Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

Slaves were HUMAN BEINGS being treated like property...let me repeat that...human beings. The Southern slaveholders voluntarily dehumanized themselves and since they had the political power, they dragged the rest of the South into their lazy, dehumanized hell.

To even calmly refer to human beings as property displays a level of evil and acceptance of evil that richly DESERVED all the wrath that modern warfare rained upon the South....actually, they got off easy.

The North didn't invade the South over slavery, so your crocodile tears are shed in vain.
Slaves were HUMAN BEINGS being treated like property...let me repeat that...human beings. The Southern slaveholders voluntarily dehumanized themselves and since they had the political power, they dragged the rest of the South into their lazy, dehumanized hell.

To even calmly refer to human beings as property displays a level of evil and acceptance of evil that richly DESERVED all the wrath that modern warfare rained upon the South....actually, they got off easy.

The North didn't invade the South over slavery, so your crocodile tears are shed in vain.

The south seceded over slavery

Sick fuckers weren't they?
Your stupidity defies comprehension. Slavery was legal. It was even enshrined in the Constitution. Northern police helped enfore slavery by returning run-away slaves to their owners.

Slaves were human beings that the South illegally traded as property. When offered the choice of belonging to the greatest country on earth or own other human beings......They chose slavery

It is a scar on the south to this day
Your stupidity defies comprehension. Slavery was legal. It was even enshrined in the Constitution. Northern police helped enfore slavery by returning run-away slaves to their owners.

Slaves were human beings that the South illegally traded as property. When offered the choice of belonging to the greatest country on earth or own other human beings......They chose slavery

It is a scar on the south to this day

Slavery was legal....doesn't make it right....doesn't make it less evil. The South, in their lazyiness, refused to admit their entire economy was now based on the enslavement and misery of their fellow man....oh....but it was leeeeegaaaaaal....

Not any more it isn't. Tissue?
Slaves were HUMAN BEINGS being treated like property...let me repeat that...human beings. The Southern slaveholders voluntarily dehumanized themselves and since they had the political power, they dragged the rest of the South into their lazy, dehumanized hell.

To even calmly refer to human beings as property displays a level of evil and acceptance of evil that richly DESERVED all the wrath that modern warfare rained upon the South....actually, they got off easy.

The North didn't invade the South over slavery, so your crocodile tears are shed in vain.

The south seceded over slavery

Sick fuckers weren't they?

The Slave owners were evil...and they deserved everything they got. And more. The North had every right to arm the released slaves and let them have at it for a while.
The bottom line is that Lincoln had no authority to invade the Southern states - none. The Civil war was entirely the fault of greedy Yankee carpet baggers who wanted to impose crushing taxes on the South to finance their merchantilist schemes.

The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former

Of course he did...that is how you deal with traitors

The South had no right to secede.....none

No he had no right and there would have been no Civil War if the government compensated slave owners for their "property."

You do realize people invested in slaves - they bought them - they were assets and the government wanted to take their assets...

What would you say if government tried to ban foreign cars and wanted to seize them and you owned a car dealership??

Oh yeah you would be financially wrecked....
Your ancestors beat, raped and sold the children of other human beings for no other reason than they considered them to be subhuman

It took another 100 years after the Civil war to force them to treat them as equals

Notherners also considered blacks to be sub-human. Free whites opposed slavery only because they didn't want to compete with slave labor. They didn't consider blacks to be their equals. The black codes in Northern states made it almost impossible for free blacks to live there.

Your ancestors are just as guilty
Slaves were HUMAN BEINGS being treated like property...let me repeat that...human beings. The Southern slaveholders voluntarily dehumanized themselves and since they had the political power, they dragged the rest of the South into their lazy, dehumanized hell.

To even calmly refer to human beings as property displays a level of evil and acceptance of evil that richly DESERVED all the wrath that modern warfare rained upon the South....actually, they got off easy.

The North didn't invade the South over slavery, so your crocodile tears are shed in vain.

The North invaded the South because they were attacked by the South. But you would have had the U.S. government roll over and take it. You're like Chamberlain in that regard.
Your ancestors beat, raped and sold the children of other human beings for no other reason than they considered them to be subhuman

It took another 100 years after the Civil war to force them to treat them as equals

Notherners also considered blacks to be sub-human. Free whites opposed slavery only because they didn't want to compete with slave labor. They didn't consider blacks to be their equals. The black codes in Northern states made it almost impossible for free blacks to live there.

