Nation’s Most Overweight, Obese States Voted for McCain

OK ............ here is some hope for the poor fat conservatives!

The Small Planet Institute | Diet for a Small Planet

Diet for a Small Planet
20th Anniversary Edition

Here again is the extraordinary bestselling book that taught America the social and personal significance of a new way of eating — one that remains a complete guide for eating well in the new millennium. Featuring: simple rules for a healthy diet; a streamlined, easy-to-use format; delicious food combinations of protein-rich meals without meat; hundreds of wonderful recipes, and much more.

Ah, that was one of the first books I bought when I became a vegetarian! Healthy and tasty!

{the recipes, not the book itself, too much fiber in that!}
BTW, that is just a list some guy posted, how could anyone claim to know the median weight of people in any states, you would have to be an idiot to believe in such a list.

It's not really rocket science or magic, except for those who profess to believe in creation science and deny that humans have any impact on climate.

All the "idiots" in the nation's insurance companies have a good idea what it is, they pay actuarial statisticians big bucks to keep track of health statistics. I'm not sure where they get the actuarial stats, but I'm sure they're not well guarded secrets.
It is a silly comparison to make in the first place, but I am betting it has lesss to do with obesity and more to do with a related factor like socioeconomic status.

Of course, you're right.

But hey, no sense squashing these people's opportunity to find amusing ways to manifest their respective animosity toward partisans on the other side, is there?

Poverty and obesity are related in this nation, that's for damned sure.

If you live in a poor place where people traditionally vote R, then guess what?

The fatties vote R.

In another part of the nation, also poor, but with a tradition of voting D?

Then the fatties vote for the Ds.

I happen to live in a county in Maine with a huge fattie population, but where most people (even those on welfare!) tend to vote for the Rs.
They know that , I suspect, because doctors typically do two things every time you go to the doctor...they check your weight/height and your vitals.

Of course no stats are woth anything if they're not gathered and compiled properly.

It's a leap of faith every time any of us depend on them, but usually (one hopes) if you know the source of the stats, you can decide if their data is real.

and before they take your height /weight and vitals, they've probably read several reminders regarding the confidentiality of patient info and the penalties pursuant to breaching said confidentiality according to HIPPA.
That's a lie, actually. The pooer states are the most overweight because people can't afford to eat well. NYC is one of the healthier places.

So you might want to check out facts before you spew.

But reading your posts, I'm figuring you don't do much of that...not that I care about the weight issue. But you apparently do.

Oh..and that would be President-Elect Obama to you.

Damn, that must annoy you.

Exactly, and thats why I called him a moron. NYC is healthier than many places across the country. If he means upstate NY, then he's an even bigger idiot cause they always voted Republican
They know that , I suspect, because doctors typically do two things every time you go to the doctor...they check your weight/height and your vitals.

Of course no stats are woth anything if they're not gathered and compiled properly.

It's a leap of faith every time any of us depend on them, but usually (one hopes) if you know the source of the stats, you can decide if their data is real.

BUT wait? Haven't we been told over and over 50 million people can not even afford to go to the doctor? The stats are wild ass guesses. Kinda like that 600k dead Iraqi civilians in the first year of the Iraq war.
BTW, that is just a list some guy posted, how could anyone claim to know the median weight of people in any states, you would have to be an idiot to believe in such a list.

No the list of the fattest states are not "just a list some guy posted" Nice way to overlook statistics which bother you, in fact the top 10 fattest states 9 of them voted for McCain/Palin. So you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.. I dont know why this even bothers you to the degree it does, do you have a problem with fat peoples votes?

Fattest States 2008
1 Mississippi 32.6 68.1 31.6 1.0 0
2 West Virginia 30.3 68.0 30.6 0.9 0
3 Alabama 30.9 66.6 30.1 0.7 0
4 Louisiana 30.7 65.2 29.5 1.3 0
5 South Carolina 29.0 65.3 29.2 1.3 0
6 Tennessee 30.7 67.4 29.0 1.2 0
7 Kentucky 28.7 69.1 28.4 1.0 0
8 Oklahoma 28.8 65.1 28.1 1.3 1
9 Arkansas 29.3 65.6 28.1 1.1 0
10 Michigan
No the list of the fattest states are not "just a list some guy posted" Nice way to overlook statistics which bother you, in fact the top 10 fattest states 9 of them voted for McCain/Palin. So you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.. I dont know why this even bothers you to the degree it does, do you have a problem with fat peoples votes?

Fattest States 2008
1 Mississippi 32.6 68.1 31.6 1.0 0
2 West Virginia 30.3 68.0 30.6 0.9 0
3 Alabama 30.9 66.6 30.1 0.7 0
4 Louisiana 30.7 65.2 29.5 1.3 0
5 South Carolina 29.0 65.3 29.2 1.3 0
6 Tennessee 30.7 67.4 29.0 1.2 0
7 Kentucky 28.7 69.1 28.4 1.0 0
8 Oklahoma 28.8 65.1 28.1 1.3 1
9 Arkansas 29.3 65.6 28.1 1.1 0
10 Michigan

Oh heck, this is obvious!

