Nation's first female Somali American Muslim law makers takes Oath on Koran


No rights are unrestricted.

But you just said we have freedom of religion in our country. So which is it? Do we have freedom of religion or not?

Does the right to bear arms mean you have the freedom to go next door and shoot your neighbor because you don't like the way he talks?


Ponder that ;)

You're dodging. What's the matter? Question to hard for you? Answer it.

Nuance doesn't work for you does it? You need the 2x4 approach?

Within my answer is the answer: no right or freedom is completely unrestricted. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can murder someone, or marry a child, or own slaves, or abuse people or - break our laws. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can impose the Ten Commandments on others or stone adulterers.

Just like you can't take your "right to bear arms" over to your neighbor and shoot him because he looked at you funny.

See post # 376

No rights are unrestricted.

But you just said we have freedom of religion in our country. So which is it? Do we have freedom of religion or not?

Does the right to bear arms mean you have the freedom to go next door and shoot your neighbor because you don't like the way he talks?


Ponder that ;)

You're dodging. What's the matter? Question to hard for you? Answer it.

Nuance doesn't work for you does it? You need the 2x4 approach?

Within my answer is the answer: no right or freedom is completely unrestricted. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can murder someone, or marry a child, or own slaves, or abuse people or - break our laws. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can impose the Ten Commandments on others or stone adulterers.

Just like you can't take your "right to bear arms" over to your neighbor and shoot him because he looked at you funny.

See post # 376

My response adequately addressed post #376.

No freedom or right is unlimited.
It's funny how the idiotic alt-Left think that Islam on American soil will magically be transformed into a good religion -be magically different than Islam in the Middle East.
It's funny how the idiotic alt-Left think that Islam on American soil will magically be transformed into a good religion -be magically different than Islam in the Middle East.

Let's stick to reality shall we? Muslims have been in America for centuries.
My response adequately addressed post #376.

No freedom or right is unlimited.

I suggest you actually READ my comment. Preferable several times because by your comment above you haven't a clue what I said.
It's funny how the idiotic alt-Left think that Islam on American soil will magically be transformed into a good religion -be magically different than Islam in the Middle East.

Let's stick to reality shall we? Muslims have been in America for centuries.

And never have had the numbers they need. Look at Europe.
My response adequately addressed post #376.

No freedom or right is unlimited.

I suggest you actually READ my comment. Preferable several times because by your comment above you haven't a clue what I said.

Here's what you said:
If you have a religion that demands the death of infants for it's practitioners to gain paradise then we can guarantee babies will die. That would be a certainty. So, at what point do we accept the absurd dictum of freedom of religion. The willingness to gamble the lives of our babies for the freedom of an evil religion to exist in our country is something only a sick ideology like today's Liberalism can accept.

Again, my answer applies. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can kill people if your religion demands it. Any religion has to co-exist with our constitution and system of laws.

What's sick is the broad-brush labeling of the 2nd largest religion in the world and telling America's Muslims that they are evil when they've done nothing wrong, nothing to break the law.
Here's the thing with people of the alt-Left such as Coyote. Their ideology is so perverted - so distorted and stupid that just when they're about to come face to face with this undeniable fact, they run like Hell in all manner of ways. It's like trying to grab a slippery eel.

Has it occurred to you that your "undeniable fact" is nothing more than a cow flop?

What you call "fact", most people call "opinion".
One of America's problems is so-called conservatives like yourself who think freedom of religion only applies to your religion and no one else's
. Goes back to compatibility with our traditions, laws, and culture as does define the United States. There are of course religions that don't qualify because they are absolutely not compatible. One is so bad that it is killing Americans, but the idiots refuse to admit it or see it. Americans blood is on their hands.

People of all religions have killed Americans.

Meanwhile freedom of religion was enshrined in our Constitution because our forefathers had had experience with bigots like yourself who would decide which religion was allowed and which was not allowed.
. A religion that is incompatible with the culture, laws and traditions of this United States, why yes of course it should be deemed unexceptable as based upon the content of the religion in which is then practiced literally by it's followers to the detriment of this nation in which is just common sense to notice it as a threat and not an asset. If a religion undermines this nation, creates danger for it's citizens, then it is not covered under our Constitution. Period.

And of course we would have good citizens like yourself deciding which are the approved religions- and which are not.

As you piss on the Constitution.

Amendment I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof;
. Amendment 1 was written where no threats like we are encountering today existed. We are smart enough as a people to know the difference in these things. The traitorous efforts to undermine this nation will be unveiled, and changes will have to come in light of.

You know it's very very dangerous to incorporate "approved" religions into our Constitution.

Some day, the list of "unapproved" religions could be your own.
My response adequately addressed post #376.

No freedom or right is unlimited.

I suggest you actually READ my comment. Preferable several times because by your comment above you haven't a clue what I said.

Here's what you said:
If you have a religion that demands the death of infants for it's practitioners to gain paradise then we can guarantee babies will die. That would be a certainty. So, at what point do we accept the absurd dictum of freedom of religion. The willingness to gamble the lives of our babies for the freedom of an evil religion to exist in our country is something only a sick ideology like today's Liberalism can accept.

Again, my answer applies. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can kill people if your religion demands it. Any religion has to co-exist with our constitution and system of laws.

What's sick is the broad-brush labeling of the 2nd largest religion in the world and telling America's Muslims that they are evil when they've done nothing wrong, nothing to break the law.

