National housing shortage getting worse.

which I never said a thing about.
People who live at home til 30 are failures. Failures released on the public by their parents are tax liabilities. Your inability to connect the dots speaks to your stupidity. And like most democrat/globalists your only response is denial. Run along, did you lick the windows on the short bus?
People who live at home til 30 are failures. Failures released on the public by their parents are tax liabilities. Your inability to connect the dots speaks to your stupidity. And like most democrat/globalists your only response is denial. Run along, did you lick the windows on the short bus?

Get caught in multiple lies and you jump to your personal attacks.

It is your SOP, it is all you ever have.

Sucks to be you. :itsok:
Get caught in multiple lies and you jump to your personal attacks.

It is your SOP, it is all you ever have.

Sucks to be you. :itsok:
Geez, don't you ever get tired of your moronic trolling. You're wrong, you're lying and you're trolling. You also are not taking credit for the train wreck that you put in the WH. Go ahead, post some more irrelevant crap. That is your MO when you can't deny what you have done. Back to the original question. Who is going to pay for the 30 year old failures when they are released on the taxpayer by their parents because their spawn can't support themselves? Hmmm?
Geez, don't you ever get tired of your moronic trolling. You're wrong, you're lying and you're trolling.

You lied about me, twice and I am the one trolling.

Damn you are fun!

. You also are not taking credit for the train wreck that you put in the WH

I voted for Jo Jorgensen, don't blame me for your duopoly failings.
Back to the original question. Who is going to pay for the 30 year old failures when they are released on the taxpayer by their parents because their spawn can't support themselves?

Does this sound like a failure to you....."a young working person working, saving money, not getting married, not having kids they can't afford"

Why would this person need tax payer support? This is who my response was speaking of.

Now, go find a new thread to lie about me in, I am done here
I voted for Jo Jorgensen
That is a chicken shit's vote for Biden
Does this sound like a failure to you....."a young working person working, saving money, not getting married, not having kids they can't afford"
If they are living off of their parents until they're 30--Yep, that's a failure and a parasite.
Why would this person need tax payer support?
If someone is a parasite for 10 years longer than the norm, yep--just like the parasites that figure the taxpayers should pay their student loans.
Now, go find a new thread to lie about me in
You have lied and anyone who has followed the thread knows it.
Get off the "productive member of society" bs. It's so overdone. For 99.999 percent who work they don't give one iota to being a "productive member of society". What a bunch of abject rubbish. You should be ashamed.
Wait a minute ... landlords suffered horribly under the Clinton and Bush administrations ... like a choke hold, and sufficating ... the 2008 Housing Crisis was a dream come true ... skyrocketing rents, dirt cheep units for sale ... and a whole mess of brand new tenants ...

We deserve this windfall ... we took that risk and invested in a risky business ... higher risks, higher returns ... clean up a few apartments and you'll know human filth ...

If you establish rent control, then our profit will be less ... how are you going to lessen our risk? ... you can't, humans are filthy ... so we'll just have to sell the damn homes back to the tenant class ... again ... and hope they learned their lessons ...

Have Treasury keep the printing going ... inflation is manageable ...
Are you aware of the quantities involved in the current housing crisis ? In the past, rent increases were small, and the subject was profits. This is an entirely different subject.

Rent increases today are ASTRONOMICAL (100-200%) with 400% increases in security deposits. This is not about making a profit. This is about GREED GONE WILD + the fact this is a commodity that is a critical NECESSITY for people. Not the same as selling art, golf clubs, or guitars.
Young people having a place to live is not a new problem.
The sudden massive increases of the levels of rents, IS a new thing/problem. I'm 76 years old, and have lived mostly in rental housing all my life., I've never seen anything even remotely close to what is occuring right now.
Are you aware of the quantities involved in the current housing crisis ? In the past, rent increases were small, and the subject was profits. This is an entirely different subject.

Rent increases today are ASTRONOMICAL (100-200%) with 400% increases in security deposits. This is not about making a profit. This is about GREED GONE WILD + the fact this is a commodity that is a critical NECESSITY for people. Not the same as selling art, golf clubs, or guitars.

The costs of maintenance and repair is also astronomical ... materials are doubled in price and insurance has quadrupled ... you're right this isn't about profit, this is about breaking even and landlords not going bankrupt ... the used airplane market is a great proxy for landlord economics ... it's flooded right now because landlords are suffering ...

I know it's different in the rest of the world, but here in the United States tenants have the legal right to purchase their own home, and stop being tenants ... part of the Great American Experiment ... just keep your bills paid and wait for the right opportunity ... easy peasy ...

"We're seeing a shortage, or housing underproduction, in all corners of the U.S.," says Mike Kingsella, the CEO of Up for Growth, which on Thursday released a study about the problem. The nonprofit research group is made up of affordable housing and industry groups.

"America's fallen 3.8 million homes short of meeting housing needs," he says. "And that's both rental housing and ownership."

I am not sure what the solution is. The article gives a few ideas, changing zoning laws for one to allow more affordable housing to be built. But that assumes anyone will build it. In my neck of the woods all the new housing being built are huge houses of "Luxury apartments". It seems nobody builds what many of us called "starter homes" back in the day.

Clearly the rising mortgage rates will not help the situation.

This is one of those things that is just going to fester till it explodes, which will not be good.

