Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

Not nearly as many as US servicemen they have killed while serving in the US military.
Oh really? Give us the figures then.

You can start with Nidal Hasan and this interesting article from slate:

The American soldiers who want to destroy America.

Muslims have less business being in the military than they do being in the country.
Did you have issues with Muslim fellow soldiers when you served? You DID serve, right?

I have an issue with pedophile worshippers period. are not fond of the Catholic hierarchy then. When did you serve? Which branch?

Jesus wasn't a pedophile rapist that wouls be Mohammad.
Not nearly as many as US servicemen they have killed while serving in the US military.
Oh really? Give us the figures then.

You can start with Nidal Hasan and this interesting article from slate:

The American soldiers who want to destroy America.

Muslims have less business being in the military than they do being in the country.
Did you have issues with Muslim fellow soldiers when you served? You DID serve, right?

I have an issue with pedophile worshippers period.

I have an issue with liars, racists, and those who would strip the rights of others out of fear, ignorance and stupidity.

You are a coward. There's no other way of interpreting your irrational belief structure. You fear anyone different that you in an irrational manner. Go hide under your bed, chicken liver.
But you apparently have no issue with pedophilia or incest.
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

No. The whole point is that when you swear an oath on something - you swear it on something that is MEANINGFUL to YOU.

Is swearing an oath on the Bible making the point that Biblican law is higher than our laws? No.

Is swearing an oath on a box of Mac and Cheese making the point that dinner is more important than our laws? Well...maybe.

But if you are Christian - and you the Bible is important to you, then swearing an oath on it means something important to you. It might not to me. But it does to YOU. Swearing an oath on a Koran would be meaningless to you.
. Worked for centuries until you libs decided you wanted to split with the country. Now you work to separate in order to someday conquer. All these things are the very things that separate, yet you libs think this country is to beat down and dumb to know it.

I'm trying to figure out what you are saying.

Are you saying people should swear on something that has no meaning to them just to make you comfortable?
Are you saying that people who don't believe in the Bible's authority should not be sworn into office?

Separate and conquor..everyone who is being sworn into office is part of a group of people who feel that serving this country, it's Constitution and it's people as a representative in public office is an important job. How is that so wrong?
. Because we have had standards that we as Americans identify with, and we have had protocol that when these standards are honored, then we can feel unified with a person who has not a problem with being American under the standards and Constitution that creates the American character in which we have honored and cherished over the years.

The standard has been for Americans to swear in on the Holy Bible, and we see this being denide now... When we see this, then we see people who are not truly willing to unite as Americans under our flag or unite under the standards chosen by our people for hundreds of years now.

So you think that Jews and Muslims and Buddhists should swear on the Holy Bible?

Or that Jews and Muslims and Buddhists can't be Americans?
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

how is it selling out America? she's entitled to use a koran like another lawmaker is entitled to use the new testament or another to use the old testament.

G-d bless the first amendment.
I swear you snowflakes are absolutely ignorant. Even after the Puritan Age and into the Neo-Classic Age and the Romantic Movement and through the rise Realism, the American stock - all classes - remained Protestant and Catholic.

The rise of Islam in America is not a natural progression; it is an artificial propagation of the left.

You are right about one thing: the "rise of Islam" in America is artificial.

Apparently you guys have no clue how many are already in the white house.........

Luckily we have right wing nut jobs like yourself to make this crap up.
Why is this a bad thing?
She and her brood have no business being in this country, the Koran itself is anathema to the oath she just swore it on.

And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.

As if that makes up for the numerous Muslims who joined the US military only to turn around and kill their fellow soldiers or US civilians, the most recent being the Fort Meyers shooter who judicial watch has now proven conclusively is a Muslim member of ISIL.

Judicial Watch!!! The Koch Brothers PAC which falsely accuses the Clintons constantly. They are the least believable group going.
He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.

Why are you obsessed by dead Americans killed by Muslims but not dead Americans killed by gun owners?

We on the political Right are certainly concerned (not obsessed as you put it) with lives being lost no matter who is doing the killing. But taking guns away won't stop the killing and will only take away our rights. We need a better solution - that's not it. The reason we're so concerned about Islam is that it's a religion/ideology that seeks to destroy our freedoms and our entire country. They are, in part, doing this through terrorism. You cannot logically equate the two.
We have freedom of religion in this country. If someone is elected by their district to lead the people, it really doesn't matter what their religion is, because it says that there shall be no religious test when it comes to holding public office.

Keith Ellison, who also is a Muslim, has been in Congress for a while, and also swore his oath on the Koran.

What? Should we force all politicians to convert to Christianity when they are elected?
We have freedom of religion in this country. If someone is elected by their district to lead the people, it really doesn't matter what their religion is, because it says that there shall be no religious test when it comes to holding public office.

