Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

The south was full of traitors fighting for their god given right to own another human being......they got what they deserved

So were the Colonies in 1776.

Yep...and if they'd lost, the Brits would not have been as charitable as the North was to the South.....they had a list of Patriots to hang....those who signed the Dec. of Ind. were top of the list.

The traitors were all in the North. The Constitution defines treason as "SECTION 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort." Note that it refers to "the states" (plural) not the federal government. So Lincoln and the unionists in the North were the true traitors since they made war on the Southern states.
The War of Southern Aggression and Treason, you mean.

Ah another mental midget. Please do a little bit of reading...oh maybe the constitution and the declaration of independence for starters.

I've read them...In fact I have a copy right here.

Now....where does it say that the southern states get to secede? And where does it say that if they secede they get to keep federal property? And where does it say that they get to fire on federal troops and not suffer the consequences?

Where does it say they don't get to secede? Where does it say that the federal government can maintain troops in a sovereign nation against its will? When has any nation not been allowed to fire on foreign occupiers?
Monument to Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs dispute - News Weather and Sports for Montgomery, AL.

Someone needs to tell that carpetbagging son of a bitch to go back up north. Oh and they should also give him a few sources showing what Sherman did on his march to the sea in my beloved there ain't nothing worse than a southerner who hates the south and her heritage.

Sherman was too easy on the South.

That sounds just like someone saying the police were too easy on Rodney King.
The war could easily have been prevented if the Northern carpetbagger party hadn't won the presidency.

Utterly ridiculous. The underlying causes of conflict had been building since the drafting of the Constitution itself. Compromise after compromise delayed the inevitable for a time, but the fundamental issues could not be avoided forever, nor should they have been.
Horseshit. The South could buy whatever it needed from Europe.

No, it could sell itself to Europe, and that's what would likely have happened.

What the hell is "sell itself to Europe" supposed to mean? How is buying manufactured goods from Northern states not "selling itself," but buying them from Europe was?

Southerners preferred the cheaper manufactured goods from Europe. That's why Lincoln and the Northern carpet baggars imposed the "Tariff of Abominations" on them.
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The war could easily have been prevented if the Northern carpetbagger party hadn't won the presidency.

Utterly ridiculous. The underlying causes of conflict had been building since the drafting of the Constitution itself. Compromise after compromise delayed the inevitable for a time, but the fundamental issues could not be avoided forever, nor should they have been.

There was nothing "inevitable" about Lincoln sending an army to invade the Confederate states.
Horseshit. The South could buy whatever it needed from Europe.

No, it could sell itself to Europe, and that's what would likely have happened.

What the hell is "sell itself to Europe" supposed to mean? How is buying manufactured goods from Northern states not "selling itself," but buying them from Europe was?

Southerners preferred the cheaper manufactured goods from Europe. That's why Lincoln and the Northern carpet baggars imposed the "Tariff of Abominations" on them.

Ever hear of Emperor Maximillion I of Mexico?
No, it could sell itself to Europe, and that's what would likely have happened.

What the hell is "sell itself to Europe" supposed to mean? How is buying manufactured goods from Northern states not "selling itself," but buying them from Europe was?

Southerners preferred the cheaper manufactured goods from Europe. That's why Lincoln and the Northern carpet baggars imposed the "Tariff of Abominations" on them.

Ever hear of Emperor Maximillion I of Mexico?

Yeah, I have. And? Does buying furniture from Europe mean you are going to be invaded?
The war could easily have been prevented if the Northern carpetbagger party hadn't won the presidency.

Utterly ridiculous. The underlying causes of conflict had been building since the drafting of the Constitution itself. Compromise after compromise delayed the inevitable for a time, but the fundamental issues could not be avoided forever, nor should they have been.

There was nothing "inevitable" about Lincoln sending an army to invade the Confederate states.

Of course there was. You are ignorant of history and blinded by your ridiculous fantasies.
What the hell is "sell itself to Europe" supposed to mean? How is buying manufactured goods from Northern states not "selling itself," but buying them from Europe was?

