National or state's law?

Luddly Neddite

Diamond Member
Sep 14, 2011
So those states and individuals that are united in supporting gun control and safety are to be ignored to accomodate gun enthusiasts?
Are those who seem to feel that guns solve everything to define "freedom" for the rest of us?
NO....and the hypocracy that often characterizes the NRA supported right wing is clearly evident here..."small government" my ass....only when it suits them..

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Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree? - Washington Times

Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree?

You can vote at the link but notice that 80% disagree with the state's right to make their own law. Who didn't see that coming? :badgrin:
The reason why 80% disagree with states making their own laws is obvious to anyone who is familiar with the second amendment..because it is a constitutional right to bear arms NATIONALLY, the state's have no right to make any laws pro or con on gun me where in the constitution it says they do, specifically in the second amendment. I'll wait...
Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree? - Washington Times

Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree?

You can vote at the link but notice that 80% disagree with the state's right to make their own law. Who didn't see that coming? :badgrin:
The reason why 80% disagree with states making their own laws is obvious to anyone who is familiar with the second amendment..because it is a constitutional right to bear arms NATIONALLY, the state's have no right to make any laws pro or con on gun me where in the constitution it says they do, specifically in the second amendment. I'll wait...

Is that also the reason why Georgia just passed their 'guns everywhere' law?
You want to show me where it says that states get to put limits on gun ownership or what?
Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree? - Washington Times

You can vote at the link but notice that 80% disagree with the state's right to make their own law. Who didn't see that coming? :badgrin:
The reason why 80% disagree with states making their own laws is obvious to anyone who is familiar with the second amendment..because it is a constitutional right to bear arms NATIONALLY, the state's have no right to make any laws pro or con on gun me where in the constitution it says they do, specifically in the second amendment. I'll wait...

Is that also the reason why Georgia just passed their 'guns everywhere' law?
Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree? - Washington Times

Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree?

You can vote at the link but notice that 80% disagree with the state's right to make their own law. Who didn't see that coming? :badgrin:
The reason why 80% disagree with states making their own laws is obvious to anyone who is familiar with the second amendment..because it is a constitutional right to bear arms NATIONALLY, the state's have no right to make any laws pro or con on gun me where in the constitution it says they do, specifically in the second amendment. I'll wait...

The second amendment gives the power to the states. This was done in order to give the states the right to form militias.
No it doesn't...but show me how you came to this conclusion? You've probably never read the federalist papers or else you wouldn't be saying this. You definitely cannot comprehend the Bill Of Rights section of the constitution.
Why not? CWP undergo the same background checks as Military recruits and most entry level Police Officers and even the current president.
The second Amendment is obsolete, its literal interpretation is sacrosanct only in the minds of concrete thinkers. One day men and women of good will see the inherent danger of allowing every man, woman and child the absolute right to carry a gun everywhere they please. On its face that is insane and even some concrete thinkers will get it.
Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree? - Washington Times

Poll: The National Rifle Association wants Congress to require that concealed weapons permits issued in one state be recognized everywhere. Do you agree?

You can vote at the link but notice that 80% disagree with the state's right to make their own law. Who didn't see that coming? :badgrin:

It is hypocritical that so many limited government advocates are pushing for national micromanagement of local gun policies.
No it doesn't...but show me how you came to this conclusion? You've probably never read the federalist papers or else you wouldn't be saying this. You definitely cannot comprehend the Bill Of Rights section of the constitution.

I cant understand why people dont know their history. The wording was changed to "state" to accomodate the souths fear of slave uprisings.

The Second Amendment was Ratified to Preserve Slavery

At the ratifying convention in Virginia in 1788, Henry laid it out:
"Let me here call your attention to that part [Article 1, Section 8 of the proposed Constitution] which gives the Congress power to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the militia, and for governing such part of them as may be employed in the service of the United States. . . .
"By this, sir, you see that their control over our last and best defence is unlimited. If they neglect or refuse to discipline or arm our militia, they will be useless: the states can do neither . . . this power being exclusively given to Congress. The power of appointing officers over men not disciplined or armed is ridiculous; so that this pretended little remains of power left to the states may, at the pleasure of Congress, be rendered nugatory."

Henry then bluntly laid it out:
"If the country be invaded, a state may go to war, but cannot suppress [slave] insurrections [under this new Constitution]. If there should happen an insurrection of slaves, the country cannot be said to be invaded. They cannot, therefore, suppress it without the interposition of Congress . . . . Congress, and Congress only [under this new Constitution], can call forth the militia."
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It's pretty ironic that most states do a better background check on concealed weapon permits than the democrat party did for it's presidential candidate. POTUS probably would not be qualified for a concealed weapons permit with a phony doctored birth certificate and admitted drug use but he has his finger on the dooms day button. Meanwhile the low information left is afraid of law abiding citizens
"the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed"...what does that say to you, Asclepias?

It says to a concrete thinker, that all rapists, robbers and other violent felons, drunks and drug addicts and the mentally disordered paranoid schizophrenic cannot be denied their absolute right to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun or any tool which might be defined as an "arm".
Some things are meant to be thought of as "concrete", Wry. The Bill Of Rights is one of them.

If so, calumny - libel, slander - yelling fire in a crowed theater, fraud, etc. would be protected by the first amendment, would they not?

Not neccessarily. Libel & slander are not criminal offenses for the most part any way, genius. Only a few states have criminal defamation laws. If libel and slander were federal crimes, we would have to toss 99.99% of our politicians & "news" media in the clink.
Funny how the Conservatives trumpet their support for state's rights in every occasion but gun laws. How about it, wingnuts? Should the various states have the right to shut down gun violence however they are able, of can we really put out fires with gasoline and douse gun violence with even more guns?

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