National Walkout

You might believe they have power over you, but they do not control me. I sincerely don't believe that you know the difference between who is lying to you, and who is being truthful with you.

Nobody is being truthful with us, both sides lie to us to keep us fighting each other while they go back behind closed doors and drink and laugh at us.

Nobody has power over me, that is why I am not a slave to the duopoly. The Repubs know they have your vote no matter what they do.
I must say I'm sort of upset with the police right now. They're not letting them march a crossed the bridge and let their voices be heard!! :mad:
Riddle me this. Is this right or not? Someone serves 16 years. Fights in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Over and over again. Is a gunner and mechanic on a Black Hawk. Is cited for heroism under enemy fire in Iraq running through a hail of bullets to bring multiple wounded on the chopper . Get's selected for officer and ends up being a Co pilot of a Black Hawk. Later gets promoted to a Full Fledged Pilot and then Flight Instructor.

Had Covid ...........documented. ..............Has Natural other thing spotted Al Quada 3rd in command in Afghanistan whom they capture.........

Is now about to be thrown out for the FUCKING JAB.............He is fighting for this country again........And he is my Nephew.

Part of the reason is because natural immunity is not as safe as the vaccines. And of course the other reason he could be thrown out is that he won't follow orders. That sets a bad example for other younger people who are acting like petulant children.

Also, he will be one of the best examples of even those with a good record aren't immune from obeying orders.

What happened to nephew that's turned him into an extremist?

Yes it's right and the quicker his traitorous ass is eliminated from the ranks, the less damage he will be a chance to destroy the morale of others.

What could you have been thinking?
Nobody is being truthful with us, both sides lie to us to keep us fighting each other while they go back behind closed doors and drink and laugh at us.

Nobody has power over me, that is why I am not a slave to the duopoly. The Repubs know they have your vote no matter what they do.

Well all I can say is that I feel sorry for you. You seem to be jaded to the point where you have nothing to believe in. Sorry for your loss.

But please don't try to stop me from having faith in those who have proven themselves to me by standing up for what I believe.
Part of the reason is because natural immunity is not as safe as the vaccines. And of course the other reason he could be thrown out is that he won't follow orders. That sets a bad example for other younger people who are acting like petulant children.

Also, he will be one of the best examples of even those with a good record aren't immune from obeying orders.

What happened to nephew that's turned him into an extremist?

Yes it's right and the quicker his traitorous ass is eliminated from the ranks, the less damage he will bet a chance to do to the morale of others.
BOHICA from a Canadian........I don't give a damn about your opinion or your WOKENESS.

I've shown the studies and you only pick the ones that suit your narrative.

He has done his duty and now some lame as Leftist from Canada thinks his opinions matter to me. They don't.

He and I both understand that we threw out the kings and Tyrants out for a reason. And both took an oath to support and defend the Constitution.

That POS in the White house is a Money Laundering Criminal along with most politicians both sides. The deserve NO RESPECT and ARE NOT KINGS.
But please don't try to stop me from having faith in those who have proven themselves to me by standing up for what I believe.

Everybody needs to stand up for what they believe in,.. otherwise we'll never win against our enemies.
Everybody needs to stand up for what they believe in,.. otherwise we'll never win against our enemies.

We need strong leaders to stand up for us as well. Leaders like President Trump, who don't dictate to us what we should believe, but symbiotically reinforce what we already knew.
Btw, Trump is not the fucking president. He's a loser & a lowlife conman.
Trump leads all the red districts. Biden is limited to those tiny blue patches.

We need strong leaders to stand up for us as well. Leaders like President Trump, who don't dictate to us what we should believe, but symbiotically reinforce what we already knew.

This song has been my theme song since our election was stolen from us,.. because my heart is still burning with American pride and love for my God, brothers and sisters in Christ, and my country.

Is Trump going to run another scam to milk his cult for cash? Is that what his plans are? More then likely yes, as long as people are willing to be duped.

Btw, Trump is not the fucking president. He's a loser & a lowlife conman.

Yep, Biden is fairer, he's milking the whole fricken country for cash....dumbass.

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