National Walkout

yes, I never went back to voting for a Dem after that one time. Why is it confusing for you?

It is no different than saying I tried a restaurant once and never went back.
Reread it lol

Oh well........So you voted in the guy who fucked us in Somalia........nice.......That is when I said FUCK THIS SHIT AND GOT OUT.
Reread it lol

Oh well........So you voted in the guy who fucked us in Somalia........nice.......That is when I said FUCK THIS SHIT AND GOT OUT.

Still do not understand your point. Yes, I voted for a Dem once. Even then I cared about the national debt and spending and between Reagan and Bush I I could no longer bring myself to vote for a Repub. So I voted for a Dem once and then not again as they were no different.
Still do not understand your point. Yes, I voted for a Dem once. Even then I cared about the national debt and spending and between Reagan and Bush I I could no longer bring myself to vote for a Repub. So I voted for a Dem once and then not again as they were no different.
I would rather throw darts into a stadium full of names than some in office right now. Trash man or port o let man could do a better job.

That is not reality. And Reality is that when given shitty choices you vote the lesser of evils.

To limit the damage as much as possible. You disagree then try to chastise when the only election YOUR VOTE ever mattered was Clinton.

Did Clinton leave us hanging in Somalia or not??????????
I would rather throw darts into a stadium full of names than some in office right now. Trash man or port o let man could do a better job.

That is not reality. And Reality is that when given shitty choices you vote the lesser of evils.

The lesser of two evils is still evil, and over time the two evils become more and more alike to the point there is little difference between them?

You disagree then try to chastise when the only election YOUR VOTE ever mattered was Clinton.

Why did my vote for Reagan and Bush I not matter? Both won the state I was voting from.

Did Clinton leave us hanging in Somalia or not??????????

Yep, he sure did
The lesser of two evils is still evil, and over time the two evils become more and more alike to the point there is little difference between them?
How does throwing away your vote stop it? It doesn't

Why did my vote for Reagan and Bush I not matter? Both won the state I was voting from.
Until now I didn't know that. You made it sound like you voted Libertarian forever. I liked Reagan but even today we see the consequences of it. Vaccine Courts to be exact. Mickey Mouse courts for Pharma.

Yep, he sure did
Damn skippy he did.
How does throwing away your vote stop it? It doesn't

To me voting for the duopoly is throwing away my vote.

Until now I didn't know that. You made it sound like you voted Libertarian forever

Started in 1996. I was raised in a right wing Repub household and voted that way for my first two elections. To this day the rest of my family still vote that way. My mother was (maybe still is) convinced that Obama was the anti-Christ from the bible.
Dang dudes calling me on my day off because they don't know how to turn on a breaker. grrrrrrwl.
oh you sure don't like it when it is done to you do you. THIS is a leftist tactic. WE can be really effective at it because there are a lot of us. THanks for showing us how to do this.
I'm sure you'll accomplish a lot. Does Trump know that you plan tb include his businesses in your game that are already near bankruptcy?
Don't get "the jab" crybaby. You're breathing air others can use anyway.
I've already had your boogie man virus moron. I don't run scared every time some moron says the sky is falling. Keep pumping that shit into your body that someone told you protects you and then contradicts and say "Oh, just kidding. No immunity, no protection from contracting or spreading. What good is it moron.
has not happened yet. Will let you know if it does. Fact still does not vote. Oh, and I live right in the middle of all that red, and still land does not vote.
Apparently, you aren't happy with the way the US has designed their election process. You are welcome to leave any fucking time you want. Emigrate to that great answer to all of your problems.
Apparently, you aren't happy with the way the US has designed their election process. You are welcome to leave any fucking time you want. Emigrate to that great answer to all of your problems.

Because I understand that land does not vote means I am unhappy with the way the US has designed their election process?

damn, you are even more stupid that I had thought.

Just when I think the level of ignorance cannot get any deeper, one of you prove me wrong
Looks like the video walked out.

Yeah, otherwise they'll get banned for freedom of speech and speaking out against the government. That's how sad, sick, and twisted our country is right now.

If you think Trump would have done it any different you're wrong. Think Trump would have given a shit about Afghanistan if he won the election? Why would he?

Because he has compassion,.. unlike you.

I got 2 shots; I am not going to force other people to get it.

It's nice to see another vaccinated person speaking up for the unvaccinated and their right not to be. :)
Yeah, otherwise they'll get banned for freedom of speech and speaking out against the government. That's how sad, sick, and twisted our country is right now.

Because he has compassion,.. unlike you.

It's nice to see another vaccinated person speaking up for the unvaccinated and their right not to be. :)
Trump has compassion? What planet you living on? Trump has never shown an ounce of compassion for anyone in his entire life.

But thanks for the laugh.
I've already had your boogie man virus moron. I don't run scared every time some moron says the sky is falling. Keep pumping that shit into your body that someone told you protects you and then contradicts and say "Oh, just kidding. No immunity, no protection from contracting or spreading. What good is it moron.
Another Facebook Medical School Grad. Keep listening to clowns like Atlas, bozo.
That sounds to me as an typical democrat attack on the electoral college. If that isn't what you meant, than by all means, accept my apology. If not, my post stands.

It was not. While I am not a huge fan of the EC, I do not think there is a better way. I would like to see a change to the winner take all system most states have in place and go with something like Maine and Nebraska.
I've already had your boogie man virus moron. I don't run scared every time some moron says the sky is falling. Keep pumping that shit into your body that someone told you protects you and then contradicts and say "Oh, just kidding. No immunity, no protection from contracting or spreading. What good is it moron.
Are you aware that a large number of mild cases give NO immunity?

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