Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

Why is this a bad thing?

The day the majority of Congress takes the oath on the Koran, our democracy ends.

If you don't believe that, move to any Muslim majority country in the world and see what life is like.
When do you think that will happen? Considering that more people are wising up to religion in the first place?
Wouldn't make much sense to have a Christian swear an oath to a Koran would it?
. Our sovereignty should be unshaken just as other nations are unshaken in their beliefs, values, and traditions. We have become fools is what we have become. Period.
Wouldn't make much sense to have a Christian swear an oath to a Koran would it?
. Our sovereignty should be unshaken just as other nations are unshaken in their beliefs, values, and traditions. We have become fools is what we have become. Period.
I agree we have become fools.
Isnt the first amendment a big part of our sovereignty? Arent honest oaths a part of that as well? IDK this only makes sense.
"here you go. we expect you to prove your loyalty to something you don't give 2 shits about"
Doesn't make much sense, ey?
Wouldn't make much sense to have a Christian swear an oath to a Koran would it?
. Our sovereignty should be unshaken just as other nations are unshaken in their beliefs, values, and traditions. We have become fools is what we have become. Period.
I agree we have become fools.
Isnt the first amendment a big part of our sovereignty? Arent honest oaths a part of that as well? IDK this only makes sense.
"here you go. we expect you to prove your loyalty to something you don't give 2 shits about"
Doesn't make much sense, ey?
. If our sovereignty doesn't make sense to these people, then this nation is in deep doo doo.
Wouldn't make much sense to have a Christian swear an oath to a Koran would it?
. Our sovereignty should be unshaken just as other nations are unshaken in their beliefs, values, and traditions. We have become fools is what we have become. Period.
I agree we have become fools.
Isnt the first amendment a big part of our sovereignty? Arent honest oaths a part of that as well? IDK this only makes sense.
"here you go. we expect you to prove your loyalty to something you don't give 2 shits about"
Doesn't make much sense, ey?
. If our sovereignty doesn't make sense to these people, then this nation is in deep doo doo.
what do you mean?
Why is this a bad thing?
She and her brood have no business being in this country, the Koran itself is anathema to the oath she just swore it on.

And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Wouldn't make much sense to have a Christian swear an oath to a Koran would it?
. Our sovereignty should be unshaken just as other nations are unshaken in their beliefs, values, and traditions. We have become fools is what we have become. Period.
I agree we have become fools.
Isnt the first amendment a big part of our sovereignty? Arent honest oaths a part of that as well? IDK this only makes sense.
"here you go. we expect you to prove your loyalty to something you don't give 2 shits about"
Doesn't make much sense, ey?
. If our sovereignty doesn't make sense to these people, then this nation is in deep doo doo.
what do you mean?
. Why are people coming here if they are in conflict with Christians here from the get go ??
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao
So? You suggesting a Muslim should swear on a Bible?
. Why would that be offensive to them ?? They are here to become Americans right, and if that is part of the process (Oh Well).
Being an American means getting to pray to the god of ones own choosing.
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

. Ever hear of symbolism, symbolic or representative of one's views on life ?? Then there is the thing of being compatible, comparable, having compatibility etc.

People who take the oath on the Bible are not compatible?
. Huh ??

Is that what you're saying?
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?
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You have no answer and this is just a troll thread, gotcha. ;)

Actually, it raises an interesting question.

Taking the oath on the bible is supposed to be somewhat symbolic. Not sure of the excact connection, but there is one.

What I was elected and chose to take my oath on top of a copy of Mein Kampf ?

Not really sure.
Wouldn't make much sense to have a Christian swear an oath to a Koran would it?
. Our sovereignty should be unshaken just as other nations are unshaken in their beliefs, values, and traditions. We have become fools is what we have become. Period.
I agree we have become fools.
Isnt the first amendment a big part of our sovereignty? Arent honest oaths a part of that as well? IDK this only makes sense.
"here you go. we expect you to prove your loyalty to something you don't give 2 shits about"
Doesn't make much sense, ey?
. If our sovereignty doesn't make sense to these people, then this nation is in deep doo doo.
what do you mean?
. Why are people coming here if they are in conflict with Christians here from the get go ??
Who said anything about conflict?
Why is this a bad thing?

The day the majority of Congress takes the oath on the Koran, our democracy ends.

If you don't believe that, move to any Muslim majority country in the world and see what life is like.
. Yep, or try running for office in a Muslim country, and try to change their swearing in ceremony by wanting to use the Holy Bible instead ??

Who cares what other countries do? Why should we strive to emulate them?

It matters what Muslims do in other countries. They've never demonstrated an ability to accept democracy, or basic rights for women, or shown respect for other religions. That's why women in Saudi Arabia are treated like dogs, and they have almost no Christians or Jews in their countries. Yet you think it would be no different if they had power in America. You are exactly the type of fool they can use to help achieve their goal of Sharia Law in the US.
Why is this a bad thing?

The day the majority of Congress takes the oath on the Koran, our democracy ends.

If you don't believe that, move to any Muslim majority country in the world and see what life is like.
When do you think that will happen? Considering that more people are wising up to religion in the first place?

More people are wising up to religion in Islamic countries?
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

Bullshit. An oath taken on a holy book you believe is false, is no oath at all. You think Biblical Law is ahead of US law? Biblical law also called for the stoning of adulterers and an eye for an eye. Neither Biblical nor Sharia law applies in the US.

The Muslim us taking an oath on her Holy Book. No different than me taking an oath on the Bible. I would not consider my oath on the Koran to be binding. She probably feels the same way about the Bible.

How this is a bad thing is beyond me, but then I'm not frightened by Muslims. You pussies are rabid on the topic. So much for the "Home of the brave".

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. Hard to be brave if you are dead. How many Americans must die before it is recognized that we have a problem, and that it could get worse ?

I don't know. How many Americans must die at the hands of White Christians by way of gun violence before you recognize you have a problem?

Guess Which Terrorist Group Has Killed the Most Americans Since 9/11

Personally, I'd be more frightened of those guys, but you're good with open carry. But freedom of religion terrifies you.

Talk about being disconnected from reality.

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