National Walkout

Another Facebook Medical School Grad. Keep listening to clowns like Atlas, bozo.
HaHaHa, your assumption is more projection on your part. I don't patronize your commie shithole FB so I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about Atlas, bozo. I do know what is common knowledge about this virus. I also know what five doctors in two hospitals and three private practices have told me -- information that you are ignorant of or choose to ignore. You don't get immunity from the vaccine (five doctors, Fauci, CDC, WHO) It does not prevent you from contracting it. (five doctors, Fauci, CDC, WHO) nor does it prevent you from spreading it. (five doctors, Fauci, CDC, WHO). It does lessen the severity but I apparently have immunity because I've had worse colds. You go ahead and frequent your FB chatrooms and keep telling the emperor how nice he looks in his new clothes as the shit drips out of his depends. Moron
It was not. While I am not a huge fan of the EC, I do not think there is a better way. I would like to see a change to the winner take all system most states have in place and go with something like Maine and Nebraska.
So you believe that we should be governed by the fifteen largest cities in the nation, eh? Convenient, how those are overwhelmingly democrat shitholes. Sorry, I don't see it that way. Rural America is overlooked even with the current system and the only time liberals bitch is when the EC doesn't work in their favor.
HaHaHa, your assumption is more projection on your part. I don't patronize your commie shithole FB so I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about Atlas, bozo. I do know what is common knowledge about this virus. I also know what five doctors in two hospitals and three private practices have told me -- information that you are ignorant of or choose to ignore. You don't get immunity from the vaccine (five doctors, Fauci, CDC, WHO) It does not prevent you from contracting it. (five doctors, Fauci, CDC, WHO) nor does it prevent you from spreading it. (five doctors, Fauci, CDC, WHO). It does lessen the severity but I apparently have immunity because I've had worse colds. You go ahead and frequent your FB chatrooms and keep telling the emperor how nice he looks in his new clothes as the shit drips out of his depends. Moron
Hopefully, some day they'll shut your trap by clamping a ventilator on it you piece of shit. If Trump was in power fucks like you would be lining up around a city block for "the jab".

You dirtbags would rather see this pandemic flourish then see Biden knock it down. Fuck off.
So you believe that we should be governed by the fifteen largest cities in the nation, eh? Convenient, how those are overwhelmingly democrat shitholes. Sorry, I don't see it that way. Rural America is overlooked even with the current system and the only time liberals bitch is when the EC doesn't work in their favor.

You really suck at this whole reading thing, have you thought of going back to school and getting your GED?

I am not sure how going away from the winner take all system means I want to be governed by the fifteen largest cities in the nation, in fact if you had half a brain you would know it means just the opposite of that.

Maine and Nebraska have a split vote for the EC. The winner of the state gets some and then the winner of each congressional district gets 1 for each district they win.

In a state like Illinois the EC votes always go to the Dem because the BIG CITY has the most people. So a vote for anyone but the Dem is a wasted vote. Under the split vote system the Dem would have gotten 15 of the EC votes and the Repub would have gotten 5. This gives each vote more meaning, it gives those living in the rural area of a state with one huge city a reason to go vote for POTUS and have their vote mean something.
"...the fact that you got sick and tested positive MORON..."

Thank you good poster 'eagle'.
What an incisive and accurate way to tell if you don't have the much touted "Natural Immunity"........ if you get sick you don't have it.
Roger that.

However, I would think some would argue that that is sorta 'after-the-fact'.

Meaning, if you want...or know if you do have Natural Immunity beforehand.....well, your advice seems to be....."Well then, don't get sick".

It is such trenchant advice as you offer there that keeps me coming back to this gossipboard.

Are you a doctor?
Riddle me this. Is this right or not? Someone serves 16 years. Fights in both Iraq and Afghanistan. Over and over again. Is a gunner and mechanic on a Black Hawk. Is cited for heroism under enemy fire in Iraq running through a hail of bullets to bring multiple wounded on the chopper . Get's selected for officer and ends up being a Co pilot of a Black Hawk. Later gets promoted to a Full Fledged Pilot and then Flight Instructor.

