National Review writer says "white working class deserves to die."


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2014
National Review Writer: Working-Class Communities ‘Deserve To Die’

This story hit me like a punch in the gut. I have always respected National Review as the magazine that defines the conservative movement.

Now, in it's zeal to oppose Trump, National Review has condemned working class white people who are broke, unemployed or underemployed, and suffering in the Obama recession as deserving of death.

The conservative movement may never recover from this. The Republican Party may never recover from this. All hopes of electing a Republican President who could undo the destruction Obama has done to this country, are gone.

However, I am making this pledge:

I don't care who Trump is running against, I will not vote for him. I understand what is motivating Trump's followers, but I can't overlook all the insults, threats, and violent rhetoric that Trump has told. He is a schoolyard bully, and he would use the Office of the President as a power base to crush his many enemies.

Trump is like Caesar. He will rule using the power of the mob.

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