Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's

There is no freedom to immigrate to the US, we have a long history of ideological tests for immigration which have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

Islam is an ideology the same as every religion and should be judged on its tenants and the views of its adherents. Islam is a violent, totalitarian, theocratic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and supremacist ideology and the overwhelming majority of its adherents (we're talking high 90 percentiles) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic, were very large percentages supporting jihadist terrorist organizations and honor killings even in supposedly moderate Muslim majority countries like Indonesia. The concepts found in Islam and its followers are antithetical to the western values of pluralism, liberty, and equality and we should not be promoting them or encouraging or allowing mass Muslim immigration by the tens of millions into the west.
We have freedom of religion in this country. If someone is elected by their district to lead the people, it really doesn't matter what their religion is, because it says that there shall be no religious test when it comes to holding public office.

Ok, so my new religion says I have to drink all the blood from an infant to reach paradise. So too my followers. Shall I have freedom to practice my religion?


No rights are unrestricted.

But you just said we have freedom of religion in our country. So which is it? Do we have freedom of religion or not?
We have freedom of religion in this country. If someone is elected by their district to lead the people, it really doesn't matter what their religion is, because it says that there shall be no religious test when it comes to holding public office.

Ok, so my new religion says I have to drink all the blood from an infant to reach paradise. So too my followers. Shall I have freedom to practice my religion?


No rights are unrestricted.

But you just said we have freedom of religion in our country. So which is it? Do we have freedom of religion or not?

There is no freedom to immigrate to the US, for US citizens the same free speech restrictions apply to the promotion of religion as any other ideology, IE you can not conduct incitement to violence (clear and probable danger test of the 1st amendment) many Mosques, Imams, and members of the Ummah within the US fail that test.
Why are you obsessed by dead Americans killed by Muslims but not dead Americans killed by gun owners?

We on the political Right are certainly concerned (not obsessed as you put it) with lives being lost no matter who is doing the killing. But taking guns away won't stop the killing and will only take away our rights. We need a better solution - that's not it. The reason we're so concerned about Islam is that it's a religion/ideology that seeks to destroy our freedoms and our entire country. They are, in part, doing this through terrorism. You cannot logically equate the two.

I'm not advocating taking guns away. I'm merely pointing out that the logic for one is the same as the logic for the other.

And based on the wrong assumption that Conservatives don't care about the lives killed by guns. Your "logic" is irrelevant in this case.
We have freedom of religion in this country. If someone is elected by their district to lead the people, it really doesn't matter what their religion is, because it says that there shall be no religious test when it comes to holding public office.

Ok, so my new religion says I have to drink all the blood from an infant to reach paradise. So too my followers. Shall I have freedom to practice my religion?


No rights are unrestricted.

But you just said we have freedom of religion in our country. So which is it? Do we have freedom of religion or not?

Does the right to bear arms mean you have the freedom to go next door and shoot your neighbor because you don't like the way he talks?


Ponder that ;)
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's

There is no freedom to immigrate to the US, we have a long history of ideological tests for immigration which have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

Islam is an ideology the same as every religion and should be judged on its tenants and the views of its adherents. Islam is a violent, totalitarian, theocratic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and supremacist ideology and the overwhelming majority of its adherents (we're talking high 90 percentiles) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic, were very large percentages supporting jihadist terrorist organizations and honor killings even in supposedly moderate Muslim majority countries like Indonesia. The concepts found in Islam and its followers are antithetical to the western values of pluralism, liberty, and equality and we should not be promoting them or encouraging or allowing mass Muslim immigration by the tens of millions into the west.

Then why do so many American Muslims - like this woman who won public office - live here peacefully, engage in civic activities and clearly value western values?
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's

There is no freedom to immigrate to the US, we have a long history of ideological tests for immigration which have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

Islam is an ideology the same as every religion and should be judged on its tenants and the views of its adherents. Islam is a violent, totalitarian, theocratic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and supremacist ideology and the overwhelming majority of its adherents (we're talking high 90 percentiles) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic, were very large percentages supporting jihadist terrorist organizations and honor killings even in supposedly moderate Muslim majority countries like Indonesia. The concepts found in Islam and its followers are antithetical to the western values of pluralism, liberty, and equality and we should not be promoting them or encouraging or allowing mass Muslim immigration by the tens of millions into the west.

