National housing shortage getting worse.

My homes (3 of them) WERE paid for. That didn't help when BILLS$$ for air conditioning, heating, plumbing, termites, window screens, you name it, came around, nor did it help top alleviate the aggravation of having to wait for repairs.
You said in a previous post that you rented for most of your life. Your mention of the costs to maintain your homes is laughable. Do you think those things magically disappear when you become a renter? LOL, nope, you just gave the landlord the right to charge you for them, adding another middle man to pay. When you own, you control. When you rent, you are controlled.
You were quite the informed six year old. Let's not embellish things anymore than you already do.

Prices will increase to whatever the market will bear. Alternatives are MOVE to a more economical place to live, room mates or suck it up. Otherwise, you are just going to be whining and no one will be listening. If I was renting in the Tampa area, I'd leave. Bottom line is your short sightedness to remain a renter during your entire life led to your plight.
At 6 years of age I was in the 2nd grade in school, and quite knowledgable about many things, and I had an apartment that my parents rented, + a house in the country which was paid for.

Prices will increase to whatever the market will bear, IF there is not control over those prices, and if all anybody cares about is what a bunch of low-life, greed-freak landlords wany to do. A proper, civilized society does what is best for ALL citizens, landlords and renters alike.

No, those are NOT the only "alternatives". The proper alternative is to have control over rental housing such that it will be fair to everyone, and meet their needs. Landlords do not NEED rents of $2000/month, which last year were $700/mo, ad renters DO NEED a place to live.

In my case, I don't need to leave Tampa because of housing, since I found a nice apartment in a brand new building (completed in 2022), with a relatively reasonable rent, and a long list of amenities that few homeowners can say they have.
Nope, I wouldn't be a landlord for love or money. There are no protections for the home owner. I bought my first place at 28 and upgraded twice since. I own my place now and as long as I can come up with the taxes, I should be good. If taxes get out of hand, I'll sell and move someplace that I can afford.
You'll sell IF you are able to, and there are lots of things that could make that impossible.
As for homeowner equity, the value of your home can just as well DEcrease as increase,
While there definitely are downturns in the market, in my 71 years, they have ALWAYS rebounded. I paid 38K for my first place in 1979--today that same property is selling for $325K. Again illustrating that it has increased in the 10% neighborhood over time.
Landlords should know that they are dealing with people necessity
Landlords are not your mommy. They have their lives as well. They are also responsible for repairing the damage that irresponsible renters create. That $8 sheet of OSB is now about $40 and you figure he is just going to gift that to a renter? I wonder what universe you are living in.
Getting back to the home repairs, as well as landscaping, it is nice to know that one call to the office, and the maintenance team is on the spot fixing it, at no cost to me.
Considering the title of this thread, this statement ^^^ is absurd. You complained about the cost of maintenance as a homeowner, but you say "one call..." LMAO, that is partially why your rent is going up. Maintenance and material costs, increased costs of landscape plants, fertilizer, and manpower. HaHaHa, "at no cost to me" That's a good one, you should have been a comedian.
You said in a previous post that you rented for most of your life. Your mention of the costs to maintain your homes is laughable. Do you think those things magically disappear when you become a renter? LOL, nope, you just gave the landlord the right to charge you for them, adding another middle man to pay. When you own, you control. When you rent, you are controlled.
When you own, you are controlled by the costs (and inconveniences) of the aging and deterioration of your home and lot. You can't tell me those costs are laughable. I've owned 3 houses, and dozens of acres of land, and I know what they can be.

With a brand new apartment building, it will be quite some years before those costs come to fruition. For quite some years, we all live happily, repair free, with routine maintenance being done by the help. Excuse me, I now have to go work out in my exercise room, followed by a scheduled meeting in the billiards room, followed by a good robust swim in the pool, and relaxation in the large, screened in patio.
Good for those of us who own homes. ;)

Good for those who build homes.

Good for those who finance homes.

Good for those who repair homes.