Had Covid ...........documented. ..............Has Natural other thing spotted Al Quada 3rd in command in Afghanistan whom they capture.........

Is now about to be thrown out for the FUCKING JAB.............He is fighting for this country again........And he is my Nephew.

It’s what happens when feelings and fear take precedent over fact. Only we can reverse that and we will. These squalling babies must stop suffocating real and rational Americans even if they squall louder for a while
You really suck at this whole reading thing, have you thought of going back to school and getting your GED?

I am not sure how going away from the winner take all system means I want to be governed by the fifteen largest cities in the nation, in fact if you had half a brain you would know it means just the opposite of that.

Maine and Nebraska have a split vote for the EC. The winner of the state gets some and then the winner of each congressional district gets 1 for each district they win.

In a state like Illinois the EC votes always go to the Dem because the BIG CITY has the most people. So a vote for anyone but the Dem is a wasted vote. Under the split vote system the Dem would have gotten 15 of the EC votes and the Repub would have gotten 5. This gives each vote more meaning, it gives those living in the rural area of a state with one huge city a reason to go vote for POTUS and have their vote mean something.

Golfing, good idea, but the math doesn't work!

Why, I am sure you ask.

Because, if they did it the way you suggest.........which does sound reasonable.........if a 3rd, 4th, or 5th party ran and garnered enough votes to acquire EC votes, then nobody would get to 270. What then happens is congress chooses the President. (specifically the House of Representatives I believe) That would be a disaster, because I am not really sure if it is the House once the NEW members are seated, or the OLD House, BEFORE the new House members are seated.

And how do they do it?

Well, I know the answer to that one, lol. If you have 15 congressional districts in your state, the reps vote IN STATE for President, and whomever wins that ballot gets that states vote. What I am not sure of is if they have an even amount of Representatives and the vote is deadlocked, how/who breaks the deadlock. Kinda murky!

But still, consider this...................we have 50 states I believe, what if it is 25-25. lol. Fine way to start a civil war, isn't it! Better yet, what if it is 26-24, and all the 26 are the smallest states in population? Ohhhhhhh, that would go over big!

Personally, I agree with your premise, with one splitting the EC votes, if nobody goes over 270 because of to many participants, then there should be election day 2 at a later date, but before January, that pits the 2 winners alone on the ballot against each other.

Now, conservative will complain by splitting EC votes it will cause their people to lose the Presidency, but that is looking at it in one direction; and trust me, the people who would scream the loudest is the Left.

Why you ask!

Easy, peezy, lol. You just forced a split in California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, etc. They now need way more votes in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, etc. You also gave every GOPer a reason to come out in blue states. Of course, you also gave all Democrats a reason to come out in red states also, but we know how much they want to cast a vote, when not mail in. I rest my case for Gators idea, with a slight change-)

Consider this Conservatives.........right now, every time a Libertarian runs, 90% of the vote that is cast for him/her, comes from YOUR side. You complain it is wasted, and puts Leftists into power, especially for President. But what if their vote wasn't wasted? What if their vote led to election day 2, because their vote took enough EC votes away to keep BOTH candidates under 270, instead of those votes helping the Left win the state and get all the EC votes!

That is really something you should think about! I am not telling you that all Libertarian vote would come your way in round 2, but Libertarians are much closer to our way of thinking, then they are the far Leftists!

I am here to tell you the FACT that Leftists would be the ones screaming with a plan like that. Yes, you would have to split Texas, and that is bad; but look at all the big EC states the Left would be splitting, lol. At least, think about it! Just California for example...........what are they worth, 54? What if they only got 30-) You seen New Jersey in this past election. What if the split was the same as this time around? Whooooo-hooooooooo. Put on your thinki9ng caps, seriously!
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Entire liberal premise is that it’s easy, therefore easy to comply with wearing a mask or getting a shot. Of course they miss the point Entirely.
Golfing, good idea, but the math doesn't work!