Then why do so many American Muslims - like this woman who won public office - live here peacefully, engage in civic activities and clearly value western values?
And commits immigration fraud by marrying her own brother? What is her stance on Sharia? Homosexuality? Jews? Female genital mutilation? You have no fucking clue.

But regardless don't argue with me argue with PEW who demonstrate annually that upwards of 90% of the global muslim population is anti-Semitic, homophobic, theocratic, and misogynistic with large percentages supporting honor killings and jihadist groups.
WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's

There is no freedom to immigrate to the US, we have a long history of ideological tests for immigration which have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

Islam is an ideology the same as every religion and should be judged on its tenants and the views of its adherents. Islam is a violent, totalitarian, theocratic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and supremacist ideology and the overwhelming majority of its adherents (we're talking high 90 percentiles) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic, were very large percentages supporting jihadist terrorist organizations and honor killings even in supposedly moderate Muslim majority countries like Indonesia. The concepts found in Islam and its followers are antithetical to the western values of pluralism, liberty, and equality and we should not be promoting them or encouraging or allowing mass Muslim immigration by the tens of millions into the west.

Then why do so many American Muslims - like this woman who won public office - live here peacefully, engage in civic activities and clearly value western values?
And commits immigration fraud by marrying her own brother? What is her stance on Sharia? Homosexuality? Jews? Female genital mutilation? You have no fucking clue.

But regardless don't argue with me argue with PEW who demonstrate annually that upwards of 90% of the global muslim population is anti-Semitic, homophobic, theocratic, and misogynistic with large percentages supporting honor killings and jihadist groups.

Hey, lots of Christians are homophobic, mysogynistic (they say women should stay home and raise the kids rather than get jobs), and currently, lots of them would like to see a Christian theocracy here in the USA.
It doesn't really matter how the oath is taken as Muslims are allowed to lie to the infidel, taqiyya and kitman. To make reparation for a false oath, a Muslim must feed 10 people an average kind of meal, or fast for 3 days between sunrise and sunset. No biggie. See the Reliance of the Traveller.

A Christian who lies only has to repent and he is forgiven.

No biggie.
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's
. Goes back to compatibility with our traditions, laws, and culture as does define the United States. There are of course religions that don't qualify because they are absolutely not compatible. One is so bad that it is killing Americans, but the idiots refuse to admit it or see it. Americans blood is on their hands.

People of all religions have killed Americans.

Meanwhile freedom of religion was enshrined in our Constitution because our forefathers had had experience with bigots like yourself who would decide which religion was allowed and which was not allowed.
By convention, incoming Presidents raise their right hand and place the left on a Bible or other book while taking the oath of office. In 1789, George Washington took the oath of office with an altar Bible borrowed from the St. John's Lodge No. 1, Ancient York Masons lodge in New York and he kissed the Bible afterward.[17][18] Subsequent presidents up to and including Harry Truman, followed suit.[19] Dwight Eisenhower broke that tradition in 1953 when he said a prayer instead of kissing the Bible.[20]

Theodore Roosevelt did not use a Bible when taking the oath in 1901.[21] Both John Quincy Adams and Franklin Pierce [22] swore on a book of law, with the intention that they were swearing on the constitution.[23] Lyndon B. Johnson was sworn in on a Roman Catholic missal on Air Force One.[24] Harry Truman, Dwight Eisenhower, Richard Nixon, and Barack Obama each swore the oath on two Bibles.[21]
Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

So what!!!! I'm sure she lied anyway, The koran instructs Muslims to lie to non believers. Thank God for the Electoral College. This shit is gonna change.
if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's

There is no freedom to immigrate to the US, we have a long history of ideological tests for immigration which have been upheld repeatedly by the SCOTUS.

