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Nationalism in America is NOT Racist. Liberals Trying to Twist It

Definition of nationalism | Dictionary.com
Liberals are trying to portray all white conservatives as ā€œracist.ā€ Well you bunch of idiots read the definition? So you mean to tell me that If was in Paris this summer cheering for our womenā€™s soccer team and joining in the chant ā€œUSA! USA! Thatā€™s alright. I want Team USA to win at the expense of all other nations. But if I do the same thing at a Trump rally Iā€™m a racist? Fucking idiots. So if Iā€™m a patriot I understand we are a multi-racial nation. So how is my cheering for my nation wrong? If black patriotic people support the United States are they ā€œBlack Nationalist?ā€ Donā€™t equate supporting national sovereignty and border security from criminals as being racist. White supremacy and nationalism are two different things. STOP twisting them for political purposes.

There is nationalism and there is fake nationalism which Trump and supporters like you practice. Nationalism is holding people accountable for their actions and that includes the President. Nationalism is respecting the Constitution which Trump refuses to do. Yet is supporters cheer him for that. That is not nationalism. That is fascism. The laws of this country allow for asylum. Border security is about following laws that were passed by Congress and signed by the President. It does not allow for cruel treatment and making them up.
Cruel treatment. These people are common criminals. Trump was a Constitutionally elected President. Your the psychotic people who are fragile as a dandelion gone to seed and canā€™t accept it. Go put a plastic vagina on your head and bark at the moon.
Definition of nationalism | Dictionary.com
Liberals are trying to portray all white conservatives as ā€œracist.ā€ Well you bunch of idiots read the definition? So you mean to tell me that If was in Paris this summer cheering for our womenā€™s soccer team and joining in the chant ā€œUSA! USA! Thatā€™s alright. I want Team USA to win at the expense of all other nations. But if I do the same thing at a Trump rally Iā€™m a racist? Fucking idiots. So if Iā€™m a patriot I understand we are a multi-racial nation. So how is my cheering for my nation wrong? If black patriotic people support the United States are they ā€œBlack Nationalist?ā€ Donā€™t equate supporting national sovereignty and border security from criminals as being racist. White supremacy and nationalism are two different things. STOP twisting them for political purposes.

There is nationalism and there is fake nationalism which Trump and supporters like you practice. Nationalism is holding people accountable for their actions and that includes the President. Nationalism is respecting the Constitution which Trump refuses to do. Yet is supporters cheer him for that. That is not nationalism. That is fascism. The laws of this country allow for asylum. Border security is about following laws that were passed by Congress and signed by the President. It does not allow for cruel treatment and making them up.
Cruel treatment. These people are common criminals. Trump was a Constitutionally elected President. Your the psychotic people who are fragile as a dandelion gone to seed and canā€™t accept it. Go put a plastic vagina on your head and bark at the moon.
plastic vijay-jays back? oh goody
Nationalism is a good thing. It is the opposite of Globalism.
White Nationalism is a non-existent fantasy. It is a phrase made up by the left to discredit regular Nationalism.
Also: National Socialism is what Hitler wanted to spread. Sound familiar?

I repeat:

Nationalism is a good thing. It is the opposite of Globalism.

White Nationalism is a non-existent fantasy. It is a phrase made up by the left to discredit regular Nationalism.

Also: National Socialism is what Hitler wanted to spread. Sound familiar?
Yes...itā€™s what Ocasio Cortez wants.
You made up a story and you got busted. Now you're rankled. Not my fault.
I don't need to look harder. I found a reference to the first documented instance of the term 'white nationalist'. It's a euphemism for racists. Just like we knew all along. No surprise.
Provide a link that proves me wrong.

I'm sorry that your racism has you tied up in hysterical knots. Please try to keep calm.
The OP is correct, and you got busted trying to twist reality and truth.

You found what you were looking for. That's all. Each side does that.

When supremacists like yourself decide to go on the war path, there's no reasoning with you.

Because a few Democrats decided to call themselves white Nationalists 50 years ago has virtually no impact on it's definition or context today.

But if it's your sworn ambition to hate white people, you're free to keep trying to find reasons to do so. ;)

No one hates white people. White supremacists have killed more people than terrorists have and they .have a worldwide reach as evidenced by attacks in the US and Australia. To ignore it means you are one or you are a fool. Trump's rhetoric matches that of white supremacists so that encourages them to believe he supports them.
How many people died in 9-11? At the hands of ISIS? What a dumbassed statement to make.
Definition of nationalism | Dictionary.com
Liberals are trying to portray all white conservatives as ā€œracist.ā€ Well you bunch of idiots read the definition? So you mean to tell me that If was in Paris this summer cheering for our womenā€™s soccer team and joining in the chant ā€œUSA! USA! Thatā€™s alright. I want Team USA to win at the expense of all other nations. But if I do the same thing at a Trump rally Iā€™m a racist? Fucking idiots. So if Iā€™m a patriot I understand we are a multi-racial nation. So how is my cheering for my nation wrong? If black patriotic people support the United States are they ā€œBlack Nationalist?ā€ Donā€™t equate supporting national sovereignty and border security from criminals as being racist. White supremacy and nationalism are two different things. STOP twisting them for political purposes.

