National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax

what we need is a Economy Protection Program


We don't need a program for it, we need to open the economy back up responsibly.

And i agree
It's a matter of personal responsibility, not da gub'mit's.....~S~

Was it personal responsibility that shut the economy down?

If someone plows a car into a store, the driver has liability. Government, drunk with power, crashed into tens of thousands of small businesses.
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.

Maybe if that bitch Nazi Pelosi hadn't held up the bill they'd have the money by now.

If that smart woman, Nancy Pelosi hadn't stuck to her guns, people would be getting NOTHING. It would have all gone to the corporations, with no oversight.
Of course, without shoring up the corporations there would be no jobs to come back to after quarantine is lifted.
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.

Maybe if that bitch Nazi Pelosi hadn't held up the bill they'd have the money by now.

If that smart woman, Nancy Pelosi hadn't stuck to her guns, people would be getting NOTHING. It would have all gone to the corporations, with no oversight.
Of course, without shoring up the corporations there would be no jobs to come back to after quarantine is lifted.

While true, small business is even more important. 63% of working Americans are employed by small business. 7% work for the government (and comprise the constituency of the filthy democrat party), 12% are professionals (doctors, lawyers, accountants) who are self-employed, leaving about 18% working for companies with more than 500 employees.

Our focus must be in salvaging the small businesses that government ran a big rig into.
What is a "wealth tax"?

You worked for that earned it.
You paid taxes on it.
You saved it.
You didn't blow it on crap.
Now the filth want to write a law to steal it from you.

THAT is a wealth tax!

Would Oprah be included in this wealth tax equally? How about obama, hillary, JZ and beyonce?

How many of the Walmart seven worked or earned their money?

Why do you make excuses for those that look down at you?

They built the whole company? I don't need to make excuses for anyone. Why do you care?

And for that matter, there are posts on this forum, where I told you how much I make, and you said that my opinion should not matter because I don't earn very much money.

YOU are the one who looks down on me, more so than any of the Walmart family who employees millions of people with jobs.

What is your excuse?

The majority of the Walmart sevens claim to fame is....they married well. They along with Walmart Stores, Inc. collect $7.8B per year in government subsidies. Who built Walmart?
A wealth tax could be implemented temporarily in these extraordinary times, to pay for this.

The Occupy Corona National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax
Your link:

"It has been estimated that a 2 percent tax on individuals with more than $50 million in assets and 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion would raise somewhat under $300 billion dollars per year. This would easily cover the cost of a full year's 100% paycheck unemployment benefits."

In a $20 trillion economy, is it realistic to expect $300 billion to cover one full year's UE benefits?
Hold up. So this guy Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel says on MSNBC that "a lock-down must go on for the next 18 months or more?" And the Fed says possible 32% unemployment? This is national suicide. If true, a bold program needs to be put in place that guarantees enhanced unemployment benefits, amounting to close to full paycheck, so that people are not locked inside slowly starving. But such a program is a budget buster unless revenue-producing measures are in place. The last thing we need is for the dollar to come crashing down and hyperinflation from all the new added debt.

A wealth tax could be implemented temporarily in these extraordinary times, to pay for this.

The Occupy Corona National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax

There is a way for the US to avoid the economic and social chaos which is unfolding before us. #OccupyCorona
Food pantries are emptying, unable to keep up with need. Now grocery supply chain workers are balking at risking their lives for low wages. No grocery chain workers, no food. We are looking at disaster full in the face. And that face is ugly.

Desperation-related crime is already rising, and we are only one month into the total lock-down. Police in some cities, like St. Paul, have openly stated they are not responding to theft or some other property crimes. We are seeing the tip of law and order breaking down.


Solution, Cliff notes of the main elements:
  • Long-Term Jobless Benefits at 100% Paycheck
    - First, slam the brakes on long-term economic uncertainty and anxiety. If Dr. Emanuel says this lock-down must go on for 18 months, then workers must know that their unemployment benefits, at 100% of paycheck or close to it, will go on for the duration of the national emergency, until the day it is lifted. The $2 trillion CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, signed by President Trump in March 2020, uses a different formula, adding $600 per week to normal unemployment benefits paid by the states' average weekly unemployment check to $985. This exceeds the median weekly earnings of $936 in the fourth quarter of 2019.
  • Essential Workers Can Enroll in Medicare - Offer workers who are deemed "essential services" workers the immediate opportunity to enroll in Medicare, regardless of their age. These are sanitation workers, grocery chain workers, food processing plant, hardware store, etc. whom the government has already ascertained are essential to keeping society running. They have earned this. They cannot get sick and then get thrown under the bus.
  • Keep the Food banks Open - Establish a $100 million dollar fund and staff to keep US food banks stocked and running, for anyone who meets the qualifications.
  • Pay for with Temporary Tax on Extreme Wealth - These budget-busting initiatives without revenue offsets would endanger the US dollar and threaten the economy with yet another nightmare: the collapse of the currency and runaway hyperinflation. The solution is to impose a temporary tax on extreme wealth. It has been estimated that a 2 percent tax on individuals with more than $50 million in assets and 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion would raise somewhat under $300 billion dollars per year. This would easily cover the cost of a full year's 100% paycheck unemployment benefits.
Fucking Democratic Utopia - No Work yet a government paycheck provided by the wealthy
Re-instating the draft will provide jobs and food for our youth, along with injecting some cement in their spines!
Re-Instating the draft is about as constitutional as holding America under house arrest. Do that and see what happens
Re-instating the draft will provide jobs and food for our youth, along with injecting some cement in their spines!
How will you pay for it, another round of tax cuts?
From the OP:

The Occupy Corona National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax
  • "Off-Set by Cutting the Pentagon Budget by 30% - While preserving and enhancing troop benefits. Close bases, bring troops home, suspend major weapons programs. We don't need to be building F-35s in the middle of a global pandemic.
"Republican President Theodore Roosevelt, who declared war on concentrated wealth in America, although he himself was heir to a fortune, proclaimed:

"'This country will not be a good place for any of us to live in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in.'"
A wealth tax could be implemented temporarily in these extraordinary times, to pay for this.

The Occupy Corona National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax
Your link:

"It has been estimated that a 2 percent tax on individuals with more than $50 million in assets and 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion would raise somewhat under $300 billion dollars per year. This would easily cover the cost of a full year's 100% paycheck unemployment benefits."

In a $20 trillion economy, is it realistic to expect $300 billion to cover one full year's UE benefits?

In ASSETS, scumbag?

And you vermin would tax the same assets every month?

This is why it's important to always pay communists in hard currency, lead...
In ASSETS, scumbag?
You mean ASSETS that speculators have amassed over the past few decades because of artificially low interest rates provided by corrupt capitalists at the Federal Reserve, Rube?

Think of it as giving back before it's pried from your cold, dead hands.
Hold up. So this guy Dr. Ezekiel Emanuel says on MSNBC that "a lock-down must go on for the next 18 months or more?" And the Fed says possible 32% unemployment? This is national suicide. If true, a bold program needs to be put in place that guarantees enhanced unemployment benefits, amounting to close to full paycheck, so that people are not locked inside slowly starving. But such a program is a budget buster unless revenue-producing measures are in place. The last thing we need is for the dollar to come crashing down and hyperinflation from all the new added debt.

A wealth tax could be implemented temporarily in these extraordinary times, to pay for this.

The Occupy Corona National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax

There is a way for the US to avoid the economic and social chaos which is unfolding before us. #OccupyCorona
Food pantries are emptying, unable to keep up with need. Now grocery supply chain workers are balking at risking their lives for low wages. No grocery chain workers, no food. We are looking at disaster full in the face. And that face is ugly.

Desperation-related crime is already rising, and we are only one month into the total lock-down. Police in some cities, like St. Paul, have openly stated they are not responding to theft or some other property crimes. We are seeing the tip of law and order breaking down.


Solution, Cliff notes of the main elements:
  • Long-Term Jobless Benefits at 100% Paycheck
    - First, slam the brakes on long-term economic uncertainty and anxiety. If Dr. Emanuel says this lock-down must go on for 18 months, then workers must know that their unemployment benefits, at 100% of paycheck or close to it, will go on for the duration of the national emergency, until the day it is lifted. The $2 trillion CARES (Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security) Act, signed by President Trump in March 2020, uses a different formula, adding $600 per week to normal unemployment benefits paid by the states' average weekly unemployment check to $985. This exceeds the median weekly earnings of $936 in the fourth quarter of 2019.
  • Essential Workers Can Enroll in Medicare - Offer workers who are deemed "essential services" workers the immediate opportunity to enroll in Medicare, regardless of their age. These are sanitation workers, grocery chain workers, food processing plant, hardware store, etc. whom the government has already ascertained are essential to keeping society running. They have earned this. They cannot get sick and then get thrown under the bus.
  • Keep the Food banks Open - Establish a $100 million dollar fund and staff to keep US food banks stocked and running, for anyone who meets the qualifications.
  • Pay for with Temporary Tax on Extreme Wealth - These budget-busting initiatives without revenue offsets would endanger the US dollar and threaten the economy with yet another nightmare: the collapse of the currency and runaway hyperinflation. The solution is to impose a temporary tax on extreme wealth. It has been estimated that a 2 percent tax on individuals with more than $50 million in assets and 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion would raise somewhat under $300 billion dollars per year. This would easily cover the cost of a full year's 100% paycheck unemployment benefits.
You misspelled "permanent".