Southerners preferred the cheaper manufactured goods from Europe. That's why Lincoln and the Northern carpet baggars imposed the "Tariff of Abominations" on them.

Ever hear of Emperor Maximillion I of Mexico?

Yeah, I have. And? Does buying furniture from Europe mean you are going to be invaded?

Your idiotic fantasies have blinded you to the obvious.

Because you want them to.
A false analogy deflection as well as tu quoque. Neither work. Both sides commit war crimes so we can't condemn either side. Of course we can.

We are talking about the asshole Bedford Forrest here.
All you CSA defenders check out Fort Pillow, then crawl away and shut the ___ up.

So? The atrocities committed by the union army were too numerous to count.
The property was federal, end of subject. Finis. Period. It belonged to the Union, which had the right to protect it from unjust seizure.

The southern states seized federal property.

It was in the territory of South Carolina. Do you think if the U.S. government owned some property in Venezuela and the government of Venezuela sized it that Obama would have the right to send in the bombers?

The union army invaded nothing, simply reacquired constitutional, electoral control of the dumbos at the point of a bayonet. What a bunch of idiots.

Lincoln had no constitutional authority to raise an army without the authorization of Congress and send it into any state of the union to attack the citizens of that state.
The Confederacy LOST. Get over it. Or not, I don't care, just STFU. If you don't want to be part of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, then go, get the fuck out. Make a raft out of your reenactment gear and float down to Ecuador or something. We don't need you and your bitter hatred and hyperbole here in my country - in any part of my country.

Yeah, you believe in "freedom and the right of self-determination" for everyone in the world except Southern Americans whose territory you STILL occupy, by force. Damn Yankee hypocrites! What's the matter? Afraid we'd vote to leave, and show the world what you REALLY are? BTW, I don't need you, and your Yankee jackboots in any part of MY country (anfd MY ancestors were here, long before the FIRST Yankee ever set foot on Southern soil.

The United States is ONE nation, you little worm. If YOU, as one worhtless, bitter, pathetic loser don't want to be here then get the FUCK out of my ONE nation, you little nobody. Look left, look right; at your neighbors, your coworkers, the people on the bus and in the store. They are all Americans and I count them as my brothers and sisters if they are in or from Alaska, Maine, Florida, Virginia, Texas, California, Hawaii, Alabama, Wisconsin, or any other corner of my ONE nation. And they are all worth immeasurably more than any unamerican scum like you. Don't kid yourself that your personal weakness is limited to being a traitorous AMERICAN. Your fundamental lack of character shows what an empty failure of a human being you are and will always be. You don't deserve to be anywhere or part of anything, most especially my ONE nation. If you had one shred of the courage of your convictions you'd do something about all your vulgar talk. We both know you won't because you'd be squashed like the little bug you are and you are too much of a coward personally to find out. If you don't like AMERICA, take your stupid fucking act on the road, loser.

You want to know why you and your fellow Yankees are despised in the South? Take a look at what you just wrote. Take a look at what your fellow Yankees (you're easy to spot) have posted tight here in this thread. You call us "traitors" and "worms"; you say your side should have "killed them all" (knowing full well THAT would have brought European intervention down on the head of your precious Union, and deservedly so). You Yankees weren't "merciful"; you knew what you could and couldn't get away with.

You began re-writing the history of the conflict before the blood was dry, and you've been doing it ever since. Your politicians were not content with victory; deciding instead to loot, vandalize, humiliate and degrade the South and its people for another ten years. Your Glorious Union as defined by Lincoln and Co. was not engaged in some grand crusade to free the slaves; it was engaged in serving its baser instincts: greed, covetousness, and theft-the hallmarks of Yankee "culture" to this day. You hate us to this day and you make it plain; despite the fact that our people have served America disproportionately, in every war before and since, you call Southerners who love their states and native soil "traitors" and "scum", because we refuse to talk, act, live, believe and vote the way you demand. You demean, insult, stereotype and degrade us, all for not being just like you; well, we aren't, and we NEVER will be, because, Thank God Almighty, we are NOT you, and we are damn proud of that!

