Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

Why did you need to lie so blatantly to make your so-called "point"?

I didn't lie about a god damn thing your ignorance is not my fucking problem,
she married her brother in order to commit immigration fraud:

A reader has written us to point out that the Somali website Somalispot posted information last week suggesting Omar’s involvement in marriage and immigration fraud. The post notes that Omar married Ahmed Hirsi in 2002. Hirsi is the father of Omar’s three children. Omar is depicted with Hirsi and their children on Omar’s campaign website here.

The post further notes that Omar married her brother Ahmed Nur Said Elmi in 2009, implying that the latter marriage assisted his entry into the United States. Her brother was a British citizen. “As soon as Ilhan Omar married him,” the post continues, “he started university at her [a]lma mater North Dakota State University where he graduated in 2012. Shortly thereafter, he moved to Minneapolis where he was living in a public housing complex and was later evicted. He then returned to the United Kingdom where he now lives.”

First Elected Somali in Minnesota Legislature Married Her Own Brother

Thanks for playing.

I read a comment on a YouTube page that said a poster named "Call Sign Chaos" is a basement-dwelling Internet troll who offers $5 handjobs at truckstops for meth money.

Must be true, right?

Here's the evidence:

Brother Ilhan Omar Legally Married Sends Alpha News an Email

Now back to your regularly scheduled support for incestuous pedophile worshipping Islamic Imperialist scum.

I think you might not understand what the word "evidence" means.

Let's just keep it coming then shall we:

But now there are questions about her husband, and a couple marriage licenses of hers that are on file in Hennepin County.

In 2002, Omar, then just 19, swore out a marriage license with a man named Ahmed Aden. They write that they were married by the Muslim Church, but were having trouble getting housing and insurance. Hennepin County has no marriage certificate or final record that legalized the marriage.

    • Then, in 2009, she at least on paper legally marries a man by the name of Ahmed Nur Said Elmi. The conservative Power Line blog alleges that this is her brother -- a potential sham marriage to help the brother with immigration into the United States. Fox 9 cannot independently confirm the allegation.

      In recent interviews, Ilhan Omar has said her husband is a third man -- Ahmed Hirsi -- the father of the couple's 3 children. We could not find any divorce records in Ilhan Omar's name in Minnesota. As for the man she publicly refers to as her husband, one source in the community tells Fox 9 that Ilhan Omar's current marriage is what you would call a “traditional” or “community” marriage -- one not necessarily legalized with paperwork at the county or state level.
Ilhan Omar's marriage certificate questions, and her response
Your own link...

"Fox 9 cannot independently confirm the allegation."

Your own link!

And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.
Fuck you, you leftist faggot...the vast majority of people serving would line your intellectual fathers against the wall and domeshot them through the temple.
Sorry, not interested. :eusa_naughty: I'm straight and married.
She and her brood have no business being in this country, the Koran itself is anathema to the oath she just swore it on.

And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
Don't you love how Libs drag out the freedom of religion argument then turn around to censor free speech. What phonies.
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.
Fuck you, you leftist faggot...the vast majority of people serving would line your intellectual fathers against the wall and domeshot them through the temple.
Sorry, not interested. :eusa_naughty: I'm straight and married.
No you're not. Youre a faggot ass leftist. You better watch out or your comrades may think you're a spy for dat white wing conspiracy!
And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem
Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

Looks like MindWars intends to do away with the Constitution. What an asshole.
Oh really? Give us the figures then.

You can start with Nidal Hasan and this interesting article from slate:

The American soldiers who want to destroy America.

Muslims have less business being in the military than they do being in the country.
Did you have issues with Muslim fellow soldiers when you served? You DID serve, right?

I have an issue with pedophile worshippers period. are not fond of the Catholic hierarchy then. When did you serve? Which branch?

Jesus wasn't a pedophile rapist that wouls be Mohammad.
Yeah, he was just gay.
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao
So? You suggesting a Muslim should swear on a Bible?
. Why would that be offensive to them ?? They are here to become Americans right, and if that is part of the process (Oh Well).
Being an American means getting to pray to the god of ones own choosing.
. You have no god, so your input is taken as a grain of salt on the subject. This actually makes you a troll.
You're deranged. Of course I believe in G-d. Do you ever get anything right?
I don't mind as long as this law maker acknowledges U.S. trumps Sharia Law. :D
The whole point of taking the oath on the koran is that islamic law is higher our laws.

Bullshit. An oath taken on a holy book you believe is false, is no oath at all. You think Biblical Law is ahead of US law? Biblical law also called for the stoning of adulterers and an eye for an eye. Neither Biblical nor Sharia law applies in the US.

The Muslim us taking an oath on her Holy Book. No different than me taking an oath on the Bible. I would not consider my oath on the Koran to be binding. She probably feels the same way about the Bible.

