National Walkout

It was November 8 to 11. Today is the 11th. I don't know how many people participated but i know some did. My family did. We did not go into stores nor purchase anything at all this week. I encouraged others to do the same but i told them that if they felt they couldn't do that then to at least limit where they shopped and/or boycott P&G products and always 'made in China' products. As people begin to feel the pinch more and more they'll start to pay attention and be willing to boycott or walkout.
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I Agree JGalt. Dr.'s Wife shouldn't pass on the participation just cause it's over. Do your own boycott. It'll spread. I hear President Trump has some ideas about this and i'm waiting to hear his plans. I"m in and so are 80 million others in this country.

Well truthfully, the only thing's I've bought were things that were marked down at Walmart. Things that i could either use or resell for profit. I hardly ever pay full price for anything, and tend to buy things at garage or estate sales. I'm a big proponent of the "underground economy."

Like these things I got today. at an estate sale. These are two vintage stereo cameras I bought for $5 apiece. They'll bring a little over $100 apiece on Ebay...


And this: it's a WW2 era US Army stove I got for $5. It will bout $120...


But definitely yes: Fuck the vaccine, Fuck Democrats, and fuck Joe Biden. No vaccine mandate.
I Agree JGalt. Dr.'s Wife shouldn't pass on the participation just cause it's over. Do your own boycott. It'll spread. I hear President Trump has some ideas about this and i'm waiting to hear his plans. I"m in and so are 80 million others in this country.
Is Trump going to run another scam to milk his cult for cash? Is that what his plans are? More then likely yes, as long as people are willing to be duped.

Btw, Trump is not the fucking president. He's a loser & a lowlife conman.
I can already tell you that lib loon politicians intend to indite walkouts as inciting to riot. Opposition opinions or actions are not allowed in Libbie USA.
Well yeah, but just because you have a few bad apples in a barrel doesn't make the whole barrel rotten.

At this point, It's not about the "bad apples." God knows, I love and respect law-enforcement officers. Most of them I know around are straight-up conservatives.

But if the left thinks they're going to use the police and military to enforce their agenda, they have another thing coming. Most of the police officers and military personal I know won't put up with that bullshit.
Let me also point out for the record that I am a pro-vaxer watching this because mandating what should be a personal choice really pisses me off. So that just goes to show that not everybody for the vaccine wants it mandated.
Riddle me this. Is this right or not? Someone serves 16 years. Fights in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Over and over again. Is a gunner and mechanic on a Black Hawk. Is cited for heroism under enemy fire in Iraq running through a hail of bullets to bring multiple wounded on the chopper . Get's selected for officer and ends up being a Co pilot of a Black Hawk. Later gets promoted to a Full Fledged Pilot and then Flight Instructor.

Had Covid ...........documented. ..............Has Natural other thing spotted Al Quada 3rd in command in Afghanistan whom they capture.........

Is now about to be thrown out for the FUCKING JAB.............He is fighting for this country again........And he is my Nephew.

You're one of those those who's "crazy." Don't try to impress your sickness on on the rest of the country. Go get ten jabs if you want to, I sincerely don't give a flying fuck. But you or anyone else is not going to make me do the same.

I have no desire to make you do anything. I am against the Govt mandate for anyone that does not work for the Govt

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