Good for a lot of people. Opposite of China having too many homes, not enough people looking for homes.
At 6 years of age I was in the 2nd grade in school, and quite knowledgable about many things, and I had an apartment that my parents rented, + a house in the country which was paid for.
You had a paid for house in the country at six years old? I say you're full of shit. Your parents had a house. BTW, if you had three houses, all paid for, why didn't you downsize to something you could afford instead of renting? You sound like a victim of your own poor choices.
The proper alternative is to have control over rental housing such that it will be fair to everyone, and meet their needs.
Welcome to communism, comrade. From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs. This is America. Fortunes have been made and lost by choices, good and bad. Suck it up and accept responsibility for your choices.
I found a nice apartment in a brand new building (completed in 2022), with a relatively reasonable rent, and a long list of amenities that few homeowners can say they have.
Good for you. Now you're getting it. If you can figure it out, so can everyone else. LOL, I can't wait to hear your whining when that place raises their rents due to the inflation that the democrats have unleashed on us. BTW, how have your energy bills done? I'm sure they've increased as well--those dirty energy producers--there ought to be a law, eh?
While there definitely are downturns in the market, in my 71 years, they have ALWAYS rebounded. I paid 38K for my first place in 1979--today that same property is selling for $325K. Again illustrating that it has increased in the 10% neighborhood over time.

Landlords are not your mommy. They have their lives as well. They are also responsible for repairing the damage that irresponsible renters create. That $8 sheet of OSB is now about $40 and you figure he is just going to gift that to a renter? I wonder what universe you are living in.

Considering the title of this thread, this statement ^^^ is absurd. You complained about the cost of maintenance as a homeowner, but you say "one call..." LMAO, that is partially why your rent is going up. Maintenance and material costs, increased costs of landscape plants, fertilizer, and manpower. HaHaHa, "at no cost to me" That's a good one, you should have been a comedian.
Don't make us all laugh with your sob stories about landlord costs. You could have gotten by with that 3 years ago. Not now, with rents going up 100-200%. "Costs" are not that high. This is GOUGING & GREED and everybody knows it, but keep talking if you don't mind making a fool out of yourself.

I said at no cost to me, and I say it again. The construction of this building was done February 2022. You think it is going to be falling apart ?
When you own, you are controlled by the costs (and inconveniences) of the aging and deterioration of your home and lot. You can't tell me those costs are laughable. I've owned 3 houses, and dozens of acres of land, and I know what they can be.
Granted, there are costs. But they are MY costs and the resulting equity is MINE. Also, my mortgage is fixed. I paid the same last payment as I paid for the first--no rent increases at the whim of the owner because I am the owner. What equity do you realize as a long term renter? I'll tell you. NONE. Choices.
Excuse me, I now have to go work out in my exercise room, followed by a scheduled meeting in the billiards room, followed by a good robust swim in the pool, and relaxation in the large, screened in patio.
Have a good one. I have a room (that I don't share with strangers) that I work out in, a pool table in my game room and a swimming pool that I also don't share with strangers as well. Not a bad life for a retired mechanic.
You had a paid for house in the country at six years old? I say you're full of shit. Your parents had a house. BTW, if you had three houses, all paid for, why didn't you downsize to something you could afford instead of renting? You sound like a victim of your own poor choices.

Welcome to communism, comrade. From each according to their abilities, to each according to their needs. This is America. Fortunes have been made and lost by choices, good and bad. Suck it up and accept responsibility for your choices.

Good for you. Now you're getting it. If you can figure it out, so can everyone else. LOL, I can't wait to hear your whining when that place raises their rents due to the inflation that the democrats have unleashed on us. BTW, how have your energy bills done? I'm sure they've increased as well--those dirty energy producers--there ought to be a law, eh?
HA HA. I was just waiting for the "communism" barb. Maye that could work against some of the looney leftists here, but everybody here knows me as one of the most staunch conservatives on this board.

Fact is, America is a blend of socialism and capitalism, and business owner was my main occupation through my life. There are places for capitalism where it has it's good function, and some for socialism, and none more fitting than the #1 element of human survival, ie. Shelter (according to anthropologists).
Not now, with rents going up 100-200%
Excuse me? Do you drive? What has happened to the cost of fuel in the last year and a half? I believe it has increase over double. When fuel increases, everything increases.
Don't make us all laugh with your sob stories about landlord costs.
I am not sobbing in the least. You, OTOH, are continually whining, woe is me, the dirty landlord raised my rent. Get over it, you are not six anymore and your parents aren't paying the rent.
I said at no cost to me, and I say it again.
Do you pay rent? That is a cost. Next year when they raise your rent when your lease runs out, that will be more cost to you. You are very short-sighted.
Granted, there are costs. But they are MY costs and the resulting equity is MINE. Also, my mortgage is fixed. I paid the same last payment as I paid for the first--no rent increases at the whim of the owner because I am the owner. What equity do you realize as a long term renter? I'll tell you. NONE. Choices.

