Native American Tribe Cancels Ted Nugent Concert Due To "Racist, Hate-Filled Remarks"

Incidentally Nugents remarks about the moonbat messiah being a subhuman mongrel were way off.

The moonbat messiah is a parasitic intestinal worm, and these libtards are his turds.

:nono: ME ---> :fu:

You're demonizing and trashing an American citizen because of their political views. That's what makes you trash.

right? :eusa_clap:

Funny to me how you fuckin libtards are all of a sudden so sensitive about getting back exactly you gave us during 8 years of Bush. The insults and constant comparisons to nazi's were deafening.

That was at least until it was widely pointed out that the core beliefs you bed wetters display a much greater paralell to the nazi party than anything we believe in.

Hell, most recently you've become downright anti-semetic too. So suck it up moonbats, you're getting what you deserve.

Nugent Compares Obama To A Nazi. During a March 2013 appearance on 9-11 truther Pete Santilli's radio show, Nugent compared Obama to a Nazi who kills his Jewish neighbors, stating the president is like "a German in 1938 pretending to respect the Jews and then going home and putting on his brown shirt and forcing his neighbors onto a train to be burned to death." [Media Matters, 3/22/13]

Here Are 13 Other Repugnant Comments Ted Nugent Should Apologize For | Blog | Media Matters for America

Ted is right. 72% of American Muslims support Obama. Are you gonna tell us American Muslims love Jews? The Muslims and Nazis were allies in WWII. Why do you support a nazi like Obama?
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Nugent Compares Obama To A Nazi. During a March 2013 appearance on 9-11 truther Pete Santilli's radio show, Nugent compared Obama to a Nazi who kills his Jewish neighbors, stating the president is like "a German in 1938 pretending to respect the Jews and then going home and putting on his brown shirt and forcing his neighbors onto a train to be burned to death." [Media Matters, 3/22/13]

Here Are 13 Other Repugnant Comments Ted Nugent Should Apologize For | Blog | Media Matters for America

When Jane Fonda apologizes for treason and hangs herself, I'll give a fuck what Nugent says about Il Douche.

Nugent Compares Obama To A Nazi. During a March 2013 appearance on 9-11 truther Pete Santilli's radio show, Nugent compared Obama to a Nazi who kills his Jewish neighbors, stating the president is like "a German in 1938 pretending to respect the Jews and then going home and putting on his brown shirt and forcing his neighbors onto a train to be burned to death." [Media Matters, 3/22/13]

Here Are 13 Other Repugnant Comments Ted Nugent Should Apologize For | Blog | Media Matters for America

Ted is right. 72% of American Muslims support Obama. Are you gonna tell us American Muslims love Jews?

American liberals hate the jews.

An Observation From Ted Nugent!


As you walk
up the steps to the building which houses the
U.S. Supreme Court
you can see near the top of the building
a row of the world's law givers and each one is
Facing one in the middle
is facing forward with a full frontal view....
It is Moses
and he is holding
the Ten Commandments!


As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom,
the two huge oak doors have
the Ten Commandments
engraved on each lower portion of each door.


As you sit inside the courtroom,
you can see the wall, right above where the
Supreme Court Judges sit,
a display of
The Ten Commandments


There are Bible verses
etched in stone all over the
Federal Buildings
in Washington , D.C.


James Madison,
the fourth president,
known as
'The Father of Our Constitution'
made the
Following Statement:

'We have staked the whole
of all our political Institutions
upon the capacity of mankind
for self government,
upon the capacity of each and all of us
to govern ourselves,
to control ourselves,
to sustain ourselves
according to
The Ten Commandments
of God.'


Every session of Congress
begins with a prayer
by a paid preacher,
whose salary has been
paid by the taxpayer since 1777.


Fifty-two of the 55
founders of the Constitution
were members of the established Orthodox churches
in the colonies..


Thomas Jefferson
worried that the Courts
would overstep their authority
and instead of Interpreting the law
Would begin making law and Oligarchy:
the rule of few over many.

