National Walkout

No, dude. I'm fucking serious. You call yourself an "independent"? You are being presented with an opportunity to get in on the ground floor with a genuine grass-roots national movement, and what do you do?

You side up with the left, writing it all off as "craziness." Seriously?

What I saw on the video was some next level craziness. Sorry if that disturbs you, but I call it like I see it
Stop with the "duopoly" bullshit already. The lines have been formed on the left and on the right. There is no middle ground.

Which is exactly what they want. The more we fight each other, the more they get away with. These lines have been drawn by design for this very purpose. A divided populous is far easier to control than a united one.
Is Trump going to run another scam to milk his cult for cash? Is that what his plans are? More then likely yes, as long as people are willing to be duped.

Btw, Trump is not the fucking president. He's a loser & a lowlife conman.
Go back to biden calling minorities negros again. We moved on years ago.
Hell, girl. I walked out in 2000 and never went back. Been under the radar ever since then, and am doing pretty damned good, considering.

If you're online you're on the radar, especially if you posted that on this site.
Which is exactly what they want. The more we fight each other, the more they get away with. These lines have been drawn by design for this very purpose. A divided populous is far easier to control than a united one.

No. They want you to acquiesce to their demands for control over you. They want you to believe that you have no right to exist, unless you submit yourself to be being subject to chemical substances that are already proving to cause death and disablement.

Seriously, what kind of an "independent" are you, anyway? Do you not understand what is happening in your own country?
Which is exactly what they want. The more we fight each other, the more they get away with. These lines have been drawn by design for this very purpose. A divided populous is far easier to control than a united one.
Progs have to move to the right to even have that chance. And there is a lot of movement needed.
Oh yeah, the Republicans have a national walk out to show that America is united. Er.... how ironic is that?

You in your little box of a world are so far out of touch with how Americans feel right now.

No. They want you to acquiesce to their demands for control over you. They want you to believe that you have no right to exist, unless you submit yourself to be being subject to chemical substances that are already proving to cause death and disablement.

Seriously, what kind of an "independent" are you, anyway? Do you not understand what is happening in your own country?

Yes, I know what is happening in my own country, those in power have divided the nation to the point that people will vote for their "side" no matter how fucked up they are because they are the "lesser of two evils".
Well truthfully, the only thing's I've bought were things that were marked down at Walmart. Things that i could either use or resell for profit. I hardly ever pay full price for anything, and tend to buy things at garage or estate sales. I'm a big proponent of the "underground economy."

Like these things I got today. at an estate sale. These are two vintage stereo cameras I bought for $5 apiece. They'll bring a little over $100 apiece on Ebay...

View attachment 562957

And this: it's a WW2 era US Army stove I got for $5. It will bout $120...

View attachment 562960

But definitely yes: Fuck the vaccine, Fuck Democrats, and fuck Joe Biden. No vaccine mandate.
Oh , I miss yard salin' and thrift store scores to resell. I did so well doing it too. But here in this rathole of a town.....too much competition, too many tightening the purse strings, and not enough interest. Which is a bummer. Good scores on your part though!
The people who don't want the vaccine, this is for you towards the Biden/Harris administration.

Yes, I know what is happening in my own country, those in power have divided the nation to the point that people will vote for their "side" no matter how fucked up they are because they are the "lesser of two evils".

You might believe they have power over you, but they do not control me. I sincerely don't believe that you know the difference between who is lying to you, and who is being truthful with you.
Oh , I miss yard salin' and thrift store scores to resell. I did so well doing it too. But here in this rathole of a town.....too much competition, too many tightening the purse strings, and not enough interest. Which is a bummer. Good scores on your part though!

You have to do a lot of driving to make it pay off. Most people don't really know what things are worth.

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