Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

The southern states seized federal property.

It was in the territory of South Carolina. Do you think if the U.S. government owned some property in Venezuela and the government of Venezuela sized it that Obama would have the right to send in the bombers?

The union army invaded nothing, simply reacquired constitutional, electoral control of the dumbos at the point of a bayonet. What a bunch of idiots.

Lincoln had no constitutional authority to raise an army without the authorization of Congress and send it into any state of the union to attack the citizens of that state.

So, if Cuba seized GITMO, you'd find it acceptable. Good to know you are an appeaser.
Yeah, you believe in "freedom and the right of self-determination" for everyone in the world except Southern Americans whose territory you STILL occupy, by force. Damn Yankee hypocrites! What's the matter? Afraid we'd vote to leave, and show the world what you REALLY are? BTW, I don't need you, and your Yankee jackboots in any part of MY country (anfd MY ancestors were here, long before the FIRST Yankee ever set foot on Southern soil.

The United States is ONE nation, you little worm. If YOU, as one worhtless, bitter, pathetic loser don't want to be here then get the FUCK out of my ONE nation, you little nobody. Look left, look right; at your neighbors, your coworkers, the people on the bus and in the store. They are all Americans and I count them as my brothers and sisters if they are in or from Alaska, Maine, Florida, Virginia, Texas, California, Hawaii, Alabama, Wisconsin, or any other corner of my ONE nation. And they are all worth immeasurably more than any unamerican scum like you. Don't kid yourself that your personal weakness is limited to being a traitorous AMERICAN. Your fundamental lack of character shows what an empty failure of a human being you are and will always be. You don't deserve to be anywhere or part of anything, most especially my ONE nation. If you had one shred of the courage of your convictions you'd do something about all your vulgar talk. We both know you won't because you'd be squashed like the little bug you are and you are too much of a coward personally to find out. If you don't like AMERICA, take your stupid fucking act on the road, loser.

You want to know why you and your fellow Yankees are despised in the South? Take a look at what you just wrote. Take a look at what your fellow Yankees (you're easy to spot) have posted tight here in this thread. You call us "traitors" and "worms"; you say your side should have "killed them all" (knowing full well THAT would have brought European intervention down on the head of your precious Union, and deservedly so). You Yankees weren't "merciful"; you knew what you could and couldn't get away with.

You began re-writing the history of the conflict before the blood was dry, and you've been doing it ever since. Your politicians were not content with victory; deciding instead to loot, vandalize, humiliate and degrade the South and its people for another ten years. Your Glorious Union as defined by Lincoln and Co. was not engaged in some grand crusade to free the slaves; it was engaged in serving its baser instincts: greed, covetousness, and theft-the hallmarks of Yankee "culture" to this day. You hate us to this day and you make it plain; despite the fact that our people have served America disproportionately, in every war before and since, you call Southerners who love their states and native soil "traitors" and "scum", because we refuse to talk, act, live, believe and vote the way you demand. You demean, insult, stereotype and degrade us, all for not being just like you; well, we aren't, and we NEVER will be, because, Thank God Almighty, we are NOT you, and we are damn proud of that!

It is easy to call other people "coward" and dare them to "do something about it", when you have a boot on their necks, and a gun to their head; even easier if you have someone else with the boot and the gun doing it for you. THAT really IS cowardice, of the lowest sort, but then, Yankees are notable for that.

I would call anyone who fought to enslave their fellow man "traitors" and "scum"....yes. You disagree.
The US has been bogged down in 3 guerilla wars in Vietnam,Afghanistan,Iraq and got its ass kicked. The south is full of mountains in the Appalachians and its easy terrain for a guerilla war. As for your contract I would consider loyalty to the south more important than I would loyalty to the US.

When the South wins....are you going to bring back slavery or just make marrying your sister legal?