Apparently Rick Scott is too.

Floridaā€™s response to El Paso, Dayton shootings: More of the same
Baldy needs to get educated.
The MEDIA and the Democrats created the term "White Nationalist" as a euphemism for White Supremacist, and Racist. Therefore, demonizing, any and ALL White people that are Patriotic.

Patriotism now equals Racism to the Left, because they hate America, and hate White People in general. That is why Leftists love the concept of WHITE GUILT, and White Privilege. They HATE THEMSELVES.
Yes they did. Itā€™s a typical Trotskyite maneuver.
Here are some of the larger displays of nationalism in our country annually. Perhaps you can take you and your body to Iran if you donā€™t like it here.
4th of July 2019 Parades: Where Are Some of the Largest? | Heavy.com
Are you kidding me?! I love it here! I live in the best place in the entire world right here on the border. Best weather, best people, best food. A million things to do and places to go. I will never leave this area. But it's way too dangerous and deadly for a snowflake like you. Guaranteed.

My city is not white majority. Whites are only about 20%. Your white man paranoia is not something we see too much here and I never travel to the deep south and rarely to the ugly middle of the country.

It's why I come on this message board. To watch you all enable each other's fear. It's fascinating really, that white men are so afraid of everything except other white men.

Racist rant against Whites, much?
Truth hurts?

You may not be able to see clearly through your fear but conservative white men appear to be afraid of everything. And mad at everything. We all know what Yoda said -

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.ā€

Racism? I would call it prejudice. In my mind, racism comes with the power to oppress. It's why it's so vile and hateful. I don't have any power to oppress anybody. Anywhere. But you can call it whatever makes your delicate self feel better.

I don't like conservative white men. At all. Fact.

That's not the definition.
Thinking a race is inferior is the definition.

In yout case, Whites are morally inferior.

The power to oppress people?
Affirmative Action?
Not all whites. Only conservative white men. They are definitely morally inferior, and many are physically inferior as well -

This white man is not. Where is the morality in blacks in Chicago shooting each other? Suppose whitey to blame for that?
Here are some of the larger displays of nationalism in our country annually. Perhaps you can take you and your body to Iran if you donā€™t like it here.
4th of July 2019 Parades: Where Are Some of the Largest? | Heavy.com
Are you kidding me?! I love it here! I live in the best place in the entire world right here on the border. Best weather, best people, best food. A million things to do and places to go. I will never leave this area. But it's way too dangerous and deadly for a snowflake like you. Guaranteed.

My city is not white majority. Whites are only about 20%. Your white man paranoia is not something we see too much here and I never travel to the deep south and rarely to the ugly middle of the country.

It's why I come on this message board. To watch you all enable each other's fear. It's fascinating really, that white men are so afraid of everything except other white men.

Racist rant against Whites, much?
Truth hurts?

You may not be able to see clearly through your fear but conservative white men appear to be afraid of everything. And mad at everything. We all know what Yoda said -

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.ā€

Racism? I would call it prejudice. In my mind, racism comes with the power to oppress. It's why it's so vile and hateful. I don't have any power to oppress anybody. Anywhere. But you can call it whatever makes your delicate self feel better.

I don't like conservative white men. At all. Fact.

That's not the definition.
Thinking a race is inferior is the definition.

In yout case, Whites are morally inferior.

The power to oppress people?
Affirmative Action?
Not all whites. Only conservative white men. They are definitely morally inferior, and many are physically inferior as well -

His ass looks like a Hispanic woman after she punches out her first kid.
Or Muslims killing over 3,000 innocent Americans in one day. That's Whitey's fault too?
Are you kidding me?! I love it here! I live in the best place in the entire world right here on the border. Best weather, best people, best food. A million things to do and places to go. I will never leave this area. But it's way too dangerous and deadly for a snowflake like you. Guaranteed.

My city is not white majority. Whites are only about 20%. Your white man paranoia is not something we see too much here and I never travel to the deep south and rarely to the ugly middle of the country.

It's why I come on this message board. To watch you all enable each other's fear. It's fascinating really, that white men are so afraid of everything except other white men.

Racist rant against Whites, much?
Truth hurts?

