Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

With all respect (because I respect and like you) too many beheadings lately, coming out of that so called "holy book" koran aka the religion of piss.

That religion has to be kept at arm's length....that religion doesn't belong with The West and with Christianity.

She is free to practice her faith in any way she wishes so long as she doesn't break any laws. This whole ordeal over her using the Koran at swearing-in ceremony is just plain silly in my opinion.

I like and respect you as well, Skye. Cheers! :smiliehug:
If she does not break our laws, then she does not practice her faith in any manner she chooses.

Good thing she isn't breaking any laws. It appears the only things she is guilty of is inflaming thin-skinned whiners.
The Koran isn't very meaningful to her, then, is it.

How genuine was her oath?

Of course it is meaningful to her or she shouldn't have used it for her oath of office. It is her choice what book she wishes to use. You may not like it, but who cares?

I don't have any reason to believe her oath was disingenuous.

Other than she apparently ran for public office of her own free will, that's an indication of a disingenuous person. :lol:
Why is this a bad thing?

The day the majority of Congress takes the oath on the Koran, our democracy ends.

If you don't believe that, move to any Muslim majority country in the world and see what life is like.
Your example is way off base with none of the qualifiers that this woman has. She pledged her allegiance to both the US and the Quran they are mutually exclusive ideologies.

And Moslems are instructed by their religion to place Islamic law above man made law - always. Her religion will always come before America.

So are Christians.

That is false. Mark 12:17
This is your unknowing reasons half you dumbasses have no clue about and will support it being America's law..

Raqqa is the headquarters of ISIS, the notoriously anti-gay, Sharia law-abiding terrorist organization. And Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia, a country where Wahabism, a strict form of Sharia, is practiced.

Saudi Arabia bans women from driving, requires women to wear a hijab that covers everything but the eyes and hands. Furthermore, gays are persecuted.
Ok....we know that. What does that have to do with an AMERICAN politician swearing an oath on their religious holy book?
So did Nidal Hasan until he opened fire on American citizens.

So now you are comparing this young woman to Nidal Hasan?
. Liberal games you are gonna play now ??

Answer the question.
. Keep up.. I didn't make the statement that brought on your question. Duh.

Don't play dumb, and answer the question.

You agreed with the post. Are you comparing her to Nidal Hasan?
. The jury might be out on that one for a while, so let's just hope she doesn't surprise anyone in the future.
Islam isn't compatible with the I
Shouldn't have to tell you.

So why is this a bad thing?
Because Islam is not compatible with our culture at all.
Even though Muslims have been here since the founding and are your neighbors and mine? Should A,Erica put a blanket ban on Islam as part of our freedom of religion? Is xenophobia part and parcel of the American culture you claim to love?
. Feel free to explain DEAD AMERICANS to us anytime you want... And don't make excuses.
Muslims=dead Americans? Is this an immutable fact, or xenophobic fearmongering?
. What does the evidence say ??
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

. Ever hear of symbolism, symbolic or representative of one's views on life ?? Then there is the thing of being compatible, comparable, having compatibility etc.

People who take the oath on the Bible are not compatible?
. Huh ??
Islam isn't compatible with the I
So why is this a bad thing?
Because Islam is not compatible with our culture at all.
Even though Muslims have been here since the founding and are your neighbors and mine? Should A,Erica put a blanket ban on Islam as part of our freedom of religion? Is xenophobia part and parcel of the American culture you claim to love?
. Feel free to explain DEAD AMERICANS to us anytime you want... And don't make excuses.
Muslims=dead Americans? Is this an immutable fact, or xenophobic fearmongering?
. What does the evidence say ??

gun owners= dead Americans
cigarettes=dead Americans
rightwing extremists=dead Americans
drunk drivers=dead Americans
sharks=dead Americans
airbags that blow shrapnel=dead Americans
sharks=dead Americans
stupidity=dead Americans
melanoma=dead Americans
coal dust=dead Americans
spontaneous combustion=dead Americans
Moose strikes=dead Americans
brain tumors=dead Americans
falling down steps=dead Americans
starting wars=dead Americans
heroin overdoses=dead Americans

