit here reading your post attempting to equate Indentured Servants with Black Slaves.


You do realize many indentured "servants" were slaves for life right or at least until they were too old to use????

Not only did they have to pay the transportation debt off but when they arrived they had to pay for their food, room and board, clothing, medical expenses etc....... Most servants had to take their master to court to get out of the debt. That was a bold move considering they would pretty much be screwed for life if they lost their claim....

Black slaves were able to take the same legal route but they needed a white sponsor that was willing to buy them at "fair market value"...

ONLY if they contracted to do that. us where black slaves had the option to make such contracts..... us where black slaves had the option to even GO to court.

Do you not see what they did with indentured servants? They would pay for the boat ride, get of the boat and go to their sponsors home and work - the catch was that they were never able to work off the boat ride because they would be working for room and board, food, medical bills, clothing etc - that's all their work covered....... It only took about 100 years to put an end to that and allow a slave to challenge his or her master....

Now with black slaves - both the slave and his/her sponsor (buyer) could sue the slave owner to force the owner to sell the slave (release) at fair market value... It was really nothing more than a arbitration used to settle slave disputes, however it was used many times to "free" slaves.....
It's really a sad reflection on our society that you would still feel that way

There is a huge difference between someone selling their services and a complete stranger selling your services.

Not only were slaves treated poorly, but blacks as a class were treated poorly for the next 100 years. 3000 lynchings is not respectful treatment

Blacks were treated somewhat civilly as long as they knew their place. They were lower class creatures who were treated as such. Beatings, rapes, bran dings, and the selling of your children were commonplace.

First off it is not "our" society it was THEIR society......

Not to mention everyone on this planet is a descended from a slave... What makes American slavery any worse than other slavery that has occurred throughout history???

If anything the US practiced the most civil slavery in history....

Slaves weren't a dime a dozen - they were luxuries..... People don't beat the shit out of and rape their luxury assets.....

I'm getting quite sick of progressives portraying slaves as human punching bags and baby factories...

Nick....I'm begging you.


Just leave the thread and pretend it doesn't exist. Your posts embarrass not only you, but everyone in our society. I realize there are still people like you out there......but you are better off not advertising the fact


Yeah I only own 20+ books that deal with or address this topic.....

You can go and believe the dog shit they shove down your throat... You know - US slavery was the largest atrocity in modern history and you should feel white guilt over something that happened 150+ years ago.....

Go read a fucking book....

The idea that all slaves were beaten and raped and generally treated with disrespect is total propaganda...... If everyone hated black folks and slaves there would have never been a successful "underground railroad."
You do realize many indentured "servants" were slaves for life right or at least until they were too old to use????

Not only did they have to pay the transportation debt off but when they arrived they had to pay for their food, room and board, clothing, medical expenses etc....... Most servants had to take their master to court to get out of the debt. That was a bold move considering they would pretty much be screwed for life if they lost their claim....

Black slaves were able to take the same legal route but they needed a white sponsor that was willing to buy them at "fair market value"...

ONLY if they contracted to do that. us where black slaves had the option to make such contracts..... us where black slaves had the option to even GO to court.

Do you not see what they did with indentured servants? They would pay for the boat ride, get of the boat and go to their sponsors home and work - the catch was that they were never able to work off the boat ride because they would be working for room and board, food, medical bills, clothing etc - that's all their work covered....... It only took about 100 years to put an end to that and allow a slave to challenge his or her master....

Now with black slaves - both the slave and his/her sponsor (buyer) could sue the slave owner to force the owner to sell the slave (release) at fair market value... It was really nothing more than a arbitration used to settle slave disputes, however it was used many times to "free" slaves.....

Do tell us about the millions of indentured servants who were enslaved involuntarily.
Do tell us about the millions of indentured servants who never had recourse to a court of law.
Do tell us about the millions of indentured servants who were chained, whipped, branded and had curfew laws passed against them.
Do tell us about the millions of indentured servants who were kidnapped from their homes, packed into ships like sardines, and dumped in a new country...forbidden their native language, religion, NAME.
Do tell us about the millions of indentured servants who were slaves for life, were sold at a whim, their children slaves for life and sold at whim.
Do tell us about the millions of indentured servants who were bred for a new generation of indentured servants.
Do tell us about the millions of female indentured servants used as sexual slaves by their masters and their children being slaves for life.

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