People I know who want to buy a house never seem to think that they can build.

The wife and I are building our retirement home because I want it to be what I want and not to have to buy someone else's ideas that I have to change around to make it right.

FYI it's usually cheaper to build than to buy.
People I know who want to buy a house never seem to think that they can build.

The wife and I are building our retirement home because I want it to be what I want and not to have to buy someone else's ideas that I have to change around to make it right.

FYI it's usually cheaper to build than to buy.

We thought that as well.

But when we started looking the competition for the existing homes was so fierce that people were paying 10 grand over asking price.

Then we found a place that was part of an already designed little neighborhood with the slab already poured. The basic floorplan was set but it had everything on our list...everything we need on the main floor. Open floorplan. Well designed kitchen for cooking. Extra room for my home office. Screened in porch. Lawn care done for us.

We got to customize the aesthetics as well as we upgraded the bathroom to a full tile shower vice an insert. Then we got to pick all the flooring, cabinets, granite for the counters. We got to do a walk through with the electrician to add outlets and such.

It is up in the air if we will retire in this house, but if we do it is prefect for it. Either way we will be in it for the next decade at a minimum. 2 months till we get to call it our own (and the bank's I suppose)
The sudden massive increases of the levels of rents, IS a new thing/problem. I'm 76 years old, and have lived mostly in rental housing all my life., I've never seen anything even remotely close to what is occuring right now.
Therein lies your problem. You should have purchased your own property instead of flushing your money down the toilet every month making someone else's mortgage payment. To be sure, you are royally screwed at this point in your life, but the free market is the free market and people make the wrong decisions every day. If you had purchased your home during your earning years, you would not be affected by the whims of the rental market. Your home would be paid for and you would only have to worry about property taxes. The upside is you would have all of that homeowner equity as an insurance policy. Like the price of gas, beef, bread etc. the cost of rent will increase according to the market. The Biden admin is directly responsible for influencing the rental market with his policies.
The sudden massive increases of the levels of rents, IS a new thing/problem.
In my twenties, I was able to rent a duplex for about $100/month. Rents today are 10-20 times that today, depending on where you wish to live. Those prices are in line with the cost of everything. Bread was 30 cents a loaf then, $3 to $6, now. Same with fuel, same with the cost of an auto. Inflation hits everything and Biden and the democrats are ignorant of that fact. Pumping trillions into the economy as they did was destined to create unbridled inflation. Anyone with half a brain should have seen this coming.
In my twenties, I was able to rent a duplex for about $100/month. Rents today are 10-20 times that today, depending on where you wish to live. Those prices are in line with the cost of everything. Bread was 30 cents a loaf then, $3 to $6, now. Same with fuel, same with the cost of an auto. Inflation hits everything and Biden and the democrats are ignorant of that fact. Pumping trillions into the economy as they did was destined to create unbridled inflation. Anyone with half a brain should have seen this coming.
Wrong. NOBODY saw it coming, and why would they ? For years, renters have had rent increases from 0 - 15% (usually about 5%). For 70 years, that is how I have seen it to be. Now rent increases are 100% +++. And you act like that is normal.

Not hard to see that you have kind of vested interest in this, and its's not on the side of the renters.

The inflation you talk about, took many decades to happen. This highly unusual inflation is happening all at once, with renters getting 2 month advance notices. You don't have a ghost of an argument here.
For 70 years, that is how I have seen it to be.
You were quite the informed six year old. Let's not embellish things anymore than you already do.
Now rent increases are 100% +++.
Prices will increase to whatever the market will bear. Alternatives are MOVE to a more economical place to live, room mates or suck it up. Otherwise, you are just going to be whining and no one will be listening. If I was renting in the Tampa area, I'd leave. Bottom line is your short sightedness to remain a renter during your entire life led to your plight.
Therein lies your problem. You should have purchased your own property instead of flushing your money down the toilet every month making someone else's mortgage payment. To be sure, you are royally screwed at this point in your life, but the free market is the free market and people make the wrong decisions every day. If you had purchased your home during your earning years, you would not be affected by the whims of the rental market. Your home would be paid for and you would only have to worry about property taxes. The upside is you would have all of that homeowner equity as an insurance policy. Like the price of gas, beef, bread etc. the cost of rent will increase according to the market. The Biden admin is directly responsible for influencing the rental market with his policies.
My homes (3 of them) WERE paid for. That didn't help when BILLS$$ for air conditioning, heating, plumbing, termites, window screens, you name it, came around, nor did it help top alleviate the aggravation of having to wait for repairs.

As for homeowner equity, the value of your home can just as well DEcrease as increase, with a list of causes for that. With housing, I do not agree that the
"market" should be free to do whatever it wants. Not when the # 1 element of human survival is at stake. Landlords should know that they are dealing with people necessity, not inanimate objects, and that should be respected.

Getting back to the home repairs, as well as landscaping, it is nice to know that one call to the office, and the maintenance team is on the spot fixing it, at no cost to me.
Not hard to see that you have kind of vested interest in this, and its's not on the side of the renters.
Nope, I wouldn't be a landlord for love or money. There are no protections for the home owner. I bought my first place at 28 and upgraded twice since. I own my place now and as long as I can come up with the taxes, I should be good. If taxes get out of hand, I'll sell and move someplace that I can afford.

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