Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

We have freedom of religion in this country. If someone is elected by their district to lead the people, it really doesn't matter what their religion is, because it says that there shall be no religious test when it comes to holding public office.

Ok, so my new religion says I have to drink all the blood from an infant to reach paradise. So too my followers. Shall I have freedom to practice my religion?


No rights are unrestricted.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.

You are the one that supports parading these brave deceased souls in front of the political circus desecrating their memories for power and a buck. Just like this "Gold Star" family...:laugh:
The RW loves to denigrate Gold Star families.....we had posters here say that Gold Star families can go "fuck themselves".
I never said this case this "Gold Star" family pimped their son's death for political power and money, hence they are worthless scumbags. The son on the other hand is a hero...dead or alive, anyone, much like you, who puts on the uniform is worthy of greater respect than what Clinton and these scumbags have given them.
what do you mean?
. Why are people coming here if they are in conflict with Christians here from the get go ??

They aren't "in conflict with Christians". There are millions of Muslims living in the United States in peace and harmony with Christians. They actually believe in the Freedom of Religion your Constitution promises. If you don't agree with Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Assembly, or Freedom of the Press, how can you call yourself an American.

It's YOU who opposes the Constitution of the United States.

So are they living here with Christians peacefully, yet they are only doing so because the Christians out number them by the millions ?? In other words it would be foolish for them to rise up and make themselves known as to what they really think, and if so then would they be successful in their attempt to overthrow if that is their ultimate goal ?? Nope they wouldn't be successful, and they know it which is why they don't try it.

Really? And you have evidence to support this is why? Personally, looking at this young woman in the OP who ran and won a public office, looking at Muslims who have served in the military, looking at Muslims who are just ordinary citizens, law abiding and believe in the Constitution of the country of which they ARE citizens...I think you're wrong about this.
And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:

I don't think so. I listened to his speech, and his wife interviewed later, and the impression I got was complete sincerity, and a deep love for his adopted country. He shouldn't have been demonized simply because he spoke in support of Hillary's campaign and had the audacity to call Trump out on his remarks.
Did you have issues with Muslim fellow soldiers when you served? You DID serve, right?

I have an issue with pedophile worshippers period. are not fond of the Catholic hierarchy then. When did you serve? Which branch?

Jesus wasn't a pedophile rapist that wouls be Mohammad.
Yeah, he was just gay.
Was he? Got any evidence for that?
Sure, he was never with a woman.
We have freedom of religion in this country. If someone is elected by their district to lead the people, it really doesn't matter what their religion is, because it says that there shall be no religious test when it comes to holding public office.

Ok, so my new religion says I have to drink all the blood from an infant to reach paradise. So too my followers. Shall I have freedom to practice my religion?
What religion is that? Sounds like conservatism.
It doesn't really matter how the oath is taken as Muslims are allowed to lie to the infidel, taqiyya and kitman. To make reparation for a false oath, a Muslim must feed 10 people an average kind of meal, or fast for 3 days between sunrise and sunset. No biggie. See the Reliance of the Traveller.
Lying is allowed in the Bible too. Does that mean all oaths are invalid?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.
Bahaha! Since when have left wing fucktards such as yourself gave a damn about the military?
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.
Bahaha! Since when have left wing fucktards such as yourself gave a damn about the military?
Well you certainly don't give a damn about grammar. :badgrin:
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.
Bahaha! Since when have left wing fucktards such as yourself gave a damn about the military?
Well you certainly don't give a damn about grammar. :badgrin:
You must be an AIDS ridden faggot. Only a filthy sodomite would say some dumb shit like that.
And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.
Bahaha! Since when have left wing fucktards such as yourself gave a damn about the military?
Well you certainly don't give a damn about grammar. :badgrin:
You must be an AIDS ridden faggot. Only a filthy sodomite would say some dumb shit like that.

You're wrong on all counts. What were the odds of that happening? 3 to 1?
I have an issue with pedophile worshippers period. are not fond of the Catholic hierarchy then. When did you serve? Which branch?

Jesus wasn't a pedophile rapist that wouls be Mohammad.
Yeah, he was just gay.
Was he? Got any evidence for that?
Sure, he was never with a woman.
So are all celibate people gay?
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

Bullshit. An oath taken on a holy book you believe is false, is no oath at all. You think Biblical Law is ahead of US law? Biblical law also called for the stoning of adulterers and an eye for an eye. Neither Biblical nor Sharia law applies in the US.

The Muslim us taking an oath on her Holy Book. No different than me taking an oath on the Bible. I would not consider my oath on the Koran to be binding. She probably feels the same way about the Bible.

How this is a bad thing is beyond me, but then I'm not frightened by Muslims. You pussies are rabid on the topic. So much for the "Home of the brave".

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Youre stupid.

Why do people so often make statements like this without properly proofreading them? :lol:
Who cares?

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.
Bahaha! Since when have left wing fucktards such as yourself gave a damn about the military?
Well you certainly don't give a damn about grammar. :badgrin:
You must be an AIDS ridden faggot. Only a filthy sodomite would say some dumb shit like that.

You're wrong on all counts. What were the odds of that happening? 3 to 1?
You're a filthy piece of shit, talking about filthy disgusting things. Things you obviously don't find disgusting to speak on so freely.
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.
Bahaha! Since when have left wing fucktards such as yourself gave a damn about the military?
Well you certainly don't give a damn about grammar. :badgrin:
You must be an AIDS ridden faggot. Only a filthy sodomite would say some dumb shit like that.

You're wrong on all counts. What were the odds of that happening? 3 to 1?
You're a filthy piece of shit, talking about filthy disgusting things. Things you obviously don't find disgusting to speak on so freely.
How fortunate am I you're batshit insane?

Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Looks like MindWars intends to do away with the Constitution. What an asshole.
. When a tryanny is in play, then things adjust accordingly, but it's all in order to get back to the original intent.
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's
. Goes back to compatibility with our traditions, laws, and culture as does define the United States. There are of course religions that don't qualify because they are absolutely not compatible. One is so bad that it is killing Americans, but the idiots refuse to admit it or see it. Americans blood is on their hands.

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