National Walkout

Regarding the need to boycott American merchants because.....well, because:

OK, CJ, you be you.
Wallow in the MAGAHat universe of grievances, conspiracies, and temper tantrums.
Wall Mart, and Home Depot, and Target, and Lowes, and Publix, and Walgreens, and CVS, and AutoZone, and McDonald's and Wendy's, and your local brew pub.....will all critically miss your occasional purchase.
But go get 'em! Sic 'em!!

(insert the 'roll eyes' emoji right about here.)

Oh, sure. Absolutely I did. Or rather, my avatar did.
And I (actually, both of us) boycotted the local ANTIFA baked-goods fund raiser.
And I wrote a fairly sternly worded note to the BLM national headquarters in that ritzy Paris suburb.

So there!

(I love this bar!)


How cool.
Without being impolite may I inquire on how one knows they have "Natural Immunity"?

Does a certain height signal it? Weight?
Good head of hair? Good posture?
Pretty face? Purple urine?

So, if you would, good poster "eagle"......... help the forum members who may be on the fence about getting the jab or not. If they could meet the characteristics that you have defined.....well, that would go a long ways in their decision-making process.

Thanx, in advance.

Or the fact that you got sick and tested positive MORON

has not happened yet. Will let you know if it does. Fact still does not vote. Oh, and I live right in the middle of all that red, and still land does not vote.
Soo......why should we be ruled by the fucking hives.............Thought you once said you were libertardian..........guess States Rights with limited Gov't isn't your thing now is it.

LAND DOESN'T VOTE......lmao.......That all you got.......Go back to your hive bro.
when did I say we should?

it is my thing, that is why I never vote for the duopoly, both sides hate state rights.
How many of your candidates EVER WON.........lmao

Guy at work. We had the same discussion all the

He is actually a very smart person. But this is where we fucked with each other on issues. lol
How many of your candidates EVER WON.........lmao

Guy at work. We had the same discussion all the

He is actually a very smart person. But this is where we fucked with each other on issues. lol

My candidate has never won, back in 1992 one of them scared the shit out of the duopoly and since then they have done everything in their power to divide the country to ensure it never happened again..and people like you are more than happy to rip the country in half in the name of your party...that is all that matters to you...loyalty to the party
My candidate has never won, back in 1992 one of them scared the shit out of the duopoly and since then they have done everything in their power to divide the country to ensure it never happened again..and people like you are more than happy to rip the country in half in the name of your party...that is all that matters to you...loyalty to the party
Yodda...........He got Billy boy elected. He was right about NAFTA.

and people like you are more than happy to rip the country in half in the name of your party...that is all that matters to you...loyalty to the party
We stopped the Hildabeast from getting elected...............Your Welcome.

So your votes amount to 2 things. JACK AND SQUAT.

Same thing me and a co worker talked about.
We stopped the Hildabeast from getting elected...............Your Welcome.

So your votes amount to 2 things. JACK AND SQUAT.

Same thing me and a co worker talked about.

The same thing your votes amount to.

When you are choosing between syphilis or gonorrhea, there is no winning choice. And that is what we have been given to choose between by the two major parties for the last 30 years
The same thing your votes amount to.

When you are choosing between syphilis or gonorrhea, there is no winning choice. And that is what we have been given to choose between by the two major parties for the last 30 years

So throw away my vote like you instead of you suck less vote
I do not care what you do, if you are happy choosing syphilis over gonorrhea, then I am happy for you.
Same dang conversation with the guy at work. Your Welcome for not letting the Hildabeast win.

Who did you vote for in that election and who won. lmao
Same dang conversation with the guy at work. Your Welcome for not letting the Hildabeast win.

she could not have been much worse than Trump ended up being.

Who did you vote for in that election and who won. lmao

I voted for Johnson, Hillary won my state by a huge margin, so any vote for anyone but her was wasted and counted for nothing. Thus is the joy of our system.
she could not have been much worse than Trump ended up being.
Yawn TDS He did great up to the point of this Covid BS.........then it is tainted to hell and back. The 15 days turned into economic suicide.........Lock downs that didn't stop shit.

I voted for Johnson, Hillary won my state by a huge margin, so any vote for anyone but her was wasted and counted for nothing. Thus is the joy of our system.
proves my point. You never vote for anyone who wins.

proves my point. You never vote for anyone who wins.

There is no winning which is my point. Even if I had voted for Trump he did not win my state so my vote would have counted the same as my vote for Johnson did. In my state a vote for Trump or a vote for Johnson had the exact same outcome.
There is no winning which is my point. Even if I had voted for Trump he did not win my state so my vote would have counted the same as my vote for Johnson did. In my state a vote for Trump or a vote for Johnson had the exact same outcome.
And in my state it would be the same for you. Johnson couldn't win here either.

Sooo.........You never spoke about Yodda..............NAFTA........why did you like Yodda..........hmmm

I actually think yodda spoke the truth but him running gave Clinton the election.
And in my state it would be the same for you. Johnson couldn't win here either.

who did win your state?

Sooo.........You never spoke about Yodda..............NAFTA........why did you like Yodda..........hmmm

I did not really like him at the time, I have changed a lot since then.

I actually think yodda spoke the truth but him running gave Clinton the election.

He was half right about NAFTA, but him running did not give Clinton the election. What gave Clinton the election was Bush I telling people to read his lips and then lying and running the worst campaign in history until 2016 and Hillary out did him and ran a worse campaign.
who did win your state?

I did not really like him at the time, I have changed a lot since then.
So did you vote for Bush Sr. or Clinton

He was half right about NAFTA, but him running did not give Clinton the election. What gave Clinton the election was Bush I telling people to read his lips and then lying and running the worst campaign in history until 2016 and Hillary out did him and ran a worse campaign.
Wrong. Most of those who voted for yodda would have voted for Bush Sr.
I voted for Clinton, my one and only time voting for a Dem for POTUS. Tried it once and never went back. Was also the last time I voted for either major party for POTUS.
Never went just lifted your skirt GG...........lmao

Reread what you just typed.

Never went just lifted your skirt GG...........lmao

Reread what you just typed.


yes, I never went back to voting for a Dem after that one time. Why is it confusing for you?

It is no different than saying I tried a restaurant once and never went back.

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