How then,
have we gotten to the Point
that everything we have done
for 220 years
in this Country
is now suddenly wrong

Lets put this around the world
and let the world
see and remember
that this great country was built on
belief in GOD!
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"Native American Tribe" - What a Joke. Do you realize that they can vote in anyone into their tribe, even if they don't have one ounce of native blood? Speaking of which, how does anyone take seriously a blonde, blue-eyed John Smith who claims to have some attachment to his great great grandfather who was allegedly 1/4 Cherokee? How about someone who believes he was a Native American in his former life or just "identifies" with Native Americans? Should he get to run a Casino too? Doesn't this smack of genetic racism?

North American Indians were killing each other and taking their land long before any Europeans arrived on the scene. According to our current morality/guilt standards, shouldn't the dominant tribes pay reparations to the disadvantaged tribes? Good grief, where does it end?

Let the name calling begin...

Better get ready to duck white-eyes! :badgrin:

You're right.....before Gollywood's "Little Big Man", most Americans understood these "noble people" were actually dirt worshiping savages who scalped, set massive prairie fires to herd buffalo into their ambushes, and openly tortured captives and sold slaves. They used Washington lobbyists to finagle casinos in no-gambling states enriching the tribal leadership and leaving the average redskin a stumbling drunk. :eusa_whistle:

Gee, were you home-skooled or did you ride the short bus?


the ever tolerant Lunkhead making fun of mentally challenged :eusa_hand:
NUGENT: MTV is a liberal lump of hippy snot. They are embarrassing. Those big uneducated greasy black mongrels on there, they call themselves rap artists. Excuse me? During a bad bloody case of diarrhea, I got more soul than those guys do at the peak of their life. That's not music. What do you slap some electronic noisemaker and then grunt to it? And this is like soul? No, excuse me, you want to know what soul is? No wonder James Brown went to prison, no wonder Wilson Pickett went to jail, no wonder Chuck Barry went to jail. They're embarrassed by their black brothers. That's not soul. That's not cool. That's stupid. [Ted Nugent via YouTube, accessed 2/21/14]

Ted Nugent backs Israel and endorses the annihilation of hamas. Of course the leftist trash here can't have that. The left hates America.
Ted Nugent On Suspected Undocumented Immigrants: "I'd Like To Shoot Them Dead."

From a 2008 appearance on Fox News' Hannity and Colmes:

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: You want to kill on sight anybody who illegally comes into the country. Just shoot them, right?

NUGENT: If they're armed, and they're attacking our country, yes.

COLMES: Well, they wouldn't be attacking. You don't know if someone coming over the border -- would you just shoot anybody coming over the border who you suspect of being illegal?

NUGENT: In an unauthorized entry, armed, like they are right now, invading our country, I'd like to shoot them dead.

COLMES: Just shoot them dead. All right. [Hannity and Colmes via Nexis, 10/13/08]

NUGENT: MTV is a liberal lump of hippy snot. They are embarrassing. Those big uneducated greasy black mongrels on there, they call themselves rap artists. Excuse me? During a bad bloody case of diarrhea, I got more soul than those guys do at the peak of their life. That's not music. What do you slap some electronic noisemaker and then grunt to it? And this is like soul? No, excuse me, you want to know what soul is? No wonder James Brown went to prison, no wonder Wilson Pickett went to jail, no wonder Chuck Barry went to jail. They're embarrassed by their black brothers. That's not soul. That's not cool. That's stupid. [Ted Nugent via YouTube, accessed 2/21/14]


Right on. Bullseye. Dire Straits trashed MTV and had a big hit out of it. MTV is trash, like you.
I know what it was.

Ted called the Explorers "White Dogs who couldn't see past the Bill Fold and wanted all the Buffalo dead".

Even more shocking are his views on Indians killing Buffalo: "They only took what they needed. Millions of Buffalo were the proof".
Leave the liberals to their ignorance -- its much easier for them to be wrong at the top of their voice than to pay attention and think.
Ted Nugent On Suspected Undocumented Immigrants: "I'd Like To Shoot Them Dead."