Neither. If we ever get our beloved country back, the first thing I'd like to do is kick out all the damnyankees who have migrated down here like a plague of unwelcome locusts, and keep the rest of your sorry species off of Southern soil. I think that would suffice. After 4 years of brutal Yankee aggression, another ten of having our states ("conquered provinces" to you) raped and systematically looted by Yankee trash like you, and 140 years of Yankee occupation, during which you have gratuitously sniped at us, demeaned us, falsified our history, attempted to eradicate our culture, and insulted us on our own soil, I think we have every right to despise you, and believe me, I do!. I have no Yankee friends, and don't wish to have any. I have NEVER met a Yankee who was anything but ill-mannered, crass, boorish, loud, obnoxious, arrogant to a fault, and vulgar. You have all the social graces of pigs, and combine the worst characteristics of a shark and a vulture. That's the women-the men are even worse! I may have served with you Northern trash, (and had to put up with constant insults from most of you) but I didn't have to like any of you, and I still don't! Why my Revolutionary ancestors EVER decided to join a country with you in it is a complete mystery to me, but I certainly regret it. Perhaps climate change will cause an ice age, and you will all freeze in the dark-I can only hope!

Best damn reply I have seen all day! :clap2:
When the South wins....are you going to bring back slavery or just make marrying your sister legal?

Neither. If we ever get our beloved country back, the first thing I'd like to do is kick out all the damnyankees who have migrated down here like a plague of unwelcome locusts, and keep the rest of your sorry species off of Southern soil. I think that would suffice. After 4 years of brutal Yankee aggression, another ten of having our states ("conquered provinces" to you) raped and systematically looted by Yankee trash like you, and 140 years of Yankee occupation, during which you have gratuitously sniped at us, demeaned us, falsified our history, attempted to eradicate our culture, and insulted us on our own soil, I think we have every right to despise you, and believe me, I do!. I have no Yankee friends, and don't wish to have any. I have NEVER met a Yankee who was anything but ill-mannered, crass, boorish, loud, obnoxious, arrogant to a fault, and vulgar. You have all the social graces of pigs, and combine the worst characteristics of a shark and a vulture. That's the women-the men are even worse! I may have served with you Northern trash, (and had to put up with constant insults from most of you) but I didn't have to like any of you, and I still don't! Why my Revolutionary ancestors EVER decided to join a country with you in it is a complete mystery to me, but I certainly regret it. Perhaps climate change will cause an ice age, and you will all freeze in the dark-I can only hope!

Best damn reply I have seen all day! :clap2:

Personally , I wouldn't mind if the Southern states went away. They are a drag on our tax base anyways...not to mention our national intelligence level.
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What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

Came down farther than that.

Federalized authority outlawing your Constitutionally protected, Supreme Court upheld property (which is the engine of your agrarian livelihood) is not what the States signed on for.

It is the process.

If the Federalists can do that, there is no State.

Just as a civil war over the Federal authority and "Obamacare" would not be about restricting healthcare availabilty.

That is one sick mother fucking post

Defending the right to own property when that property is another human being
The United States is ONE nation, you little worm. If YOU, as one worhtless, bitter, pathetic loser don't want to be here then get the FUCK out of my ONE nation, you little nobody. Look left, look right; at your neighbors, your coworkers, the people on the bus and in the store. They are all Americans and I count them as my brothers and sisters if they are in or from Alaska, Maine, Florida, Virginia, Texas, California, Hawaii, Alabama, Wisconsin, or any other corner of my ONE nation. And they are all worth immeasurably more than any unamerican scum like you. Don't kid yourself that your personal weakness is limited to being a traitorous AMERICAN. Your fundamental lack of character shows what an empty failure of a human being you are and will always be. You don't deserve to be anywhere or part of anything, most especially my ONE nation. If you had one shred of the courage of your convictions you'd do something about all your vulgar talk. We both know you won't because you'd be squashed like the little bug you are and you are too much of a coward personally to find out. If you don't like AMERICA, take your stupid fucking act on the road, loser.