Why, I am sure you ask.

Because, if they did it the way you suggest.........which does sound reasonable.........if a 3rd, 4th, or 5th party ran and garnered enough votes to acquire EC votes, then nobody would get to 270. What then happens is congress chooses the President. (specifically the House of Representatives I believe) That would be a disaster, because I am not really sure if it is the House once the NEW members are seated, or the OLD House, BEFORE the new House members are seated.

And how do they do it?

Well, I know the answer to that one, lol. If you have 15 congressional districts in your state, the reps vote IN STATE for President, and whomever wins that ballot gets that states vote. What I am not sure of is if they have an even amount of Representatives and the vote is deadlocked, how/who breaks the deadlock. Kinda murky!

But still, consider this...................we have 50 states I believe, what if it is 25-25. lol. Fine way to start a civil war, isn't it! Better yet, what if it is 26-24, and all the 26 are the smallest states in population? Ohhhhhhh, that would go over big!

Personally, I agree with your premise, with one splitting the EC votes, if nobody goes over 270 because of to many participants, then there should be election day 2 at a later date, but before January, that pits the 2 winners alone on the ballot against each other.

Now, conservative will complain by splitting EC votes it will cause their people to lose the Presidency, but that is looking at it in one direction; and trust me, the people who would scream the loudest is the Left.

Why you ask!

Easy, peezy, lol. You just forced a split in California, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Massachusetts, etc. They now need way more votes in Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, etc. You also gave every GOPer a reason to come out in blue states. Of course, you also gave all Democrats a reason to come out in red states also, but we know how much they want to cast a vote, when not mail in. I rest my case for Gators idea, with a slight change-)

Consider this Conservatives.........right now, every time a Libertarian runs, 90% of the vote that is cast for him/her, comes from YOUR side. You complain it is wasted, and puts Leftists into power, especially for President. But what if their vote wasn't wasted? What if their vote led to election day 2, because their vote took enough EC votes away to keep BOTH candidates under 270, instead of those votes helping the Left win the state and get all the EC votes!

That is really something you should think about! I am not telling you that all Libertarian vote would come your way in round 2, but Libertarians are much closer to our way of thinking, then they are the far Leftists!

I am here to tell you the FACT that Leftists would be the ones screaming with a plan like that. Yes, you would have to split Texas, and that is bad; but look at all the big EC states the Left would be splitting, lol. At least, think about it! Just California for example...........what are they worth, 54? What if they only got 30-) You seen New Jersey in this past election. What if the split was the same as this time around? Whooooo-hooooooooo. Put on your thinki9ng caps, seriously!

I do not give a fuck about left vs right and who comes out on top, I am looking for a better system that encourages more people to vote. I leave the "us vs them" bullshit to you all
Thank you good poster 'eagle'.
What an incisive and accurate way to tell if you don't have the much touted "Natural Immunity"........ if you get sick you don't have it.
Roger that.

However, I would think some would argue that that is sorta 'after-the-fact'.

Meaning, if you want...or know if you do have Natural Immunity beforehand.....well, your advice seems to be....."Well then, don't get sick".

It is such trenchant advice as you offer there that keeps me coming back to this gossipboard.

Are you a doctor?
I could care less why you come here. Plenty of evidence out their on this position and I've been showing it from near the beginning of this PLANNEDEMIC.

I guess NIH studies and studies from experts in Israel and other countries hired illegal aliens from Mexico to write these

My point stands. If the vaccine is soo good then why do peeps with the vaccine still get the virus? The Jab is a SARs Corona Flu Shot. Tell me the vaccine ALL FLU.........or even SARs 2003 or MERs. After 18 years did they find that vaccine? Nope.
"Plenty of evidence out their (sic) on this position and I've been showing it ...."

Well, good doctor (?) 'eagle'......can you help the forum in our understanding of the predictive value of your assertion?

I mean by that, you say one can know they 'Natural Immunity"....only if you don't get sick?

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