Islam isn't compatible with the I
Because Islam is not compatible with our culture at all.
Even though Muslims have been here since the founding and are your neighbors and mine? Should A,Erica put a blanket ban on Islam as part of our freedom of religion? Is xenophobia part and parcel of the American culture you claim to love?
. Feel free to explain DEAD AMERICANS to us anytime you want... And don't make excuses.
Muslims=dead Americans? Is this an immutable fact, or xenophobic fearmongering?
. What does the evidence say ??

gun owners= dead Americans
cigarettes=dead Americans
rightwing extremists=dead Americans
drunk drivers=dead Americans
sharks=dead Americans
airbags that blow shrapnel=dead Americans
sharks=dead Americans
stupidity=dead Americans
melanoma=dead Americans
coal dust=dead Americans
spontaneous combustion=dead Americans
Moose strikes=dead Americans
brain tumors=dead Americans
falling down steps=dead Americans
starting wars=dead Americans
heroin overdoses=dead Americans

. You left one out.. Why ?
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

Bullshit. An oath taken on a holy book you believe is false, is no oath at all. You think Biblical Law is ahead of US law? Biblical law also called for the stoning of adulterers and an eye for an eye. Neither Biblical nor Sharia law applies in the US.

The Muslim us taking an oath on her Holy Book. No different than me taking an oath on the Bible. I would not consider my oath on the Koran to be binding. She probably feels the same way about the Bible.

How this is a bad thing is beyond me, but then I'm not frightened by Muslims. You pussies are rabid on the topic. So much for the "Home of the brave".

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Why is this a bad thing?

The day the majority of Congress takes the oath on the Koran, our democracy ends.

If you don't believe that, move to any Muslim majority country in the world and see what life is like.
. Yep, or try running for office in a Muslim country, and try to change their swearing in ceremony by wanting to use the Holy Bible instead ??
Why is this a bad thing?

The day the majority of Congress takes the oath on the Koran, our democracy ends.

If you don't believe that, move to any Muslim majority country in the world and see what life is like.
. Yep, or try running for office in a Muslim country, and try to change their swearing in ceremony by wanting to use the Holy Bible instead ??

Who cares what other countries do? Why should we strive to emulate them?
Even though Muslims have been here since the founding and are your neighbors and mine? Should A,Erica put a blanket ban on Islam as part of our freedom of religion? Is xenophobia part and parcel of the American culture you claim to love?
. Feel free to explain DEAD AMERICANS to us anytime you want... And don't make excuses.
Muslims=dead Americans? Is this an immutable fact, or xenophobic fearmongering?
. What does the evidence say ??

gun owners= dead Americans
cigarettes=dead Americans
rightwing extremists=dead Americans
drunk drivers=dead Americans
sharks=dead Americans
airbags that blow shrapnel=dead Americans
sharks=dead Americans
stupidity=dead Americans
melanoma=dead Americans
coal dust=dead Americans
spontaneous combustion=dead Americans
Moose strikes=dead Americans
brain tumors=dead Americans
falling down steps=dead Americans
starting wars=dead Americans
heroin overdoses=dead Americans

. You left one out.. Why ? bias

choking on Cheetos=dead Americans
Wouldn't make much sense to have a Christian swear an oath to a Koran would it?
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

Bullshit. An oath taken on a holy book you believe is false, is no oath at all. You think Biblical Law is ahead of US law? Biblical law also called for the stoning of adulterers and an eye for an eye. Neither Biblical nor Sharia law applies in the US.

The Muslim us taking an oath on her Holy Book. No different than me taking an oath on the Bible. I would not consider my oath on the Koran to be binding. She probably feels the same way about the Bible.

How this is a bad thing is beyond me, but then I'm not frightened by Muslims. You pussies are rabid on the topic. So much for the "Home of the brave".

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. Hard to be brave if you are dead. How many Americans must die before it is recognized that we have a problem, and that it could get worse ?

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