Nathan Bedford Forrest statue causing controversy

If you were suffering in a Soviet State, would you stay or would you try to leave if you could?

If I were a Lithuanian, an Estonian, a Latvian, a Ukrainian or a Georgian, I'd want my occupied country back from the aggressor who took it; and guess what-they eventually GOT their countries back! One day, we'll get ours back, too! No empire lasts forever, and this one won't either!

If you really believe this 'Da South shall rise again!' bullshit, stop being a fucking pussy and do something about it. You won't, of course - coward.

says the internet tough guy ^
Revisionist history of the War of Southern Aggression and Treason is written by the southern lackeys and running dogs.

They can be pissed on without any worry, because they are cowardly.

[ Lincoln refused because he didn't want peace. He wanted war.

No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did. The confederacy lost, and all your whining and crying won't change that, loser. Now, be an AMERICAN, or be gone with you.

Your definition of 'American' is someone who will swallow revisionist history without gagging on it. Every fucking 'fact' you fans of Lincoln have posted has been debunked by the very records kept by the 'victorious' Union.

Why do you dispute the records that your own people wrote?
Nathan B. Forrest is none of those, but Lincoln is everyone of those things.

I suggest you study up on the Fort Pillow massacre, where your idol executed captured black soldiers, and sent the white prisoners to Andersonville.

Gadfly already posted the historical record of the Ft. Pillow 'massacre', you ignorant fucking hack. Try reading the whole thread before polluting it with your stupidity.

As shown, Gadfly is full of shit. That's based on contemporaneous rebel sources.
[ Lincoln refused because he didn't want peace. He wanted war.

No, he wanted to preserve the Union, and he did. The confederacy lost, and all your whining and crying won't change that, loser. Now, be an AMERICAN, or be gone with you.

Your definition of 'American' is someone who will swallow revisionist history without gagging on it. Every fucking 'fact' you fans of Lincoln have posted has been debunked by the very records kept by the 'victorious' Union.

Why do you dispute the records that your own people wrote?

I bet you'll cast your top of the ticket ballot for the Party Of Lincoln this November.
Nope, black soldiers were sent back to slavery (or enslaved for the first time) if not executed. Their white officers were also subject to execution. White prisoners from union units were sent to terrible prison camps.

You act like a lefty, Uncensored, when you attempt (and always fail, in your case) to twist the evidence.

Federal prison camps were no vaction resort

Hey, ever hear of the Black Hole of Calcutta?

No, but they didn't have anywhere near the mortality rate as Andersonville. Even the Black Hole of Calcutta had a lower mortality rate than Andersonville.

the point is that all POW camps were bad.
I suggest you study up on the Fort Pillow massacre, where your idol executed captured black soldiers, and sent the white prisoners to Andersonville.

Gadfly already posted the historical record of the Ft. Pillow 'massacre', you ignorant fucking hack. Try reading the whole thread before polluting it with your stupidity.

As shown, Gadfly is full of shit. That's based on contemporaneous rebel sources.

So your claim is that the OR (OFFICIAL RECORD) housed in the Library of Congress is false?

You really are STUPID, you know that, right?
The Gadfly has to do more than cite the "OR". We need author, date, description of document, volume, and location of the document.

This would be similar to telling someone to go the country records in Los Angeles to determine when English became the official language of document recording in the LA County Clerk's records.


Oh right, that's because he has to follow your example, and we've all seen the extensive documentation you've presented to support your claims.


You're a riot, Fakey!
Gadfly already posted the historical record of the Ft. Pillow 'massacre', you ignorant fucking hack. Try reading the whole thread before polluting it with your stupidity.

As shown, Gadfly is full of shit. That's based on contemporaneous rebel sources.

So your claim is that the OR (OFFICIAL RECORD) housed in the Library of Congress is false?

You really are STUPID, you know that, right?

There are many records regarding the Fort Pillow massacre, numbskull. I chose the contemporaneous accounts of what happened there. How about the (OFFICIAL RECORD) from The Joint Committee On the Conduct of the War? They concluded that the majority of the garrison were killed after they surrendered. How about this soldiers letter to his sister?

Achilles Clark, a soldier with the 20th Tennessee cavalry [CSA], wrote to his sister immediately after the battle: "The slaughter was awful. Words cannot describe the scene. The poor, deluded, negroes would run up to our men, fall upon their knees, and with uplifted hands scream for mercy but they were ordered to their feet and then shot down. I, with several others, tried to stop the butchery, and at one time had partially succeeded, but General Forrest ordered them shot down like dogs and the carnage continued. Finally our men became sick of blood and the firing ceased."

That letter, BTW, was even included in Shelby Foote's works, so to me, it's authentic.

You really are a fucking moron.
If I were a Lithuanian, an Estonian, a Latvian, a Ukrainian or a Georgian, I'd want my occupied country back from the aggressor who took it; and guess what-they eventually GOT their countries back! One day, we'll get ours back, too! No empire lasts forever, and this one won't either!

If you really believe this 'Da South shall rise again!' bullshit, stop being a fucking pussy and do something about it. You won't, of course - coward.

says the internet tough guy ^


When have I played 'tough-guy'?

Explain your comment with evidence.
No, but they didn't have anywhere near the mortality rate as Andersonville. Even the Black Hole of Calcutta had a lower mortality rate than Andersonville.

the point is that all POW camps were bad.

No shit, and some were much worse than others. Andersonville was the worst of the lot.

your hatred of all things southern deranges you

Black Hole of Calcutta - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Umm. . . actually, no. He needs to do it because it his assertion that he can't prove.

Umm . . actually, also it has to do with your assertions, the great majority of which you can't prove.

Poor deflection, kiddo.

The Gadfly has to do more than cite the "OR". We need author, date, description of document, volume, and location of the document.

This would be similar to telling someone to go the country records in Los Angeles to determine when English became the official language of document recording in the LA County Clerk's records.


Oh right, that's because he has to follow your example, and we've all seen the extensive documentation you've presented to support your claims.


You're a riot, Fakey!
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Umm. . . actually, no. He needs to do it because it his assertion that he can't prove.

Umm . . actually, also it has to do with your assertions, the great majority of which you can't prove.

Poor deflection, kiddo.

Wrong, turd. I have provided evidence to back-up most of what I have posted. On the other hand, you have provided nothing, nada, zip.

You're the laughing stock of the forum, Fakey.
Andersonville was awful, period, and no one can offer any defense for it.

Sure they can, Fakey: Confederate troops received only slightly more food than the prisoners at Andersonville. They were on the verge of starvation, so it's hardly surprising that Confederate prisoners of war would be starving. The sainted Lincoln did not want to exchange prisoners. So he consigned them to starve to death, and POW camps in the North were just as bad even though the North had plenty of food. Sherman wasn't burning crops and slaughtering livestock in Pennsylvania.
You are acting like a far lefty with that lie, bripat. You can look above for my proofs. Yours aren't there.

Time for you to scream, pull down your pants and shit on the floor.

You must be a liberal with how you act here. Just the laughing stock of the entire forum.

Wrong, turd. I have provided evidence to back-up most of what I have posted. On the other hand, you have provided nothing, nada, zip. You're the laughing stock of the forum, Fakey.

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