Islam is an ideology the same as every religion and should be judged on its tenants and the views of its adherents. Islam is a violent, totalitarian, theocratic, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, homophobic, and supremacist ideology and the overwhelming majority of its adherents (we're talking high 90 percentiles) are homophobic, anti-Semitic, misogynistic, and theocratic, were very large percentages supporting jihadist terrorist organizations and honor killings even in supposedly moderate Muslim majority countries like Indonesia. The concepts found in Islam and its followers are antithetical to the western values of pluralism, liberty, and equality and we should not be promoting them or encouraging or allowing mass Muslim immigration by the tens of millions into the west.

Then why do so many American Muslims - like this woman who won public office - live here peacefully, engage in civic activities and clearly value western values?
And commits immigration fraud by marrying her own brother? What is her stance on Sharia? Homosexuality? Jews? Female genital mutilation? You have no fucking clue.

But regardless don't argue with me argue with PEW who demonstrate annually that upwards of 90% of the global muslim population is anti-Semitic, homophobic, theocratic, and misogynistic with large percentages supporting honor killings and jihadist groups.

Hey, lots of Christians are homophobic, mysogynistic (they say women should stay home and raise the kids rather than get jobs), and currently, lots of them would like to see a Christian theocracy here in the USA.

Let's start with your first claim and go from there:
Most U.S. Christian groups grow more accepting of homosexuality
Nation’s First Female Somali-American Muslim Lawmaker Takes Oath on Koran
Selling America out right under your noses................... lmao

WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's
. Goes back to compatibility with our traditions, laws, and culture as does define the United States. There are of course religions that don't qualify because they are absolutely not compatible. One is so bad that it is killing Americans, but the idiots refuse to admit it or see it. Americans blood is on their hands.

People of all religions have killed Americans.

Meanwhile freedom of religion was enshrined in our Constitution because our forefathers had had experience with bigots like yourself who would decide which religion was allowed and which was not allowed.
. A religion that is incompatible with the culture, laws and traditions of this United States, why yes of course it should be deemed unexceptable as based upon the content of the religion in which is then practiced literally by it's followers to the detriment of this nation in which is just common sense to notice it as a threat and not an asset. If a religion undermines this nation, creates danger for it's citizens, then it is not covered under our Constitution. Period.
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Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

So what!!!! I'm sure she lied anyway, The koran instructs Muslims to lie to non believers. Thank God for the Electoral College. This shit is gonna change.

You DO know that the electoral college only elects presidents, right? All Senators and Representatives are elected by popular vote in their respective districts and states.

What bearing does the electoral college have on the election of this representative?
WTF are you babbling about now? Taking an oath of office on a Koran is selling out America?

if you don't know you are the big part of AMERICA's problem

One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's
. Goes back to compatibility with our traditions, laws, and culture as does define the United States. There are of course religions that don't qualify because they are absolutely not compatible. One is so bad that it is killing Americans, but the idiots refuse to admit it or see it. Americans blood is on their hands.

People of all religions have killed Americans.

Meanwhile freedom of religion was enshrined in our Constitution because our forefathers had had experience with bigots like yourself who would decide which religion was allowed and which was not allowed.
. A religion that is incompatible with the culture, laws and traditions of this United States, why yes of course it should be deemed unexceptable as based upon the content of the religion in which is then practiced literally by it's followers to the detriment of this nation in which is just common sense to notice it as a threat and not an asset. If a religion undermines this nation, creates danger for it's citizens, then it is not covered under our Constitution. Period.

And of course we would have good citizens like yourself deciding which are the approved religions- and which are not.

As you piss on the Constitution.

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran

So what!!!! I'm sure she lied anyway, The koran instructs Muslims to lie to non believers. Thank God for the Electoral College. This shit is gonna change.

Yeah- under President Trump we ain't gonna allow any female Somali Muslim law makers!

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