Your ancestors are just as guilty

Racism doubt. We mistreated Chinese and Native Americans too. But Slavery was upping the ante to a whole new level.
Your stupidity defies comprehension. Slavery was legal. It was even enshrined in the Constitution. Northern police helped enfore slavery by returning run-away slaves to their owners.

Slaves were human beings that the South illegally traded as property. When offered the choice of belonging to the greatest country on earth or own other human beings......They chose slavery

It is a scar on the south to this day

Not only that but blacks weren't the only slaves - there were many slaves of other races including Europeans...

If one really wanted to come to the US from Europe and couldn't pay - they would take you but then you would be an indentured slave until you worked your debt off.. That was common.
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Your stupidity defies comprehension. Slavery was legal. It was even enshrined in the Constitution. Northern police helped enfore slavery by returning run-away slaves to their owners.

Slaves were human beings that the South illegally traded as property. When offered the choice of belonging to the greatest country on earth or own other human beings......They chose slavery

It is a scar on the south to this day

Not only that but blacks weren't the only slaves - there were many slaves of other races including Europeans...

You mean indentured servants. Contracts signed for $$$ and temporary, not generational.

Hardly the same....but if you want to....point out the European slaves freed with the Civil War.
A false analogy deflection as well as tu quoque. Neither work. Both sides commit war crimes so we can't condemn either side. Of course we can.

We are talking about the asshole Bedford Forrest here.

The asshole William Tecumsah Sherman murderd 50,000 civilians on his march to the sea. Not to mention all the rape, theft, property destruction and looting they reveled in - under orders.

Your crodcodile tears about the inhabitants of Fort Pillow aren't fooling anyone.

The South got off easy...Sherman should have turned West too and marched to Texas along the Deep South.

ROFL! You're a real war mongering piece of shit. You know that?

I'll bet you're one of those hypocrites who constantly cries about Iraqis killed during the war.
The asshole William Tecumsah Sherman murderd 50,000 civilians on his march to the sea. Not to mention all the rape, theft, property destruction and looting they reveled in - under orders.

Your crodcodile tears about the inhabitants of Fort Pillow aren't fooling anyone.

The South got off easy...Sherman should have turned West too and marched to Texas along the Deep South.

ROFL! You're a real war mongering piece of shit. You know that?

I'll bet you're one of those hypocrites who constantly cries about Iraqis killed during the war.

Texas could have used a healthy dose of what Sherman did to Georgia. As for Iraq, we had less reason for invading than the North had for invading the South, but once we were there....meh....War is Hell. Haven't you heard?
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The bottom line is that Lincoln had no authority to invade the Southern states - none. The Civil war was entirely the fault of greedy Yankee carpet baggers who wanted to impose crushing taxes on the South to finance their merchantilist schemes.

Of course he did...that is how you deal with traitors

The South had no right to secede.....none

They weren't traitors according to the language in the Consitution, you fucking moron. Lincoln was the tratior.
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The bottom line is that Lincoln had no authority to invade the Southern states - none. The Civil war was entirely the fault of greedy Yankee carpet baggers who wanted to impose crushing taxes on the South to finance their merchantilist schemes.

Of course he did...that is how you deal with traitors

The South had no right to secede.....none

They weren't traitors according to the language in the Consitution, you fucking moron. Lincoln was the tratior.

As soon as they fired on the U.S. Military Installation, they were.
The North wasn't fighting to free the slaves. Lincoln said so on many occasions. so that argument is a non sequitur.

I would call anyone who fought to enslave their fellow man "traitors" and "scum"....yes. You disagree.

At first, you are correct. But the South was fighting to keep slavery intact AND to have the right to expand it.....they fought for Evil. .

Wrong again. The South was fighting an illegal invasion from the North. End of story.

They called down the whirlwind....and got off easy regardless.

You're obviously just a stupid bloodthisrty Yankee carpetbagger moron.
Slaves were HUMAN BEINGS being treated like property...let me repeat that...human beings. The Southern slaveholders voluntarily dehumanized themselves and since they had the political power, they dragged the rest of the South into their lazy, dehumanized hell.

To even calmly refer to human beings as property displays a level of evil and acceptance of evil that richly DESERVED all the wrath that modern warfare rained upon the South....actually, they got off easy.

The North didn't invade the South over slavery, so your crocodile tears are shed in vain.

The North invaded the South because they were attacked by the South. But you would have had the U.S. government roll over and take it. You're like Chamberlain in that regard.

Wrong again. Lincoln was warned not to resupply Fort Sumpter. He had to send federal ships into South Carolina waters to do so. The federal government trespassed on South Carolina territory. That's an act of war. Those who accuse South Carolina of starting the war are simply morons who don't understand international law.

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