How this is a bad thing is beyond me, but then I'm not frightened by Muslims. You pussies are rabid on the topic. So much for the "Home of the brave".

Sent from my iPhone using
Youre stupid.

Why do people so often make statements like this without properly proofreading them? :lol:
And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
And their son is still a hero. Sucks to be you. :mm:
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.

You are the one that supports parading these brave deceased souls in front of the political circus desecrating their memories for power and a buck. Just like this "Gold Star" family...:laugh:
Last edited:
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
And their son is still a hero. Sucks to be you. :mm:
My post has nothing to do with the son. It has to do with the scumbag parents using his death as political fodder.
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao
So? You suggesting a Muslim should swear on a Bible?
. Why would that be offensive to them ?? They are here to become Americans right, and if that is part of the process (Oh Well).
Being an American means getting to pray to the god of ones own choosing.
. You have no god, so your input is taken as a grain of salt on the subject. This actually makes you a troll.

You seem to be implying that Americans do not get to pray to the god of their own choosing.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.
Fuck you, you leftist faggot...the vast majority of people serving would line your intellectual fathers against the wall and domeshot them through the temple.
Sorry, not interested. :eusa_naughty: I'm straight and married.
No you're not. Youre a faggot ass leftist. You better watch out or your comrades may think you're a spy for dat white wing conspiracy!
No I'm not what? Straight and married?


You rightards are brain-dead. How fortunate are you to be too insane to know it?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
And their son is still a hero. Sucks to be you. :mm:
Yes, the son is a hero. Trump said that too.
She and her brood have no business being in this country, the Koran itself is anathema to the oath she just swore it on.

And who are you to decide that she has no business being here?
. He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

Oh....we can see who's clearly being used here. :lol: Many people are saying....

It's part of their scorched earth tactics - someone speaks up against Trump, and they vilify/demonize/discredit in any way possible - usually using innuendo, "may have's" and even outright fiction. Doesn't matter who.
You can start with Nidal Hasan and this interesting article from slate:

The American soldiers who want to destroy America.

Muslims have less business being in the military than they do being in the country.
Did you have issues with Muslim fellow soldiers when you served? You DID serve, right?

I have an issue with pedophile worshippers period. are not fond of the Catholic hierarchy then. When did you serve? Which branch?

Jesus wasn't a pedophile rapist that wouls be Mohammad.
Yeah, he was just gay.
Was he? Got any evidence for that?
Since when does the right care about parents of fallen Americans? The Khan's were parents of an American soldier who was killed in action by a Muslim. Yet the right viciously attacked the Khan's.
Hardly, the dead soldier's parents used him as fodder. They were also connected to the Clintons.

"Kahn told that he worked for the firm of Hogan & Hartson in Washington D.C., a major area firm. (The firm has since rebranded itself.) As a lawyer for the firm, he had connection with both Saudi Arabia and the Clinton Foundation. Saudi Arabia has retained the firm and paid $35 million to the Clinton Foundation. That firm also did Hillary Clinton's taxes."
Corruption? Khizr Khan may have moved money for Clintons, did their taxes - Politics & Policy - News - Catholic Online

You were used. :itsok:

And their son still died a hero at the hands of a Muslim. Sorry, that doesn't change no matter how badly you wish it did. Sadly, mamy folks on the right care more about their ideology than they do for those who serve in our military.

The parents used his death in the hopes of getting money...:fu:
I see that Drumpfsters have still not let off pissing (that's right, I went there) on Gold Star Families.

You are the one that supports parading these brave deceased souls in front of the political circus desecrating their memories for power and a buck. Just like this "Gold Star" family...:laugh:
The RW loves to denigrate Gold Star families.....we had posters here say that Gold Star families can go "fuck themselves".
He or she might be the parent of a dead American who was killed at the hands of terrorist yelling Allah Akbar.. Ever thought about that ? Well of course you didn't.

Why are you obsessed by dead Americans killed by Muslims but not dead Americans killed by gun owners?

We on the political Right are certainly concerned (not obsessed as you put it) with lives being lost no matter who is doing the killing. But taking guns away won't stop the killing and will only take away our rights. We need a better solution - that's not it. The reason we're so concerned about Islam is that it's a religion/ideology that seeks to destroy our freedoms and our entire country. They are, in part, doing this through terrorism. You cannot logically equate the two.

I'm not advocating taking guns away. I'm merely pointing out that the logic for one is the same as the logic for the other.

Religion - freedom thereof - is one our foundational rights. The vast majority of Muslims are not engaged in terrorism, and in the US, Muslim Americans are no different than any other religious demographic. It's easy to logically equate the two when you realize that - in the hands of bad people, religion and guns both, can lead to violence. It's also easy to logically equate the two when you realize what you are doing is essentially advocating taking away rights from a group of people.

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