National Walkout

Seals told Brandon where to go also. Large numbers of military being forced out. A PURGE . What are they gonna replace them with..........Transgenders
No, they'll be replaced with people who know how to follow orders, not primma donnas.
No, up yours because you don't know what you're talking about. Biden is not a king. He's Commander In Chief who issued an order & if you don't like it, tough shit.

The day that assholes like you think you can disobey direct orders because you don't like it is the day we'll have chaos in the military.

If you disobeyed an order your asx would have been busted down or discharged.
He's a fucking Money Laundering POS along with most of the politicians in office. He should be in jail for Ukraine and the work from home bunch Pelosi, Romney, and Kerry.

He is unfit to command a Girl Scout Troop.
You're one of those those who's "crazy." Don't try to impress your sickness on on the rest of the country. Go get ten jabs if you want to, I sincerely don't give a flying fuck. But you or anyone else is not going to make me do the same.
you KNOW it...
No, up yours because you don't know what you're talking about. Biden is not a king. He's Commander In Chief who issued an order & if you don't like it, tough shit.

The day that assholes like you think you can disobey direct orders because you don't like it is the day we'll have chaos in the military.

If you disobeyed an order your asx would have been busted down or discharged.
I did 10 fucking what. I got out after Clinton left our people hanging in Somalia. Kinda A DNC tradition leaving people behind and not supporting them. Nothing changes.

How many did the drooling CNC leave behind in Afghanistan..............Then allowing our people to have to show id to the dang Taliban.

Biden is a DISGRACE.................same as Obama. At least Obama can talk in complete sentences. Biden can hardly read the teleprompter anymore.
So Tucker Carlson was right about Biden causing massive unemployment to Federal Employees.
Fuck Tucker Carlson. I don't see him bitching about the order he submitted to issued by Murdoch ordering him to get the vaccine. He gave up HIS so called "freedom" for his multi million $$$ salary.
Well truthfully, the only thing's I've bought were things that were marked down at Walmart. Things that i could either use or resell for profit. I hardly ever pay full price for anything, and tend to buy things at garage or estate sales. I'm a big proponent of the "underground economy."

Like these things I got today. at an estate sale. These are two vintage stereo cameras I bought for $5 apiece. They'll bring a little over $100 apiece on Ebay...

View attachment 562957

And this: it's a WW2 era US Army stove I got for $5. It will bout $120...

View attachment 562960

But definitely yes: Fuck the vaccine, Fuck Democrats, and fuck Joe Biden. No vaccine mandate.
That oughta keep your double wide in propane for a month huh?
Fuck Tucker Carlson. I don't see him bitching about the order he submitted to issued by Murdoch ordering him to get the vaccine. He gave up HIS so called "freedom" for his multi million $$$ salary.
Your side cheers as people lose their jobs over this Jab...........You are saying OBEY ME OR ELSE we will DESTROY YOU.........We will starve your family and not allow you to shop or eat.

Fascism has and org. It's called the DNC

I did 10 fucking what. I got out after Clinton left our people hanging in Somalia. Kinda A DNC tradition leaving people behind and not supporting them. Nothing changes.

How many did the drooling CNC leave behind in Afghanistan..............Then allowing our people to have to show id to the dang Taliban.

Biden is a DISGRACE.................same as Obama. At least Obama can talk in complete sentences. Biden can hardly read the teleprompter anymore.
If you think Trump would have done it any different you're wrong. Think Trump would have given a shit about Afghanistan if he won the election? Why would he?
No, up yours because you don't know what you're talking about. Biden is not a king. He's Commander In Chief who issued an order & if you don't like it, tough shit.

The day that assholes like you think you can disobey direct orders because you don't like it is the day we'll have chaos in the military.

If you disobeyed an order your asx would have been busted down or discharged.
The irony! A LibBot criticizing people for not following an order to be injected with an experimental drug.
The ACLU of 10 years ago is crying because of you.
Fuck Tucker Carlson. I don't see him bitching about the order he submitted to issued by Murdoch ordering him to get the vaccine. He gave up HIS so called "freedom" for his multi million $$$ salary.
That was Tucker's choice.
I work with people (Liberals) who haven't vaccinated; they wear a mask and keep a distance.
If you think Trump would have done it any different you're wrong. Think Trump would have given a shit about Afghanistan if he won the election? Why would he?
I don't give a shit about Afghanistan. I give a shit about how we left. The Politicians had us fight it to lose so they can keep the weapons manufacturers in massive profits. We fought on their terms in a place that would never accept our VERSION OF GOV'T. They are ruled by religion and have forever. Nothing is gonna change that.