The skinny under fed folks voted for Obama so they could get their food stamp allowances increased.
Oh heck, this is obvious!

The skinny under fed folks voted for Obama so they could get their food stamp allowances increased.

Again...fibbie, fibbie..... your nose is going to grow....

the blue states pay more in taxes than they get back... the red states TAKE more than they pay.

Try again... and try to stop making garbage up as you go along.
Again...fibbie, fibbie..... your nose is going to grow....

the blue states pay more in taxes than they get back... the red states TAKE more than they pay.

Try again... and try to stop making garbage up as you go along.

Oh yes, I was so serious!

you idiot.
Oh yes, I was so serious!

you idiot.

ohhhhhhhhh.... sorry.

sarcasm meter must have been turned off.


But you do know there are people on this board who really believe that stuff, right? Sometimes hard to tell the difference.
ohhhhhhhhh.... sorry.

sarcasm meter must have been turned off.


But you do know there are people on this board who really believe that stuff, right? Sometimes hard to tell the difference.

Yes, I'm finding that out. But, if they are going to piss and moan over everything, then I'm going to enjoy pushing their buttons.

It was just a pun, that is why I put those rolling faces on there! lol

no harm, I don't take things to heart, I just bark back and chuckle.
Yes, I'm finding that out. But, if they are going to piss and moan over everything, then I'm going to enjoy pushing their buttons.

It was just a pun, that is why I put those rolling faces on there! lol

no harm, I don't take things to heart, I just bark back and chuckle.

I'll be more emoticon attuned from now on. :tongue:

And fair enough. It's all good.
I'll be more emoticon attuned from now on. :tongue:

And fair enough. It's all good.

You know, I was a community leader on a very large ISP's political boards for a long time.

I use to tell people, if you truly get upset when posting, then you need to stop.

If you can remember your posts long after you turn off your computer and are off doing other things, then you need to stop.

Sadly some people get too wrapped up in this stuff and really let it effect their lives emotionally.

A healthy debate and blowing off some steam is fine, but, if a person gets upset, they really need to take a break.

The last thing I am going to worry about is what someone on a message board thinks of me! Real life is rough enough! haha :eusa_angel:

Just my humble opinion.
That's a lie, actually. The pooer states are the most overweight because people can't afford to eat well. NYC is one of the healthier places.
That might be one of the stupidest things yet posted that i have seen.

So you might want to check out facts before you spew.
Says someone speaking wityhout facts. :lol:

But reading your posts, I'm figuring you don't do much of that...not that I care about the weight issue. But you apparently do.
Again, this from someone that believes you can gauge weight by income.

Poor people tend to be thiner you moron, because they can't afford to eat all the shit loud mouths like you eat.

Oh..and that would be President-Elect Obama to you.
Sorry, I don't bow to your king.

Damn, that must annoy you.
Why? He doesn't effect me whatsoever.
Exactly, and thats why I called him a moron. NYC is healthier than many places across the country. If he means upstate NY, then he's an even bigger idiot cause they always voted Republican
Stop talking to yourself, you already look like a fool claiming NYers 'walk' everywhere. :lol:

It's amazing anyone would bother to claim 'fat people' by state, again, ony an asshole would do it, and only a damn fool would support it.

Doesn't leave us much leeway about you, does it.
No the list of the fattest states are not "just a list some guy posted" Nice way to overlook statistics which bother you, in fact the top 10 fattest states 9 of them voted for McCain/Palin. So you can put that in your pipe and smoke it.. I dont know why this even bothers you to the degree it does, do you have a problem with fat peoples votes?

Fattest States 2008
1 Mississippi 32.6 68.1 31.6 1.0 0
2 West Virginia 30.3 68.0 30.6 0.9 0
3 Alabama 30.9 66.6 30.1 0.7 0
4 Louisiana 30.7 65.2 29.5 1.3 0
5 South Carolina 29.0 65.3 29.2 1.3 0
6 Tennessee 30.7 67.4 29.0 1.2 0
7 Kentucky 28.7 69.1 28.4 1.0 0
8 Oklahoma 28.8 65.1 28.1 1.3 1
9 Arkansas 29.3 65.6 28.1 1.1 0
10 Michigan
According to whom dear heart, where is the methodology, the sceintific breakdown of percentages?

It's a list by a moron for morons.
What I want to know is, did tax payers money pay for this worthless study?

Even if it would be correct, it's worthless!
I could see how conservatives are fatter than libs. We have jobs that allow us to buy food, obviously in large amounts.

Makes sense to me.
No stats has more fat bastards then NY, and they voted for BO.

:lol: They are mighty, mighty plump from their bailout.

Well, they wanted to vote for Mike Huckabee...


HOLY CRAP!! What is with those shirts? And the elbow patches? And those shirts? Maybe it was their Halloween card and they were posing as refs? Gaa, their jeans all match too. HOLY CRAP!!

Oh..and that would be President-Elect Obama to you.


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