You may not be able to see clearly through your fear but conservative white men appear to be afraid of everything. And mad at everything. We all know what Yoda said -

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.ā€

Racism? I would call it prejudice. In my mind, racism comes with the power to oppress. It's why it's so vile and hateful. I don't have any power to oppress anybody. Anywhere. But you can call it whatever makes your delicate self feel better.

I don't like conservative white men. At all. Fact.

That's not the definition.
Thinking a race is inferior is the definition.

In yout case, Whites are morally inferior.

The power to oppress people?
Affirmative Action?
Not all whites. Only conservative white men. They are definitely morally inferior, and many are physically inferior as well -

His ass looks like a Hispanic woman after she punches out her first kid.

Yet they continue to have more, and more and more. A testament to the not so discerning Hispanic male.
Watched ever
Definition of nationalism | Dictionary.com
Liberals are trying to portray all white conservatives as ā€œracist.ā€ Well you bunch of idiots read the definition? So you mean to tell me that If was in Paris this summer cheering for our womenā€™s soccer team and joining in the chant ā€œUSA! USA! Thatā€™s alright. I want Team USA to win at the expense of all other nations. But if I do the same thing at a Trump rally Iā€™m a racist? Fucking idiots. So if Iā€™m a patriot I understand we are a multi-racial nation. So how is my cheering for my nation wrong? If black patriotic people support the United States are they ā€œBlack Nationalist?ā€ Donā€™t equate supporting national sovereignty and border security from criminals as being racist. White supremacy and nationalism are two different things. STOP twisting them for political purposes.

Cheering for a national soccer team by yelling the countries name is supporting a soccer team.

Screaming USA at a grifter rally is supporting a racist.

However, you as a parrot supporter did not yell USA for the Women's Soccer team. We all know that....
watched every match and cheered for them. Almost as loud as I shouted ā€œUSA! USA!ā€ November 2016 when Trump crushed Hillary. There is no difference. Nationalism is nationalism.
But what we're REALLY talking about is WHITE nationalism and THAT is racist...top to bottom

Again, you don't comprehend well.

White Nationalism is NOT White Supremacy.

If "White Nationalism" is racist, then so would "Black" Nationalism (blacks who love their country and look out for it's interests first)

Whites who say "Whites want an all while Nation" are not Nationalists, they are Supremacists.

You seem to be unable to understand the diff between Nationalism and Supremacy.
Simple as 2+2 = 4....unless your an Orwellian Democrat and 2+2 = 5.
Looks like a racist pig, smells like a racist pig, grunts like a racist pig.............calls itself 'white nationalist'.............still a racist pig.

You forgot to leave out the word "nationalist".....

Ha ha! do you happen to have a mirror ? :113:
It's been attached since 1973... we here today, had nothing to do with it.... the white Nationalists themselves attached "White" to it, to distinguish themselves from a regular ole patriotic Nationalist.

Yeah yeah....
And All Black Panthers attached "Panther" to black......

So does that make ALL black people.......Panthers ? :spinner:
Last edited:
Are you kidding me?! I love it here! I live in the best place in the entire world right here on the border. Best weather, best people, best food. A million things to do and places to go. I will never leave this area. But it's way too dangerous and deadly for a snowflake like you. Guaranteed.

My city is not white majority. Whites are only about 20%. Your white man paranoia is not something we see too much here and I never travel to the deep south and rarely to the ugly middle of the country.

It's why I come on this message board. To watch you all enable each other's fear. It's fascinating really, that white men are so afraid of everything except other white men.

Racist rant against Whites, much?
Truth hurts?

You may not be able to see clearly through your fear but conservative white men appear to be afraid of everything. And mad at everything. We all know what Yoda said -

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.ā€

Racism? I would call it prejudice. In my mind, racism comes with the power to oppress. It's why it's so vile and hateful. I don't have any power to oppress anybody. Anywhere. But you can call it whatever makes your delicate self feel better.

I don't like conservative white men. At all. Fact.

That's not the definition.
Thinking a race is inferior is the definition.

In yout case, Whites are morally inferior.

The power to oppress people?
Affirmative Action?
Not all whites. Only conservative white men. They are definitely morally inferior, and many are physically inferior as well -

His ass looks like a Hispanic woman after she punches out her first kid.
Granny panties included. What a moron.
Racist rant against Whites, much?
Truth hurts?

You may not be able to see clearly through your fear but conservative white men appear to be afraid of everything. And mad at everything. We all know what Yoda said -

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.ā€

Racism? I would call it prejudice. In my mind, racism comes with the power to oppress. It's why it's so vile and hateful. I don't have any power to oppress anybody. Anywhere. But you can call it whatever makes your delicate self feel better.

I don't like conservative white men. At all. Fact.

That's not the definition.
Thinking a race is inferior is the definition.

In yout case, Whites are morally inferior.

