National Walkout

Well, good doctor (?) 'eagle'......can you help the forum in our understanding of the predictive value of your assertion?

I mean by that, you say one can know they 'Natural Immunity"....only if you don't get sick?
Pompus much. Go to the other threads I'm on and read the research. Not gonna post the same NIH articles over and over again for every dang thread.

Google is your friend. Plenty of articles saying it.
"Plenty of articles saying it."


Saying that the only way you know you have "Natural Immunity" is when you don't get sick?

OK, you be you, good poster 'eagle'.

Nonetheless, the query stands: What is the predictive value of your pronouncement on human health?

Think of it this way --- Ruth Bader Ginsberg had "Natural Immunity" to cancer.
Until she didn't.

Which, per your assertion, is sorta kinda the way it works for Covid.

We ALL have a 'Natural Immunity' to Covid-19.....until we don't.

I mean no disrespect, but you are not a serious man (woman?).
Your assertions are silly putty.


Saying that the only way you know you have "Natural Immunity" is when you don't get sick?

OK, you be you, good poster 'eagle'.

Nonetheless, the query stands: What is the predictive value of your pronouncement on human health?

Think of it this way --- Ruth Bader Ginsberg had "Natural Immunity" to cancer.
Until she didn't.

Which, per your assertion, is sorta kinda the way it works for Covid.

We ALL have a 'Natural Immunity' to Covid-19.....until we don't.

I mean no disrespect, but you are not a serious man (woman?).
Your assertions are silly putty.

Go to the other thread and read the studies Wanker.

5th Court just stopped OSHA BTW. Queen to knights 4 .......your move.
The only possible way to know if you have this fantagasm of Natural Immunity is to NOT GET SICK.

Why didn't the good poster offer that at the beginning of the pandemic?

Then those 750,000 dead Americans would have known....before they died....that they were not naturally immune.

If only they'd known.
The only possible way to know if you have this fantagasm of Natural Immunity is to NOT GET SICK.

Why didn't the good poster offer that at the beginning of the pandemic?

Then those 750,000 dead Americans would have known....before they died....that they were not naturally immune.

If only they'd known.
Go read moron. Including the early data on the Common Cold from 2003 Sars that were posted on early in the plannedemic.

Same thing but by natural means of the J And J vaccine. oh well.

The research is there. Get off your lazy butt and look.
So, the good poster Doctor Eagle is stickin' with his health advice that the
best way to know you don't have "Natural Immunity" is to go get sick?

Good to know.
So, the good poster Doctor Eagle is stickin' with his health advice that the
best way to know you don't have "Natural Immunity" is to go get sick?

Good to know.
Yawn. Whatever. eventually eveyone is gonna get it our had past immunity and didn't freaking know it.

Go get your 50 jabs and hide in your closet.

Peeps like you have fucked over this country long enough.
There will be a MASSIVE walkout in January,
Fine. Does your "walkout" include not buying gas, heating oil , not using electricity, no cable, internet, cell phone, booze, etc. or are you assclowns just going to stop pigging out on junk food for a few days? Remember, no pizza or fast food either for your "walkout". You can have Ramen or those freeze dried meals that Glenn Beck has been peddling for the past 20 years to prepare for the end of civilization as we know it which is coming at any moment.

Have fun.
"....eveyone (sic) is gonna get it our had past (sic?) immunity and didn't freaking know it...."
Good Doctor Eagle.......maybe a jab or two of something .......would help you out on a Friday night?

Just sayin'.
Good Doctor Eagle.......maybe a jab or two of something .......would help you out on a Friday night?

Just sayin'.
Maybe if you would grow a spine you wouldn't live in Fear of wetting yourself over Covid.

Hmmm.........Now go hid under your bed.......whatever........I've been working in the real world since this began and I'm tired of people like you FEAR MONGERING.

Go buy some diapers for your problem and cry to someone else. I don't give a shit.
"....those freeze dried meals that Glenn Beck has been peddling for the past 20 years"

Ah, good poster Clipper.......I object.
"Glen Beck's freeze dried meals"??

When Alex Jones' Virility/Energy/Mental Acuity/Well-Being Enhancement Vitamins.....are more financially responsible?

If you are gonna advise our MAGAHats on this venue....please be a bit more fiscally conservative.

Just sayin'.
" some diapers......I don't give a shit.

What's with this scatological obsession so many of this venue's MAGAHats are into?
How did that come about?
Excrement and bodily fluids seem to be an absorbing fascination with too many of them.

Of course, those, ummm, effluvia products....could be where they get their 'Natural Immunity'??

I dunno.
What's with this scatological obsession so many of this venue's MAGAHats are into?
How did that come about?
Excrement and bodily fluids seem to be an absorbing fascination with too many of them.

Of course, those, ummm, effluvia products....could be where they get their 'Natural Immunity'??

I dunno.
Whatever floats your boat. Get off your lazy butt and do research.
Hopefully, some day they'll shut your trap by clamping a ventilator on it you piece of shit. If Trump was in power fucks like you would be lining up around a city block for "the jab".

You dirtbags would rather see this pandemic flourish then see Biden knock it down. Fuck off.
My my my, aren't you the typical triggered libtard. Such compassion that you wish death on another human being. Tell me again how great and superior you POS's are.
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