National Walkout

Like 81M dementia joe voters? Like those and you who were duped? Moron.
You ever gonna stop
Riddle me this. Is this right or not? Someone serves 16 years. Fights in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Over and over again. Is a gunner and mechanic on a Black Hawk. Is cited for heroism under enemy fire in Iraq running through a hail of bullets to bring multiple wounded on the chopper . Get's selected for officer and ends up being a Co pilot of a Black Hawk. Later gets promoted to a Full Fledged Pilot and then Flight Instructor.

Had Covid ...........documented. ..............Has Natural other thing spotted Al Quada 3rd in command in Afghanistan whom they capture.........

Is now about to be thrown out for the FUCKING JAB.............He is fighting for this country again........And he is my Nephew.

How many of his fellow servicemen & women are obeying the orders from their Commander In Chief, maybe not liking it but are getting the vaccine? That's the order. It doesn't matter whether he thinks he's got natural immunity or what he thinks. Does the order say he doesn't have to follow the order because he thinks he's got "natural immunity"? No, it doesn't. He either gets the vaccine or he's out for disobeying an order. It's as simple as that.

And your whining about it will change nothing. The Armed Services cannot tolerate members who disobey direct orders because of some bullshit conspiracy theory they heard from right wing media hacks or for any reason.
How many of his fellow servicemen & women are obeying the orders from their Commander In Chief, maybe not liking it but are getting the vaccine? That's the order. It doesn't matter whether he thinks he's got natural immunity or what he thinks. Does the order say he doesn't have to follow the order because he thinks he's got "natural immunity"? No, it doesn't. He either gets the vaccine or he's out for disobeying an order. It's as simple as that.

And your whining about it will change nothing. The Armed Services cannot tolerate members who disobey direct orders because of some bullshit conspiracy theory they heard from right wing media hacks or for any reason.
Fuck you and Biden. I served as well and have reason to care what you say. This is BS and Biden is not a king. Plenty of data saying that Natural immunity is fine.

This is how you repay the people who have fought in both wars for 16 years. Up yours again.

Complaints about that will be taken in the 2nd port o let to the left basement section.
How many of his fellow servicemen & women are obeying the orders from their Commander In Chief, maybe not liking it but are getting the vaccine? That's the order. It doesn't matter whether he thinks he's got natural immunity or what he thinks. Does the order say he doesn't have to follow the order because he thinks he's got "natural immunity"? No, it doesn't. He either gets the vaccine or he's out for disobeying an order. It's as simple as that.

And your whining about it will change nothing. The Armed Services cannot tolerate members who disobey direct orders because of some bullshit conspiracy theory they heard from right wing media hacks or for any reason.
So Tucker Carlson was right about Biden causing massive unemployment to Federal Employees.
It's not an illegal order & it's not an experiment just because your're paranoid about it.
Tell that to those filing complaints in VAERS. If it's vaccine then why the hell do you keep getting new variants that the so called vaccine doesn't protect against.

Natural immunity studies say your Full of it. Joe and you are showing you don't give a damn about our military and never did.

Oh well...........I need to look at whose talking. A Fascist prick who thinks Biden is da man. BS.
Fuck you and Biden. I served as well and have reason to care what you say. This is BS and Biden is not a king. Plenty of data saying that Natural immunity is fine.

This is how you repay the people who have fought in both wars for 16 years. Up yours again.

Complaints about that will be taken in the 2nd port o let to the left basement section.
No, up yours because you don't know what you're talking about. Biden is not a king. He's Commander In Chief who issued an order & if you don't like it, tough shit.

The day that assholes like you think you can disobey direct orders because you don't like it is the day we'll have chaos in the military.

If you disobeyed an order your asx would have been busted down or discharged.

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