You want to know why you and your fellow Yankees are despised in the South? Take a look at what you just wrote. Take a look at what your fellow Yankees (you're easy to spot) have posted tight here in this thread. You call us "traitors" and "worms"; you say your side should have "killed them all" (knowing full well THAT would have brought European intervention down on the head of your precious Union, and deservedly so). You Yankees weren't "merciful"; you knew what you could and couldn't get away with.

You began re-writing the history of the conflict before the blood was dry, and you've been doing it ever since. Your politicians were not content with victory; deciding instead to loot, vandalize, humiliate and degrade the South and its people for another ten years. Your Glorious Union as defined by Lincoln and Co. was not engaged in some grand crusade to free the slaves; it was engaged in serving its baser instincts: greed, covetousness, and theft-the hallmarks of Yankee "culture" to this day. You hate us to this day and you make it plain; despite the fact that our people have served America disproportionately, in every war before and since, you call Southerners who love their states and native soil "traitors" and "scum", because we refuse to talk, act, live, believe and vote the way you demand. You demean, insult, stereotype and degrade us, all for not being just like you; well, we aren't, and we NEVER will be, because, Thank God Almighty, we are NOT you, and we are damn proud of that!

It is easy to call other people "coward" and dare them to "do something about it", when you have a boot on their necks, and a gun to their head; even easier if you have someone else with the boot and the gun doing it for you. THAT really IS cowardice, of the lowest sort, but then, Yankees are notable for that.

The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former

Slaves were property; property Northern abolitionists wished to take by force, rather than pay compensation for (as was done in other nations which abolished chattel slavery PEACEFULLY). I note that when Yankees freed THEIR slaves, they SOLD the majority of them-to the SOUTH! What hypocrisy! First and foremost, the WAR was really fought over what wars are usually fought over-MONEY!

Incidentally, the Yankees were so solicitous of the welfare of the slaves they supposedly came down here to "liberate" that they raped and murdered them by the bushel. You can find these war crimes copiously documented in the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion", which is the U.S. War Department's official history of the conflict, and a recognized primary academic historical source for professional and amateur historians alike. The War was far from being the simplistic morality play (with the protagonists being the "Virtuous" North, and the "evil" South) Yankees like to portray it as.
The Gadfly's false posturings above clearly reveal the justice of the Union's crushing of southern aspirations by brute force, for only such force could crush southern brute imitations of humanity.
You want to know why you and your fellow Yankees are despised in the South? Take a look at what you just wrote. Take a look at what your fellow Yankees (you're easy to spot) have posted tight here in this thread. You call us "traitors" and "worms"; you say your side should have "killed them all" (knowing full well THAT would have brought European intervention down on the head of your precious Union, and deservedly so). You Yankees weren't "merciful"; you knew what you could and couldn't get away with.

You began re-writing the history of the conflict before the blood was dry, and you've been doing it ever since. Your politicians were not content with victory; deciding instead to loot, vandalize, humiliate and degrade the South and its people for another ten years. Your Glorious Union as defined by Lincoln and Co. was not engaged in some grand crusade to free the slaves; it was engaged in serving its baser instincts: greed, covetousness, and theft-the hallmarks of Yankee "culture" to this day. You hate us to this day and you make it plain; despite the fact that our people have served America disproportionately, in every war before and since, you call Southerners who love their states and native soil "traitors" and "scum", because we refuse to talk, act, live, believe and vote the way you demand. You demean, insult, stereotype and degrade us, all for not being just like you; well, we aren't, and we NEVER will be, because, Thank God Almighty, we are NOT you, and we are damn proud of that!

It is easy to call other people "coward" and dare them to "do something about it", when you have a boot on their necks, and a gun to their head; even easier if you have someone else with the boot and the gun doing it for you. THAT really IS cowardice, of the lowest sort, but then, Yankees are notable for that.