Have a good one. I have a room (that I don't share with strangers) that I work out in, a pool table in my game room and a swimming pool that I also don't share with strangers as well. Not a bad life for a retired mechanic.
I hve swam in my pool about 20 times since I movedin here New Years Day, and I have neer had to share it with anyone. I prefere mornings. They don't. :biggrin:

Uh oh. I just noticed the time. I just missed half of Gunsmoke. This discussion doesnt enthrall me much anyway. See ya.
but everybody here knows me as one of the most staunch conservatives on this board.
You've said that before. It is also untrue, when you paraphrase Karl Marx, in your response, your claim of conservatism rings hollow. Here it is from your post #102, The proper alternative is to have control over rental housing such that it will be fair to everyone, and meet their needs.
Yep, it's the zoning laws. The requirement for the size of lots purchased to either build, or install modular homes has to change. The problem being local landowners who have McMansions on large tracts of land, or home owners associations, lobby to prevent starter homes on small lots that are adjacent, because they are only concerned about their property value for resale.

Of course, that premium value becomes less important when it comes time to pay taxes.

You might take this the wrong way, but I agree with George Carlin on the issue. We should take all of the golf courses, and turn them into public housing, and small lots for starter homes. Enough land there to create those 3.8 million homes easily.

There always seems to be those that think public housing should be an inner city project. I call bullshit. Public housing, and starter home lots should be put in the suburbs, and rural areas. You know, where the white flight class moves to get away from it.

That would create a miraculous solution to the problem in about 24 hours.
You first. Let's build the first one next door to you.
Young people having a place to live is not a new problem. In the 70s, if a person didn't have a place or income to provide one, they searched for room mates and lived communally. There were also things companies like Capp Homes who would put together kit homes and build the shell on your parcel for you to finish. Habitat for Humanity still does these things. There are ways around homelessness for anyone with a modicum of ambition and a bit of intelligence. Trouble is, it requires work and no one is willing to put in the work. Help wanted signs in every other business is a prime example of this point.
In many places, that's no longer allowed. Heck,some places have effectively banned ROOMMATES.
Young people living at home with their parents into their 30s while working and saving would alleviate many problems.
You first.
List the downside of a young working person working, saving money, not getting married, not having kids they can't afford.
Again: you first.
Oh yeah, because they are buying up real estate like there is no tomorrow

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok:
You're not this stupid. It's not possible.
Don't make us all laugh with your sob stories about landlord costs. You could have gotten by with that 3 years ago. Not now, with rents going up 100-200%. "Costs" are not that high. This is GOUGING & GREED and everybody knows it, but keep talking if you don't mind making a fool out of yourself.

I said at no cost to me, and I say it again. The construction of this building was done February 2022. You think it is going to be falling apart ?
Probably. I suspect it's typical construction, slapped together quick and cheap, falling apart as soon as it's finished. Probably already leaking.
Excuse me? Do you drive? What has happened to the cost of fuel in the last year and a half? I believe it has increase over double. When fuel increases, everything increases.

I am not sobbing in the least. You, OTOH, are continually whining, woe is me, the dirty landlord raised my rent. Get over it, you are not six anymore and your parents aren't paying the rent.

Do you pay rent? That is a cost. Next year when they raise your rent when your lease runs out, that will be more cost to you. You are very short-sighted.
To suggest control over money-grabbing, landlord thugs isn't much different than suggesting control over thieves. Extreme situations call for equally extreme solutions. Nothing short-sighted about that.

And the thread is about housing, not gas prices.
Go green!
Move into a cardboard box. It's recyclable!
That's the exactly the crude attitude of today's rent gouger landlords. That's why people like you, and them need to be taken to task, with no sympathy whatsoever.

Now that you inspired me to think of it, in addition to capping rents at 5%, there should be rent ROLLBACKS to 2018 levels, and reparations paid to renters, whom the greed freaks have gouged for the past 3 years. To be paid only by the landlords of course.
Go red! MAGA. :D

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