Ok, so my new religion says I have to drink all the blood from an infant to reach paradise. So too my followers. Shall I have freedom to practice my religion?
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao
So? You suggesting a Muslim should swear on a Bible?
. Why would that be offensive to them ?? They are here to become Americans right, and if that is part of the process (Oh Well).
Being an American means getting to pray to the god of ones own choosing.
. You have no god, so your input is taken as a grain of salt on the subject. This actually makes you a troll.
It doesn't really matter how the oath is taken as Muslims are allowed to lie to the infidel, taqiyya and kitman. To make reparation for a false oath, a Muslim must feed 10 people an average kind of meal, or fast for 3 days between sunrise and sunset. No biggie. See the Reliance of the Traveller.
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What Liberals do when you're telling them facts about Islam.

what do you mean?
. Why are people coming here if they are in conflict with Christians here from the get go ??

They aren't "in conflict with Christians". There are millions of Muslims living in the United States in peace and harmony with Christians. They actually believe in the Freedom of Religion your Constitution promises. If you don't agree with Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, or Freedom of the Press, how can you call yourself an American.

It's YOU who opposes the Constitution of the United States.[/QUOTE].

So are they living here with Christians peacefully, yet they are only doing so because the Christians out number them by the millions ?? In other words it would be foolish for them to rise up and make themselves known as to what they really think, and if so then would they be successful in their attempt to overthrow if that is their ultimate goal ?? Nope they wouldn't be successful, and they know it which is why they don't try it.
Why is this a bad thing?
She and her brood have no business being in this country, the Koran itself is anathema to the oath she just swore it on.

And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.

As if that makes up for the numerous Muslims who joined the US military only to turn around and kill their fellow soldiers or US civilians, the most recent being the Fort Meyers shooter who judicial watch has now proven conclusively is a Muslim member of ISIL.
More members of the U.S. military have been fragged by Christians than by Muslims.
And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?

A citizen of the western world who will fight and die to preserve it from these backwards savages, people like you wish to open the gates to the barbarians and allow for the destruction of western civilization from within. Oh and this particular pedophile worshipper committed immigration fraud by marrying her own fucking brother to get him residency status.

So now you're just making shit up about a woman who has been appointed a judge FFS! The woman was BORN in the US. Given the vetting she would have undergone, do you think she would have passed if she "married her brother". You people really are despicable.

Not making up a god damn thing, she is not a judge, she got elected to the state legislature in a heavily Muslim district but before that she married her brother in order to commit immigration fraud:

A reader has written us to point out that the Somali website Somalispot posted information last week suggesting Omar’s involvement in marriage and immigration fraud. The post notes that Omar married Ahmed Hirsi in 2002. Hirsi is the father of Omar’s three children. Omar is depicted with Hirsi and their children on Omar’s campaign website here.

The post further notes that Omar married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, implying that the latter marriage assisted his entry into the United States. Her brother was a British citizen. “As soon as Ilhan Omar married him,” the post continues, “he started university at her [a]lma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Minneapolis where he was living in a public housing complex and was later evicted. He then returned to the United Kingdom where he now lives.”

First Elected Somali in Minnesota Legislature Married Her Own Brother

Thanks for playing now back to your regularly scheduled treason against western civilization in promotion of islamic imperialism.
Frontpage Mag.......:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

One of the few outlets willing to state the truth about the Islamic Imperialist scum.

She married her own brother and in the process committed bigamy and immigration fraud as she was still married to her legal husband at the time she perpetrated the overt immigration fraud.

Brother Ilhan Omar Legally Married Sends Alpha News an Email
Your derangement is noted.

"In 2002, when I was 19 years old, Ahmed Hirsi (whose name before he received citizenship was Ahmed Aden), the father of my children and love of my life, and I, applied for a marriage license, but we never finalized the application and thus were never legally married. In 2008, we decided to end our relationship in our faith tradition after reaching an impasse in our life together.

I entered into a relationship with a British citizen, Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, and married him legally in 2009. Our relationship ended in 2011 and we divorced in our faith tradition. After that, he moved home to England. I have yet to legally divorce Ahmed Nur Said Elmi, but am in the process of doing so. Insinuations that Ahmed Nur Said Elmi is my brother are absurd and offensive. ~ Ilhan Omar
Why is this a bad thing?
She and her brood have no business being in this country, the Koran itself is anathema to the oath she just swore it on.

And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

Bullshit. An oath taken on a holy book you believe is false, is no oath at all. You think Biblical Law is ahead of US law? Biblical law also called for the stoning of adulterers and an eye for an eye. Neither Biblical nor Sharia law applies in the US.

The Muslim us taking an oath on her Holy Book. No different than me taking an oath on the Bible. I would not consider my oath on the Koran to be binding. She probably feels the same way about the Bible.

How this is a bad thing is beyond me, but then I'm not frightened by Muslims. You pussies are rabid on the topic. So much for the "Home of the brave".

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Youre stupid.
It doesn't really matter how the oath is taken as Muslims are allowed to lie to the infidel, taqiyya and kitman. To make reparation for a false oath, a Muslim must feed 10 people an average kind of meal, or fast for 3 days between sunrise and sunset. No biggie. See the Reliance of the Traveller.
I haven't seen all Christians act withing the realm of what Christ recommended..
She and her brood have no business being in this country, the Koran itself is anathema to the oath she just swore it on.

And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.
Fuck you, you leftist faggot...the vast majority of people serving would line your intellectual fathers up against the wall and domeshot them through the temple.

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