The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former

Slaves were property; property Northern abolitionists wished to take by force, rather than pay compensation for (as was done in other nations which abolished chattel slavery PEACEFULLY). I note that when Yankees freed THEIR slaves, they SOLD the majority of them-to the SOUTH! What hypocrisy! First and foremost, the WAR was really fought over what wars are usually fought over-MONEY!

Incidentally, the Yankees were so solicitous of the welfare of the slaves they supposedly came down here to "liberate" that they raped and murdered them by the bushel. You can find these war crimes copiously documented in the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion", which is the U.S. War Department's official history of the conflict, and a recognized primary academic historical source for professional and amateur historians alike. The War was far from being the simplistic morality play (with the protagonists being the "Virtuous" North, and the "evil" South) Yankees like to portray it as.

Slaves were HUMAN BEINGS being treated like property...let me repeat that...human beings. The Southern slaveholders voluntarily dehumanized themselves and since they had the political power, they dragged the rest of the South into their lazy, dehumanized hell.

To even calmly refer to human beings as property displays a level of evil and acceptance of evil that richly DESERVED all the wrath that modern warfare rained upon the South....actually, they got off easy.
What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

Came down farther than that.

Federalized authority outlawing your Constitutionally protected, Supreme Court upheld property (which is the engine of your agrarian livelihood) is not what the States signed on for.

It is the process.

If the Federalists can do that, there is no State.

Just as a civil war over the Federal authority and "Obamacare" would not be about restricting healthcare availabilty.

That is one sick mother fucking post

Defending the right to own property when that property is another human being

That's "presentism" which is an historical fallacy. I doubt you'd care to have your own morality judged by whatever the standard is 150 years from now. Yes, at the time, my ancestors owned slaves, but while they may have thought of them as lesser beings (often viewing them as a childlike race in need of supervision and discipline) they (along with most Southerners) thought it wrong to abuse, neglect, or mistreat slaves, and treated them with considerable kindness, by the standards of the time. Yankee "free soilers", by contrast, hated and despised the Blacks, did not want them anywhere, and the original intent was to deport them all to Africa or South America. Can you truly say one was worse than the other?
Came down farther than that.

Federalized authority outlawing your Constitutionally protected, Supreme Court upheld property (which is the engine of your agrarian livelihood) is not what the States signed on for.

It is the process.

If the Federalists can do that, there is no State.

Just as a civil war over the Federal authority and "Obamacare" would not be about restricting healthcare availabilty.

That is one sick mother fucking post

Defending the right to own property when that property is another human being

That's "presentism" which is an historical fallacy. I doubt you'd care to have your own morality judged by whatever the standard is 150 years from now. Yes, at the time, my ancestors owned slaves, but while they may have thought of them as lesser beings (often viewing them as a childlike race in need of supervision and discipline) they (along with most Southerners) thought it wrong to abuse, neglect, or mistreat slaves, and treated them with considerable kindness, by the standards of the time. Yankee "free soilers", by contrast, hated and despised the Blacks, did not want them anywhere, and the original intent was to deport them all to Africa or South America. Can you truly say one was worse than the other?

Easily. Slavery is sin and those who supported it then and now are evil.
The Confederacy LOST. Get over it. Or not, I don't care, just STFU. If you don't want to be part of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, then go, get the fuck out. Make a raft out of your reenactment gear and float down to Ecuador or something. We don't need you and your bitter hatred and hyperbole here in my country - in any part of my country.

You call this shit "United"?

Yes. Now get the fuck out; you're in the way, loser.

Suck my hairy balls, you fucking asshole! Fucking morons like you who refuse to see anything other than your own biased, narrow viewpoint make me SICK!

But state Sen. Hank Sanders, a Democrat from Selma, says Forrest was the first grand wizard of the Ku Klux Klan, and he wants construction stopped.
Silly bastards always leave out the part where he ordered the organisation disbanded.