Temporary Tax is a myth.
What is a "wealth tax"?

You worked for that earned it.
You paid taxes on it.
You saved it.
You didn't blow it on crap.
Now the filth want to write a law to steal it from you.

THAT is a wealth tax!

Would Oprah be included in this wealth tax equally? How about obama, hillary, JZ and beyonce?

How many of the Walmart seven worked or earned their money?

Why do you make excuses for those that look down at you?

How many of the Walmart seven worked or earned their money?

Their father created a very successful business.
A business where people voluntarily spend their money.
Awful, isn't it?
A wealth tax could be implemented temporarily in these extraordinary times, to pay for this.

The Occupy Corona National Survival Plan: Full Jobless Benefits for Duration of Lockdown, Paid by Temporary Wealth Tax
Your link:

"It has been estimated that a 2 percent tax on individuals with more than $50 million in assets and 3 percent on those with more than $1 billion would raise somewhat under $300 billion dollars per year. This would easily cover the cost of a full year's 100% paycheck unemployment benefits."

In a $20 trillion economy, is it realistic to expect $300 billion to cover one full year's UE benefits?

George, you're making sense.

Has your account been hacked?
18 months ...what is he retarded ?


They'll be rioting in 3......1 if the food trucks stop

Even less if the liquor stores close or run out of money.
My governor closed our liquor stores a month ago, out of an "abundance of caution." Too risky to take limited orders over the phone, pay by CC only and hand the orders out the door in PPE.

Too bad your state isn't like Texas. We have drive throughs in our liquor stores, and there is usually a line outside of it in the afternoons.
What is a "wealth tax"?

You worked for that earned it.
You paid taxes on it.
You saved it.
You didn't blow it on crap.
Now the filth want to write a law to steal it from you.

THAT is a wealth tax!

Would Oprah be included in this wealth tax equally? How about obama, hillary, JZ and beyonce?

How many of the Walmart seven worked or earned their money?

Why do you make excuses for those that look down at you?

How many of the Walmart seven worked or earned their money?

Their father created a very successful business.
A business where people voluntarily spend their money.
Awful, isn't it?

You need to amend your post. Only three out of seven can call Sam Walton, "father." Plus, as a poor with credit, why would you propagate those that look down their nose at you especially those billionaires continue to collect $8B per year in taxpayer subsidies.
18 months ...what is he retarded ?


They'll be rioting in 3......1 if the food trucks stop

Even less if the liquor stores close or run out of money.
My governor closed our liquor stores a month ago, out of an "abundance of caution." Too risky to take limited orders over the phone, pay by CC only and hand the orders out the door in PPE.

Too bad your state isn't like Texas. We have drive throughs in our liquor stores, and there is usually a line outside of it in the afternoons.

Or Nevada. At most restaurants that serve booze you can have curb service mixed drinks.
You know, with Trump bragging about the bill he got passed through that gives employers and small business owners loans that can be forgiven if they keep their employees and continue to keep them on the payroll.

If Trump's plan is so great and going to help so many, then why are the unemployment numbers so high? Trump told them to not lay off their workers as he said there would be money to keep them afloat temporarily.

Oh wait..................that's right.......................the banks STILL aren't ready or able to comply with it yet, and the funds aren't being distributed.

Maybe if that bitch Nazi Pelosi hadn't held up the bill they'd have the money by now.

If that smart woman, Nancy Pelosi hadn't stuck to her guns, people would be getting NOTHING. It would have all gone to the corporations, with no oversight.
What is a "wealth tax"?

You worked for that earned it.
You paid taxes on it.
You saved it.
You didn't blow it on crap.
Now the filth want to write a law to steal it from you.

THAT is a wealth tax!

Would Oprah be included in this wealth tax equally? How about obama, hillary, JZ and beyonce?

How many of the Walmart seven worked or earned their money?

Why do you make excuses for those that look down at you?

How many of the Walmart seven worked or earned their money?

Their father created a very successful business.
A business where people voluntarily spend their money.
Awful, isn't it?

You need to amend your post. Only three out of seven can call Sam Walton, "father." Plus, as a poor with credit, why would you propagate those that look down their nose at you especially those billionaires continue to collect $8B per year in taxpayer subsidies.

Next time you whine about the Waltons, you should name them and post their net worth.

And I agree, we should end welfare, to stick it to those Waltons. DURR
You know, my room mate actually worked for Mr. Walton in Arkansas, and she knew a bit about him and his family.

One of the things that she said was that the kids and the father don't think alike. Mr. Walton was for the little guy, and his kids are all about the money.

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