National federal mental emergency.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
It isn’t often that we feel the need to alert the public to a national emergency but recent events may reveal a sweeping deterioration of mental capacity in the federal government. This is very important because if the cause is not identified Social Security payments including disability benefits along with Medicare checks, Earned Income Tax Credits and all tax returns may be in jeopardy.

Early evidence of brain dysfunction the in federal government surfaced during Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign when the FBI and the Department of Justice couldn’t find 30,000 emails the candidate sent from illegal servers. The public distress over this is real considering it is used to federal employees in the IRS like Lois Lerner who can dig up tax mistakes made decades ago and use them to hang average citizens out to dry.

Actually the cognitive degradation may even precede Clinton considering Lerner’s emails also could not be retrieved. Lerner was allegedly targeting Tea Party members for tax punishments. The fact that neurological damage has penetrated into the IRS is especially concerning to people who live on fixed incomes and depend on accurate tax information to supplement their meager lifestyles.

No one is sure if the federal feeble mindedness has a biological source or if government workers are in the crosshairs of high frequency microwave attacks. Nonetheless, growing consternation is everywhere because once again government workers cannot find 50,000 thousand text messages sent between federal employees Peter Stzrok and Lisa Page during a crucial time period in the election investigations.

This may also explain why another high level government official, Loretta Lynch, wandered off one airplane and onto another because she heard one of her friends was aboard. If the average neurologically normal traveler tried that they’d be arrested. In addition it may shed light on why Susan Rice told Hillary Clinton to blame a video that no one saw on the horrific death of an American Ambassador in Benghazi.

The public must come to grips with the chilling fact that these demented government officials have the nuclear codes. The catastrophic consequences of federal mental derangement are a real and present danger to our survival as a nation. We need to determine who or what is making the federal government stupid.

Of course there is always the possibility that all these people are just crooked and corrupt which would be an even worse scenario that what’s above.
Ray, your mind spilling over from rightwing coolaid overdose is the real mental emergency here.

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