National housing shortage getting worse.

So we all agree living with parents, working full time, saving, not getting married and not having kids are all positives that nobody can renounce. Thank you I win again.
That was the post I responded to you fucking moron in the post you accused me of wanting to use tax dollars.

Are you so fucking stupid you cannot follow the flow of the thread?

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Are we triggered? Tsk, tsk. His post said "List the downside..." You responded with "These are all good things, but ... But what? What are you suggesting to make the young leave home?
Are we triggered? Tsk, tsk. His post said "List the downside..." You responded with "These are all good things, but ... But what? What are you suggesting to make the young leave home?

BUT just what I said....parents have done their work and deserve some time to enjoy their empty next. Yes, I do suggest that parents make their kids move out before they are 30
Who do you think is going to be taking care of their chaff then? That's right, the taxpayer. Thank you.

Dude, I realize you think that the Govt is the answer to all your problem, but fuck get over it.

They can take care of themselves. They just need to lower the expectations as many of them are very unrealistic thinking for people just starting out.

They will be fine, we just need their parents to quit coddling them and people like you wanting the Govt to do so.
Dude, I realize you think that the Govt is the answer to all your problem,
You're not very smart. I am not the one advocating for dumping a useless 30-year-old freeloader off on the government (taxpayer) so that the parent can "get a break." The parent got a break the whole time they weren't raising a productive member of society. Try again and quit using the democrat tactic of projection. Maybe you just ought to quit lying to yourself and admit you're a leftist democrat in sheep's clothing

"We're seeing a shortage, or housing underproduction, in all corners of the U.S.," says Mike Kingsella, the CEO of Up for Growth, which on Thursday released a study about the problem. The nonprofit research group is made up of affordable housing and industry groups.

"America's fallen 3.8 million homes short of meeting housing needs," he says. "And that's both rental housing and ownership."

I am not sure what the solution is. The article gives a few ideas, changing zoning laws for one to allow more affordable housing to be built. But that assumes anyone will build it. In my neck of the woods all the new housing being built are huge houses of "Luxury apartments". It seems nobody builds what many of us called "starter homes" back in the day.

Clearly the rising mortgage rates will not help the situation.

This is one of those things that is just going to fester till it explodes, which will not be good.

Hmmmmm, maybe stop importing millions of illegals for a start.
You're not very smart. I am not the one advocating for dumping a useless 30-year-old freeloader off on the government (taxpayer) so that the parent can "get a break." The parent got a break the whole time they weren't raising a productive member of society. Try again and quit using the democrat tactic of projection. Maybe you just ought to quit lying to yourself and admit you're a leftist democrat in sheep's clothing

You are the only one to bring up taxes. I said nothing about taxes and implied nothing about taxes. Quit projecting your feelings on to me, it gets old
You are the only one to bring up taxes. I said nothing about taxes and implied nothing about taxes. Quit projecting your feelings on to me, it gets old
You still haven't answered who you think is going to support your 30-year-old freeloader when you dump them on the public because you need a break. If it isn't the government dole that you push--what is it, Einstein?
You still haven't answered who you think is going to support your 30-year-old freeloader when you dump them on the public because you need a break. If it isn't the government dole that you push--what is it, Einstein?

NOBODY. Fuck them.

you will not have to worry about my kids, they are already self sufficient.

It is a push for people to grow up and for parents to quit coddling their adult children and for people like you to quit coddling them with tax dollars
Oh yeah, because they are buying up real estate like there is no tomorrow

:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301: :itsok:

No, but the NGO's are paying to house them, which drives up rental costs, which drives up ALL housing costs.

You claim to be smart, so think a have X number of boxes, your population is Y. Y is very close to the number of boxes you have, but then, suddenly, you have Z vying for those same boxes.

So....Mr. thinker, try using some addition
No, but the NGO's are paying to house them, which drives up rental costs, which drives up ALL housing costs.

You claim to be smart, so think a have X number of boxes, your population is Y. Y is very close to the number of boxes you have, but then, suddenly, you have Z vying for those same boxes.

So....Mr. thinker, try using some addition

Maybe that could account for shortages in the places where there is a concentration of illegals, but that does not account for all of it. That does not really help explain the shortage in Springfield Mo or other such towns.

I realize it is your answer for everything and anything, but you might need to use your brain a tad bit more in the future.
Maybe that could account for shortages in the places where there is a concentration of illegals, but that does not account for all of it. That does not really help explain the shortage in Springfield Mo or other such towns.

I realize it is your answer for everything and anything, but you might need to use your brain a tad bit more in the future.

Ummmm, you do realize that they aren't just staying in Texas, right?
Ummmm, you do realize that they aren't just staying in Texas, right?

There is an estimated 50,000 in the entire state of Missouri.

They are not the cause of the housing shortage in the state.

There is much more to it than just "bad brown people".

But for some reason that is beyond you.
There is an estimated 50,000 in the entire state of Missouri.

They are not the cause of the housing shortage in the state.

There is much more to it than just "bad brown people".

But for some reason that is beyond you.

Ummm, it's not about the color of their skin, mr. bigot, it is about the fact that they are coming in huge quantities. But, leave it to a progressive, such as yourself, to resort to the tired old racism crap.
You are the one that brought up tax dollars, not me. Quit trying to back track and just be proud of who you are.
Try again, moron. You said they should dump their failures (on who? yep that would be taxpayers) at age 30 because the parents needed the break. Now just quit lying. You can't back your way out of it--you posted it.
Try again, moron. You said they should dump their failures (on who? yep that would be taxpayers) at age 30 because the parents needed the break. Now just quit lying. You can't back your way out of it--you posted it.

I did not say a thing about failures, that is just more of your lies.

I responded to a post saying adults should live at home till 30. I disagreed with that.

And you took my view that adults should not be living at home till they are and turned it into something about taxes, which I never said a thing about.

You are the most dishonest person on this forum.

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