National Review Figured Out Why Hillary Wasn't Indicted

You can bet your ass the Clintons have enough dirt on enough high ranking politicians to keep themselves out of jail, why else do you think they flaunt their corruption and lawlessness.
So you won't deny that you've stopped beating your dog. Glad we cleared that up.
kinda explains her classic excuse the whole world heard,,,,,,,"What Difference Does It Make?, People Die Every Day?,,and it only 4 people,,,whats the problem?"
Do you Trumpflakes understand how insane you look to normal people?

In case you didn't, I just told you. You're all bonkers.

Or perhaps it's just that our mere earth-logic isn't sufficient to explain your more advanced logic, being that you're playing eleventy-dimension chess or something. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.
Ah, the Bolshevik speaks!
and yet she is contemplating running in 2020? i thought all candidates were required to have a clean criminal record.
Explain the question I've never heard asked. Why did she have a personal server and secretly used it exclusively?

She didn't.

Use it secretly and exclusively, that is.

She used a very legal private server because it was more secure and more conveniently than the very obsolete government servers.

Try asking a question that isn't bizarre cult raving next time.

And she hid its existence when her emails were under subpoena, why?

Because, she hid the Rose Law firm billing records and got away with it. So naturally that was successful so she repeated the behavior and lo and behold that too was successful. Kinda like Capone, I don't believe his own crime was tax evasion.
Explain the question I've never heard asked. Why did she have a personal server and secretly used it exclusively?

She didn't.

Use it secretly and exclusively, that is.

She used a very legal private server because it was more secure and more conveniently than the very obsolete government servers.

Try asking a question that isn't bizarre cult raving next time.

And she hid its existence when her emails were under subpoena, why?

Because, she hid the Rose Law firm billing records and got away with it. So naturally that was successful so she repeated the behavior and lo and behold that too was successful. Kinda like Capone, I don't believe his own crime was tax evasion.

If you notice the coward regressive ran away, it's really simple, the bitch used her own system to avoid federal records keeping laws and her continuing to hid it after subpoenas were issued demonstrated a clear INTENT to violate the law. That was something Comey conveniently overlooked.

I am sorry to post such an obvious conclusion but I think it is important considering the Trump pardon. A pardon of an 86 year old man, vs obstruction of justice.

National Review Figured Out Why Hillary Wasn't Indicted

I'd ask why anyone sending an email is responsible for server the other end, but it would feed your inability to do logic.

Not that hillary wasn't a corrupt pol

I guess I will have to give the Comey answer to why the POTUS wouldn't know such a thing, that Hillary had a private server. They are both idiots.

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