Nationwide baby formula shortage hits shocking levels sparking panic among parents

Biden doesn't give a shit about American children but he is making sure the goddamn Illegals are getting pallets of baby formula.

That is just how the sonofabitch rolls.

Anybody that voted for him is an idiot.
How the fuck is it "bafoonery" to claim credit for economic expansion after putting in place expansionary policies like Stimulus on fiscal side and QE/low interest rates on monetary policy side?

Maybe you have amnesia about those years, but for 8 years of Obama Republicans did nothing but complain about economy and blame it not growing fast on Obama. It wasn't untill Trump got into WH did they finally declare economy that kept growing at about same rate to be greatest ever.
You answered your own question- both stimulus & QE policies are buffoonery that brought about the economic struggles with hyper inflation we are facing.
That goes for DT as well.
Modern monetary & keynesian economic policies have contributed the most to the Cloward/Piven type crash heading our way.
Very stupid ideas that don't work & only miseducated elitists believe can work
Fukin Biden. Why did he consolidate most all the formula making factories into basically a 3 companies.

Why Joe? Why?

What happens when too big to fail, fails.

Fukin Biden. Why did he consolidate most all the formula making factories into basically a 3 companies.

Why Joe? Why?

What happens when too big to fail, fails.

baby formula companies didn't donate to the DNC
You answered your own question- both stimulus & QE policies are buffoonery that brought about the economic struggles with hyper inflation we are facing.


Wow...did you just seriously say that 870B Stimulus in 2009....caused post Covid inflation, as you simply gloss over the liquidity and jobs it fed into economy coming out of Great Recession?
baby formula companies didn't donate to the DNC

As of 2018, four companies—Abbott (which makes Similac), Reckitt Benckiser (Enfamil), Nestlé (Gerber), and Perrigo (which makes store-brand formula)—control about 89 percent of the U.S. market. Any disruption to one of their products will be magnified, whether it’s a recall for Similac or inability to source ingredients. A few companies in the market relying on the same sources creates a much more fragile supply chain.

Keep in mind that baby formula consists mostly of dehydrated cow’s milk, vitamins, and a ton of sugar. Yet it somehow costs at least $150 and as much as $428 a month, high enough to sustain a mass crime ring even before the price jumped 18 percent over the past year. This is probably not as distressing to the oligopolistic companies selling the stuff as it is for families.


Wow...did you just seriously say that 870B Stimulus in 2009....caused post Covid inflation, as you simply gloss over the liquidity and jobs it fed into economy coming out of Great Recession?
Yes, it did contribute the same way a gunshot can cause an avalanche. Stupid too big to fail policies & uncontrolled money printing are major factors in where we find ourselves today.
Let the free market sort it out instead of govt intervention.
Maybe it would cause some pain but it would've stopped this BS before it started

Yeah I know he isn't trying to kill babies.

But I had to beat the republicans to the punch.

Hell it's all bidens fault that everything else has a shortage and driving up prices according to the right wing.

Cause just in time production the private sector went with wasn't the problem to begin with.

But these economic retards will try to find a way to blame Biden I'm sure.
Why can you buy it on Amazon?

They are also causing the huge healthcare costs. Illegals coming here and getting treated for life long neglected health issues spending weeks in the hospital. Government paying next to nothing to reimburse the facilities.
Yes and now they found pallets full of formula down at the border... Not just a few dozen but a dozen warehouses full... And Joe acts surprised that there is a shortage...
Yes, it did contribute the same way a gunshot can cause an avalanche. Stupid too big to fail policies & uncontrolled money printing are major factors in where we find ourselves today.
Let the free market sort it out instead of govt intervention.
Maybe it would cause some pain but it would've stopped this BS before it started

Yea yea, sure sure you've got your politico fantasies. Anything could cause anything.

But seriously, can you point to even a single economist that thinks that 2009 Stimulus significantly contributed to post Covid inflation, while not creating jobs and aiding recovery in 2009-2016 period.
Yea yea, sure sure you've got your politico fantasies. Anything could cause anything.

But seriously, can you point to even a single economist that thinks that 2009 Stimulus significantly contributed to post Covid inflation, while not creating jobs and aiding recovery in 2009-2016 period.
You are totally missing the point. It led to the belief in & implementation of QE & too big to fail mentalities that led us where we are now.
QE inflation. Stimulus & unemployment incentives. Giant corps stayed open but mom & pops died off.
Govt responses have inevitably led us to where we are now.
2008 was the daddy of this giant economic fallout we are about to experience. All we are having now is birth pangs or contractions.
You are totally missing the point. It led to the belief in & implementation of QE & too big to fail mentalities that led us where we are now.
QE inflation. Stimulus & unemployment incentives. Giant corps stayed open but mom & pops died off.
Govt responses have inevitably led us to where we are now.
2008 was the daddy of this giant economic fallout we are about to experience. All we are having now is birth pangs or contractions.

Too big to fail has NOTHING to do with current inflation. Whatever their virtues are, Mom and Pop shops certainly don't keep prices down, they inflate them.
Too big to fail has NOTHING to do with current inflation. Whatever their virtues are, Mom and Pop shops certainly don't keep prices down, they inflate them.
The fact you don't know this shows how little you actually know. The whole illegal shutdown of little guys but keep big guys open was too big to fail on steroids.
Mom & Pops & small business in general kept the big guys from going full monopoly on industries. They accounted for about 50% of the economy & employment.
Fewer goods & services plus QE stimulus money printing = inflation
Without the competition, big business can & will do whatever they want.
Don't they teach you all anything these days?
The fact you don't know this shows how little you actually know. The whole illegal shutdown of little guys but keep big guys open was too big to fail on steroids.
Mom & Pops & small business in general kept the big guys from going full monopoly on industries. They accounted for about 50% of the economy & employment.
Fewer goods & services plus QE stimulus money printing = inflation
Without the competition, big business can & will do whatever they want.
Don't they teach you all anything these days?

Which industry got monopolized because small shops could not compete?

Financing maybe? Car manufacturing? :rolleyes: Because those were the too-big-to-fail industries discussed in 2009.

Does ANYTHING in that head of your actually add up? Seems like one big conflated, ignorant mess.
Yes it will. Democrats ruined our economy and our supply chain. Democrats caused fuel prices to soar which, in turn, caused the price of goods to soar. Democrats created a fake pandemic crisis to harm a political opponent. Covid restrictions put a strangle hold on ports which backed up supplies and caused freighters to sit off-shore for months. Leave it to Democrats to put politics above the welfare of We The People and our children.
Democrats were in charge during Trump and the pandemic I hardly think so, capitalism has failed or is purposefully failing for increased profit .

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