National housing shortage getting worse.

Our small community (5K) is not rich. Rural, working class, agriculture based. Between $2.5M of fed dollars for a homeless shelter, and $125K state dollars for a homeless encampment for homeless that we never had before these compassionate offerings, we now have homeless coming from the city 75 miles away that can't deal with their own problems. Democrats are scum.
Yes Democrats are scum, in numerous ways. But it is both dems & reps who have jacked rents up 100-200%, and neither of them are helping the beleaguered renters.
That started before Biden. The truth is, this administration doesn't really have any new or unique ideas. Everything they've come up with so far has been a continuation of the Obama presidency. He was the one who got the ball rolling on the reverse-gentrification of previously-safe communities and rural areas. What do you think all those Census Bureau community surveys were about? I just recently had to fill one out, under the threat of duress. Obama was the one who sought to turn nice safe neighborhoods into urban shitholes full of crime, drugs, and decay, because that's ultimately what Democrats do. And like Obama's old white step-n-fetchit and butt-boy, Joe Biden is pushing the same nonsense on us.
Regardless of when it started Biden created a huge housing crisis by airlifting thousands of migrants into the cities.
I work in residential construction and we will not build anything under 800K.
There is no profit in building starter homes as margins are tight on even a million dollar home.
Thank excessive permit fees, taxes, licensing, inspections, lot prices, materials, and government mandates on certain building codes.
Young people living at home with their parents into their 30s while working and saving would alleviate many problems.
Kinda like folks do in places like the Philippines, Guatemala, and India... Um... Wait a minute...
List the downside of a young working person working, saving money, not getting married, not having kids they can't afford.
List the downside of a young working person working, saving money, not getting married, not having kids they can't afford.

Those are all good things, but they should not be doing them in their parents house till they are 30. Parents deserve to have some freedom from such things after a while.
Well with wages lower than low and housing expensive it makes sense. One couldn't pay rent on$25 per hour before inflation.
Well with wages lower than low and housing expensive it makes sense. One couldn't pay rent on$25 per hour before inflation.
Those are all good things, but they should not be doing them in their parents house till they are 30. Parents deserve to have some freedom from such things after a while.
LMAO, so a parent deserves the freedom, but the taxpayers should pick up the slack? Is that what you are saying Gigi? Because that is what it sounds like.
Feel free to show me a post where I said such a thing.

I will be happy to wait.
The post I replied to stated that "but they should not be doing them in their parents house till they are 30." With your record of advocating for Biden policies, it only stands to reason since you offered no alternative to the democrat policy of UBI which is the taxpayer. Are you backing off of your communist beliefs?
The post I replied to stated that "but they should not be doing them in their parents house till they are 30." With your record of advocating for Biden policies, it only stands to reason since you offered no alternative to the democrat policy of UBI which is the taxpayer. Are you backing off of your communist beliefs?

First off I will bet you 100 bucks you cannot find 3 Biden polices I have advocated for.

Second....which of these takes tax dollars to accomplish.... young working person working, saving money, not getting married, not having kids they can't afford.
First off I will bet you 100 bucks you cannot find 3 Biden polices I have advocated for.

Second....which of these takes tax dollars to accomplish.... young working person working, saving money, not getting married, not having kids they can't afford.
Lying again, Gigi. That wasn't from your post and you didn't even like it--you just stole it from initforme. BTW, there is nothing wrong with it--that isn't what you advocate constantly either.
Lying again, Gigi. That wasn't from your post and you didn't even like it--you just stole it from initforme. BTW, there is nothing wrong with it--that isn't what you advocate constantly either.

That was the post I responded to you fucking moron in the post you accused me of wanting to use tax dollars.

Are you so fucking stupid you cannot follow the flow of the thread?

I was reading some place the other day that Blackstone just threw together another 30 billion to buy up distressed properties for pennies on the dollar, adding to their already booming portfolio.

Oughtta be able to rent something from them. And be happy...

Actually, here's a link, so far as felt like looking for one. Think it's behind a paywall, though.

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Yep, it's the zoning laws. The requirement for the size of lots purchased to either build, or install modular homes has to change. The problem being local landowners who have McMansions on large tracts of land, or home owners associations, lobby to prevent starter homes on small lots that are adjacent, because they are only concerned about their property value for resale.

Of course, that premium value becomes less important when it comes time to pay taxes.

You might take this the wrong way, but I agree with George Carlin on the issue. We should take all of the golf courses, and turn them into public housing, and small lots for starter homes. Enough land there to create those 3.8 million homes easily.

There always seems to be those that think public housing should be an inner city project. I call bullshit. Public housing, and starter home lots should be put in the suburbs, and rural areas. You know, where the white flight class moves to get away from it.

That would create a miraculous solution to the problem in about 24 hours.
Nothing is stopping you from buying a golf course and giving it away to drug addicts and the insane.

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