National housing shortage getting worse.

You sound like one of those people who believes the government should operate as it was intended to.

What kind of a heretic are you, anyway? :laughing0301:

you think the Govt is intened to control the price of rent.

I am not shocked by this at all
That started before Biden. The truth is, this administration doesn't really have any new or unique ideas. Everything they've come up with so far has been a continuation of the Obama presidency. He was the one who got the ball rolling on the reverse-gentrification of previously-safe communities and rural areas. What do you think all those Census Bureau community surveys were about? I just recently had to fill one out, under the threat of duress. Obama was the one who sought to turn nice safe neighborhoods into urban shitholes full of crime, drugs, and decay, because that's ultimately what Democrats do. And like Obama's old white step-n-fetchit and butt-boy, Joe Biden is pushing the same nonsense on us.
Nothing has produced shortages and 100-200% rental housing inflation, more than communities suddenly becoming saturated with renters looking for units. And nobody has saturated cities with new people, more than Biden.

In January (2022) I moved out of an apartment that I was paying $600/mo. That apt now rents for $1200/mo. Deposit went from $300 to $1200.
The census was two years ago.
As someone who uses the raw census data - the full 2020 census data still hasn't been released. I actually purchase such software and my data vendor has had to improvise using a number of different sources that really don't come from that data set. Heck, I have put together also a bunch of different sources trying to get a handle on it.
I keep getting emails from the census department telling me that it is only months away - every month for the past year
OK, this has been something that your party did - the left communist party passed laws stating that you couldn't evict people. As a result, a bunch of democratic squatters decided not to pay their rent anymore.
That means that the landlords couldn't cover their mortgage payments. They would have to charge much, much more to be able to make it.
Top that off with the communist party/democrats in their super large cities shutting down all businesses for a year, passing out money like it is monopoly money, they whole commie lay flat movement [you lazy pieces of crap] that will refuse to go back to work and yet you are the first to complain.

Meanwhile, my mortgage rate hasn't changed one penny.
What you astonishingly neglected to mention is the unprecedented and shocking rental housing INFLATION going on (100-200%), exacerabated by the SHORTAGE.
I know what the solution is. >>
1.Stop letting millions of people from 161 countries come pouring into the country, and then airlifting them into US cities.
2. Carry out a mass deportation program similar to Eisenhower's 1954 Operation Wetback.
3. Get rid of state anti-rent control laws, preventing cities from enacting rent control.
4. Enact rent control laws, with RENT ROLLBACKS to 2018 levels.

Wait a minute ... landlords suffered horribly under the Clinton and Bush administrations ... like a choke hold, and sufficating ... the 2008 Housing Crisis was a dream come true ... skyrocketing rents, dirt cheep units for sale ... and a whole mess of brand new tenants ...

We deserve this windfall ... we took that risk and invested in a risky business ... higher risks, higher returns ... clean up a few apartments and you'll know human filth ...

If you establish rent control, then our profit will be less ... how are you going to lessen our risk? ... you can't, humans are filthy ... so we'll just have to sell the damn homes back to the tenant class ... again ... and hope they learned their lessons ...

Have Treasury keep the printing going ... inflation is manageable ...
OK, this has been something that your party did - the left communist party passed laws stating that you couldn't evict people.

Actually that was the Trump CDC that made that rule.
It is not the job of the Fed Govt to address the issue.

You and your fellow big government loving fucks are just too much to take sometime

It wasn't me who created the The Department of Housing and Urban Development. That just one more useless government agency that can go fuck themselves.

And if you can't take it, log out and don't log back in. You're the one always trying to defend the big government statist fucks like Joe Biden, not me.
And if you can't take it, log out and don't log back in. You're the one always trying to defend the big government statist fucks like Joe Biden, not me.

Yet here you are wanting the Fed Govt to solve all your problems.

You are just a fraud, admit it and move on
Yet here you are wanting the Fed Govt to solve all your problems.

You are just a fraud, admit it and move on

I have no problems. You are the fraud, one who pretends to be so "independent" and far above being left or right. But you don't think that everyone can see right through your bullshit kabuki theater. You're nothing more than a shill for the Democrat Party. Come on, admit it.
I have no problems. You are the fraud, one who pretends to be so "independent" and far above being left or right. But you don't think that everyone can see right through your bullshit kabuki theater. You're nothing more than a shill for the Democrat Party. Come on, admit it.

If young people work, live at home with their parents, don't get married and don't have kids the problem solved itself.
If young people work, live at home with their parents, don't get married and don't have kids the problem solved itself.

Not really. Sooner or later they will need to move out. they will need somewhere to go when that happens.

It also does not address the fact it is hard to find a builder that is willing to build basic homes any longer.
It is not the job of the Fed Govt to address the issue.

You and your fellow big government loving fucks are just too much to take sometime
Nor is the Fed Govt job to obstruct and/or compound the situation.

IIRC, the Fed got involved back post WW2 and this nation had a huge housing construction boom. Perhaps the Fed could assist/help in ways?
That started before Biden. The truth is, this administration doesn't really have any new or unique ideas. Everything they've come up with so far has been a continuation of the Obama presidency. He was the one who got the ball rolling on the reverse-gentrification of previously-safe communities and rural areas. What do you think all those Census Bureau community surveys were about? I just recently had to fill one out, under the threat of duress. Obama was the one who sought to turn nice safe neighborhoods into urban shitholes full of crime, drugs, and decay, because that's ultimately what Democrats do. And like Obama's old white step-n-fetchit and butt-boy, Joe Biden is pushing the same nonsense on us.
Our small community (5K) is not rich. Rural, working class, agriculture based. Between $2.5M of fed dollars for a homeless shelter, and $125K state dollars for a homeless encampment for homeless that we never had before these compassionate offerings, we now have homeless coming from the city 75 miles away that can't deal with their own problems. Democrats are scum.
Young people having a place to live is not a new problem. In the 70s, if a person didn't have a place or income to provide one, they searched for room mates and lived communally. There were also things companies like Capp Homes who would put together kit homes and build the shell on your parcel for you to finish. Habitat for Humanity still does these things. There are ways around homelessness for anyone with a modicum of ambition and a bit of intelligence. Trouble is, it requires work and no one is willing to put in the work. Help wanted signs in every other business is a prime example of this point.

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