The power to oppress people?
Affirmative Action?
Not all whites. Only conservative white men. They are definitely morally inferior, and many are physically inferior as well -

His ass looks like a Hispanic woman after she punches out her first kid.

Yet they continue to have more, and more and more. A testament to the not so discerning Hispanic male.
Awww, you can find anyone to breed with? That's not surprising, and not our problem.
Racist rant against Whites, much?
Truth hurts?

You may not be able to see clearly through your fear but conservative white men appear to be afraid of everything. And mad at everything. We all know what Yoda said -

"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.ā€

Racism? I would call it prejudice. In my mind, racism comes with the power to oppress. It's why it's so vile and hateful. I don't have any power to oppress anybody. Anywhere. But you can call it whatever makes your delicate self feel better.

I don't like conservative white men. At all. Fact.

That's not the definition.
Thinking a race is inferior is the definition.

In yout case, Whites are morally inferior.

The power to oppress people?
Affirmative Action?
Not all whites. Only conservative white men. They are definitely morally inferior, and many are physically inferior as well -

His ass looks like a Hispanic woman after she punches out her first kid.
Granny panties included. What a moron.
Sure. After that first kid they are like a thong for a Hispanic girl. :auiqs.jpg:
ā€œNationalismā€ is newspeak for ā€œpatriotismā€.

They are two different terms , with two different definitions...

That arrogance helped us win WW2 and defeat fascism.
and ironically slide right on back into it here....

If only we adopted true-Nationalism, AKA Fascism after WW2, we wouldn't be in such a Pickle of a mess.


On no more white nationalism. Oh yes, Ira Hayes. White and Native American nationalism.

& died of alcoholism...

liberal media and professoriate branding. Definition is the whole thing they are twisting.

like the conservatives are famous for...?

It takes a lot of money and energy to subjugate and incarcerate vast swaths of your population. Imagine if all that talent, energy and money was spent in lifting others up.

Sadly we've this consistent faction looking to pull themselves up, by pulling others down

What the fuck does Ira Hayes dying of alcoholism have to do with my OP? What does Sobieski who is from Poland have to with my OP? The leftist control the media and the professoriate and echo chamber. They twist the truth daily. Your post is a incoherent, and not supported by fact except that a brave Marine died because of PTSD that went undiagnosed at the time.

Not one to think outta the box 92?

That's exactly why conservatism equates nationalism to patriotism , they don't seem to grasp they are two distinct terms , in two distinct dictionary references, etc.

You really could broaden your horizons, and look up what 'nationalism' has resulted in for other countries , it's not always pretty

Definition of nationalism | Dictionary.com
I believe ā€œexcessive patriotismā€ is in the definition.

Hes a liberal. Dont let his newspeak suck you in. They use nationalism to describe patriotism. It doesnt matter what the words originally meant. When you hear "nationalist" in the left wing media then just substitute "patriotism"..its what they are describing.

You folks are equating nationalism to patriotism , not me snowflake

Pointing that narrative out is hardly liberal

YOU folks are doing the twisting here

They are two different terms , with two different definitions...

and ironically slide right on back into it here....


& died of alcoholism...

like the conservatives are famous for...?

Sadly we've this consistent faction looking to pull themselves up, by pulling others down

What the fuck does Ira Hayes dying of alcoholism have to do with my OP? What does Sobieski who is from Poland have to with my OP? The leftist control the media and the professoriate and echo chamber. They twist the truth daily. Your post is a incoherent, and not supported by fact except that a brave Marine died because of PTSD that went undiagnosed at the time.

Not one to think outta the box 92?

That's exactly why conservatism equates nationalism to patriotism , they don't seem to grasp they are two distinct terms , in two distinct dictionary references, etc.

You really could broaden your horizons, and look up what 'nationalism' has resulted in for other countries , it's not always pretty

Definition of nationalism | Dictionary.com
I believe ā€œexcessive patriotismā€ is in the definition.

Hes a liberal. Dont let his newspeak suck you in. They use nationalism to describe patriotism. It doesnt matter what the words originally meant. When you hear "nationalist" in the left wing media then just substitute "patriotism"..its what they are describing.

You folks are equating nationalism to patriotism , not me snowflake

Pointing that narrative out is hardly liberal

YOU folks are doing the twisting here

Can you fucking read? Your a blithering half-wit.
Definition of nationalism | Dictionary.com
Oh but the gulf in numbers especially when viewed on a per capita basis. I mean look at Mexico...50,000 homicides IN ONE YEAR. Insane.
Brazil....over 60,000 in 2017? South Africa? Insanity. Then you have our domestic Africans...my God.

Yeah serial killers...brilliant point.

You're comparing third world countries with the US?
Yeah, brilliant point.

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