Nationwide baby formula shortage hits shocking levels sparking panic among parents

What is not being covered in the media, is that government aid agencies, have first crack at the manufacturers, so that they have supplies for refugees crossing the border.

Here is detailed information on formula market.

Here is where I have been told, is the most major cause of the shortages. But you won't find a single investigative, current report on that. I leave you all to figure out why.

Ah of course! Liberals giving titty milk to illegals babies instead of American babies. All we want to do is abort American babies right?

I bet you it's an election year. LOL.
The government agency the FDA is slow to get off its butt and approve the reopening of a manufacturing plant. More and more it is tough to have faith in these central government agencies. Salaries and benefits and having a good time is prescribed. Diligence on the job is not.

Four babies got sick and two of them died from formula from that plant. Taking their time to get it right is probably a good thing.
American babies don't have any baby formula....

But Biden's stolen Administration has 40 billion to send to a country across the world!

Does that seem just to you????:mad-61:

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Wanna clue us in on how Ukraine has anything at all with the formula shortage?

This should be good.
Four babies got sick and two of them died from formula from that plant. Taking their time to get it right is probably a good thing.
No they didn't honey...

The babies died of a bacteria that is known not have come from that plant. The plant had other bacteria that did not make any known babies sick. Fox Business reported so today.
They did the same thing when Barry took over. Blamed Bush for their own failings for 6 straight years, then tried to claim credit when the economy started a slow natural rebound despite their buffoonery

How the fuck is it "bafoonery" to claim credit for economic expansion after putting in place expansionary policies like Stimulus on fiscal side and QE/low interest rates on monetary policy side?

Maybe you have amnesia about those years, but for 8 years of Obama Republicans did nothing but complain about economy and blame it not growing fast on Obama. It wasn't untill Trump got into WH did they finally declare economy that kept growing at about same rate to be greatest ever.
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I like how groomercrats don't hold Biden responsible for anything. It's almost like Biden isn't really in charge.

Inflation was like 2% and under Biden has gone up to 8%.

It's Bidens fault China has shut down production due to Covid?

Maybe his stimulus caused too many babies?
It's Bidens fault China has shut down production due to Covid?

Maybe his stimulus caused too many babies?
Why are you even posting if you have no understanding of the industry, or the problem, which btw, WAS totally caused by Bidens FDA.
So what do you want to hold Biden responsible for.. shortages that drove prices up. Thats the private sector man.

Just in time production couldn't keep up.

Along with oil companies going out of business in America during Trump.

Learn something and get back to me.
What a lying sack of shit! Truth is the furthest thing from your demented mind!
THANK YOU--this is good to know
Yes, and that does not good for babies that cannot process milk, because tat s the main ingredient! Do you people not know anything about why certain kids cannot have milk?

I had three brothers and sisters die in the 1950s because their bodies could not process milk. They could not even breastfeed! When my parents moved off the farm in the sticks to a major city, my doctor saved me by putting me on a soy-based formula. I didn't have milk until I was in elementary school and then only in small amounts.

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