From a 2008 appearance on Fox News' Hannity and Colmes:

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: You want to kill on sight anybody who illegally comes into the country. Just shoot them, right?

NUGENT: If they're armed, and they're attacking our country, yes.

COLMES: Well, they wouldn't be attacking. You don't know if someone coming over the border -- would you just shoot anybody coming over the border who you suspect of being illegal?

NUGENT: In an unauthorized entry, armed, like they are right now, invading our country, I'd like to shoot them dead.

COLMES: Just shoot them dead. All right. [Hannity and Colmes via Nexis, 10/13/08]


Hey, bozo. Why don't you try crossing the border illegally into china while you're armed. How about any country. Idiot.
Ted Nugent On Suspected Undocumented Immigrants: "I'd Like To Shoot Them Dead."

From a 2008 appearance on Fox News' Hannity and Colmes:

ALAN COLMES, CO-HOST: You want to kill on sight anybody who illegally comes into the country. Just shoot them, right?

NUGENT: If they're armed, and they're attacking our country, yes.

COLMES: Well, they wouldn't be attacking. You don't know if someone coming over the border -- would you just shoot anybody coming over the border who you suspect of being illegal?

NUGENT: In an unauthorized entry, armed, like they are right now, invading our country, I'd like to shoot them dead.

COLMES: Just shoot them dead. All right. [Hannity and Colmes via Nexis, 10/13/08]
Hard to see where Ted is wrong on this one.
Easy to see how Colmes it putting words in Ted's mouth to make his bigoted, partisan point.
NUGENT: MTV is a liberal lump of hippy snot. They are embarrassing. Those big uneducated greasy black mongrels on there, they call themselves rap artists. Excuse me? During a bad bloody case of diarrhea, I got more soul than those guys do at the peak of their life. That's not music. What do you slap some electronic noisemaker and then grunt to it? And this is like soul? No, excuse me, you want to know what soul is? No wonder James Brown went to prison, no wonder Wilson Pickett went to jail, no wonder Chuck Barry went to jail. They're embarrassed by their black brothers. That's not soul. That's not cool. That's stupid. [Ted Nugent via YouTube, accessed 2/21/14]
1st amendment rights!!! Hooray!
NUGENT: MTV is a liberal lump of hippy snot. They are embarrassing. Those big uneducated greasy black mongrels on there, they call themselves rap artists. Excuse me? During a bad bloody case of diarrhea, I got more soul than those guys do at the peak of their life. That's not music. What do you slap some electronic noisemaker and then grunt to it? And this is like soul? No, excuse me, you want to know what soul is? No wonder James Brown went to prison, no wonder Wilson Pickett went to jail, no wonder Chuck Barry went to jail. They're embarrassed by their black brothers. That's not soul. That's not cool. That's stupid. [Ted Nugent via YouTube, accessed 2/21/14]


Where are your links?
look at trashy ted dancing on the grave of an innocent young man...

Nugent: Deceased Florida Teenager Travyon Martin Was A "Dope Smoking, Racist Gangsta Wannabe." [Rare, 7/14/13]


"In a WND column, Nugent wrote that his claim Travyon Martin was a violent person was evidence of "the same mindless tendency to violence we see in black communities across America." [WND, 7/24/13]
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He was a talented guitarist. Why he wants to make these kind of statements publicly one can only guess. Perhaps he loves the publicity but there are much better ways to get it. Making statements such as this does nothing for the country he "claims" to love so much.
look at trashy ted dancing on the grave of an innocent young man...

Nugent: Deceased Florida Teenager Travyon Martin Was A "Dope Smoking, Racist Gangsta Wannabe." [Rare, 7/14/13]

In a WND column, Nugent wrote that his claim Travyon Martin was a violent person was evidence of "the same mindless tendency to violence we see in black communities across America." [WND, 7/24/13]
Why are you offended by the truth?

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