It is easy to call other people "coward" and dare them to "do something about it", when you have a boot on their necks, and a gun to their head; even easier if you have someone else with the boot and the gun doing it for you. THAT really IS cowardice, of the lowest sort, but then, Yankees are notable for that.
Yeah, you believe in "freedom and the right of self-determination" for everyone in the world except Southern Americans whose territory you STILL occupy, by force. Damn Yankee hypocrites! What's the matter? Afraid we'd vote to leave, and show the world what you REALLY are? BTW, I don't need you, and your Yankee jackboots in any part of MY country (anfd MY ancestors were here, long before the FIRST Yankee ever set foot on Southern soil.

The United States is ONE nation, you little worm. If YOU, as one worhtless, bitter, pathetic loser don't want to be here then get the FUCK out of my ONE nation, you little nobody. Look left, look right; at your neighbors, your coworkers, the people on the bus and in the store. They are all Americans and I count them as my brothers and sisters if they are in or from Alaska, Maine, Florida, Virginia, Texas, California, Hawaii, Alabama, Wisconsin, or any other corner of my ONE nation. And they are all worth immeasurably more than any unamerican scum like you. Don't kid yourself that your personal weakness is limited to being a traitorous AMERICAN. Your fundamental lack of character shows what an empty failure of a human being you are and will always be. You don't deserve to be anywhere or part of anything, most especially my ONE nation. If you had one shred of the courage of your convictions you'd do something about all your vulgar talk. We both know you won't because you'd be squashed like the little bug you are and you are too much of a coward personally to find out. If you don't like AMERICA, take your stupid fucking act on the road, loser.

You want to know why you and your fellow Yankees are despised in the South? Take a look at what you just wrote. Take a look at what your fellow Yankees (you're easy to spot) have posted tight here in this thread. You call us "traitors" and "worms"; you say your side should have "killed them all" (knowing full well THAT would have brought European intervention down on the head of your precious Union, and deservedly so). You Yankees weren't "merciful"; you knew what you could and couldn't get away with.

You began re-writing the history of the conflict before the blood was dry, and you've been doing it ever since. Your politicians were not content with victory; deciding instead to loot, vandalize, humiliate and degrade the South and its people for another ten years. Your Glorious Union as defined by Lincoln and Co. was not engaged in some grand crusade to free the slaves; it was engaged in serving its baser instincts: greed, covetousness, and theft-the hallmarks of Yankee "culture" to this day. You hate us to this day and you make it plain; despite the fact that our people have served America disproportionately, in every war before and since, you call Southerners who love their states and native soil "traitors" and "scum", because we refuse to talk, act, live, believe and vote the way you demand. You demean, insult, stereotype and degrade us, all for not being just like you; well, we aren't, and we NEVER will be, because, Thank God Almighty, we are NOT you, and we are damn proud of that!

It is easy to call other people "coward" and dare them to "do something about it", when you have a boot on their necks, and a gun to their head; even easier if you have someone else with the boot and the gun doing it for you. THAT really IS cowardice, of the lowest sort, but then, Yankees are notable for that.

The South has tried to sugarcoat their culpability in the Civil War. It was merely a righteous rebellion over states rights. We treated our slaves well. Slavery had nothing to do with it

What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

They chose the former
What it came down to was the South had a choice of keeping their right to own other people or belonging to the United States

Came down farther than that.

Federalized authority outlawing your Constitutionally protected, Supreme Court upheld property (which is the engine of your agrarian livelihood) is not what the States signed on for.

It is the process.

If the Federalists can do that, there is no State.

Just as a civil war over the Federal authority and "Obamacare" would not be about restricting healthcare availabilty.
The fact is that the The War of Southern Aggression and Treason and the XIV Amendment vitiated the states' rights to own human beings. End of story.

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