Our people and allies should have been gotten out WELL BEFORE WE LEFT. And all military equipment we couldn't get out should have been destroyed. Our people fought and died for NOTHING,.

That is what politicians do.........THEY LOSE WARS.........and get our people killed. Same as Somalia.......refused to support them with Clinton........But hey........we got a movie out of it.
That oughta keep your double wide in propane for a month huh?

One again Mr. Apartment dweller: Three bedroom, two bath, two car garage on 100 acres of wooded land with a spring-fed creek running though it. 65 miles either way from a large city.

Now what do you have to show for yourself, Mr. Apartment-dweller?
If you think Trump would have done it any different you're wrong. Think Trump would have given a shit about Afghanistan if he won the election? Why would he?

Spoken like a true asshole Democrat. I'm really going to enjoy your panic and desperation in 2022 and 2024.
"Do your own boycott. It'll spread. I hear President Trump has some ideas about this and i'm waiting to hear his plans."

So, lemme understand ----- our economy, struggling to regain its footing after the severe disruptions caused by Covid with it's social distancing, masking, no large assemblies, theaters, restaurants, sporting events all sharply curtailed in 2020 and part of 2021 causing untold millions of Americans to be unemployed or underemployed ------- and now we have some economic geniuses who think it is a good idea not to buy stuff from American merchants because, well, just because.

Sometimes I come here half-expecting to see one of the tiny clown cars drive up and two dozen clowns emerge.
Other times I come here and I fully expect one of those tiny clown cars drive up and.........
The irony! A LibBot criticizing people for not following an order to be injected with an experimental drug.
The ACLU of 10 years ago is crying because of you.
We will never be over this pandemic because of MAGA jerkoffs like you who won't get the shot because you hate Biden. You're an imbecile.

If you're lucky they'll be an extra ventilator availabe to cover your stupid yap when your in an ICU treated by pros who are masked up.
We will never be over this pandemic because of MAGA jerkoffs like you who won't get the shot because you hate Biden. You're an imbecile.

If you're lucky they'll be an extra ventilator availabe to cover your stupid yap when your in an ICU treated by pros who are masked up.
I got 2 shots; I am not going to force other people to get it.
Everyone I know who voted for Trump, Mr. ProgBot, got the shot.
80+ year olds in Florida don't want to take the chance of dying after working for 30+ years...their choice, not mune.
We will never be over this pandemic because of MAGA jerkoffs like you who won't get the shot because you hate Biden. You're an imbecile.

If you're lucky they'll be an extra ventilator availabe to cover your stupid yap when your in an ICU treated by pros who are masked up.
BS. The people getting the shots spread the Kung Flu worse than the unvaccinated. viruses mutate continuously. Viruses find a way to survive.......In rising cases it has an even better chance of mutating. That is why we can't VACCINE THE FLU.......Changes to fast as this one is starting to do.

Years from now your sorry ass ........fitting symbol of the DNC........will be YELLING TAKE THE 15TH BOOSTER refuse to be vaccinated.

Our response to this PLANNEDEMIC IS A JOKE.

I've shown studies on Natural immunity. Your side just doesn't look at them. Secondly look who funded and were partnered with Eco Health Alliance in WUHAN..........Including the Pentagon for studies in Biological Warfare in China..........NIH, WHO, Bill Gates, HHS. All funding them in Gain of Function research and bio Warfare with the Pentagon.
BS. The people getting the shots spread the Kung Flu worse than the unvaccinated. viruses mutate continuously. Viruses find a way to survive.......In rising cases it has an even better chance of mutating. That is why we can't VACCINE THE FLU.......Changes to fast as this one is starting to do.

Years from now your sorry ass ........fitting symbol of the DNC........will be YELLING TAKE THE 15TH BOOSTER refuse to be vaccinated.

Our response to this PLANNEDEMIC IS A JOKE.

I've shown studies on Natural immunity. Your side just doesn't look at them. Secondly look who funded and were partnered with Eco Health Alliance in WUHAN..........Including the Pentagon for studies in Biological Warfare in China..........NIH, WHO, Bill Gates, HHS. All funding them in Gain of Function research and bio Warfare with the Pentagon.
People have been getting yearly flu shots for 20 years, moron. Not to mention boosters for tetanus & other disease, whiner.

You MAGAHATTERS ever tire of pissing & moaning?

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