Nation At Full Employment, Folks Bringing Home More Of Their Paychecks -- Dems Say 'Who Cares?'...

It's all about wage growth now. We need to get above 3% and stay there a while.

There was massive, historic slack in the economy, and that's the figure that will tell us how much slack remains.

What "slack" are you referring to?

Labor participation?
idle capital?

IMHO If you're referring to the labor market then accelerating wage growth won't tell you much about "slack" since it will be an indication of the competition for available (and marketable) labor, not the pool of structurally unemployed workers. Higher wages might entice skilled workers to come off the bench (e.g. retirees to come back into the job market) but it doesn't help those whose skills don't match what employers want. It's also likely to drive immigration for skilled workers or more specifically for employers to lobby the Washington Crime Syndicate to raise immigration caps.
Regardless of the definition of the term, bouncing around 2.6% to 2.8% just isn't going to cut it.
Isn't going to "cut it" for whom?

Although there are a lot of positive signs, markets aren't going to wait on strong wage growth forever.
Which markets?
It's not going to cut it for anyone who has a decent understanding of the nature of markets, how they react to data and expectations, and what that reaction ultimately does to the macro economy. Equity markets, fixed income markets, derivatives markets, money markets, exchange markets. This is pretty fundamental stuff.

I know that partisan Trump supporters will justify saying they're satisfied with pretty much any number, but those of us who have to take this stuff seriously have to look a little deeper and more honestly.
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Yep, and we were at full employment when Trump and the rest of your pals added 1.5 trillion to the debt with a tax cut - 83% of which went to the top 2%.

So what was the purpose other than allowing the Trump kids each to inherit 6 million tax free?

Lemme guess - giving the Fortune 1000 so much of a windfall that they started buying back their own stock with plenty left over to donate to Republican candidates??
Hey dumb shit. Every time a topic was started about the unemployment rate during Obama's regime, you pseudocons went right to the LFPR
Because the unemployment rate under Obama was over 8% but in certain communities it was much the now exposed MSM's obvious bias I think we can comfortably say we never got true real numbers of Obama's failed economics...The media lied to us then just like they are now...That is why I ask you all to put the fake news graphs away and go outside of your home or basement and ask people what they think....look around at the filled stores and restaurants and look at all of the help wanted signs go ahead and get an eye full libs....
The truth is obvious...the economy is better under Trump than it was under Obama.....Period
Hey dumb shit. Every time a topic was started about the unemployment rate during Obama's regime, you pseudocons went right to the LFPR
Because the unemployment rate under Obama was over 8% but in certain communities it was much the now exposed MSM's obvious bias I think we can comfortably say we never got true real numbers of Obama's failed economics...The media lied to us then just like they are now...That is why I ask you all to put the fake news graphs away and go outside of your home or basement and ask people what they think....look around at the filled stores and restaurants and look at all of the help wanted signs go ahead and get an eye full libs....
Look at you twisting in the wind! :lol:

Yesterday, you claimed you never heard anyone here or anywhere calling for Obama's impeachment. Then I posted one of your own posts talking about Obama impeachment rallies all around the country!

Now you try to claim the LPR isn't important, and I just posted one of your own posts decrying the LPR when Obama was President.

You, sir, are a horrible liar and have the stench of hypocrisy all over you.
The unemployment rate has come down about 2 points since Trump spoke of a 42% unemployment rate. So I guess that means the unemployment rate is really about 40%. According to Trump, that is
42% unemployment??? what are you talking about? what a buffoon you really don't know what the unemployment percentage is do you?
I never said we had 42% unemployment. Again, your inability to comprehend renders you looking like the buffoon you are. :lol:
Look at you twisting in the wind!

I never said we had 42% unemployment. Again, your inability to comprehend renders you looking like the buffoon you are

Look at you two rubes....trying to say this economy is not improving...trying to prove Obama's economy was better....we all know that's ridiculous nonsense... but its fun to watch you both give it a try...very funny keep it up...I need a good laugh...take my advise...turn off CNN...
The truth is obvious...the economy is better under Trump than it was under Obama.....Period
Hey dumb shit. Every time a topic was started about the unemployment rate during Obama's regime, you pseudocons went right to the LFPR
Because the unemployment rate under Obama was over 8% but in certain communities it was much the now exposed MSM's obvious bias I think we can comfortably say we never got true real numbers of Obama's failed economics...The media lied to us then just like they are now...That is why I ask you all to put the fake news graphs away and go outside of your home or basement and ask people what they think....look around at the filled stores and restaurants and look at all of the help wanted signs go ahead and get an eye full libs....

You're such a dill.

The media is telling us the same thing now they were telling us then ... from month to month, they report the U-3 unemployment rate.