LOL! Like that makes it OK.

let us know when Obama orders the disbandment of the NBBP and the NOI
The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former

Slaves were property; property Northern abolitionists wished to take by force, rather than pay compensation for (as was done in other nations which abolished chattel slavery PEACEFULLY). I note that when Yankees freed THEIR slaves, they SOLD the majority of them-to the SOUTH! What hypocrisy! First and foremost, the WAR was really fought over what wars are usually fought over-MONEY!

Incidentally, the Yankees were so solicitous of the welfare of the slaves they supposedly came down here to "liberate" that they raped and murdered them by the bushel. You can find these war crimes copiously documented in the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion", which is the U.S. War Department's official history of the conflict, and a recognized primary academic historical source for professional and amateur historians alike. The War was far from being the simplistic morality play (with the protagonists being the "Virtuous" North, and the "evil" South) Yankees like to portray it as.

Slaves were HUMAN BEINGS being treated like property...let me repeat that...human beings. The Southern slaveholders voluntarily dehumanized themselves and since they had the political power, they dragged the rest of the South into their lazy, dehumanized hell.

To even calmly refer to human beings as property displays a level of evil and acceptance of evil that richly DESERVED all the wrath that modern warfare rained upon the South....actually, they got off easy.

that's right dumfuck

all southerners owned slaves and slavery never existed anywhere else but the South.
You want to know why you and your fellow Yankees are despised in the South? Take a look at what you just wrote. Take a look at what your fellow Yankees (you're easy to spot) have posted tight here in this thread. You call us "traitors" and "worms"; you say your side should have "killed them all" (knowing full well THAT would have brought European intervention down on the head of your precious Union, and deservedly so). You Yankees weren't "merciful"; you knew what you could and couldn't get away with.

You began re-writing the history of the conflict before the blood was dry, and you've been doing it ever since. Your politicians were not content with victory; deciding instead to loot, vandalize, humiliate and degrade the South and its people for another ten years. Your Glorious Union as defined by Lincoln and Co. was not engaged in some grand crusade to free the slaves; it was engaged in serving its baser instincts: greed, covetousness, and theft-the hallmarks of Yankee "culture" to this day. You hate us to this day and you make it plain; despite the fact that our people have served America disproportionately, in every war before and since, you call Southerners who love their states and native soil "traitors" and "scum", because we refuse to talk, act, live, believe and vote the way you demand. You demean, insult, stereotype and degrade us, all for not being just like you; well, we aren't, and we NEVER will be, because, Thank God Almighty, we are NOT you, and we are damn proud of that!

It is easy to call other people "coward" and dare them to "do something about it", when you have a boot on their necks, and a gun to their head; even easier if you have someone else with the boot and the gun doing it for you. THAT really IS cowardice, of the lowest sort, but then, Yankees are notable for that.

The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former

Slaves were property; property Northern abolitionists wished to take by force, rather than pay compensation for (as was done in other nations which abolished chattel slavery PEACEFULLY). I note that when Yankees freed THEIR slaves, they SOLD the majority of them-to the SOUTH! What hypocrisy! First and foremost, the WAR was really fought over what wars are usually fought over-MONEY!

Incidentally, the Yankees were so solicitous of the welfare of the slaves they supposedly came down here to "liberate" that they raped and murdered them by the bushel. You can find these war crimes copiously documented in the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion", which is the U.S. War Department's official history of the conflict, and a recognized primary academic historical source for professional and amateur historians alike. The War was far from being the simplistic morality play (with the protagonists being the "Virtuous" North, and the "evil" South) Yankees like to portray it as.

Slaves were human beings that the South illegally traded as property. When offered the choice of belonging to the greatest country on earth or own other human beings......They chose slavery

It is a scar on the south to this day
The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former

Slaves were property; property Northern abolitionists wished to take by force, rather than pay compensation for (as was done in other nations which abolished chattel slavery PEACEFULLY). I note that when Yankees freed THEIR slaves, they SOLD the majority of them-to the SOUTH! What hypocrisy! First and foremost, the WAR was really fought over what wars are usually fought over-MONEY!