You trot out a few good Moslems and think that the religion is good. What you fail to understand is that Muhammad considered homosexuality an abomination.The hate is written right into the doctrine. Until you change the doctrine nothing will or can change. There will always be Moslems acting out purely the instructions from their god and in the case of my hypothetical - drinking the blood of babies. YOU are supporting this evil "religion" because of your sick ideology, your bigotry and your ignorance about Islam. The blood of terrorism is on your hands and people like you. I honestly don't know who I loathe more. The terrorists or people like you. And I'm serious about this.
My response adequately addressed post #376.

No freedom or right is unlimited.

I suggest you actually READ my comment. Preferable several times because by your comment above you haven't a clue what I said.

Here's what you said:
If you have a religion that demands the death of infants for it's practitioners to gain paradise then we can guarantee babies will die. That would be a certainty. So, at what point do we accept the absurd dictum of freedom of religion. The willingness to gamble the lives of our babies for the freedom of an evil religion to exist in our country is something only a sick ideology like today's Liberalism can accept.

Again, my answer applies. Freedom of religion doesn't mean you can kill people if your religion demands it. Any religion has to co-exist with our constitution and system of laws.

What's sick is the broad-brush labeling of the 2nd largest religion in the world and telling America's Muslims that they are evil when they've done nothing wrong, nothing to break the law.

You trot out a few good Moslems and think that the religion is good. What you fail to understand is that Muhammad considered homosexuality an abomination. Until you change the doctrine nothing will or can change. There will always be Moslems acting out purely the instructions from their god and in the case of my hypothetical - drinking the blood of babies. YOU are supporting this evil "religion" because of your sick ideology, your bigotry and your ignorance about Islam. The blood of terrorism is on your hands and people like you. I honestly don't know who I loathe more. The terrorists or people like you. And I'm serious about this.

Actually it's more like a few bad Muslims and a lot of middling and good ones. The God of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad considered homosexuality an abomination. Are you saying followers of those 3 Abrahamic faiths can't change the way they view it? Polls of American religious groups say otherwise.

What bigotry?
Amendment 1 was written where no threats like we are encountering today existed. We are smart enough as a people to know the difference in these things. The traitorous efforts to undermine this nation will be unveiled, and changes will have to come in light of.

Also there is no right to immigrate to the USA, and Congress can set whatever limits on that that they wish to set.

The First Amendment has NEVER been considered to apply to immigration filters we place to defend our nation and our culture from the enemies of our nation.
Actually it's more like a few bad Muslims and a lot of middling and good ones. The God of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad considered homosexuality an abomination. Are you saying followers of those 3 Abrahamic faiths can't change the way they view it? Polls of American religious groups say otherwise.

What bigotry?
Homosexuality is still an abomination as is adultery, masturbation and murder.

SIN is an abomination.

But almost all of us commit mortal sin several times a week if not more.

Yes, God hates the sin of homosexual behavior, but He also hates all the other sins that the rest of us do just as much.
And again, the cry from the Left when it comes to freedom of religion (as if they're oh so religious in the first place) while denying freedom of speech in their universities is hilarious. Well, not actually hilarious. More like a sick hypocrisy.

I honestly believe the alt-Left is deep into some kind of psychosis.
Actually it's more like a few bad Muslims and a lot of middling and good ones. The God of Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad considered homosexuality an abomination. Are you saying followers of those 3 Abrahamic faiths can't change the way they view it? Polls of American religious groups say otherwise.

What bigotry?
Homosexuality is still an abomination as is adultery, masturbation and murder.

SIN is an abomination.

But almost all of us commit mortal sin several times a week if not more.

Yes, God hates the sin of homosexual behavior, but He also hates all the other sins that the rest of us do just as much.

People over time change the way they interpret the scriptures of their religion - it's just that for some reason, some people don't think Muslims can or do.
And again, the cry from the Left when it comes to freedom of religion (as if they're oh so religious in the first place) while denying freedom of speech in their universities is hilarious. Well, not actually hilarious. More like a sick hypocrisy.

I honestly believe the alt-Left is deep into some kind of psychosis.

I think you're obsessed with the non-existent (invented in reaction to the alt-Right) alt-Left :lmao:

I've already spoken out about the value of allowing a diversity of opinion in our Universities.

What is freedom of religion to YOU?

No rights are unrestricted.

But you just said we have freedom of religion in our country. So which is it? Do we have freedom of religion or not?

Does the right to bear arms mean you have the freedom to go next door and shoot your neighbor because you don't like the way he talks?


Ponder that ;)

You're dodging. What's the matter? Question to hard for you? Answer it.

She's not dodging anything. She's been pointing out that our freedoms are not absolute.

In that case this negates her comment "Religion - freedom thereof - is one our foundational rights." Try again.

You seem to be having problems with word definitions. Here's a tip: foundational does not have the same definition as absolute. ;)
Has it occurred to you that your "undeniable fact" is nothing more than a cow flop?

Nope. Post #394 (though simply one example among many) proves my point regarding the fact that today's Liberalism is sick and perverted.
What is freedom of religion to YOU?

Religion is the commitment or devotion to religious faith or observance. Freedom of religion is the freedom to practice these commitments and devote oneself to their faith. However, if a particular observance is to murder innocents, then that freedom must be denied.

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