It irked you rightwingnuts sooo bad to see the u-3 unemployment rate fall steadily under Obama, that a month couldn't pass where idiots on the right wanted to talk about the LFPR ... or about "real" unemployment.

Now look at the stink you put up when the left mocks your idiocies.


edit: I hope this post wasn't too long for your short attention span
The truth is obvious...the economy is better under Trump than it was under Obama.....Period
Yes, it is .... trends continue...

You're such a dill.

The media is telling us the same thing now they were telling us then ... from month to month, they report the U-3 unemployment rate.

It irked you rightwingnuts sooo bad to see the u-3 unemployment rate fall steadily under Obama, that a month couldn't pass where idiots on the right wanted to talk about the LFPR ... or about "real" unemployment.

Now look at the stink you put up when the left mocks your idiocies
I think you absorb from the media what you want and discard the rest...the economy is better today and nothing you say can change that...accept it live it learn it and enjoy it....
Look at you two rubes....trying to say this economy is not improving...

Fucking moron, no one actually said that.


You have a serious short circuit in your "brain" which translates regular English words into conservatism. Sadly, that disease has rotted your brain.
You have a serious short circuit in your "brain" which translates regular English words into conservatism. Sadly, that disease has rotted your brain
And you have CNNitis and really don't understand how the economy works...try asking around...ask your friends and family and strangers...go ahead and report back to me...I'll listen...ask them are they better off today than they were two years ago? You can really learn by talking to the people and turning off CNN...
The truth is obvious...the economy is better under Trump than it was under Obama.....Period
Yes, it is .... trends continue...

Another lifeless graph...YAWN....go ask the people....learn something and put the graphs down....
Sure, ask them something relevant...

"Who do you believe is more responsible for the current state of the economy: former President Obama or President Trump?"
                 Obama     Trump
2/2-5/18         41%       48%
1/5-9/18         49%       40%
12/13-18/17      45%       43%
3/30-4/3/17      66%       18%
3/16-21/17       63%       22%
3/2-6/17         67%       19%
Marist Poll
You have a serious short circuit in your "brain" which translates regular English words into conservatism. Sadly, that disease has rotted your brain
And you have CNNitis and really don't understand how the economy works...try asking around...ask your friends and family and strangers...go ahead and report back to me...I'll listen...ask them are they better off today than they were two years ago? You can really learn by talking to the people and turning off CNN...

You're fucking brain-dead. I can't help you there.

Who knows why you keep repeating the same failed point about the current state of the economy when no one but you is saying anything about the economy not being better today. :cuckoo:
The truth is obvious...the economy is better under Trump than it was under Obama.....Period
Yes, it is .... trends continue...

Another lifeless graph...YAWN....go ask the people....learn something and put the graphs down....
Inflation is eating up economic gains for the lower and middle class. Food and fuel are not included in calculating national inflation rates, but people who buy food and fuel see what is happening. Milk is up to $6.00 a gallon and rising. Fuel may reach $4.00 a gallon by summer. The economy may be doing good, but it can go bad very fast.
The Nation is at full employment? :rofl:

Using the definition that economists use, it's very close to full employment.

It doesn't however mean that we've solved the nagging structural unemployment problems that we have been experiencing for the last decade and a half.
Yes, many economists love to utilize specific jargon that doesn't approximate reality.
It's not "many economists" jargon it has a very specific meaning with respect to the state of the labor market and it does "approximate reality" pretty well with respect to the relationship of the state of employment and inflation .

Unfortunately too many people interpret it as "everybody has a job that wants one" which is NOT what it means.
Full employment means full employment in the real world..........
In economics full employment means the point at which demand for labor surpasses supply (supply as in workers possessing skills that are in demand by employers) thus causing the price of labor to rise due to competition for available labor at which point the standing "unemployment rate" reflects frictional unemployment (i.e. workers shuffling between jobs).

Unfortunately full employment doesn't and can't account for structural unemployment, i.e. those individuals who want a job but do not posses skill sets that are in demand by employers and thus are for all intents and purposes unemployable (often referred to as "discouraged workers"), which IMHO is not primarily a failure of the private economy but of the "education system" and government policy that tends to drive un- & semi- skilled work offshore.
I know what it all means in economics and could care less how economists chose to describe things.
No, I'm tossing the rw talking point from the last eight years against the wall for all to see the moronic hypocrisy from you dopes.

It exposed your lie as well

What is the unemployment number? after you answer that ask yourself what the hell am I talking about...okay? Rube

I know what you're talking lying about.

By the looks of the graph in your own liberal fake news link the LPR is leveling off and beginning to guys are so screwed in November its not funny....
Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Democrats hate that their pawns have found a way to provide a living for themselves outside of the plantation.

It's going to be an uphill battle with the democrat tactic of promising more tax increases and misery for the populace...

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