Incidentally, the Yankees were so solicitous of the welfare of the slaves they supposedly came down here to "liberate" that they raped and murdered them by the bushel. You can find these war crimes copiously documented in the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion", which is the U.S. War Department's official history of the conflict, and a recognized primary academic historical source for professional and amateur historians alike. The War was far from being the simplistic morality play (with the protagonists being the "Virtuous" North, and the "evil" South) Yankees like to portray it as.

Slaves were HUMAN BEINGS being treated like property...let me repeat that...human beings. The Southern slaveholders voluntarily dehumanized themselves and since they had the political power, they dragged the rest of the South into their lazy, dehumanized hell.

To even calmly refer to human beings as property displays a level of evil and acceptance of evil that richly DESERVED all the wrath that modern warfare rained upon the South....actually, they got off easy.

Shows your knowledge of history! Fact, most Southerners who owned slaves owned fewer than a dozen, and worked in the fields right alongside them; hardly a lazy life. Their wives toiled in the kitchen right along with their house servants. The large plantation, with hundreds of slaves working the fields, were a rarity; even there, "Massa" worked; he had little time for drinking mint juleps on the veranda. The Antebellum "Moonlight and Magnolias" South you think you know, never existed, save in works of fiction.
What did we gain from the war except a huge leviathan government and a legacy of bitterness, hatred and racism?

The war could easily have been prevented if the Northern carpetbagger party hadn't won the presidency. Lincoln was determined to wage war on the South.

I think it was worth it, but I doubt that the war could have been prevented, either, with the defeat of Clay in 1844. 2 million casualties, 600000 (at least) dead, and maybe a 100000 more civilians dead.

I agree, but was unity worth 600,000 dead? Or was it 600,000 casualties?

Lincoln wanted to buy the slaves from the slave owners and set them free. Lincoln believed that blacks and whites could not live in peace together. He wanted to re-patriate them to Africa or south america.
The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former

Slaves were property; property Northern abolitionists wished to take by force, rather than pay compensation for (as was done in other nations which abolished chattel slavery PEACEFULLY). I note that when Yankees freed THEIR slaves, they SOLD the majority of them-to the SOUTH! What hypocrisy! First and foremost, the WAR was really fought over what wars are usually fought over-MONEY!

Incidentally, the Yankees were so solicitous of the welfare of the slaves they supposedly came down here to "liberate" that they raped and murdered them by the bushel. You can find these war crimes copiously documented in the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion", which is the U.S. War Department's official history of the conflict, and a recognized primary academic historical source for professional and amateur historians alike. The War was far from being the simplistic morality play (with the protagonists being the "Virtuous" North, and the "evil" South) Yankees like to portray it as.

Slaves were human beings that the South illegally traded as property. When offered the choice of belonging to the greatest country on earth or own other human beings......They chose slavery

It is a scar on the south to this day

sorry, slevery WAS legal and not just in the US . Yet the white southerners are the only ones blamed for slavery.

Kinda make you wonder why
Came down farther than that.

Federalized authority outlawing your Constitutionally protected, Supreme Court upheld property (which is the engine of your agrarian livelihood) is not what the States signed on for.

It is the process.

If the Federalists can do that, there is no State.

Just as a civil war over the Federal authority and "Obamacare" would not be about restricting healthcare availabilty.

That is one sick mother fucking post

Defending the right to own property when that property is another human being

That's "presentism" which is an historical fallacy. I doubt you'd care to have your own morality judged by whatever the standard is 150 years from now. Yes, at the time, my ancestors owned slaves, but while they may have thought of them as lesser beings (often viewing them as a childlike race in need of supervision and discipline) they (along with most Southerners) thought it wrong to abuse, neglect, or mistreat slaves, and treated them with considerable kindness, by the standards of the time. Yankee "free soilers", by contrast, hated and despised the Blacks, did not want them anywhere, and the original intent was to deport them all to Africa or South America. Can you truly say one was worse than the other?

Your ancestors beat, raped and sold the children of other human beings for no other reason than they considered them to be subhuman

It took another 100 years after the Civil war to force them to treat them as equals
The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former

Slaves were property; property Northern abolitionists wished to take by force, rather than pay compensation for (as was done in other nations which abolished chattel slavery PEACEFULLY). I note that when Yankees freed THEIR slaves, they SOLD the majority of them-to the SOUTH! What hypocrisy! First and foremost, the WAR was really fought over what wars are usually fought over-MONEY!

Incidentally, the Yankees were so solicitous of the welfare of the slaves they supposedly came down here to "liberate" that they raped and murdered them by the bushel. You can find these war crimes copiously documented in the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion", which is the U.S. War Department's official history of the conflict, and a recognized primary academic historical source for professional and amateur historians alike. The War was far from being the simplistic morality play (with the protagonists being the "Virtuous" North, and the "evil" South) Yankees like to portray it as.

Slaves were human beings that the South illegally traded as property. When offered the choice of belonging to the greatest country on earth or own other human beings......They chose slavery

It is a scar on the south to this day

I actually agree with the last sentence; though I'd point out it might have been less so, had the "peculiar institution" been allowed to die a natural death through gradual compensated emancipation and mechanized agriculture. The first was never allowed to happen, and the second came two decades too late. Educated Southerners at the time understood that chattel slavery was becoming a political, social and economic liability. Gen. Lee had freed his slaves years before the war; Jefferson Davis and his brother were beginning to educate their slaves, to prepare them for the responsibility of being free citizens. The problem was that so much of the South's capital was tied up in human chattel. This was not an insoluble problem for America as a whole, but with the North having little to gain for itself, the political will necessary was lacking. The 1860 election victory by what was at the time a purely sectional party was the last straw, from the Southern point of view; they saw little hope of compromise with the Radical Republicans of New England (and were probably correct in that assessment).

We will never know, alas, what might have been, had Lincoln taken Horace Greeley's advice, and let the South go. It seems likely that slavery would have died out gradually in the second half of the nineteenth century. Jim Crow, in the virulent form we knew it, would have been something far milder, had it even existed at all. Whether the two separate nations would have eventually reunited is another question; though it is not improbable that they would have at least been on friendly terms, and both sides, spared the loss of so many of their best and ablest young men on the battlefield, might have been stronger and wiser for it. The loss of life was the equivalent of ten million today. No wonder there was no end of mythmaking, to attempt to justify that kind of carnage.
Slaves were property; property Northern abolitionists wished to take by force, rather than pay compensation for (as was done in other nations which abolished chattel slavery PEACEFULLY). I note that when Yankees freed THEIR slaves, they SOLD the majority of them-to the SOUTH! What hypocrisy! First and foremost, the WAR was really fought over what wars are usually fought over-MONEY!

Incidentally, the Yankees were so solicitous of the welfare of the slaves they supposedly came down here to "liberate" that they raped and murdered them by the bushel. You can find these war crimes copiously documented in the "Official Records-War of the Rebellion", which is the U.S. War Department's official history of the conflict, and a recognized primary academic historical source for professional and amateur historians alike. The War was far from being the simplistic morality play (with the protagonists being the "Virtuous" North, and the "evil" South) Yankees like to portray it as.

Slaves were human beings that the South illegally traded as property. When offered the choice of belonging to the greatest country on earth or own other human beings......They chose slavery

It is a scar on the south to this day

sorry, slevery WAS legal and not just in the US . Yet the white southerners are the only ones blamed for slavery.

Kinda make you wonder why

Every other Western Nation got rid of their slavery PEACEFULLY before the U.S. did. Even Mexico. The Southern slaveholders couldn't even STAND the possibility that they were not going to be allowed to spread slavery into the Western territories. So, they started a war...lost it...and their descendents are still whining about it.

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